7th Woodbine 1 1-16 Miles, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-24

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7th Woodbine Bendigo Plate. Purse *000. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. " J* __._ Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Edisto, May 27, 1 1-16 Miles 1926— 1:44%— 4— 122. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000, 2 pounds extra; ,500, 4 pounds extra. Weight, 5 pounds below scale. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Data Cra. Dia. Time Tr. Oddi Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.SU. Beat Company Qnatra BraH 1 O A B. h, I, by Quartz Bock — Brass Tacka, by Helmet, Work: Mav"23-lm.... 1:47ft 14 . Timt. **• H Shanard. Owner T. 6 Cochenoor. OcU4-31*L.B l10 1:48% m 12 103 6 4 5*1 5» SeaboG* Hdcp 8 PatGtyl04,Mr.Gty 120,GyParisian 110 OctlO-31L.B V* 1:46% gd 21 107 4 3 1* 21 SeaboG* 1750 8 GyP,risianl09,Refin,rll2,Dss ofYkl02 Oct 3-31*Wdb 1J 3:03% ft 10 101 5 5 4*1 3* SeaboG Stks 6 PatGtylOl.Lindsay 114,Mr.Gaiety 126 Oct 2-31TWdb 1| 1:56 ft 21-5 113 2 6 6*1 44 MannF* 150012 Milestonell5.D. of Yorkl08,P.Exce 106 Sep29-31*Wdb 1" 1:44% ft 11 112 5 4 44 34 SeaboG* 2500 6 GayPsianll5,Kingswayll0,Lindsay 112 Sepl7-31*Thf 1 1:47% ft 41-10 112 5 5 5 51 MannF* 1300 8 Refiner 115,M,ieGaietyl06,Milestnell4 Sep.l5-31*Thf 11:40% ft 7 111 9 4 51 54 SeaboG* 15X 11 M.Bobbiel07,Kitling.l09?,MeGaiety 107 Augl3-31*F.E 1,1:46% ft 14-5 115 6 5 ? 2 MannF* 1500 9 Fess 109,Milestonell5,GildedCasino 112 Augll-314FE l,l:54%hy 13 112 6 5 44 4* MannF* 1800 7 GyParisnlll.KitlinglOS.GdCasino 100 Aug l-31*Ham l 1:48 ft 11 111 5 2 11 V MannF* 2000 6 Lindsay 108, Sea Kale 111. Killing 113 . Stnrte. l»t. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. Und. 3rd. Won—% 1931 record.. 16 12 3 ,485 Mr Oaletv X 1 OO Ch. g, 8, by For Fair— Marion Gaiety, by Hartimaa. Work: Mav 18-1 m. .. .1:44ft A* Traiaor. F. Fox. Owner. Mrs. £. Glaasco. Mav21-32Wdb -J 1:12 ft 114 109 10 10 9s 9n PhillipsC* Hdcp 11 Springstl 117,Solace 116,Vacillate 109 Oct24-31Duf It1* 1:53% m 9-5 114 4 4 2 21 BuckleyR* Hdcp 5 Salbury 113,LiveOne HO.Raucona 100 Oct22 31Duf i 1:30% ft 61 117 5 4 3*1 l1 BuckleyR* Hdcp 5 Uvira 99,Dss of York 106,Circulet 117 Octl7-31*Duf lr, 1:54% ft 49-10 113 2 5 34 21 WilsonT1 Hdcp 7 Salisbury HO.LiveOne 109.Guilder 107 Octl4-31*LB l70148%m 5 120 3 1 2" 21 WilsonT* Hdcp 8 PatGtyl04,GyParis*nll0,Shorelint 112 Octl2-31*L.B 1" 1.45% ft 33-10 120 3 5 54 44 WilsonT* Hdcp 7 Uvira 95, Pat Gaiety 101, Refiner 100 Oct 3 -31»Wdb 12 3:03% ft 51 126 6 4 3* 44 PascumaA1 Stks 6 PatGaietyl01.Lindsayll4,Q*traBras 101 Oct 1-31 §Wdb 14 1:54% ft 2 120 2 4 2* 1* PascumaA Stks 5 Refiner 102,Uvira 99,GayParisian 118 Sep23-314Wdb l10 1:44% ft 21-5 116 5 5 31 1 WilsonT* Stks 6 PatGaiety95,Aymond 116,StarCrest 120 , Starta. let. 2nd. 3rd. Won -» . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .25 5 7 2 ,485 1932 record .. 1 PelomS X 1 OC B. g, 6, by Fitzwilliam — Prism, by Trap Bock. ±£ Trainer, A. E. Watts. Owner, B. Holden. May21-32"Wdb 1A 14ttk ft H4 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 1500 12 T.Doctorll8.Spanfairl02,BanderIog 107 Oct24-31*Duf It1* 1:55% m. 23 102 7 7 7* 7a FeeneyR 1000 8 unGsII.i07,H.Plyerl07,NsDling 108 Octl3-31*L.B 2 1=14% ft 20f 105* 8 9 8" 9 McDondC18 1000 11 Freethinkerl07,Sabana 108.K.Post 106 Oct 9-314L.B 2 1:16 hy 59 102*10 10 910 7s ParadiseJ1 1250 10 MterBbiel04,Sabanal04,Rche dOrl03 JuL3131*Ham 1" 1:46% ft 20 107 5 7 7» 4 FodenN* 1000 10 L.Cardigan 107,Fessl02,GraniteRockllO JuL18-31*Dev 1,** 1:50% si 41-10 101* 7 5 4* 4* TinkerH* 1100 7 Fess 95,Par Excellence 106, Varsity 114 fc- JuLll-314Dev 1 1:41% ft 16 104 3 2 31 2* MagnerW* 1100 7 T.Hovel 97Varsityll3,MsGaietyII. 102 "■ JuL 3-31Ken 2 1:14 ft 10 110 1 3 44 4 McGinnisF* 1000 7 L.McNeill 110,RippIingl06,RseLadyl09 Starta. 1st 2nd. tM, Won _ , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .13 0 1 2 $ 335 Refiner X 1 O A Ch. h, 6, by Oil Man— Push Pin, by First Sight. Work- Mav 21 lm l-47%ft - "*: Trainer, J. F. Hynes. Owner,. Thorncliffe Stable. Octl4-3ilL.B V 1:48% m 4e 106 1 8 8U 81* RallsC1 Hdcp 8 PatG,tyl04,Mr.Gty 120,Gy Parisian 110 Octl2-31*L.B 1"* 1:45% ft 33-10e 100 1 4 3i 3l DaintyF1 Hdcp 7 Uvira 95,PatGaiety 101,Mr.Gaiety 120 OctlO-31L.B 1" 1:46% gd 6 112 1 7 41 3* AimersT1 2000 8 G,yPrisianl09,Q.Brasl07,Dss ofYkl02 Oct 3-31Wdb 12 3:03% ft 4 102 1 6 51 54 RileyG* Stks 6 PatGaietyl01,Lindsayll4,QtraBras 101 Oct 1-31Wdb 14 1:54% ft 61 102 3 2 1" 2k RileyG1 Stks 5 Mr.Gaietyl20,Uvira 99,GayParisian 118 Sep.28 314Wdb 1" 1:44% ft 8 104 3 6 61 61 RileyG1 Stks 6 Mr.Gaietyll6,PatGaiety 95,Aymond 116 Sep-nl4™ 1A 1:47% ft 19-10 115 4 4 2* 14 AimersT* 1700 8 MieGtyl06,Milesnell4,B.AIonzo 109 Augl5-31*Dev 1 1:39% ft 11 108 4 2 3*1 3* AimersT* Allw 5 Aymond 113,Mr.Gaiety 113, Lindsay 99 Augl2-31SF.E 1 1:39% gd 2 107 7 8 7" 61 AimersT1 Allw 8 Wrkell 107,DcgMackl00,Ir.Maidenl01 Aug 4 31sHam U 1:47% gd 7 5e 99 5 7 7* 5* DiliddoA* Hdrp 7 Mr.Gaietyl20,Lindsay 99,Kingsway 106 Stnrta. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 14 2 2 3 ,500 Granite Rock X 1 OC B. h, 5, by Quartz Bock — Mover of Men, by Lovetie. Work- Mav 23 lm l-47ft •*-1 Trainer. W. Bussell. Owner, Four L. Stable. Octl2-3i*L.B 14 1:54% ft 20 114 11 10 10" 11" MannF* 1300 11 Celeritasl08.FairOrbl09,ByBaughn 109 Oct 9-315L.B l7,*l:50%hy 25 11111 8 ft 54 MannF* 1500 11 Manotacks99,M.Gaiety 113,Plaguer 108 Oct 7-318L.B 14 1:59% m 31 104 Lost rider. DaintyF* 1200 11 G.DeMarll3.ClrSkyl05.PhmCloud 106 Oct 2-317Wdb 141:56 ft 116 109 5 11 10s! 1010 TonrowR1 90012 Milestonell5,D. of Yorkl08,P.Ex*ce 106 Sepl7-314Thf lh 1:47% ft 45 109 2 7 7s 64 RussellF* 1300 8 Refiner 115,M,ieGaietvl06,Milestnell4 Sep.l5-31*Thf 11:40% ft 65 110 4 9 94 81 RussellF* 1100 11 M.Bobbiel07,Kitlingl092L,MeGaiety 107 Aug28-31N.F 1 1:44% hy 5 110 34 RussellF 1000 5 SunchenllO.ClearSky 115,Tchadex 108 Aug24-318N.F 1 1:43% ft 14-5 107 24 RussellF 1200 5 Varsity 108, Dushka 101, Zarf 96 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .22 1 1 4 $ 1,040 Par Excellence X 1 OO B. gr, 5, by Parisian Diamond — Kate Kittleberry, by Cerasna. Work- Mav 21— lm 144ft -*- Trainer, J. Hutton. Owner, B. H. New. Oct22-3i7Duf l,3* 1:53% ft 81 106 5 7 71 64FeeneyR* 1000 8 ClearSkyll5,FairGIowll0.FtWayne 110 Octl3-318L.B 1" 1:45% ft 26f 1051 9 5 41 3l McDonaldC 1500 11 D. of Ykl02.MeGaietvl07.StepOff 102 OctlO-31L.B 1T0 1:46% gd 36 103 3 8 6 61 ParadiseJ1 1250 8 GyPrisianl09,QraBrasl07,Refiner 112 Oct 8-3PL.B 2 1:17 hy 13 102*11 9 8* 7" RobertsW1 1750 12 Kitlinglll,Frthinkerl07,S.ofButy 107 Oct 2-31Wdb 141:56 ft 14 106 3 4 44 3 RileyG1 900 12 Milestonell5,D. of Yorkl08,Q.Bras 113 Sep28-31*Wdb l,1,, 1:48% ft 48 109* 5 4 41 41 LaylandA" 1000 12 M.Gaietyll5,ToutFeul09.Mantacks 111 Sepl9 31*Thf 1£ 2:34 ft 22 100 4 6 71* 71* SeaboG5 1300 8 SamPass 102,Sptacularl03,F.Marion 97 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .25 1 2 7 $ 1.940 Tout Feu X 1 1 Q k c * *y Fot au Feu — Vlla °y Fennant. Work- Ma- 23 lm l-47ft ■*--!■• Trainer, J. Boden. Owner. D. Raymond. OctigiDuf 6if 1:26% ft 21-5 105 3 3 41 44 McLarenJ4 1000 8 Sabana 108,CedarCrtll2,FairFtunel09 Oct 8-31L.B 2 1=17 6 105* 7 4 5 610 RoseF* 1750 12 Kitlinglll,Frthinkerl07,S.ofButy 107 Sep.28-31*Wdb 1i*r 1:48% ft 21 109 4 3 1* 21 RoseF4 1000 12 M.Gatyll5,Mtackslll,P.Exclence 109 Sepl4 31Dor 2 1:14% ft 4-5 101 8 3 41 1* McDonaldC9 600 9 Optical HOAirPort HO.CedarCrest 110 Sepl2-31Dor 1 1:42% ft 9-5 101*1 2 21 24 RallsC* 800 7 Gourdinl08,FatalGiftl07,Jug ofGold 105 Sep.lO-31Dor 2 1:14% ft 1-5 100 7 2 2* 2" ReynoldsC1 800 9 Londsunlll.CudgelettelOO.Eng.Md 113 Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 14 1 7 2 ,480

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932052401/drf1932052401_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1932052401_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800