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LATONIA Th« "Daily Double" on tho Winners of the Second and Third Race* j at Latonia Saturday Paid 69.60 for j a..... .... , ... ... -•--,. ■ ■ ■ , LATONIA, KY., SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934.— Latonia 1 mile. Thirty seventh and last day. Latonia Jockey Club. Inc. Summer meeting of 37 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather threatening. Presiding Steward, C, F. Price. Associate Stewards, S. H. MeMeekin, S. Goodpaster and E. Hogge. Placing Judges, L. C. Bogenschutz, H. B. Lindenberg and F. Burton. Starter, W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary, L. C. Bogenschutz. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. mV. W indicates whip, S spurs, B Dlinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each "race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; ••7 pounds; ***10 pounds. JI870*I nRST RACE—3"4 Mi*« °"t of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 1924— 1:09%— 3— 107. Purse Juiv7*ii,t *W9 3-year- rfds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 59; second, 90; /-34-Lat »■.*.», July thjrd lag. fo||rtn 15 cuiwing prin Index .Horses BqtAWtPPSt 1 % Str Dn Jockeys Owners Kqnlr. Odds Btrt 99478,*SMUGGLED IN w 3 100 3 3 1» 1» 1* ? HuelsmanA T H McCaffrey 1510-100 98592*BILLIES ORPHAN w 4 108 2 4 21 2« 24 21 HardyG F C McAfee 250100 9t499s*TWO BROOMS w 3 102 7 2 5* 4« 4* 3V GruberV J R Schuster 1040100 9I47IFAIR ROCHESTER w 4 115 4 8 6* 64 54 4" FowlerG L Jones and Son 90 100 , 99385WITCHES NIGHT w» 3 105 6 1 3* 31 3* 5* VailS W F Axton 950 100 99394 MORDEN w 5 107 1 5 4* 5i 6* 6« FinnertyR C A Grande 1940 100 HAPPY ADMIRAL w 3 1091 8 7 7* 7* T 7* ReedW S G Miller 9020 100 COPTIC wb 3 105 5 6 888 8 PulleyC D B Miller 7340100 Time, 33%. :49!4. 1:1B. Track sloppy. ... • — w mrnms paid — , . — official booking odds — BBEBflLM. c...,/-. -„ W2-28 IMI M-40 1519-190 299-100 120-100 ™klEh22!2AH 4W 34° 100-100 70-109 TWO BROOMS 3.90 99—199 Winner — Ch. g. by Prince Meteor— Willow Tit. by Dairy Bridge trained by L. V. Bellew, Jr.; bred by Mr. D. J. Ely. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:17. AT POST— 1* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SMUGGLED IN, a keen factor throughout, forced the pace and continued gamely under superior riding and just lasted. BILLIES ORPHAN challenged gamelv, but was weakly ridden near the end. TWO BROOMS moved up gradually and closed gamely. FAIR ROCHESTER dropped far out of it at once. WITCHES NIGHT quit. MORDEN was done early. HAPPY ADMIRAL was outrun. COPTIC, fractious at the post, began slowlv and was not a factor. Scratched— 98562 Oderic, 119; gSSMBalthasar, 112; 98322 Marynell, 103; 94971 Hildas Dream, 100-98383 Potterton, 108. Overweight— Two Brooms, 2 pounds; Witches Night, 5; Happy Admiral, 4*. 067-1 A SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bradleys Peggy, June 27, 1927— 1:05%— 2— 115. Elm-V;i77?ar;. wood Purse- Pur» W. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Net value to win- July-7-34-Lat ner 50; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Indei Horses BqtAWtPPSt i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners BquiT. Odds Strt 994774.UMINOSA w 112 3 1 l1 1* V 1« MeverC B Combs 240 100 99054 SQUIRE BOB w 115 11 4 21 3* 3* 2* FinnertyR Porter and Ferguson 2180 100 99477 SWEPEN wb 15 8 6 41 2* 21 34 CanfieldL Glen Helen Stud Stable 580 100 99559*CATCH FLY w 112 10 8 F 9 42 4 MeyerJ L K Rogers 2000 100 99252CROSS RUFF w 115 2 7 5* 6* 5i 5* BurleyF L Jones and Son 930100 99329 TULIP TIME w 112 1 3 31 4" 6* 6k LoumanH H H Temple Jr 1280 100 94371 ALMAC w 115 4 2 6» 7* 74 7» ElstonG A C Ernst 200 100 99477 UNCLE FRED wb 115 6 11 94 81 8« 8s SeaboG F E Morancy 1780 100 MISTER BOB w 115 7 10 11 10* 94 9* PottsO A Kane 15190 100 N252 HARD CASH wb 115 9 9 81 9410* 10* KernW J Gaines 12570 100 FLO ALONG w 112 5 5 10* 11 11 11 HaleL S and J Houstos t tMutuel field. Time, :23%. aOBK. 8j9B%. 1:99%. Track sloppy. , U KUTUELS PAID i , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . LUMINOSA .90 .60 240—100 150—100 90— IN SQUIRE BOB 17.20 6.00 760—100 200—100 SWEPEN 3.60 . 99-199 Winner -B. f, by Blue Larkspur— Humming Bird, by Stefan the Great trained by R. A. Kindred; bred by Mr. B. Combs. WENT TO POST— 2:45. AT POST— 1* minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. LUMINOSA took a commanding lead at once and easily held sway to the end. SQUIRE BOB, prominent from the start, closed gamely. SWEPEN moved up g?mely and finished well. CATCH FLY failed to be a factor. CROSS RUFF could not reach the leaders. TULIP TIME had early speed. The others were outrun Scratched— 98559 First Pigeon, 112; 9855960115 Bcttv, 112; 98252 Prince Fluz, 115- 97199 Double Grand. 112; 98320 Moa, 112. « ■ ■ 1 OC71 "I THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 1924— 1:09%— 3— 107. Purse 1 1 tm 1 . ,60°- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; Jul -7-34-Lat tnirdf $,35- fourth j15 claiming price, ,000. Inrtei Horses EqtAWtPP8t fc % Str Fin Jockeys Owners BqnlT. Odd* Strt 99259MARIE JEAN wb 4 108 10 1 4k 2" 21 1» PulleyC F P Letellier 1240-100 99476STINGER w 4 112 2 7 71 T 4* 2» ElstonG R L Woodard 530 100 99562DUSKY DAME wb 4 113 9 2 11 14 1« 31 FowlerG H C Ragan 190 100 993S3COUNSELOR CRANE w 3 111 7 4 3* 34 3* 4« HaleL B W Stivers 360 100 90393 BYPHAR w 3 110 5 3 5* 51 5* 54 MeyerJ R T Taylor 510 100 995S0TMA w 5 108 6 6 8* 6 7* 6* RothM Mrs E M Hutchins 2560-100 99253 FAIR WANDA w 4 107 3 5 24 4fc 61 7* CanfieldL Tutt and Thein 4730 100 97917 LITTLE JOYCE w 3 103 8 9 9* 9" 8,s 8° SeaboG H A Neal 2880 100 97993 BLATOLA wb 6 112 410 10 10 10 9" FinnertyR J Corceller Jr 7440100 90009 SUNSHINE BOY wb 3 1091 1 8 61 81 9* 10 MeyerC J Chivia 1500 100 Time, :23%. :49%. 1:14%. Track sloppy. , 52 MUTT/ELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 . MARIE JEAN 5.99 9.20 .90 1240—100 410—100 140—100 STINGER 6.00 4.00 200—100 100—100 DUSKY DAME 3.00 50—100 Winner— B. f, by Wise Counsellor Margaret St. L., bv Watervale trained by F. P. Letellier- bred by Mr. F. P. Letellier. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:12. AT POST— J minute. