7th Thistle Down, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06

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I 7th Thistle Down pnrse 1COO 3yearoias and upward Claiming Long 1 116 Miles Point July25 1925 111 1 114 114NOTE NOTE CJaiiuln price 1000 yonwinners of two races of SC25 since April 25 0ycar olds 110 pounds older 113 pounds Xonwlnncrs of 5553 since March 12 allowed 3 pounds poundsThe The past performances of the horses jyjtered n tllls race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTime Tr Ocds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of II ce Smacker 1 f Q Br m 7 ty Cudgel Featherwlt by Colin 1 1 1Last Last work 154 3ll20ft JLvO Trainer J Winans Owner Aldrich Winans WinansJun Jun 430Tdn lj l47ft 21 102 3 1 I2 1 LevelE 11 Knmakani 108 Circuit 103 Dynamo 112 O May3030Tdn 1J l56sl 2910 107 522 4 = i EllswthW1 11 Nama 104Malcolm 109Bashrul Beau 105 O OMaylO30Beu MaylO30Beu 201 ft 81 105 2 1 I1 1i BernierE 10 GmcSecd UOSunset 101FrJstice 101 O OMay May S30Beu l51 ft 85 10G 4 1 32 7e ClevleyW 10 GrandmaG 10JJasonettel05Coquina 104 0 Stnits 1st 2n 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 17 i 9 a s vnm This year 9 0 0 1525 I Don T 1 1 Q e 0 Dy Jjonnacona ady tfonoro oy viony uoncro j JL JLO Trainer G H Marlman Ownar K G Marlman MarlmanJun Jun 330Tdn 1J 208 ft 9 107 1 1 11 lnk EllswthW2 7 Chairman 112Infanta 105XosRedna 103 0 liay31308Tdn 1J l54ft 61 106 4 4 511 7 ° BryantD 8 LongJoelOGlIappyllanlylll Valence 103 O May2S305Tdn 1 ° l47sl 23 107 3 2 5 J 5 = 2 BryantDi 12 Long Joe 107 Misnomer 112 Sinon 112 O Jlay 8307Beu Ifis 151 ft 145 106 S 5 4CJ 43 CollinsJD 8 Kakani HOPnceRondlOOMissPdise 98 Q Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 32 23 4 5 1362 This year 82025 1205 t tBattle Battle SllOt 110 OrderJL m y ar ° Countess Joan by High Order JL JL U Trainer B Harris Owner Mrs B Harris Aprll30 Bow l49ft llf 107 3 5 S9 8 DaintyF 14 Mnderl07LtenantII112RdCsPcsI07 O Ajm 230Bow lr l49 ft IGf 103 3 10 IS IS11 ScrioJ12 14 VoyageIOjChathoocheelOOMnshcct 103 O Oct 22fl5Hag alfg 159 m 195 116 481 JonesJ JonesJOct 5 BlucFlagll5RoyaSadiel09nockAge 113 a Oct l295Hae Ifs l57m 115 112 I2 JonesJ JonesJf 7 Starmatia 112Charmaine 100 Lanoil 113 O f Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 20 431 51700 51700Misnomer This year 6 2 0 1 5 560 Misnomer 1 i 1 I p C B e 5 by Wrack Mousse des Bois by Ajax JL ± O Trainer A T Cragin Owner W H Hoist Jun 4C01Tdn 1V l47ft 145 112 9 S S8i 9 KeddingJo 12 Sinon 112 Jasonette 107 Otto 107 0 MaySlSOTdn ljl54ft 115 111 3 2 22 3 = 2 BuckleyR G Chairman 111 Finnster lOoWarbler 101 O May3030sTdii 1 149 si Gf 111 876 5s Buckley RJ 11 Pacheco 108 Sans Tcrre 108 Era 103 O l l17sl 8 112 6 5 3i 2 BuckleyR 12 Long Joe 107 Sinon 112 Besom 112 Q QStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 31 441 2685 This year 20 2 32 1425 j jFair Fair Lark 10 B m 5 by Fair Gain