Texas May Recognize Betting Outside Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1936-05-21


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TEXAS MAY RECOGNIZE | BETTING OUTSIDE TRACKS i ..,,,. j AUSTIN, Texas, May 20.— State recognition of the demand by racing enthusiasts to bet outside as well as within the tracks may come about under a plan which R. B. Anderson, state tax commissioner, is said to be preparing to present to the Texas Racing Commission, of which he is a member. Offices would be established in the larger cities, where bets would be accepted on races in Texas, these wagers to be transmitted to the track in operation so that they would become a part of the pari-mutuel pools. Under this plan both the track and the state treasury would receive their shares of the money wagered. Bettors away from the track would, of course, receive the mutuel odds. It is Mr. Andersons idea that the majority of players would prefer to place wagers through the offices sponsored by the state commission. The commissioner is quoted as saying that he believes the plan to be legal under the present Texas law insofar as it relates to races in Texas, and he intends submitting it to the attorney general for a ruling. If this is favorable the proposal will be put up to the state racing board. The legal opinion and official action may not be expected until August, as Texas will have no more racing on its major tracks until next fall. State agency handling of bets on races run outside of Texas would not be legal, in Mr. Andersons opinion, but if his plan proves successful during the Texas racing season its operation might be expanded by legislative enactment to cover all racing.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936052101/drf1936052101_21_3
Local Identifier: drf1936052101_21_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800