Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1936-04-15

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WORKOUTSj Date mt left of bones name is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: k, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; b, handily; o, all ont; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Bach Distance Shown in Black Face Type J i TUESDAY, APRIL 14 HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. Capricious .. :37 h Knt Warr. :37h 4-12 Cycle :36h 4-9 Merriweather :38 h 4-11 Cherry Stone :37 h 4-5 Mad Frump . :37 h 4-6 Dowdy Doll. :38 h 2-5 Malispina ... :38 b Gden Vein . :39h 3-23 Ranicilla ... :38 h 4-11 Hiatus :37 h Ronfalon ... :37h 4-11 Holl Bit ... :37h One-Half Mile. 4-2 By Surprise. :52 h Mint Bud .. :52 h 4-1 Count Dean. :52h 4-11 Pocket Piece. :50h 3-17 Crushed Ice. :52 h 4-7 Silvery Cld. :52 h Edgemont .. :55 b 4-10 Sunned .... :51 h 3-31 Fire Star ... :51 h 4-11 Some Good.. :52h 3- 3 Gay Minetta. 1 h 4-7 Tuleyries Ry :51h 4- 9 Grace Bting :54 h 4-11 Unr the Gs :50h 3- 20 Mansco :50h Five-Eighths Mile. Bton Brookl:08 h Masked Gal.l:05 h 4- 2 Bitsy-Witsy .1:08 b 4-10 Portden ....1:06 h 4-1 Better Forgetl:08 b 3-26 Pumice Stnel:05?sh 4-9 Chiliad l:04h 3-9 Rustic Joe .1:04h 4-7 Deliberate ..lK4h 4-13 Surf Hour .l:07h Flag Raising.l:06 h 3-25 Silver Palm .1:07 b 4-12Furfiber ...l:05h Sister Cain .1:06 h 4:9 Hope to Do .1:09 b 4-11 Trujillo ....l:06h 4-6 Imperial Pal.l:05h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-1 Airatrix ....l:20h 4-9 Light Brook.l:21h At Dusk ....1:20 h 4-1 Movie Lass .l:20h 4-8 .Brieht Bird .1:23 h 4-10 Roman S.drl:18h 3- 10 Buck Lghel:20 h 4-4 Rough PIayerl:23 h 4- 9 Canrock ....1:22 h. 4-9 Star Porter .1:1 6h 4-13 Engles Boy .1:20 h 4-9 Socty Coln.l:20 h 4-11 Firethorn ..l:19h 4-9 Sainted ....l:21h 4-12 High Flag ..1:21 h 4-5 The Mauler .1:20 h I 4-2 Laura S. ...1:23 b Wise Sistcr.l:20 h One Mile. 4-11 Army a. Ny1:46 h 4-10 Resurrection l;49h Bmg Guns.l:46h 4-11 War Embm.l:46h 4-8 Cachalot ....1:52 h 4-8 Vanda Cera.l:50 h Flag Mast ..1:48 h War Tale. . .1:49 h Army and Navy and War Emblem went ! handily together. Star Porter showed a good trial. . Booming Guns was under restraint. . 4 Firethorn went handily. Flag Mast went handily. - Deliberate showed speed. . -. Cycle showed a nice turn of speed. ; j ARLINGTON DOWNS. I Inside Track. 1 Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Blk Hibrow :37 b 4-10 Marsoolas . . :36,d 4-11 Bal Ele :38h 4-5 Miss Pompey :36h. 4-11 Chance Line. :39 h 4-7 Mindalo ....-8 h 4-7 Chanceview.. :38 b ,4-7 Mars Shield. :37 h 4-1 Continuity .. :39h 4-10 Nat Bragg... :36d 4-10 Disarray ... :37b 4-9 Playaway .. :373sh 2- 10 Eskimo .... :42 b 4-7 Parawick ... :36h 4-10 Fast Express :38b 4-6 Ruth Scout.. :37h 4-5 Evilo ...... :37b 4-10 Solar Maid. . :37h 4-10 He Did..... :39, b 4-13 Scythe :37h 4-9 Howard G... :37h 4-11 Solar Hawk.. :37h" 4-9 Hurry Hawk :37h 4-8 Van Hastings :38h 4-8 Lassies Pride :38h 4-10 Valted :36ih 4-6 Lassies Son :36b 4-9 Viajero :41h 4-4 My Auntie... :37h 3-19 Whipr Crkr :39 b 4-3 Miss Gravity :36d 2-26 Wise Eddie.. :43b 4-5 Mry Caroline :36h One-Half Mile. 4-10 Alma Delia.. :49b 4-11 Hastinola ... :51 b 4-8 Al Carlys.... :49 h 4-llInfidox :52b 4-9 Astra ; :47h 4-9 Legal Gamble :52Hb 4-9 Billy I :49ih 4-2 Let Her Play :51h 4-12 Banish Fear. :54 b 4-7 Michigan Lad :50h 4-7 Bright Knot :51 h 3-28 Odd Bleu. .. :48ib 4-11 Bedight .... :50h 4-9 Proven :51h 4-6 Crout au Pot :49h 4-11 Reckless ... :49h 4-llCottingham.. :49h 4-11 1 See :50h 4-5 Emigrante .. :57 b 4-11 Thistle Jock :54 b 4-6 Erb :49h 3-26 Texland .... :54h 4-11 Freeze :48 h 4-9 Tugbt Frank :51 h 4-11 High Polish.. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Bert Rcid... 1:03 h 4-12 Money Gettr1:00h 4-10 Epi Witch.. .imh 4-2 Otra Vez....l:05h 4-4 Fitkin l:05y5h 4-10 Polyphote . l:04h 4-8 Flikerry ....1:01 h 3-27 Sailors Gift.l:10 b 4-5 Galla 1:04 h 4-6 Skpy McGcel:05 h 4-11 Golden Saintl:07 h 4-13 takus l:07b 4-13Higliomar ..l:03h 4-11 Toney Boy..l:04h 4-llLeros l:03h 4-8 Texas Pal...l:04h 4-12 La Jta Wtel:06b Three Quarters Mile. 3-14 All Bays l:18b 4-11 Kuvito 1:17 h 4-6 Boy Valet... 1:16 h 3-28 Lovito l:15h 4-5 Barrido 1:17 b 4-8 Nedrow l:20h 4-2 Blue Cat.... 1:17 b 3-16 No Saint... .l:15h 3- 15 Barney Kcenl:18b 4-10 Nedvive ....l:15h 4- 11 Border Qun.l:17 h 4-11 Onalark ....1:15 h 4-9 Greenstone .l:20b 3-27 Orthoprism ,l:18b 4-4 Chuck Wagnl:20b 4-11 Prince Fox. .l:15h 4-7 Chrisne Adeel:19 b 4-9 Pulis 1:17 b 4-7 Indafor 1:20 b 4-9 The Choctawl:17h 4-7 Impeach ....l:16b 4-10 Westko 1:20 b One Mile. 4-llAncelot ....l:42h 3-29 Reverberate l:45h 4-10 Jack Connerl:42h Outside track. Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 20 Best o Luck :36 h 4-7 Royal Palace :39 h 2-24 High Mogul.. :40h 4-9 Wax ....... t37h 4- 5 Mokcna :36 h One-Half Mile. 4-8 Bally Wise.. :53b 4-10 Palm Island. :50h Cotton Club. :54b 3-27 Racketeer . . :51h 4-llGreyfen .... :52h 4-11 Ryl Flight. :51h 4-11 Ima Count.. :52 h 4-9 Wily Girl. ... :52h 4-11 Noahs Pride :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-13Creston ....1:03 h 4-5 Pitter Pat...1:02h 4-10 Croon .1:03 h 4-8 Sickle Hour.. 1:03 h 4-11 Off Duty.... l:08b Fast Express was breezing. He Did was given a short trial in preparation for longer work tomorrow. Odd Blue holds his good form, being under restraint in his trial. Let Her Play sulks in her works. Astra had his speed. Croon and Toney Boy were going handily in their trials. Money Getter is nearing top form. Impeach was breezing. Onalark acted well. No Saint, Lovito and Nedvive went well from the gate together. Jack Conner and Ancelot were together. The following horses came from the gate: Parawick, Merry Caroline, Al Carlys, Let Her Play. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather partly cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Air Chute... :39 b 4-9 Karkie :38b 4-6 Busy Jane.. :37 h Katchican .. :38 b 3- 26 Baby Stare.. :42 b 4-11 Lily Maid. .. Ullih 4- 11 Black Noah.. :37h 4-11 Midlanda ... :37 h Bib ........ :38b 4-8 Mibs :37 h 3-7 Blue Hour... :37b Mate Tea.... :39b China Tea... :37h 4-7 Nemont .... :37h City Limit... :38b 4-9 News Girl... :37h Chipetta .... :40 b 4-7 Recussion .. :39b" 3- 9 Dark Friend :37 h Rhine :38b 4-11 Diane Thne :397sb 3-26 Rebekah .... :41b 4-10 Dux . . . :384sh Squaw Lady. ZandM.h FlamgTorch :37h 4-11 Step Quick... :37h 4-12 Gyral :37h 4-7 Snow Queen :37h Glentar :40 b Sanskrit .... :38h Henry M.... :39 b 4-4 Tut Tut..... :40 b Hy Sonny... :37b The Major.. :37h One Halt Mile. 4-13 Absconder .. :49h Mams Choice :59 b 4-8 Alice Jean... :51 b 4-11 More Gay. ... :51 h 4-llAlbubble ... :51h Mbandmo ... lb 4-9 Billbo :52,b 4-11 Nectarine ... :54ib 4-11 Cross Ruff... :51b Nim ....... :53 b Challite .... :50h 4-10 Orientalist .. :49h 3- 31 Cessna :50andh 4-9 Putzen ..... :51 h Candescent.. :50b 3-26Proph ;51 h 4-12 Capt. Cal.... :50 h : 4-11 Prcs Megan :53b 4-10 Dr. Menndez :48h 4-11 Patsyelte ... :55 b Derby Eve. .. :55b 4-11 Rock X.. . . .. -.52b 3-31 Glen Reveille :51h 4-11 Rosestem ... :50b 3- 26 Hit and Run. :524i,b Sir Isaac ... :51h 2- 23 Indian Xove. :50?h 4-11 Songmaker ... :50 h 4- 111 Chase :51b 4-10 Sourdine .... :48ih 4-l2Kairack :53 b Tobacco .... :53 b 4-8 Lady Mt rose :53 b 4-11 Woodway . . . :50h 4-9 Ms Sycamre -.51 b 4-11 Whipstitch.. :52b Five-Eighths Mils. I 4-11 Black Miss. .1:05 b 4-10 Lady Sybil.. l:044ib 4-1 Blondsure . ..l:06b 3-21 Lady Genie..l:07b I 4-7 Best Bid....l:05b 4-11 Maple Ricca.l:05 h 4-11 Cool 1:08 b 4-8 Night Flowerl:04b 4-13 Cherry Time.l:06 b 4-11 Peter J. Pecll:05 h 4-HDarlg Dolliel:08?sb 4-10 Pierre Andrel:07 b 3- 30 Dnieper ....1:05 b 4-11 Ping l:04h 4- 11 Dolaway ....l:04h 4-7 ..Red Rod.... 1:07 b 4-11 Dandy Jay. ..l:03h 3-31Stjensund . ..l:04h 4-llFairisk ..:r:l3h 4-1i:Spanish Lad.1:02h 4-12Foxiana ....l:05b 4-13 Sea Ted l:08b 4-11 Hour Lady. .1:07 b 4-llSis Alice.... 1:05 h 4-13Kailin 1:04 h 4-7 Wegoway ...l:03h 4-11 Kapado l:03h 4-10 WiseDuke..l:05b 4-7 Lady Frmdersl:05b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-13 Anklets l:14h 4-13iMonks Time.l:29 b 4-11 Boston Pal..l:14b 4-llNovette ....1:19 h 4-12 Cpensatory I:Y6h 4-lloPeIoria ...:..1t17 h 4-12 Dulcimer ...l:17h 4-11 Rickev Roo..l:25 b 4-10 Differ 1:17 h 4-11 Star Bud.... 1;21 b 4-6 Deliberator ..1:16 b 4-7 Stinger .....l:19b 3:31 Kabo 4;197ab. 4-9 Spanish Babel-.22b 4-10Lunsford ...l:17h 4-ll,Score ....t.l:215b 4-8 Military Lassl:19 h 4-11 Tuccia ......1:24 b 4-11 Mary Terry..l:14d 4-12 Teddy Boy. ..l:22b 4-13 Miss Saxon. .l:19h 3-3i;Undatcd . . ..l:19b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-11 High Diver.. 1:36 b One Mile. 4-7 Fast Stride.. l:44ib 4-12 Silas 1:43h Dr. Menendez Vorked with Sourdine and showed a good effort. Songmaker and Capt. Cal were together. Spanish Lad showed a good trial. Deliberator looks good and is rounding to good form. Anklets work was impressive. Mary Terry accompanied Boston Pal in a good trial. The latter pulled up lame. Compensatory accompanied Silas for three.-quarters of his mile work. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2- 20 Alice G. ... :39 h 3-28 Ch. Empress :37b 3- 24Almarine ... :37h 4-10 Emily Jane.. :37h 4- 11 Bardoga .... :36 h 4-11 Luxuro .... :39b 4-10Cirena :33 h 4-11 Linnie Kate. :40b Clarkie .... :39h 4-10 Quirky :Zlh 4-llChnut Qun :36d 3-26 Torch Mdn :37h 4-10 Caravel .... :364ih One-Half Mile. 4-10 Fond Mries. :52b 1-26 Oriental Miss :53 b 4-11 King Tea .. :52h 3-28 Old Judge .. :55h 4-llNogalo :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Assist 1:07 h 4-11 Santerno ...1:05h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-1 Hogans Fox . .1:19b 4-11 Polite Ann .l:224ih Nothing worthy of comment. BAY MEADOWS. . Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 27 Cannibal ... :36b 4-8 Natalie Alice. :39Ab Dodloo :37 b 2-6 Speed Girl . :37b 4- 9 Etcr Tommy :37b 4-11 Sir Spangles :37b 4-11 Good Politn :37b 4-9 Too Mh Tk :41b 4-7 Lysander . . . :36b 4-12 Tacnar :37b One-Half Mile. 4-6 Chartres . . . :50b 4-11 Gabbo :50b 4-11 Chief Evgrn :50Sb 4-9 Mad Joss .. :50 b 4-6 Denbigh .. .. :505feb , 4-11 Morale :49 h 4-7 Darling Sal . :51b Five-Eighths Mil. 4-8 Aukai l.-04b 4-11 King Caress.lKM b 4-6 Beverly Hillsl:04b 3-12 Lady Bewuslandb 4-7 Bonynge ...l:04b 4-7 Matlic Hserl:04 h 4-5 Corte Madcral:04b 4-6 Malia ......1:04 b 4-11 Harrogate .,l:09b 3-6 War Letter-.1:03 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-6 Drastic Rsel:19 b 3 51 Sir Wag ...1:18 b 3- 30 Pass Up ...l:19b Strollg Miss.l:16 h 4- 9 Risky Miss .1:15?h Speed Girl was slightly snugged. Easter Tommy was hard held. -rLysander was stoutly restrained. . t Chartres -and, Gabbo went evenly together, -Morale was hard- held. - v War Letter, was restrained all the way..vt Beverly Hills was restrained, to Mattie Houser. . , . . : Strolling Miss was well rated throughout. Risky Miss- was, snugged all the way. - JAMAICA. " Weather clear; track sloppy- Three-Eighths Mile. - - 4-11 B1V Bricde :39b 4-11 Somali . .. :Z$ b 3- 29 Dame Quickly :36d 4-10 Volomite ... :39 b 4- 11 Feuctte :39 b - tv One-Half Mile. 4-llBalios :52 h 4-11 Shes Mine.. :50Jh 4-11 Bnds Count :52 h 1-27 Silvery Way. :54 b 4-12 Moralist ... :52 h 4-11 Sailr Beware :50h 4-12Mama Mary :51d 4-12 Wise King. .. :50b 3- 25 Queen Vic... :52 h - Five-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Silence III... 1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. Blind Talk.. 1:22 b 4-12 Paul Junr..l:19 h Bank Holidayl:21 b 4-10 Peradventure. b 4- 11 Chin Up.... 1:23 b Radiator ....til d 4-11 Fair Stein.. .1:24 b 4-9 Torita 1:22 b 4-12 Gov. Sholtz.l:19 b 3-23 Tribunal ....l:19b Polle 1:22 b 4-12 Yankee Prcel-21 d One Mile. 4-12 Carver l:50ib 4-11 First Minstl.l:46h 4-12 Evening Hr.l:50b 4-9 Old Story... VA3i AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Abaddon . . . :36h 4-11 High Ldmk. :36h Bagdcmagns. :36h 4-12 King Saxon. :39 b 3- 11 Crop :39 b 3-11 Mauritius .. :39 b 4- 12 Danise M.... :40 b One Hall Mil. 4-11 Bosnia :49 h 4-11 Drawbridge.. :49 h 4-11 Crafty Fox.. :55 b 4-11 Wiskrona ... :55 V 4-9 Clutter .... :50h 3-8 Vera Cruz... :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Shcknows ..1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-11 Blue Donna.. 1:21 h 4-11 Flyg Dervishl:21 h 4-11 Candle Stick.l:22 h 3-8 Ms Rnbow.l:21?h Cantie 1:22. h Package ....1:25 b 4-11 Clappg Janel:22h 4-10 Plucky Polly.11 h 4-11 Flying Carpetl:23 h 4-9 Ruth Wrack.l:21 h . 4-11 Flyg Amaznl:227ih Secret Vote.. 1:29 b 4-11 Flyg Victoryl:22h Seven-Eighths Mile. Ml Epical 1:29h 4-11 Flyg Centaurl:33 h 4-11 Flying Falconl:33 h One Mile. 4-3 Chatain ....1:46 h 4-6 Captn Jinks.l:46h TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast One Halt Mil. 4,11 Babur :48 h 4 10 Madcris .... :50 b 4-1 Dunes :50b 4-11 Special Agent :48h.. 4-8 Festoon .... :49h 4-10 Temper .... :50b 3- 30.Grsprg Lad :49b 3-23 Voltation ... :52 ,b 4- 3 Kteny Belle :48 h - , Five-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Pima Star. ..l:01d Three-Quarters Mile. 3-23Georcia M...l:17b 4-11 Uppermost ..1:14 J

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