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. MARIE JEAN, partial to the going, raced close up under restraint, then moved into the lead and drew out fast. STINGER, outrun for half a mile, game! steadily and closed resolutely. DUSKY DAME much used racing FAIR WANDA into defeat, tired. COUNSELOR CRANE quit. BYPHAR raced evenly. UMA had no mishaps. The others were outrun. Scratched— 98384Skirl, 110; 98324 Busy Von, 110 ; 98566 Full Sail, 105. Overweight — Byphar, 2 pounds; Little Joyea, 3; Sunshine Boy, 4j. QC7I • FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bradleys Peggy, June 27, 1927— 1:05%— 2— 115. Purse I 1 Tur . S600- 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 5; Juiy/Jt-Lat fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,200. Indt-x Horses BqtAWtPPSt % % Stt Fin Jockeys Owners BqnlT. Odds Strt ~ 99319CYNWYD w 108 7 5 2" 2* 1» 14 McDmtL W C Goodloe 150-100 9956rATHANETTE w 104 3 1 5" 4» 2f 2s SeaboG Jones and McCoy 500 100 99477 JUDGE BARKLEY w 105 6 4 6* 5* 44 3* CanfieldL H H Gano 1530 100 99561 OUR BETTIE w 1061 5 7 7 7 7 41 FinnertyR Long Run Stable 740 100 99477 AUNT MODIE w 105 2 3 lk 14 3* 51 VailS F C McAfee 2830-100 SOUTH BEND wb 111 4 2 3* 3* 5* 6* ElstonG Young Bros 1450 100 99254 POET PRINCE wb 112 16 4» 6« 6 7 HaleL F P Letellier 260 100 Time, 24, :49. 1:02%. 1:09%. Track sloppy. . 1 MUTT/ELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 CYNWYD .00 .90 .00 150-100 90-100 50-100 ATHANETTE 4.60 3.40 130—100 70—100 JUDGE BARKLEY 4.00 100—100 Winner— B. f. by Cherokee— Our Luck, by Lucky Hour trained by A. Wallin; bred by Mr. W. C. Goodloe. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST— 3:39. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CYNWYD, partial to the going, followed close up to the stretch, then disposed of AUNT MODIE and drew- away. ATHANETTE moved up gradually and closed fastest. JUDGE BARKLEY closed fast OUR BETTIE went well. AUNT MODIE quit. SOUTH BEND raced greenly. POET PRINCE was outrun Scratched— 98319Mary T., 104; 98561 Leo B., 109; Green, 97; 98382 Eniz, 102; 98054 Yantis, 108 Overweight— Our Bettie, 2£ pounds: South Bend, 3. Corrected weight — Judge Barkley, 105. QC7I O FIFTH RACE— 1 1-9 Miles. Chilhowee, Oct. 14. 1924-1:49%— 3— 115. Purse 00. 3- II tJiT;, year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; ,»■,•*», third, 5; July-7-34-Lat fourthf j15. Claiming price, ,000. Indei Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vl % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners EquIt. Odds Strt 99060»-GIBBYS CHOICE w 7 107 5 1 1* 1* l4 14 1 HlsmanA F C McAfee 410100 9fMI3zWHYMASK wb 5 114 7 4 44 44 2* 2* J* McDottL Mr« J A Brause 300-100 98565 HABANERO wb 5 112 2 5 5* 64 4* 3* 3s ArnoldG M Goldblatt 170-100 98630 KADIAK w 10 112 16 7 7 64 4« 4* SeaboG J R Schuster 1780-100 98565LADY FRIEND w 4 106 4 2 24 2l 3! 5* 5 PulleyC A Thomas 1220 100 98399 IRINTESS TOKE wb 4 107 6 7 6s 5k 7 6« 64 LoumanA C Van Dusen 2620 100 99483 DUSKY LASS w 4 110 3 3 3» 3! 5* 7 7 MeyerJ R T Taylor 580 100 Time, :24, :49, 1:14, 1:41%. 1:54%. Track sloppy. 