Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-13

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A Abla-Jay— 3d CD Aerojet— 9th Spt Agoura Gem— 9th CD Airstream— 8th Bel Alhambra Circle— 6th Bel Alie-Ed-2d Spt All Reet-6th Suf Allan Adale— 3d Bel American Beauty— 4th G.S Amplitude — 7th Pirn Andale— 3d G.S Andy J.— 9th CD Anya— 3d CD Appease Not— 9th CD Apple Spy— 1st Bel Aprils Love— 4th CD * Arabella Allen— 6th Pirn Arnold H— 6th G.S Art of Living— 1st Suf Atropos— 2d Pirn Attachment— 2d CD Avenue Boss— 1st CD B Ballet Nina— 2d Pirn Ballybrittas— 3d Bel Barberola— 3d Pirn Bases Full— 7th G.S Battle Talk— 5th Spt Bay Bim— 3d G.S Be Noble— 5th Suf Bedad— 9th Suf Behead— 1st G.S Bellina— 4th Bel Bennys Gem— 3d G.S Besomer— 7th Bel Beulah Girl— 5th CD Big Blade— 4th Pirn Big M — 2d Pirn Big Print— 5th Pirn Big Result— 9th CD Bill Mayhugh— 4th Pirn Birch— 3d CD Black Mask— 5th Spt Black Twink— 2d Pirn Blame Mame— 8th CD Blen X.— 2d G.S Blossom Maid— 5th Pirn Blue Charm— 5th G.S Blue Pad— 7th Suf Bold Chile— 2d CD Bolinda— 9th Spt Bonita Rita— 4th Spt Bonjo— 6th Spt Bonnie A.— 5th G.S Bonnie Gail— 2d Spt Boy DAmour— 9th Pim Brandy B.— 6th G.S Brave Pilot— 7th G.S Broadway Sam — 4th Pim Bronze Cloud— 5th Bel Brookwood— 7th Suf Brother Doge— 5th Suf Brown Bullet— 9th CD Busher Man— 9th CD c Caballo— 9th CD Candlesticks— 9th Spt Cant Sag— 6th Pim Cape Point— 4th Pim Capital Ace— 9th CD Capitol Hill— 5th Pim Capt. Beau— 1st Suf CapL Billings— 3d Pim Cass Blue— 4th Spt Celtic Kid— 7th CD Cervina— 8th Pim Chabine— 6th Pim Chaldons Color— 8th Suf Challahyma— 2d Spt Chalvedele— 7th G.S Champagne Miss— 2d Bel Charger Tolson— 7th Pim Check Artist— 5th Bel Chiricahua— 1st Bel Chit Chat— 6th G.S Cilicia— 5th Suf Clara Marot— 2d Bel Colonel Bala— 1st CD Colonel Velvet— 9th CD Combat Fleet— 1st Suf Commander Lee— 9th Spt Commargo— 7th CD Conga Way— 1st Suf Cornplaster— 9th Pim Corny Gossip— 2d Pim Corso— 7th Suf Countercheck— 8th Pim Courtly— 9th Pim Crack Decision— 2d Spt Crack o Dawn— 2d Suf Crafty Nasra— 4th Bel Culpeper— 7th Bel Cute Butterfly— 3d G.S Cute Countess— 3d G.S Cuvier Kid— 4th CD Cyprian Cat— 4th G.S D Daddy Shrewood— 4th Suf Dads Delight— 5th Bel Dan Mono— 2d Spt Dance Card— 5th G.S Dangerous Dan — 2d Spt Darlin Patrice— 9th Bel Daring Play— 6th Pim Dars Darling— 6th Suf Dashing Deby— 3d CD Daublen— 8th G.S De" Jon— 9th CD Deep Run— 5th Pim Deep Study— 7th Suf Deep Thought— 7th Suf Del— 3d CD Delectation— 9th Suf Dianthus— 8th Bel Die Valkyrie— 8th CD Dilly Dally— 9th Suf Dispend— 4th Suf Dixie Dudley— 7th CD Dizzys Lad— 4th Pim Doggone Good— 1st Pim DonTreleta— 1st Spt DorasGem— 2d Bel Dordis Queen— 8th CD Doshay— 8th G.S Dots Boy— 1st Suf Double Prophet— 9th CD Doublette— 4th CD Drakes Drum— 8th G.S Du Delight— 4th Suf Due de Richmond— 3d Bel Duck Heaven— 8th CD Duke o Woodford— 1st CD Duntreath Tint— 5th Spt Dusky Bim— 1st Pim Dusty Priam— 4th G.S E Easy Prey— 6th Bel Ebbies Girl— 7th G.S El Turista— 3d G.S Elac— 1st CD Elbruz— 6th CD Eli J.