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| WASHINGTON PARK I j [ RACE COURSE j I J Leading Thoroughbred Horses Compete in 7 j j Contests Daily— FIRST RACE AT 2:15 I | ROBERT M. SWEITZER HDCP. j I ,000 ADDED 1 AND 1-8 MILES i I Next Saturdays Feature of a Brilliant Card I I j AMERICAN DERBY » I 0,000 ADDED SATURDAY, JUNE 18 j I DERBY RESERVATIONS: j I Boxes and seats may be reserved at Room j I 730, Congress Bank Bids;., Congress and j ! Wabash; phone Harrison 3654. Washington j I Park, phone Homewood 825. i 1 RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION: I Illinois Central electrified trains from Ran- j I dolph St. to Washington Park in 30 minutes. | ! Specials leave Randolph at 9:30 a. m., 12:30, I I 12:50, 1:10 and 1:30 p. m., stopping at Van I Buren St., Roosevelt Rd., 53rd and 63rd Sts. j i General Admission to Washington Park— .20 j