6* MUTr/ELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . GIBBY-S CHOICE 0.20 .20 .40 410—100 160—100 70—100 WHYMASK 4.20 2.80 110—100 40—100 HABANERO 2.60 30-100 Winner— B. g, by Rancher— Sevigne, by George Smith trained by F. C. McAtee; bred by Mr. G. M. Hoiilrie. Winner entered to be claimed for 1,000. WENT TO POST— 4:07. AT POST— 1 minute. Start -ood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GIBBYS CHOICE, superior in the going, was sent into a commanding lead early, continued under clever * : * fConttrtned on twelfth page., * LATONIA Continued from ninth page. rating, weakened in the closing stages and was gradually giving way to the rush of WHYMASK. The latter moved up fast after a half mile, responded gamely to strong pressure and closed fastest. HABANERO, slow to get going, closed some ground, but was no threat. KADIAK, allowed to remain far out of contention, improved his position in the stretch. LADY FRIEND quit. PRINCESS TOKE was outrun. DUSKY LASS was done after a half mile. Scratched— 983891 Brush Down, 107; 98483 Princess A. O., 107. Overweight — Lady Friend, 4 pounds; Dusky Las«, 1, Corrected weight — Habanero, 112 QCrT-g A SIXTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. Sarazen, Oct. 11, 1924— 2:00%— 3— 120. Thirty-Eighth ..*%!.. * Running LATONIA OAKS. ,500 added. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value July-7-34-Lat t0 wjnner ,000; second, 00; third, 58; fourth, 25. Index Horses Eo/t A WtPPSt % % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr. Odds Strt ! 98256FIJI w 124 3 2 3" 3" 14 Is 1» ElstonG Young Bros 40 100 ! 98566LAURA KIEV Wl 116 4 5 5 44 4» ? 2* CanfieldL H H Briner 850 100 I 986323RIDGE BLOND w 116 5 4 24 11 2» 34 34 ArnoldG Ridgeview Stock Farm Sta 970 100 | 98129SALLIE GRAY w 116 2 1 11 21 34 4» 4* FowIerG Mrs W E Smith 400 100 , 98325 LUCKY AMELIA w 116 1 3 4* 5 5 5 5 BurleyF Mrs R J Murphy 1330 100 Time, :23, :47%. 1:13%, 1:41. 2:08 5. Track sloppy. . 12 MVTTJELS PAID i , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB FIJI .80 .80 .40 40—100 40—100 20—186 LAURA KIEV 4.20 2.80 110—100 40—100 RIDGE BLOND 3.00 50—100 Winner— Br. f, by Bostonian — O Girl, by Ormondale trained by T. B. Young; bred by Messrs. J. and T. Youns. WENT TO POST-4:34. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. FIJI, partial to the going and restrained earl, moved to the front when readv and drew away fast. LAURA KIEV, outrun for" three-quarters, gained fast thereafter. RIDGE BLONDE raied SALLIE GRAY into defeat, but could not reach the leaders. SALLIE GRAY quit after three quarters. LUCKY AMELIA was outrun all the wav. Scratched— 98481 Penncote, 116; 98563Cacius Rose, 116; 98482 Old Lady, 116. i QO7I K SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Chilhowee, Oct. 6, 1924—1:42—3—115. Au Revoir ! ""f.-1-*1* Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; July-7-34-Lat second, 00; third, 5: fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200; if for more, 1 lb. extra for each 00 to ,500. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt V* % Str fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 98255 1 PASS wb 5 115 4 3 1 l4 l3 l4 li ElstonG Glen Helen Stud Stable 220-100 98130EL PUMA wb 5 114 1 2 5 5 5 2* 2» HardyG Mrs C Gravson 470 100 98482:I.EFT WING w 3 103 2 4 4» 44 34 34 5 FowIerG W E Smith 210-100 98325BRIGHT MELOD w 3 105 3 1 3J 31 2 4"1 44 LoumanH J B Respess 980 100 98482"BRUSTIGERT w 3 103 5 5 21 2 4J 5 5 SmithDC Devereaux Bros 360 100 Time, :24%, :48„ 1:15/,. 