7th Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06

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7th Washington prsc 1300 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Mon 1 Miles tanaro June 29 1929 201 0 4 98 98NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1300 3yearolds and upward which have not won since 3Iay 21 3yearolds 103 pounds older 115 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Hoc AWtIIan 48030 4Mlay KuddyCD 110 205 4 110X725 48403 n 0tilli 48030 10Fire UnderLat 107 200 7 110X713 48027 8Command JP 107 211 4 1101710 47750 12 Semper Felix HdG 110 209 4 1150703 11507034814S5 4814S5 1 Farm Hand M 3 108 700 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47934 2 Unlted Army 4 110 C95 C95479GI 479GI GMIuOn Time 4 105 C95 48103 3Gay Lothario Aur 111 200 5110X090 48285 7Treasurcr 11 110XC90 48033 9 Bonoby 4 115 C90 482S5 llMaster Ace 5 110XC90 Tlie past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workoui and racing record Date Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Ray Ruddy 110 B 4 by Swecp On Chattel by Helmet HelmetLast Last work 156 1m l45ft J JV Trainer Z F Eeilly Owner 0 H Berz BerzJIa2S39CD JIa2S39CD IJ 205V ft 12 110 4 3 351 371 ChirchJ G Florhi 105TmyTickle 115Sharon 103 C CJfc24307CD Jfc24307CD IJ l53Sgd 91 103 8 8 7 5 EllswthW9 10 TinyTickIellOFireUderl05JkHganl07 C Ma2030CD 1ft l33 hy 24 110 7 7 5 1 5 ClitrchJ 10 Florhi lOGBigSandy 107 Nevermore 110 C JlarlG307CD IJ 155 ft 87 103 3 G 4J lnk ChlrcliJ1 11 Congo II 105 Irene T 105 Florhi 10G C JlM29307StJ IJ 210ft 10 113 10 9 87 Sl CrltchfdC 10 Spurrier HORockhawk 113FireOn 113 C lLu2G307StJ IJ 211 ft 9 110 6 3 2s 2 = CritchfldC1 8 Blanco 101 Mascara 105 Congo 11114 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 100 1050 This year 18 211 1870 1870Qtjlla Qtjlla 1 A f B f 4 by Bonnacona Marguerite B by Ballot BallotIast Iast work 154 12 507sft JVU Trainer F Rector Owner L M Severson Jun 4307Was IJ l5i ft 5 104J 4 3 4 4s LcnnicWs 10 Quibbler 105 Congo II 107 Margate 100 C JI 30307Was IJ l53ft 71 102 2 4 32 21 RichardA 10 Aviatorll2CtagcBoyl07DonnaSantal02 C Jb2730Was I70 143 gd 16 107 2 5 5 = 2 3i I ennieW2 G PchRose 112Easterl03JEvengSky 103 C Jia2130Aur 3 ins gd G4 107 2 7 911 9 GianellonJ 9 SdyHatchl09Vsburgl05tKltCarson 114 C llaynSOAur 3113 ft 23 109 I 7 7 J 7 GeMoniE S BritFlash94TetraGlassll4SdyHch 109 C Oct30295Aur IJ 202V m 145 101 4 2 11 21 LyonC 12 Revcillon 103 PatField 101 Bryndear US C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2G 145 52225 This year 5 0 1 1 300 300Fire Fire Under 110 