1st Thistle Down, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06

past performance

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1st Thistle Down pnrse800 2yearolds Allowances Banter Aug J Mile 19251005117 19251005117The The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout nnd racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPStii Best Company Class d Race Anthro AnthroLast 1 mCh 1 A c 2 M by light Brigade Ailsio Vernor by McGee Last work 153 38 tfOft11 Trainer H Stearns Owner J N Camden Jan 330Tda g 101 ft 215 5 103 5 5 5Ti 5ai EllswthW1 3 CoiiSinJol02MDinvidaiel03Cloimar 107 A Hj2630lCD g G9Sft 40 11G 13 11 1 11 11 AustinM8 15 Insco llGPortcpdlne llGMagieBlute 11J M Maj2330CD 5 l01ft 13 116 4 3 2J 3 SpshircE4 12 LaSallellGBtleSweeiillGArthurLee 11G M Mvl730CD g I0l7ift 40 109 3 G G4J G J G1 SpshlreE 7 BackLosHSBkComctlloBillMorris 118 A JLvlO30CD 4J f 5USft 21 10S G 9 9 S JonesL 11 BlackComet lOOnillMorris llSChub 10G A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 0 0 1 Hint UllSSy 111 Bl f 2 M ty Mint Briar Hssy by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 153 58103ft J J J Trainer W A Crawford Owner W S Kilmer Jun 430lTda P l0l ft 25 110 1 2 2 210 BcrryJ10 10 JustBelievelirBlackLulall2Officer 111 A Jtay SOTdn 0 1103 hy 12o 115 2 1 211 41 BerryJ5 11 BlackLulnlluCloiwald llSSwif tMissllu M ira72130Bel 4Jfxvc 54gd 20o 112 1 10 10ilO11 ColtilettiF1 15 Novcna 115 Marvclla 109 Handover 101 C Mar 730 Pim 4J f 53 t 19 119 G 9 9 = S FronkW 9 AlIczYite 1191maglriary HOSueS 119 M starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 40 1 0 100 Son 0 Sweep 1 1 A Bl c 2 y Sweep n ° ral Bark by Burgomaster or Ham HamLast Last work 149 58102ft J J burg burgTrainer Trainer T P Hayes Owner E G Drake DrakeJun Jun 330Tdn g 101 ft 14 107 2 4 4 J 4JJ DellJs 5 CousinTol02MDinwiddiel03CIoimar 107 A j jjr jr y2C30JCD g 59 ft Bit 116 14 14 14IS14 ° DellJ1 15 Insco llGPortcodinc llGMagicFlute 11G M Mvv2430 vv2430 CD g l00 gd 23 108 2 4 4J 4 i DellJ1 5 BlackCoinet lllEmpirelOlDonLeon 118 A At t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 3BCSS BCSS Cloi 1 1 1 B f 2 M by Cloister Bess Welch by Blues BluesLast Last work 15G 3S 3Gft J JJ Trainer B A Jones Owner Jones Stock Farm Stable StableH H jl930JAur S l01m 3110 3 4 G 8 LeylandJ5 12 Allegretto 113RedTam lOGDkPrice 113 C JlajlGSOAur 45 f 54 ft 175 109 1 2 2s 37 LeylandJ1 11 MissJoanl04ItcdTam lOGJKwsItem 101 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 0 0 1 50 Snndof Briarjuiiuub 1 I O B c 2 by Herodot Sun Vive by Sun Briar juiiuub I I rS m i r T ti u n TTII c Tl 23oO AC 4 f 531ift sll4 4 1 2h 2 ParmleeJ 7 Justice lllRedChili lOSJWGrant 108 A Jtu16305AC g l01hy 11 118 2 2 3 = i G11 EllisG 17 Siskin HSShastaBrm llSFlyinjAce 118 S u 1xuA r j 47 ft 2J 113 4 3 31 SJ TrivettD 8 MissChne 113MissXoahlJOSunThe 113 A 47ft S 118 4 5 31 2 TrivcttD G MB ggelli1MCheyncll2MMchtall2 A IUx20305AC H 33f t ll5o 118 1 lh I1 TrivcttD 11 SunThornellSTarpatilin HSSoldado 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 1 3 1 1100 Swift Miss m3 f 2 M by Midway Swiftsure by Bowling Brook 1 J J Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Mar2930 Tdn g 103 hy 15 115 4 3 lh 3J IxjvelE1 11 BlackruIall5ClolwaldllSMintnussyll5 H HStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 0 0 1 50 50MajCS MajCS Lutz 111 2 y p ° lymelan Prairie Bird by Hannonicon HannoniconLast Last work 14G 3S 38 ft L J J Trainer E Lutz Owner E Lutz LutzMaSlSOTdn MaSlSOTdn g l02ft 5 112 3 3 3J 5 FronkW 9 GibbysLilnlloLadySwtlOGOfficer 109 C Ma72S30Tdii g l03sl 15 112 1 1 2t 4i BogskiW 10 MmFrcelOSGysLilnll2TlieFives 111 A Mar 230Beu 4J f 5S ft 7 101 5 3 I1 I5 ToaminoL 7 LAlesItsel04SnCrdl01TFchnsel09 A ArcSOSOBeu 4 f 58 ft 35 103 5 3 21 31 McDottT1 7 GsiePool lOSSbnCldlOSBunnynug 110 A starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 11 1 0 1 385 385Madam Madam Florence 11 B f 2 ty Bie Blaze Fern Handley by Bryn Mawr MawrLast Last work 152 38 37ft JJ Trainer C Sloan Owner S B Jones JonesJun Jun 430Tdu g l01V ft 30 112 9 Pulled upWimmerM4 10 JustBelievell5JMintIIsyllOBlkLulall2 A Jun 230lTdn g l02t f t 13 110 8 7 7Ji 51 WimmerM5 9 Mavro 103 Wee Margie 9SPeggy J 115 G JL2Sr30JTdn g l03 sl 19 108 3 4 3J 1J WimerM5 10 GysLirnll2TheFiveslllMysLutz 112 A May 230 ° Lex 4J f 55 ft 35 103 4 4 4 3i EllswthW4 G TanFacellOMecanDllGSwtBenoni 103 C Apc2930 Lex 4 f 56ft 26 103 G 4 41 4J EllswthW 10 Directly llOBloodl tell UOUalTryst 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 8 1 0 1 S 726 726Wood Wood Cherry T ManagerJL T A B c M 7 Cherry Tree Phyllis Wood by The Manager JL JTC Trainer J Lee Owner J Lee LeeJir22303Aur Jir22303Aur g lOU ft 91 107 8 7 7 S MulrneyJ S Wittoral04GdFriendl08MasieBder 107 C Marla303AC 5 4S5iSy 51 108 S 9 911 9 PollardJ 9 Justiciary 11G SunB 110 Bosevolt 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 The FiTCS 1 A Bl s M y Blazes Nora Langhorne by Fatherless FatherlessLast Last work 153 12 50ft J J Trainer J W Garth Sr Owner J W Garth Sr SrJun Jun 430Tdu g l014ft 26 111 10 8 G G FrockC 10 JustBelievell5MintIIsyllOBlkLulall2 A jI j2S30Tdn g l03 sl 13 111 5 5 52 31J FrockC 10 MmFrcelOSGysLilnlUMayesLtz 112 A Ifaj 130Pim 4J 55ft 13 118 10 11 10IS101 McTagtJ 12 Mate 118RoyalMysteryllSJolIyKingll8 M Arc2330HdG 4 f 55 ft 11 113 13 10 10S G5 CimerakG11 15 BroadA 115 Sedgie 114NoisyMiss 115 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 0 1 50 50White White Mint 1 1 1 Bl z M ty Audacious Miramint by Spearmint 4 JLJLJL Trainer P J Miles Owner A Mazzeo Mazzeodn dn g l02ft 59 105 4 8 8 i 992 MaddenL 9 Mavro 103 Wee Margie OSPeggy J 115 C Cjar jar 930Pim 4i f 55ft 88 112 7 6 6l G = McTagtJ1 7 Abduction 120 Avalon 120 Forte 120 A JI 1430JHav 4Dft 13 113 5 G 6s Gl LongW G PatsyCarterll2Nlgricantll2Cuidado 112 A rebll30Hav 1 49gd 25a 107 3 G G 7 WintersF1 8 MterKosel07AdvcrtiserllOFastLife 115 A Fih 430Hav g 3G ft 4e 112 12 12s 12 WintersF 12 EKenyon 112Type 112SisterAdele 114 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx This year 5 5White White Hoops 111 B f 2 M by Paul Weidel Flavia by Under Fire FireLast Last work 151 38 3Gft LJJ Trainer C E Gross Owner E F Prichard PrichardJL JL y2130CD g l01sl 17f 103UO 13 13 1211 ChirchJ3 14 Xadia 112ThrVmpk 107WaterPortll2 C Majl530CD 