untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-05-21


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— inc.- — r- _— MT*Wlf FT*ntt TUESDAYS BOOK WINNER: VTMT TfXMl |EA4lrin2l|| TECHNOCRACY, 6.80, WON ||| MHCTVM lfffinPSI TW0 10"1 shots free today ONrTrfflSr lllfll Tflfcraph for six issues of our booklet. Call llandLJjJjUiUII hi I JIV J77TWMlor Phone RANDOLPH 9195 9196. H77HIMZUWi — ?R « Out. assay FREE-12-1 WINNER— TODAY JUST TO PROVE THE "CALIBER" OF MY INFO City players, call at my office in person or phone DEARBORN 1712-1764. Out-of towners, wire including correct address for fast reply by return wire collect. Positively no obligation. "CLOCKER" LONGSHOT SAM, 10 N. Clark St., Room 1304, Chicago, III. ■ J KSffTElJfifil SMT NOW ONLY 10 CENTS ~WI Warren Jr~2.40, Won Regrens Narragansett Pay-Off Horse Sun Chaucer, $ 6.90, Won Regrens Narragansett Standout Regrens followers had a banner day at Narragansett, Tuesday, this selector having had FOUR WINNERS at the Pawtucket oval. Included among these good-priced winners were his PAY-OFF HORSE, WARREN JR., and his STANDOUT, SUN CHAUCER. Thats what you call real handicapping — pointing out winners like those twenty-four hours before post time. Youll profit handsomely if you follow Regrens Pointed-Out Horses. REGREN ALSO HAD: GOLDEN SEPTRE, 1.00, WON METEORIC, 8.00, WON LA SALLE, 7.80, WON PORT O PLAY, 6.40, WON Good-Odds McCarty Had the Following Winners: BUTCH, 0.00, WON WISE BUN, 9.50, WON LEGIONARY, 9.00, WON SANG FROID, 9.00, WON MYSTIC SIGN, 8.80, WON KNIGHT GALLANT, 6.20, WON The "Splitting the Seconds" Column Gave Out: JOLYON, 0.20, WON MR. BONES, 9.50, WON Theres one way of making sure that you have an ample supply of winners daily, and that is by having the "Pink Sheet" to guide you. This publication is noted for the consistency with which it gives out winners. Once you begin reading it youll never be without it. THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: BELMONT— Street-51-35-50. NARRAGANSETT— Walk-35-47-51. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mail

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936052101/drf1936052101_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1936052101_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800