Br e 7 by Ondor FJre ttle Pancniti by Golden Maxim MaximLast Last work 132 78 l37ft J JV Trainer M R Harned Owner Harned Bros BrosJL JL y2SCOCD IJ 205V ft 3 107J 3 G G11 G1 DepcriniR G Florhil05TommyTickIell3RayRdy 110 C JLv24307CD lJl53V gd Gi 105 5 3 2s 2 LennieW 10 TmyTicklell01JkUorganl07Sharon 105 C JIaj21307CD 1ft 151 gd 215 112 8 7 51 4 FroggteD S Bruno 112TomrayTicklc 112Margate 107 C lfcjl7307CD 1ft l50sy 225 107 G 10 S J 4 J ChirchJ 11 Woodlot 112Nevermore 112MissLce 102 C JIaj13303CD 1ft 153 m 30 107 9 7 4 2i RilcyG10 12 IcessDnal07PpleSndl04iGodmn 107 C Jitt2730TStJ 1ft l50ft 225 113 8 6 5J 3l PasscroJ 10 Paternal HSGunther 107TryAgaiq 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 31 8 5 10 8728 This year 13 122 1285 1285Co Co 111 111 a 111 110 h c by matum Nelle Yorke by Uncle UncleLast Last work 13CP5S l13ft J JV Trainer H D Sells Owner C Reed ReedMaj2S307Was Maj2S307Was IJ l53ft 6 107 1 6 3 = i 31 MarcumJ 7 BghMfgerllORphHsteinll2Faddy 107 0 Maj2G30TWas IJ l55ft G 110 2 1 3i 3 = 1 MarcumJ8 G MissMaryldllOAviatorlloJimPryor 115 C JIv2130Aur IJ l53ft 14 106 1 2 21 51 MarcumJ1 0 MterAcel09Troubanova90TheoRed 103 C JIaj23307Aur 1ft l33ihy 115 105 122 4 1 MulrneyJ 11 JackUp 105Belascoain lOOBoc K 103 C Majl530 Aur 1ft l47Ct 15 102 1 5 5i 5 MulrneyJ 10 MJMcXyJrl09BilUhpsl04Finnsrl01 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won ear 10 0 1 2 5 250 This year 9113 1100 1100Semper Semper Felix 11 irovatoJ Br B 4f by Polroma May Dy Ben irovato J J 1 Trainer F Farrar Owner Mrs F Farrar j jJLv2130sAur JLv2130sAur 1ft l4S gd 5J 114 8 7 91 9 LeylandJ9 9 Kamuela lllSalta lOGIIazelDenson 101 C Jtyl5305Aur lftl47ft 61 103 7 7 7 1 6 Ley land J 10 MJMcXyJrlOOBIllPhpslOlFinnsrlOl C May 730Aur IJ l5Gi4gd 7 113 6 2 2 2J LcylandJ7 7 Xanlnawaiil09Aviator HSLanccr 109 C May 2CO ° Aur 1ft l50V sl 3 110 6 3 6 GS LcylandJ4 G NaniHaiilOGBsieRayl05HazelBonlOO C MK2S30JP 1ft 155 m 5 111 1 1 1 11 ThomasHT 12 Gut ofIIonrlOSColStbll4ElfrdaGi01 C lkr25308JP 1ft 151 gd 27 111 R 3 21 41 MeyerC 12 Gold Ridge 111 Coy 101 Finland 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 34 576 5440 This year 14 2 1 0 1493 1493Farm Farm Hand 1 OR Bt C 3 by Jonren Tl10 Eeaper by Hells Bells BellsLast Last work 149 38 41ft JVO Trainer A B Stesle Owner G Y C C Hieatt HieattJiay3030CD Jiay3030CD IJ l53ysf t Gi 112 G 4 3 = 1 37 LoseeW 7 LdyClarencel05Gotoit 107Midsolea 105 C Jia12DO = CD 1ft l49ft 70 110 11 7 6s 371 ChcafmR 12 Gotoitl05Ryli manl05Monoplane 110 C 5en2129Lex 5J f lOS ft 36 120 1 7 771 5 1 NoeK 12 RylleomnlluGIJksonllSChatrgm A AJuL JuL G23Lat 