— 5th Spt Elliotts Gem— 5th Bel Engagement Ring— 1st Pim Enid— 2d G.S Equitack— 2d Suf Eto. General— 1st G.S Everne— 3d Spt Every Hour— 2d Suf Exception— 9th Pim » F Fair Cause— 3d Suf Fairfield— 6th G.S Fast Draw— 6th Pim Fast Figure— 6th Suf Felix Arabia— 1st Pim Fidelite— 1st Bel Fight Inflation— 8th Suf Fire Captain— 2d G.S First Dot— 3d G.S First Rock— 1st G.S Fleet Love— 2d Bel Flopnicht Mere— 9th Spt Florence H.— 4th G.S Flying Chief— 7th Pim Flying Education— 4th Bel Flying Mowlee— 3d Pim Foiled Attack— 2d G.S Foreign Land— 1st CD Four Cycle— 8th Spt Foxy Chatham— 1st Bel Foxy Joss— 9th Suf Franks Maude— 3d CD Freeholder— 9th Suf Fumigator— 1st Spt Fuue— 6th Bel G Gabriel Blue-4th CD Galson— 4th G.S Gay Baron— 6th Spt Gay Rig— 1st Bel Gay Street— 9th CD Geechee Lou— 8th Pim Gen. Davidson— 1st Pim George Hosh— 2d Spt Glad News— 1st Bel Glens Pick— 1st G.S Go-George-Go— 9th Suf Golden East— 7th Bel » Golden Eva— 3d CD Good Clean Fun— 5th Spt Gran-Dad Oaks— 2d G.S Grannys First— 8th Spt Grawac— 5th Suf Gray Ace— 9th CD Gray Jan— 1st Spt Grecian Lake— 6th CD Green Turtle— 3d G.S Grey Novel— 3d Pim Guardian II.— 5th Pim Gun Fire— 6th Pim H Hana Chief— 7th CD Handshake— 7th Bel Happy Dancer— 7th Suf Hasty Shopper— 4th Bel __ Head Dancer— 4th Pim Head Work— 4th CD Herbie Pat— 2d Spt High Adventure— 4th CD Home Folks— 6th Suf Honeys Tiger— 6th G.S Hotepa— 9th Spt Hunters Dream— 4th Spt Hunters Lad— 9th Pim I Ice Tea— 8th Spt Idles Pal— 5th CD Improve — 7th G.S In the Black— 4th Bel In the Spring— 5th Suf Ina Battle— 1st Bel Ingrate— 5th Suf Irene Terres— 3d G.S Irish Eyes— 1st Bel Irma la Douce — 4th Bel lota— 2d Pim " Is A Toy— 3d Spt 1 It Happened Fast— 1st Pim J Jailbird— 9th Bel Jay Dee Jay— 1st Suf Jay Ran— 2d S*pt Jejen— 7 th Suf Jet Steel— 4th Suf Jimmy Go Round— 9th Bel Jing Jing— 1st Suf Johnny Scamp— 9th Bel Jonter— 1st Spt Julie Lee— 5th Suf K Kathryn Ann— 3d CD Keep em Happy — 4th G.S Kelly Ann— 2d Spt Kerrville— 4th Spt King Bebe— 8th Spt Knotty Problem— 9th Bel Kum On Doc— 6th Pim Kumsha— 7th Spt L La Four— 2d Suf La Patrona— 1st G.S Laconic— 1st CD Lady Angora— 7th Pim Lady of Fashion— 8th Bel .Lake Drive— 7th Suf Lamaram— 1st CD. Land Lover— 7th Suf Lasting Spring— 1st Spt Leave It Alone— 9th CD Lees Sister — 4th Bel Leonard F .