untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-05-21


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! SO LONG, RATS! By PHILLIPS LORD Author of Radios Popular "Gang Busters" Programs Read this amazing story M I SJJbK in the current issue of fffj A Radio Guide. It tells of ijpf|59 M the capture of four pub- W 7 m lie enemies this month Jm WffMkW by G-Men. Dont miss fyJ? fflKmr this interesting story. *2g§My ALSO INCLUDED IN THE SAME ISSUE: d|j| Dick Powells Road to Romance vli H A L!ttle Boy from a Small Town in Ar- kansas Rose to Be the Toast of Millions, ftl|gf--% I i on Stage, Screen and in Radio. Start VjgJ*" ] His Amazing Story in This Issue ■ wf **y* a Boake Garter, Crusader The Secret of Why This Newscaster Is j£and Cordially Hated in Some Circles — and * s Why He Is the Most Discussed Man in Rem! RADIO GUIDE Regularly For the Pick of the Programs of Your Favorite Stations for Every Day of the Week ... for Pictures, News and Gossip of Your Favorite Radio Stars . . . for Short Wave News and Programs On Sale at All News Stands Radio Guide THE NATIONAL WEEKLY OF PROGRAMS AND PERSONALITIES

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936052101/drf1936052101_20_1
Local Identifier: drf1936052101_20_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800