untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1938-11-15


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flMffnllPH SW ONLY. 10 CENTS McCartys Good-Priced Winners: GALLANT STROKE, 1.60, Won BELLES LAST, 1.00, Won SLOW MOTION, 3.30, Won BABY TALK, 1.20, Won McCarty released some excellent winners Saturday, ranging from GALLANT STROKE, 1.60, Won, at Narragansett, to BABY TALK, 1.20, Won, at Pimlico. He also had SLOW MOTION at Pimlico, while BELLES LAST, 1.00, Won, was his choice in the second race at Bay Meadows. For winners at good odds, consult McCartys daily selections. o REGRENS SHREVEPORT SELECTIONS: EASY BID, 0.00, WON BENNY B. Pay-Off Horse, $ 8.00, WON HUNTER LYON, $ 5.80, WON AT PIMLICO, REGREN HAD: SWIMALONG, . $ 8.00, WON RYE BEACH Pay-Off Horse, $ 6.20, WON 0 AMONG BASSETTS PICKS: GALL ACL AY, 1.60, WON TARTARUS, 1.00, WON CHALLEDON, $ 9.90, WON LUCKY OMEN X Special, $ 6.70, WON 0 REGRENS SATURDAY SPECIAL: SUNPORT, $ 2.90, WON 0 THERE ARE WINNERS OF EVERY TYPE AND DESCRIPTION IN THE "PINK SHEET" EVERY DAY ALL PLAYERS SHOULD MAKE IT A POINT TO HAVE A COPY OF THIS PAPER ON HAND DAILY TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: NARRAGANSETT Tie-39-31-24. PIMLICO Suit-35-24-28. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ELL.. .50 per Month by First-Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mail WEEKLY FORM BOOK NO. 181 PRICE, 35 CENTS NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE NO EVASIONS I Our Players Got the Horse and the Race S I SATURDAYS FREE CODES: s My Surprise, 6.60, Won I Finance, 1.50, 3rd "SPOT" HORSE: M SEVENTH INNING, $ 5.90, 3RD FRIDAYS FREE CODES: ISuntime, .80, Won 1 - HAPPY HELEN, Lost 1 THURSDAYS FREE CODES: 1 i Bar Fly, 1.80, Won I GREEDAN, Lost WEDNESDAYS FREE CODES: f Gr idine, $ 1 1 .60, Won CLODION, Beaten a Neck 3 1 TUESDAYS FREE CODES: j r Dixieland, 14.0, Won 1 SECOND CODE HORSE, Second 1 Players want the good things. Weekly Form has em. We gave FREE to buyers of Weekly Form the above two horses. GET YOUR COPY OF THE NEW ISSUE TODAY Ten Issues Two Months .00 . 3 H Two Free Codes Daily "Spot" Horses 5 5 NOTE We do not advise a parlay on the Free Codes. sj s Play them separately. 5 S5 TODAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: S SEE BOOK NO. 180 3 S PIMLICO Gun-14-19-3. NARRAGANSETT AIr-ll-14-lG. 3 WEEKLY FORM PUB. CO. 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. PLAY HORSES THAT WIN! Run Races IN ADVANCE With Cappers Amazing RACE-O-GRAPH No gadset, toy or "system," but sensational new handicapping device! Nothing like it! Scientific saves time, money, guesswork. With Clippers ItACK-O-JKAPH you can: 1 Tell where each entry should finish; 2 Check choices of favorite selector or "hot tips" of friends; 3 Uncover long-priced sleepers lie-fore pnlilic gets em; 4 I-ocate good priced place and show winners! Cappers KACE-O-GKAPH will make you expert handicapper! Fays for self at once users say: "Greatest ever; cashing: in!" Easy, ready to use. Approved br experts, protected by U. S. Copyright. Kim race IN ADVANCE with Cappers RACE-O-JllAPII before next bet! Complete, .00 postpaid. No other expense necessary; your .00 pays for everything. Mail today to: CAPPERS PUBLISHING COMPANY 4 East 53rd St., 7th Floor. New York, N. Y. WEEKLY BOOK-35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS By Subscription 10 Weeks, . Address: MASTER CL0CKER. 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. PIMLICO FREE CODE: Tag-Pur-Sea-Sea-Pur. NARRAGANSETT FREE CODE: Tax-Gag-Dog-Pur-Dog. TURF LIGHT FREE CODES Get current issue. Decipher code below. Check our Top Liners, Sleepers and Three to Follow, page 2, Turf Light, on all newsstands everywhere, 15 cents. Use November 19th issue. Code: January-Maryland: Aspire-Arcade-Arcade-Archer. Code: April-Maryland: Anchor-Animal-Augur-Artist. Bi-Monthly Card Code: 1st Maryland: 5-11-11-21. TURF LIGHT. 140 West 42nd St., New York City. THE NEW WEEKLY THE PAPER THAT PICKS WINNERS The POST TIME RATINGS are producing many Winers, and at nice odds. Students of these Ratings just cashed in on: HOURSEND, 6.20, WON ROSY DOON, 0.20, WON PHRIXUS, 7.00, WON PRINCE SPLENDOR, 6.90, WON GAY MAY, 4.10, WON HIGH VELOCITY, 0.30, WON HAZEL F., 0.30, WON MON DOIT, 1.40, WON CRINOLINE, 4.30, WON AND MANY OTHERS CLOCKERS CHOICES, a regular feature of POST TIME WEEKLY, give more winners than ever, and at long prices. Recent winners: CRAFTY FOX, 9.80, WON HIGH VELOCITY, 3.60, WON BLAUFUSS, 8.00, WON COUNT PAN, 7.40, WON KINROSS, 3.60, WON DOMONIC B., 4.80, WON GREEN JADE, 9.00, WON DOGAWAY, 6.80, WON ROSERETTER, 3.20, WON REVELSTOKE, 1.30, WON i BRILLIANT ROCK, . 1.30, WON Our Clockers are on the job at all tracks, and they keep our readers in the pay-off line. Sometimes a horse which we give in Clockers Choices may come out and win before you get your copy of the paper. If you will send .00, we will mail the paper direct as soon as it comes off the press. You cannot afford to miss any of these long shot winners. The price is 35 cents per copy. Subscription rates .00 for ten weeks. TODAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: 1st NARRAGANSETT: Wheat-Cattle-Alfalfa-Tea. 4th PIMLICO: Pork-Cattle-Oats-Oats. To decipher, see page 2, POST TIME WEEKLY, issue dated November 19. POST TIME WEEKLY 542 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. SPECIAL OFFER: Send-us .00 and we. will enter your subscription for -two -weeks and also send you a copy of Bob Tagneys -booklet, "Beat the Races." This L is a real run for your -money. - ... . .,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1938111501/drf1938111501_27_1
Local Identifier: drf1938111501_27_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800