— 9th Spt Liberty Sun— 6th G.S Like Thunder— 2d Bel Limoges— 9th Pim Linzy Boy— 4th Spt Lions Mouth— 6th Spt Little Boo Boo— 2d Bel Little Fishook— 4th Suf Lizzie Ray— 3d CD Lord Brookwood— 4th Suf Lord Gregor— 8th G.S Love or Money— 6th Suf Lovedrop— 7th Pim Lovely Ruler— 9th Suf Lucania— 5th CD Luciete— 1st Spt Lucky Denny— 5th Suf Lucky Lena— 7th CD Lucky Page— 6th CD Lynns Birthday— 6th Pim » M I Maggie McGraw— 1st Spt Magic Wand— 9th CD Mamas Trouble— 9th CD Mambo Man— 6th Spt Manukay— 1st Spt Mariboots— 2d Pim Market Square— 4th Bel Marston Moor— 2d Suf Merry Fiddle— 3d G.S Merveilleux— 8th Bel Mia Gal— 9th Spt Mibizness— 6th CD Michael Wayne— 2d Suf MicheB— 1st Spt Mid Erin-6th Bel Mid Point— 4th Pim Midland Star— 3d Suf • Mighty Oak— 4th Pim Mighty Proud— 5th Suf Milady Dares— 7th Pim Milties Mite— 2d G.S Mince Pie— 7th Bel Mins Bud— 6th Suf Miss Cloudy— 8th Pim Miss Grissim— 9th Spt Miss Janmar— 2d CD Miss Lakewood— 1st Bel Miss Mandeville— 4th Spt Miss Simmen— 4th Bel Miss Truett— 2d Spt Miss Twin Lane— 7th G.S Miss Woodchuck— 1st Pim Missus Beau— 7th G.S Missy-Snippy— 2d Pim Misty Flight— 7th Bel Mojado-lstSuf Monogram — 2d Spt More Music— 3d Pim Morocco Clipper— 2d CD Motor Pool— 1st Suf Mount Scopus— 9th Bel Mousy B.— 3d Suf Mr. Jr.— 7th Spt Mr. Lancer— 4th CD Mumbo— 2d CD My King— 3d Spt My Ring— 5th Spt My Spike— 8th CD Myrrh— 1st Pim Myrtle Girl— 2d CD N Nancys Chance— 1st Bel Nancys Queen — 3d G.S Nattill— 9th Suf Neglectful— 8th Spt Negrotrece— 8th CD New Door— 1st G.S Newbold— 2d G.S Nibrud— 7th G.S Noble Jac— 9th CD Noble Jet— 4th Suf Noble Warrior— 9th CD Nolsen-lth CD North Pole 1 1.— 6th Bel Northern Code— 5th Pim Noted— 8th Suf Numerical— 5th Spt o Oakdale— 4th CD Ocean Belle— 2d Pim Oil Wick-4th CD Oiled— 2d CD Oiseau Rouge— 2d Suf Old Dick— 1st CD Old Soggy-4th CD Olympia Blend— 6th G.S Olympias Ace— 6th G.S One W.— 7th Spt Opposition— 9th Bel Orville— 1st Spt Our Bob— 3d Spt Our Faith— 4th Bel Ours— 6th Bel P Paint the Wind— 2d Bel Parasol Doll— 4th Bel Paris All— 7th CD Parno Creek— 3d Suf Partiquina— 5th G.S Passing Age — 1st Suf Pavobloom — 4th Spt Peace Ship— 3d Pim Peckerwood— 7th Suf Pelf— 2d Bel - Penny Circle— 7th G.S Perfect Fit— 3d Suf Persian Miss— 2d Bel Personal Regards— 1st Suf Phar in Front— 8th Suf Phar Lou— 4th Pim Pheasant Phunn— 4th Suf Philglan— 2d Spt Phillip S. F.— 5th Suf Play Love— 1st G.S Playful Nurse— 1st Pim Pleasant Sid— 4th Suf Poker Player— 7th Spt Porter Grata— 7th Pim President Dares— 6th Pim Prince Roussel— 6th Bel Prince Weeper— 2d Pim Pro-Lore— 3d Spt Punctuality— 3d Bel Purposeful— 1st CD Q Questar— 5th G.S Quick Master— 7th Spt Quick Wit— 7th Spt . R Rain River— 2d Pim Rebel Prince— 9th CD Recipe— 3d Suf Red Chip Bond— 1st Spt Ree Ree C— 4th Bel Regal Step— 8th Pim Remember History— 1st Bel I Rens King— 6th Pim Repowder— 1st Spt Retobado II.