Th Lark by Dick Welles 1 1Last Last Avork 153 58 lOGft JLUt Trainer W V Casey Owner H G Bcdwcll BcdwcllJun Jun 4307Tdn 1fa l47ft 6 103 10 10 9 S1 DupuyM1 11 Smacker 102Kamakani 108 Circuit 103 0 Mat21307AC 1J l54 ft 16 103 4 5 42i 32 DePesoG1 9 MysAVorthl03EllaMayl03RadDale 105 O MatlG305AC 1J210 m SI 98 1 2 1 1 DePesoG2 7 GlopingJol07WrSlm lOGBlyBsil 108 O Marl430 = AC 14 l55ft 8 105 6 2 2 3 ClevleyW 9 MyBeverlyl05LitManl07BurkDale 112 O Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 322 52925 This year 15 1 0 2 5 550 Happy Jlailly 1 1 Q Cn c by Zeus Miss Agnes by Marathon Last work 148 lml4Sm JLJLO Trainer C W Moore Owner C W Moore JIay3130sTdn 1J l54ft 4910 111 622 = 21 BeriTJ1 8 LongJoe IOC Valence lOGShta Lady 101 0 Jlay2930Tdn I4 o 149 hy 3 114 5 1 2 lh BerryJ8 10 Panorel 109AdamsApple 114Carlinol09 0 3030Lex l l47ft 45 113 7 7 7 = ° 7 HalnesF 7 FldaGldllSGcoWebrellOSptLht 113 0 20TLex 1J 206ft G2 112 5 6 G91 5 DalntyF 6 Brkryl07Monticellol09Lincolnlrt 117 0 Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Wons 25 262 52750 This s year 19 142 1425 1425 Dynamo 1 1 P B g 6 by Zeus Busy Alice by Cunard J JL JL O Trainer G Ball Owner G Ball BallJOB JOB 430Tdn IjV l47ft 55f 112 4 3 451 472 CarrollW7 11 Smacker 102Kamakani 108 Circuit 103 O SejilSSS Bbe 1 148 24 107 5 5 42 421 BonnerW1 7 Links 111 War Boy 109 Mississippi 110 O AnslG 2S7Bbs I70 147 ft 21 109 S 7 7si 67i WimmerM 12 Jascnettel07Atadorl09GrtBegncr 110 O AuE102S AuE102SIBbs IBbs IJc l4Gft 9 111 11 10 Si S71 SeaboG2 12 War Grail 103 Lucent 114Foretold 113 Q Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won x Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Golden Golden Tinted 110 Cl1 m 5 y Golden Guinea Maybe So by Jack Atkin 1 1Last Last work 137 78132ft JL L v Trainer W W Finn Owner E J Hollins Jun 430 = Tdn 2 114 ft 32 106 1 4 4s 33 RoseM10 12 FullSpcedll2JNineD larsllOChrysIerll3 O May3130 = Tdn 2 l15Vift 7 106 4 2 lh 2h DupuyM1 12 NotGuilty lOGWentz lllPdyFlarty 111 O May2930Tdn 1 149 hy 26 1051 1 4 4 i G2 DupuyM 11 Baby Delhi 104 Igor 114 SnowMan 114 O 2SOAur 2 l14ft 23 110 G G 87 S92 WimmerM1 lUTheAbbot HOWoodface lOONaZdar 102 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 23 0625 1225 This year 13 0 2 1 300 j jVarbler Varbler 1 f Pv B f by Craigangower Merle by Light Brigade JLJO Trainer W J Marlman Owner W J Marlman MarlmanMay31307Tdn May31307Tdn 1J l54f t 4110 101 4 4 45i 432 EllswthW1 G Chairman lllFinnster lOGMisnomer 111 O MaylO307Bcu 1ft 205 ft 2110 107 2 3 43i 4 ° SeaboG1 10 RkAbbey 112LeVoyt 97jPHnen 102 O May G307Beu 1J 158 ft 195 110 5 5 G32 72 OMalleyJ S Otto 109Storm Maiden 97Camp Lady 94 O May 2305Beu l7l49V ft 61 109 4 6 Gi G5i OMalleyJ2 8 Hula lOuPatOConnor 105Nkolsl5oy 106 Q QStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 1 1 0 S 875 This year 13 201 1040 1040Panama Panama 10 ch f 4 by Panflion Maf u by Hastings Last work 155 