South American Breeders Hold Fifth Round Table: Six Guest Speakers Deliver Opinions on Various Problems, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-13


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South American Breeders Hold Fifth Round Table Six Guest Speakers Deliver Opinions on Various Problems SAO PAULO, Brazil, May 12.— Six guest speakers delivered talks on various problems facing South American horsemen at the fifth Round Table held here recently by the South American Federation of Breeders, Stud-Books and Racing Club. Dr. Eduardo S. Blousson, general secretary of the federation, spoke on the growth and progress of the organization in its first year of operation. Prof. Saint-Pastous, from the University of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, talked on the organization and planning in an agricultural economy, while J. A. Martinez De Hoz, representing the Jockey Club of Buenos Aires, centered his remarks on the improvement of pastures. Other speakers, their organizations and subject matter were: Dr. Franco Varola, International Racing Association, adptation of thoroughbred families in different countries; Adolf o Vazquez, Breeders Association of Peru, breeding experiments in tropical climate, and Prof. Luiz Pinheiro Guimaraes, Jockey Club of Brazil, cooperation between racing and breeding associations.

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Local Identifier: drf1959051301_39_1
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