— 8th Spt Rhythm King— 4th G.S Richy Doge — 1st Pim Ridgie Boy— 5th CD Right Sickle— 5th Pim Rimorite— 5th C.D% Ripopic— 1st Suf Riprona— 7th G.S Ripspur— 8th Suf Rite Bold— 4th Spt River Sand— 5thSpt Rivington— 8th Spt Road to Rome— 7th CD Rockmoore— 7th Pim Roman Spark— 9th Bel Romeo— 3d Bel Romopolis— 7th Bel I - I Rose of Gold— 1st G.S Rotal— 3d Bel Rough Gem— 1st CD Roving Caesar— 2d Spt Royal Dazzler— 6th Bel Royal Dude— 1st Spt Royal Float— 8th G.S Royal Lilt— 2d Suf Royal Toast— 2d Pim Rozs Gold— 5th Bel Run Riot— 1st Suf Ruthie Dear— 2d Bel s Safe Date— 8th Suf Sainted Devil— 7th G.S Sals Queen— 3d Spt San Ju Lee— 8th Pim San-Jo-Mar— 7th G.S Sarnd— 7th CD Scalp— 3d Pim Scarlet Slipper— 8th Bel Schoolmaster— 5th CD Scoring-Shoes— 3d Spt Scotch Sister— 5th Suf Scotts Hill— 7th CD Sea Trial— 8th Suf Second Patch— 5th Pim Senorita Gal— 3d Spt Shadows Last— 6th Suf Shadows Pride— 9th Suf Shannondale— 2d G.S Shiny Bow— 8th Suf Shot Cay— 5th CD Shys Hill— 1st CD Siesta— 8th Bel Sir Hawley— 6th CD Sir Tribal— 8th Spt Sister Snob— 7th G.S Slam On— 1st G.S Slave Dancer— 1st Spt Sleeve Job— 3d Suf Slim Penny— 1st G.S Snark Robot— 9th Spt Snow Fight— 7th Bel So Shy— 5th Suf Special Story— 3d Suf Speedy Pat— 9th Suf Spicey Story— 2d CD Spit Ball— 6th Suf Spot of Green— 4th Suf Springfire— 7th Spt Spy Tune — 3d G.S Star Again— 5th CD Starlight 0 F— 2d CD Statistician— 8th Spt Stepping Mike— 5th Suf Stepping V.— 5th Suf Stone Heart— 7th Spt Sun Dipper— 1st CD Sun n Fun — 1st G.S Sunny Lil— 2d CD Sunset Glow— 1st Bel Super Dancer— 6th Pim Superior Miss— 5th CD Supre Metric— 4th Spt Sweet Terri— 1st Bel Switcherette— 2d Suf T Tahitian Belle— 3d Suf Tahitian Prince — 4th G.S Tarot— 8th Bel Tauntress— 1st Pim Tedious Morn— 1st G.S Tempted— 5th G.S Tempts Image — 3d CD Tender Morsel— 8th G.S Texas Serenade— 6th Pim The Warrior— 9th Pim Thru Weeping— 2d Pim Thwart— 3d G.S Time to Sell— 8th Pim Toluene— 8th Pim Tones Boy — 1st Suf Too Alone— 9th Spt Top Dude— 1st Spt Top Guy— 2d Spt Town Fire — 5th Pim Trace— 2d Suf TradeLine— 2d Suf Traders Cuck— 1st Pim Treaty Stone— 2d Spt Tricky Mate— 5th G.S Triple Smart— 6th Suf Tropical Isle— 2d Bel Trousseau— 1st Pim Tucky Miss— 3d CD Two Rainbows— 6th Spt Tzimis— 9th Spt u Uncle Tim— 6th Suf Up at Dawn— 5th Bel V Vagabond King— 6th Spt Vagabond Scholar — 1st G.S Val DOisans— 7th Bel Vault— 6th Pim Velozll.— 8th G.S Versie— 2d CD Vince— 2d G.S Vincere— 6th Pim W-Y-Z . Wading Belle— 9th Suf Walrus— 3d Bel War Tax— 5th Suf Wat Leo-2d CD Watch Always— 6th Pim Wayne Rock— 2d Pim Wayward— 9th Pim Wes Proud— 3d G.S West Liberty— 4th CD Wet Back— 6th CD What Record— 7th CD Whindale— 9th Suf White Claret— 2d Bel White Horse Girl— 9th Suf White Lightning— 3d CD Whittledy Cut— 6th G.S Wild Ride— 8th G.S Will Remember— 1st G.S Will This Do-6th CD Willing Miss— 8th Bel Wing Jet— 7th Bel Winged Way— 1st Pim_ Winnie A.— 3d Spt Winslow— 3d G.S Withstand— 6th Bel Wondrous Hour— 2d CD World Whispers— 9th Spt Worth Waitin— 1st G.S Writer— 7th Bel Yokichi— 5th Bel Your Gift— 5th Suf Your Lead— 6th Spt Your Point— 3d Bel Yprej— 3d G.S Zoon— 9th CD

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Local Identifier: drf1959051301_51_1
Library of Congress Record: