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OMPASS For Sale at All Stands 35 Cents Weekly WeeklyNEW NEW ISSUE OUT Free Codes That Win WinTUESDAYS TUESDAYS CODES CODES3ILNTDORO 3ILNTDORO S838 WOJT WOJTDOX DOX ALVAKO 322 WOX WOXTODAY TODAY TODAY PARLAY Probably 300 for 5 5YESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS PARLAY PARLAYTHISTLE THISTLE JEAN LOST LOSTLISTO LISTO Ran Second WEDNESDAYS PARLAY PARLAYWENTZ WENTZ 1400 WON WONFULL FULL SPEED 1120 WON WONThe The cooperation we now have with our con nections enables us to produce the most phenomenal results ever obtained We are in a position to furnish the best information obtainable on the American turf ns my connections are the shrewdest people producing winners They wire me that todays two horses should win in a romp and the limit is expected Two good boys have been en ¬ gaged to ride Thousands of dollars have been wired away from the track to uphold the prices All in all you are hardly gambling on these two today just investing your money on a sound proposition propositionGo Go to your nearest newsdealer slip him 35 cents and ask him for that wonderful turf weekly If yours newsdealer is sold out wire 3 for twelve issues and we will wire you both code horses today todayFor For quick service wire remittance by Western Union or 1ostal Telegraph TelegraphTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODES CODESFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT Pink52631026 Pink52631026WASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Gray20261832 Gray20261832COMPASS COMPASS PUBLISHING CO 1G74 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY