untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-05-21


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: Eventful Racing Day, Saturday, May 23! The first of the Major Tracks situated within ; the Metropolitan area of Chicago to hold a race | meeting in 1936 will be the ever popular Hawthorne, the nearest course to the "Loop." The Chicago Business Mens Racing Associa-ij tion, under whose auspicious Hawthorne is operated, has completed | | all preparations for the opening of the west side course on Satur-day, May 23, and if the weather is pleasant, a capacity crowd is ! certain. With approximately 1,000 horses of all grades available for ! the Hawthorne and other Chicago meetings to follow, it requires no [i stretch of the imagination to predict some wonderful racing for the I patrons of the local courses. Latonia will be the scene of another ! great Kentucky meeting, such as recently closed at Churchill Downs, j while Detroit will entertain the thousands of racing fans in the i Motor City, each of these meetings beginning on Saturday. New York and New England will at the same time contribute its quota of high class racing, assuring patrons of the |j sport in many sections of the country, the most fascinating, of all out- j j door sports. In order that you may thoroughly enjoy the rac- i ing at Hawthorne, Latonia, Detroit and other points where you may I | be located, it is advisable to have a copy of the 1936 American Racing |j Manual as a guide and reference. It has a ready answer for nearly every turf ques- I tion. It is a mine of records and contains information obtainable no- ii where else. The jl ; 1936 American Racing Manual I I has been enlarged and greatly enhanced in value with a number of !| new features such as Racing Colors, American Breeding Farms, List of Jockeys and Contract Employers, A Racing Map, showing where ji all the tracks are located, and other items of importance. You must I read this marvelous book to throughly appreciate its worth. The edl-| tion is limited and judging by the insistent demand for this "Wonder jl Book of The Turf," it is-necessary for all who desire a copy to send in an order immediately as no others will be printed after what now I seems certain to be a complete sellout. For your convenience the following order blank is presented: ORDER BLANK I |j DAILY RACING FORM, ; 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111.: , Enclosed find o for which send me copy of THE j AMERICAN RACING MANUAL for 1936 in PAPER .50 SPECIAL .00 DE LUXE .50 Please specify kind of binding desired j NAME ; l! STREET AND NUMBER cJ P. O. AND STATE I Please print name j nd address plainly j| _ j j r _r r

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936052101/drf1936052101_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1936052101_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800