3 118 by 61 116 I 5 5 4 NoeK S Monnie 112 Taystee 112 Wildolive 115 A AJun2129 Jun2129 Lat 5J f 107 ft 21 113 12 12 11 10 J NoeK 12 Wingo lOSPerfcctAHbi HOSkyHigh 112 C CJunl529Lat Junl529Lat 5J f lOSsl 54 115 8 7 6i 41 NoeK 9 OnTrial 115RoyalYeomanll5Aspirinll5 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 This yeaiv 2 0 0 2 218 218United United Army 1 1 0 Sr ° 4 M by Umted Verde A ny Maid by Yankee Last work 134 lml44ft J JV Trainer J Kederis Owner G V Barnes BarnesM M y26307CD 1ft l47y l47yft ft 14 111 7 7 3U 2A RusscllK6 10 OUTimes lllBruno 113RoyalSport 109 C JLiy22303CD 1ft 149 ft 61 113 5 6 4 = 4 4 KussellK1 12 PIceTokalonllOSpanflowl07Pandeanl05 C Oct2929Lat 1ft 211 hy 35 103 15 4 j 4 i EllswthW 8 BorderChn07B1IotBrush 107Sharon 112 C OcLiO29 CD 1ft 148 ft 6 103 5 2 2 24 RussellK 8 LlttleTorchlOSLittleGnealOSDonr 113 C OcL 829CD 1ft l50 ft 12 103 7 4 4 1 3 RusfcllK 8 PgyMacl02BurmaMd lOSNvrTell 102 C Ans23297DP 31 l54ft 4119 110 3 5 41 4J ClellandO 8 SethsBIotlOGAthenslOuChoChoSan 105 C Starts 1st 2ni 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 1 1 300 This year 2 0 1 0 200 200HuOll HuOll Time 10 B by Huon Hissed the Time by Buke of Ormonde OrmondeJVO JVO Trainer J Dreyer Owner A Bremken BremkenM27307Was M27307Was lj l5GV ft 175 103 G 3 2h 4 DcPcsoG G FacilityllOPticipate HODnaSanta 103 C CJfcjl730 Jfcjl730 Aur 17 l45ft 20 103 7 1 1J I MoranW 10 Bumpkinll3Raniona S103BIotGirl 105 C CJIayHSOAur JIayHSOAur 3114V ft 37 10G 410 G7i 3ei MulrneyJ 12 EnticEdwdlllHneyfhlllSrMaid 10G C CJIaj JIaj 530 Aur I7 l32sl 20 103 2 4 5 5 MrooncyJ 7 StyStellalOSOrmogirl 105BallotGirl 105 C CMay May 230Aur 3116 si 43 114 11 12 115 = 11 LcylandJ 12 LkyDriftll4MissLtcrll4SdleSkirtsll4 C CJIai2730IStJ JIai2730IStJ 5S f 109 ft 30 103 3 5 47 4s CrltclifdC 12 Srewyl04RdioSvice lOGEnRute 110 C ClUtl930StJ lUtl930StJ 5Jfl10m 4S 113 5 10 10IC10 HicksS 11 MyGirl HSRegurBroom 103AcquIre 113 C starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 0 0 1 S 50 This year 14 1 0 1 675 675Gay Gay Lotliario 110 B h 5f by The Finn Grass Widow by Bachelors Bouble BoubleUist Uist work 151 58103ft JJO Trainer L F Olcary Owner Mrs L F OLeary OLearyJun Jun 4307Was 1J l5l ft 93 105 8 10 101G 9 SacarroS7 10 Quibblor 103 Congo II 107 Margate 100 C CIaj23307Was Iaj23307Was 1J l53 ift 101 107 7 3 4 5 SaccaroS 7 BghMgcrllORpIiIlteinll2Cmandl07 C CJby22305Aur Jby22305Aur I70 l46 ft 9S 105 11 11 1050 8 SaccaroS11 12 Prospectl05CaptAjackl05TheoRcdl05 C CJUy JUy 530Aur 2 l14ft 5f 11310 S 9171011 AyraudR7 12 BcauAspinll3PdyFlahty 113Mozartll3 C CJIar2130lJP JIar2130lJP 