58101ft JLVU Trainer D Bauer Owner Mrs D Bauer BauerJun Jun 4303Tdn 2 l14ft 20 105 11 10 107ilOi BiyantD 12 Wentz 111 Igor 115 Kitty Cat 108 0 May 730Beu I70 l4SHft 51 104 1 2 3 = 1 3 MattioliJ1 7 CrossWdlOlThtlcCootlOSShakitup 111 0 May SSOSBeu Ifg 205 ft 81 10S 4 2 5 = 1 5i FutrcllJ1 10 WestPointll2Coquinal03Ashburne 10GJ 0 Arr24306Beu 1 151 ft 3710 109 111 1 = 1 YerratA2 8 Dontadosl0415abyDelhi 105Shakitup 118 0 Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 29 552 3015 This year 11 1 0 1 mn mnAdams Adams Apple 11 B g 5 by Tom Mclaggart Florence Tryling by JJO Trainer K Dolloway Owner H W Miller MillerJun Jun 430 Tdn 1fy l47ft 26 112 5 4 4 4 WardcnE7 12 Sinon 112 Jasonette 107 Otto 107 0 May29307Tdn 1 149 hy 175 114 10 4 3 3 WardenE7 10 llappyllauly 114Panorel 109Carlinol09 O May 930Beu 17 149 ft 5 110 9 9 S 6 = 1 FatorE2 9 PatOCnorllOKalakaua 110DocCner 93 O May 3307Beu 1ft 205ft G 107 7 4 4i 2 FatorE 7 TtleCootl03G1mcSondl07LeVoyant 97 O Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won i n o Last year 37 This year 22 Dcviner 1 1 C B g 7 by Hourless La Dwina by Arc do Triomphe JL JLL L O J Trainer M J Dalv Daly Owner M J Dalv Daly JIay2S305Tdn 1 l47sl llf 112 12 10 1031 8i MaildenL 12 Long Joe 107 Misnomer 112 Sinon 112 C May 530 = Beu 3 l174ft 13 106 1 5 5s 31 WstockF2 10 Ilailstml05 rlazoner 104FollowMel03J O May lCOJBeu 2 117 ft 41 105 8 3 33 31 WdstckF1 10 Not Guilty 102 Jof 103 Low Shoes 93 O Aj n2630 = 2U EX f 108 ft 57 111 8 8 S S17 MaddenL 8 Copper lOSKalakaua 1071Jarberry 10CJ O starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd on Last year 30 515 53105 This year 21 2 1 2 530 530Pessimistic Pessimistic 1 fW B E 3 ty The Porter Nirvana by Sardanapale SardanapaleLast Last work 142 1m l4G ft Trainer T Sanford Owner T Sanford SanfordMay26307CD May26307CD 1A l47 ft 4ol0610 8 S ° 8 ° FlnncrtyR9 10 OldTimcs lllUnitedArmylllBruno 115 O Man2930 StJ 1V 151 ft 225 106 2 6 3 = 1 11 CrltclifdC2 8 JlissScotialOOWrackeenll4P1rPrnu 115 O Man27305St J I70 l46yft 22 103 6 4 412 4 = ° CritchrdC5 G LyClarce93LdConcordll3Spantaft 110 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 91 1 0 375 This year 8 1 0 1 5515 5515Trmilntinvi Trmilntinvi OT ch 3 MJ by The Clown Patissiere by Bruleur BruleurLast Last work 15133 39ft Jl Trainer J S Oxvnbey Owner Mrs J S Ownbey See yesterdays fifth Thistle Down Park chart Jun 230Tdn 1J l56V ft 2310 100 5 3 23 2i EllswthW2 S McKimllOAlbtBlton HOLcVoyant 110 O May2430Aur 1J l55ft 10 90 4 5 6 21 BouchcrJ1 9 MasterAccl09TheoItedl03CageIoy 112 O May23307Aur lfs l55 hy G 1011 5 5 5s 571 MarcumJ 11 JackUp 105Belascoaln lOODoc K 105 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2ml 3rd Won Last year 19 0 0 0 50 This year 60 3 1 525

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_15_3
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_15_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800