4J f 55gd 169 108 G 10 10t 9 SmithJ 10 MissChillallSIleverbertelllOurnan 100 C Apn2930 Lex 4J f 5Gft 74 110 9 5 G G5 DePremaR 10 Directly HOBloodltell HORalTryst 112 G Apc2230Lex 4 f S5 ft llf 115 1 10 10t5 9sGarnerWl 12 MesieanDlloTanFacclloMissCliilla 115 C AptlSSfltLex i 49ft 32 1091111 9 9T3 GarnerW 11 BEMaryll2Bloodltelll09MaryCobb 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 6DelCO DelCO Del 1 1 1 B f 2 Mt by Colonel Vennie Delco Light by Everest EverestLast Last work 153 12 5053ft J JJ Trainer A Thomas Owner Mrs C P Anderson Mtt2530JP 3 f 43 gd 27 107 9 5 5G 5 CramerR12 12 Trtdlcel21PFleLadyll2Nervatorll2 C llar2230JP 3J f 45 m 27 108 2 2 3 G l CramerR 8 LaXegleyll2neCharmllOUitNow 113 A Mael930JP 3J f 47 hy Gl 115 4 1 2J 53 CramerR 12 MasrIIalliganll8LittlePanll5Zinn 118 M Miel730JP 3i f M4hy 27 107 5 11 lllllz CramerR 12 TeaGrnllSAlIegto 103BnEdMry HOC Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 4CC CC IliarOW 111 f 2 M by King Gorin Etta Ray by Russell Russellst st work 140 12 51hy J J J Trainer A Smitha Owner A Smitha SmithaM M j22SOAur 4i f 51Vt 4s 112 3 2 21 3 WimmerM0 10 AVigrose 112Sugarland 112Rcd Tarn 112 M Hajl330JAur 4J C 51 ft 12C 112 10 10 10J10 = BentleyB1 12 AuntDeb 112Sugarland 112Bclbane 115 M M r 530JAur 4J f 57sl B2 1035 6 5 S BcntleyB 7 Zebra 104TalnfdPrincell8Wittora 102 C Ihj l30JAur 4J f S5 gd 61 107J 7 7 G G GevingL 7 Pcgy J 115 Zebra 110 Type 108 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 0 0 1 5 5Prudy Prudy Ilasil 111 Ch f 2 M by Basil pEua 5 by Von Tromp TrompLast Last work 154 12 50ft J J J Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable 3L jr2930CD g l01sl 41C 115 3 8 SJIO11 TurkC1 15 SugarKiss HOSunPorter 11501dNan 110 C CApe2230Lex Ape2230Lex 4l f 55 ft llf 115 8 5 S 101S DuboisD 12 MexicanD115TanFacell5MissChilIa 115 C ii 293QJP 3i f 43sl 72 112 10 10 1010 GevingL1 HJUitNowll2LraNegleyll5PpleLadyll2 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 3WrCC WrCC Marjie 1 1 1 Ch f 2 ty Sc toh Broom Marjorinktum by Vulcain VulcainLast Last work 143 12 50ft J J Trainer IT S Wishard Owner S Boss BossJan Jan 230Tdn g l02feft 20 98 1 3 lt jJ CoganC 9 Mavro 1031eggy J 115Black Lula 110 C CApc2330lWho Apc2330lWho J 50 ft 8 106 3 1 1 1 WimmerM1 9 ItcdLikker 109Getgoin llGLdAtwell 109 C CApclSMWhe ApclSMWhe J 5l si 46 103 G 4 4 4 Ilayll 7 GetgoinillIledLikkerllSGdePalmerlOS C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 1 1 0 52 Red Likker 1 1 Q Ch e 2 by Midway Guaranteed by Hilarious Last work I3S 38 LJO Trainer M Ricser Owner W F Knebelkamp Hv2830Tdn 5 l03sl 3i 113 G C Gl 5 1 BerrjJ 10 MmFrcelOSGysLIlnl TheFives 111 A AM M jrl930CD g 101 m Cf 108 1 2 2J l LandoltC 15 BEMary 1108frMary HONadia 110 C CJfarlG30JCD JfarlG30JCD 4i f 55 ft 24 110 7 5 C C LandoltC 8 Fudge 110 Caddy Boy 109 Upright 103 C CApe2330 Ape2330 Vl o J 50 ft 135 109 5 2 2 2 GuerraJ 9 WcuMarjIelOCGetgoinllGLdAtwcll 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 14 1 2 0 1100 1100mCh mCh f 2 M by Hazy Haughty lady by Trap Rock Trainer W Durnan Owner S Louis StarfB 1st 2nd 3rd Wpn Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800