3 l15sl 122 114 3 10 9 9 DcllowW 12 MasrSwpll4KdWordslllBoysPfdllG C Cf f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 29 1 2 1 9SO This year 9 9Treasurer Treasurer 110 r y Sden Rosabal by Ormondale OrmondaleLast Last work 153 1 2 53ft JJO Trainer E B Allen Owner J Eire EireJun Jun 2307Was ll54 ft 86 111 1 5 5 5 MarcumJ i G IrencTlllBsicRayllGRalplinsteinllC C JIa24307Aur IJ l53ft 96 103 3 6 8 9 MarcumJ 0 LongJoe 103 BlacklSart 111 Formic 109 C JU72130Aur 1ft l4SAgd 81 100 5 9 8 7 MarcumJ 9 Kamuela lllSalta lOGHazelDcnson 101 C JL 130Aur 1ft l49gd 33 101 G 8 S S MarcumJ S FInnster 100 Mintcel 104 Faddy 104 C Oct3023TAur 1J 20l7 m 26 100 8 9 67 7 LandoltC 12 OpcnGoShutlOSMarengolOSIIopcless 104 C OctU23Haw 1ft 150 sy 13 109 8 G 5 4 LandoltC 8 JnPccl 101VdVgcel01KtyMuriyl09j C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Lastyear28 WonLastyear28 243 1S25 This year 4 4BoilOby BoilOby 1 1 F Bf c 4 by Boniface Niobe by Uncle UncleI I ist work 155 78 l32ft LLU Trainer C N lewis Owner C H lewis lewisJLv JLv SOCD 1ft 148 ft 24 112 5 7 77 G l Chvcltal 11 Gdmanll2MyrWkerll2RoyalSon 112 C JU23307CD 1ft l50m 91 112 G 7 7 G BendcrC 8 UpsedaisylOOShlandBoyll2WinsIowlOS C Jia2030CD 3 l17hy C 115 6 4 3J 3i BcnderC1 15 WhiskAwllOArllneCnorllODavIdL 115 C Mvl6307CD JJ 155 ft 101 107 6 10 10 9 BcndcrC 11 RayRuddy lOSConso II 105IrcncT 105 C JU1330CD 1ft 153 m 48 30S 1 10 9 7 BcnderC 12 PcssDrtalOFircUndr 1071IcSd 101 C Koill23Lat 2 l215 m 42 110 2 6 6 6 GoolcrW G FstMlsnl BChamplOSNMcClay 101 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 1 00 DOO This year 5 0 0 1 100 Master Ace AceLast 110 Ch Bl 6 bySfar Master Erase by Atheling n Last work 139 38 J JV Trainer C N Freeman Owner C N Freeman Jun 2307Wa3 1J l54 ft ftMay2S30nVaa 115 111 6 6 G G KetryJ KetryJG G IrcneTlllIJslcRayllGRalphnsteinlia O May2S30nVaa 1J154 ft ft3Lv2430Aur G 110 4 1 I 2 KetryJ B Serajcvo 112 Rlchu 110 Over Fire 112 O 3Lv2430Aur IJ l53ft l53ftJivl930 39 109 9 4 3 Il ICctryJ 0 TroubanovaOOTheoRedl03tCageBoy 112 O Jivl930 Aur I7l52m I7l52m3Lyl330Aur 35 107 6 G G G KctryJ TMissMTdlOSHhPyrmKMeGmellia 3Lyl330Aur 1330 = Aur 3114 ft ftG30Aur ftUaj 27C 106 6 6 5 G73 KetryJ 11 Gibbons lOaBrunswick 105WatchOn 1OI O Uaj 630 G30Aur Aur 3 116 liy liyStarts 39 110 7 8 8 S KctryJ 8 SIrJohnKlOSRoodles llOHighlIayerllS O Starts 1st 1stLast 2nJ 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 0 This year 6

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_7_5
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_7_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800