1:41%. 1:48%. Track sloppy. 83 BtOTDELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB I PASS .40 .40 .20 220—100 120—100 60—100 EL PUMA 5.20 3.00 160—100 58—100 LEFT WING 2.40 20—100 Winner -Ch. g, by Thunderer— Two No Trumps, by Ballot trained by J. G. Chinn; bred by Mr. C. II Berrvman. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST-5:01. AT POST— I minute. Start eood and slow. Won driving- second and third the same. 1 PASS raced into a commanding early lead, was taken in hand while making the pace and tired badly in th* final stages, but managed to hold EL PUMA. The latter, far out of it early, closed strongly in the stretch. LEFT WING tired after moving up. BLUST1GERT was done after half a mife. Scratched— 98565Amazing. 114; 98480Fogar«y, 105. Corrected weight — I Pass, 115. » ■ ■ i- -fr r - r if ■ — _ Q671 ft EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-1 Miles. ChHhowte, Oct. 14, 1924—1:48—3-115. Purse 88. , , , T. , V 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 58; second, 88; third, JMly7-»4-Lat 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,888. • lodei Hwm Eq"tA WtPPSt % % % Sir Kin Jookcys Owners EquiT. Odd* Strt MS68*LADY MACAW w 3 100 3 2 6i 5* 3* 2H 11 CanfieldL Darnaby and Thompson 290 100 38483PLA Y LADY w 4 104 6 5 5» 61 51 44 21 HardyG Mrs G Leidermeyer 530 100 MAI GENTLEMAN wb 4 112 7 4 1« 1« 1* 11 I2 SeaboG W M Ingram 180100 •tSWBl DDY APOLIS w 4 107 8 3 3ll 21 24 3* 4* SmithDC Mrs J S Wallace 1200 100 MM5 HEPSEYS BEAU »i 3 107 16 4* 4» 4l 51 5i HaleL F P Letellier 1010 100 91479 LIBRETTO w 5 112 5 7 7* 7 f" 6# 6* FinnrtyR E Bischoff 4830 100 98488 OMEL w«3105 2 8 8 8 8 74 7* VailS J T Looney 940100 97413 BRIMF1ELD m$ 3 105 4 1 24 3* b* 8 8 ArnoldG Mrs L Butler 2020 100 Time, :24, :48*4. 1:15 /K. 1:42 ,4. 1:55%. Track sloppy. , ■ U MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . LADY MACftW .30 .90 .89 299—199 199—199 49—199 PLAY LADY 5.20 3.40 199—109 79—199 MY GENTLEMAN 2.99 39—199 Winner— B. f, by Macaw— Play Fair, by Fair Play trained by A. L. Darnaby; bred by Mr. C. R. Thompson. Winner entered to he claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:29. OFF AT ONCE. Start good, and slow. Won driving; second and third the. same. LADY MACAW, cleverly handled, gained gradually under mild pressure, continued gamely, wore down the leaders and won in the closing strides. PLAY LADY, slow to get going, closed fast in the stretch and was getting to the winner. MY GENTLEMAN showed fine speed setting the pace, continued well to the final eighth, where he weakened and swerved badlv. BUDDY APOLIS faltered under, weak handling. HEPSEYS BEAU went well. LIBRETTO was outrun. BRIMFIELD had early speed. OMEL showed nothing. Scratched— 98714*Laura Kiev, 100. Overweight— Hepseys Beau, 2 pounds. K OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT LATONIA Saturday — 3 Races, 52.40; 5 Races, 04.60; 8 Races, 73.00