untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-13


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• ••••••*•*•••* IPl Yours for the Asking! andWr7St THIS 20-PAGE BOOKLET explains tht tandulandffMhr OrJIJ Wandm meaning of every symbol, abbreviation mVT1! ana" figure in Daily Racing Forms supe %irSv tMMOS rior Past performances. The most com- f.V/C Plete analysis ever compiled on these N r5i? SIlt subjects. Yours by return mail for only 14130 y:.andandandyandand ZVMVflM five cents in stamps do not send coins I feiH to cover mailing and handling. Only ont MiWtifSlJ III copy to each person. Fill in coupon below: ft fUlDTHJ jDICT iM Tdaily RACING FORM, pi IMRIlJ a/B liMI tej 73f Plymouth Ct., Chicago 5. IH. €fi nnnHAnif llinrn IN! Send Please send me your booklet "How PERFORMANCES fe fot iSfKAStsrs, . Mk .. In stamps. W"andm4 . Name I«»»i £and%andm~i/8mBvm% § City /wares Zone No....Statt.... **************

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051301/drf1959051301_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1959051301_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800