72 Eligible to 100th Queens Plate: Gross of 5,300 If Sixteen Start; Englands Reigning Monarch Will Witness June 30 Race And Make Gift of Guineas, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-08


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72 Eligible to 100th Queens Plate Gross of 5,300 4 if Sixteen Start Englands Reigning Monarch Will Witness June 30 Race And Make Gift of Guineas TORONTO, Ont., May 7. — The Jockey Club, Limited, announced today that 72 three-year-olds still are eligible for the 100th annual running of the Queens Plate at Woodbine on Tuesday, June 30. The centennial running of North Americas oldest annually-contested stakes race will be witnessed by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The owners of these 72 thoroughbreds paid a fee of 00 for each horse before the final deadline of midnight, Friday, May 1. •Actually, only 71 horses can be listed as possible starters because Bull Vic, the "winter book" favorite was withdrawn after his owners, Larkin Maloney and Conn Smythe, of Toronto, made the final payment of 00. Last Saturday morning, it was discovered that Bull Vic, winner of 5,640 in 1958, has a broken bone in his right foreleg. t The rush to meet the May 1 deadline was much heavier than in past years. Undoubtedly, every Canadian owner is anxious to have the honor of receiving the traditional gift of 50 guineas from The .Queen. This will be only the second time in the long history of the race that the reigning monarch has made the presentation. Only 56 horses still were eligible for last years running of the Queens Plate, after the May 1 payment. 212 Original Nominations If there are 16 starters on June 30, the race will have a gross value of 5,300. The winner will receive a purse of 0,300, in addition to Her Majestys 50 guineas and a ,500 gold trophy. There were 212 original nominations, each accompanied by a fee of 5, on December 16, 1957. An interim payment of - 0, became due on December 15, 1958 and payments were made on 96 horses. Now, another payment of 00 has been made for 72 horses. Owners of prospective starters must pay a fee of 00 for each horse at 10 A. M., Saturday, June 27. Mrs. and Mrs. E. P. Taylor, of Toronto, and the Maloney-Smythe combination still appear to hold the strongest hands for this years renewal of the Queens Plate, but " owners from Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Montreal and Reading, Pa., are pointing their horses for the * Canadian racing classic. § Mr. and Mrs. Taylors group of five "eligibles" is headed by1 New Providence, ~£ who won the Cup and Saucer Handicap J and purses of 8,035 last season. Other * Taylor hopefuls are: Sea Page, Windsor 2£ Forest, Castle Lad, and Tou jours. The Taylors will start at least two horses, one of £ whom will be riddei by Eddie Arcaro while "i the other will be ridden by Ben~iy Sorensen. fJ Le Grand Rouge is expected to carry the "j colors of the Maloney-Smythe partnership. |f Additionally, Smythe is the sole owner of ? two very good colts: Major Flight and! . J- Busher Royal. £j Western Canada horses who still are £ eligible for the classic are: Activer, owned v" by Austin C. Taylor, of Vancouver; Flak-sp win and Wonderwine, both owned by Max J- Cristall, of Edmonton, Chief Factor, owned 4 by Lucien Maynard, of Edmonton; La ic Tache, who is owned by the partnership of ij Max Bell of Calgary and George Gardiner 4C* of Toronto. » Quebec horses are: Plenty Fair and ?- Chopavane, both owned by Viscount Karls; dinge, of Montreal; La Tuque, owned by R. J| Y. Graul and W. A. Graul, of Montreal. The only American-owned horse in the £ ■ race is Bio Yountz, who will carry the £ colors of Dr. F. E. Power, of Reading, Pa., %, The complete list of horses who~still are £ eligible, follows: a. Activer AtholCrescent r? Bad Willie ■j Bernaway ■4 Big Yountz Bingo King Black Page Bold Brigand Bold Scholar Bourgeois -* Brown panther Bull Vic Busher Royal Canuck John Castleberry ,. Castle Lad 3 Centennial *and Chada V Chief Factor .£, Chopavane *and■ Chop O Lark g* Clifton Bay Count Page 44_Cousin Fleet Dugs Sernade Dusty Warrior Farshore Flakwin Flying Grey Friend Willie George Hardy Golden Dart Johnny B. Katakana L abatteur La Tache La Tuque La Danseuse Le Grnd Ruge Lieut. Bingo Major Flight Mavis Miss Whiskit Mr. Edgor Mr. Rooster New Prvidence Page Service Pages Chlenge Pay Attention Plenty Fair Pmpys Sword Reactor Reflector Regal Look Royal C. Royal Skim Rubes Ace Sea Page Sir Chop Smirlys Rouge Solarway Stand Firm Stimulac Sunday Sail The Mohawk Theo Geo Trotwood Tujours Willowdale Boy Windsor Forest Winning Shot Wonderwine

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050801/drf1959050801_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1959050801_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800