Hawthorne Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1936-05-21


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; i i • I • j - j t t r] i j ; i J | HAWTHORNE TURF NOTES 4 @ Charles Ford, one of the lessees of the ! property on which Hawthorne is situated j i and a director of the Chicago Business Mens ! Racing Association, which operates that j track, arrived Tuesday from Phoenix, Ariz., his health fully restored following a three months tussle with rheumatism. He will I | remain here for the full Chicago racing i season. E. K. Brysons string of fourteen was un-; j ! loaded at Hawthorne Wednesday. Shipped j from Maryland, the horses were in good con- dition upon arrival. Several others owned 1 by the same patron and now at Aurora will I be transferred to Hawthorne Saturday. i Decision not to change the position of the ! placing judges stand at Hawthorne was j 1 reached at a meeting of members of the rac-j J ing commission, judge Chris FitzGerald and Albert Sabath, president of the track, in j j Chicago Wednesday. Sabath had considered , j , situating the placing judges at the line of j finish on the inside or centerfield side of i ; the track. I The full roster of racing officials for the i Hawthorne meeting will not be announced I before Friday, according- to Albert Sabath, I I , head of the track. Negotiations with sev-I eral officials had not been closed Wednes-j day, Sabath said. I Eight horses belonging to Chappel Broth-[ ers of Rockport, 111., are expected at Haw-j thorne Thursday. E. L. Fitzgerald, trainer of the N. W. Church stable, wired C. W. Hay, general manager of Hawthorne, for a condition book i and stakes data. The Church horses are to ! be shipped here from the Church farm, . near San Jose, Calif. Approximately 100 horses are stabled in privately-owned barns outside Hawthorne and Sportsmans Park, where the supply of | 865 stalls was exhausted several days ago. Six stalls to be used by the C. V. Whitney ! and Greentree Stables during the meeting i have been set aside at Hawthorne. The two stables will be represented in several of the Hawthorne stakes. W. D. Scofield, with four horses owned by : I. and E. Stern of Chicago, arrived here j j Wednesday from Louisville. t Hawthorne officials hope to lure M. L. Schwartz Bold Venture, winner of the Ken-1 | i tucky Derby and Preakness Stakes, here for , , I the 5,000 added Chicago Derby, scheduled j to be run June 20. Grandstand and clubhouse boxes for the meeting have been selling so fast that Haw- | j thorne officials anticipate a complete sellout before Saturday, opening day. They are priced at 5 for the meeting. 1 Hawthornes admission prices this year ! will be the same as last, with a general admission fee of per person and for each j clubhouse admittance. I The sale of tickets on the "Daily Double" , at Hawthorne will stop at 2:15 oclock daily, i 1 ; This is five minutes before post time for the i j first race — the first half of the "Double." The third race will complete the combination. The first race post time of 2:20 is the! 1 i same as last season. I Under a ruling of the state racing commis-1 I ! sion, the stewards and placing judges will I | collaborate in deciding races when photo- ■ | graphs of the finish are necessary. The mare Little Visitor and her colt foal I by Pot au Feu died at Scotland Farm in t Kentucky Tuesday, according to word received by A. Sabath, who owned them. The I I foal was only forty-eight hours old. I Say, . another of the Sabath mares at Scotland I Farm, has a colt foal by Judge Hay at : i her side. j Although the racing strip was not at its 5 best, training activity approached midseason i proportions at Hawthorne Wednesday morning. - Barring rain the track should be fast t Thursday. The Tranquillity Farm Stable horses to the number of twenty-seven arrived Wednes-I ■ day morning. Trainer E. L. Snyder directed I the unloading of the Tranquillity horses. The large Denemark stable, which is expected - to play a prominent part in Haw- - thorne racing, got in from Churchill Downs. . Bert Michcll has thirty head to campaign at the Cicero course. Roscoe Goose, who has sixteen useful campaigners, was an arrival Wednesday morning. B. Ott also got in with his ship--1 ment of ten from Churchill Downs. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Taylor were on the grounds Wednesday morning, the couple having motored in from Lexington.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936052101/drf1936052101_21_4
Local Identifier: drf1936052101_21_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800