Official Racing Charts: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-04

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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. Jamaica NEW YORK. N. Y.. SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1942— JAMAICA 1 MILE. Twenty-first day of twenty-seven-day meeting April 9 to May 9. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Puett gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by J. J. Jones Photo-Finish camera. _-- Steward Representing The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy. Steward Representing New York State Racinj Commission. Francis P. Dunne. Steward, H. 0. Vosburgh. Visiting member of The Jockey Club, George H. Bull. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, John B. Campbell. Assistant Racing Secretary, Julius Reeder. Starter, George Cassidy. Judqes, C. Cornehlsen. Frank E. Kilroe and Joseph E. Kyle. Clerk of Scales, Albert Burlen. Assistant Clerk of Scales, Nelson Strang. Paddock and Patrol Judqe, Myron D. Davis. Patrol and Assistant Paddock Judge, George Hyland. Patrol Judges, Walter Mara and Frank Keogh. Timer, John Miller. Physician, Dr. Michael Spinrad. Track Veterinarian, Dr. M. J. Dair. Supervisor of Saliva Test and Chief Veterinarian of New York State Racinq Commission, Dr. Jordan Woodcock. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting, 1941, .38; current meeting, .34. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one horse. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942 — :58 — 2—106. Purse 0 0 9 ,500. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming:. Weight, 118 lbs. Claim-L 2 O O J ing price 52,000; if for ,750, allowed 3 lbs.; if for ,500, 7 lbs. May 2-42 — Jam Net va|ue t0 *inner ,375; jeCond, 00; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St i:« % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 11 Strt 22754*IS I IS wll5 5 7 7* 5i 4" P PetersM Coldstream Stable 3.80 22662 SPARKLING MAID wb 112 6 3 l3 I* l3 2l WestropeJ Mrs E C Salsbury 47.00 22542*UHHUH wb 114 3 10 4 42 3* 3» RobertsonA H P Headlev +1.05 22362 EPA WAY wbIII 4 9 11* 7* 63 4» MeadeD F J Buchanan 9.85 22498 GOOD LOOKING wb112 9 5 32 2* 2» 5s MayT Warbem Stable 18.90 22754 HAT HOPKINS wb 111 1 1 2h 31 52 62 MehrtensW A J Sackett 14.55 22754 JIMAR wbIII 2 2 5l *3 1» I3 WallN Mrs H Dulford 5.55 22498 SAGAMORE LADY wb109 7 6 8l 8 8* 8* BasileM J E Kenney 179.80 REAL MAN wb118 10 4 6* 9l 9* 95 WholeyR B F Whitaker 47.20 22708 TONK wb112 8 8 10h 10- 102 10h RodriguezE L L Hagein II +1.05 22754 TOP GALLANT wb11112 12 12 12 lll 11= KeiperP J T Pratt Jr 147.20 DOCCOBBE w 113 11 11 9h 112 12 12 LaidlejO Railroad Stable 152.55 fCoupled as H. P. Headlev and L. L. Haeein II. entrv. Time. :235. :47%, 1:00S- Track fast. r-%2 Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . k k . in* IS I IS 9.60 5.00 3.00 3.80 160 .60 fVlUtllCl I TICCS SPARKLING MAID 29.30 7.50 13.65 2.75 UHHUH Entry 240 .20 Winner— Ch. g. by Islam — Fair Rosamond, by Ballot, trained by Jack Howard: bred by Regan Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST— 2:05. OFF AT 2:07 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. IS I IS improved his position steadily and. entering the stretch, was steered to the outside and, finishing with a rush, wore down the leaders in the final drive SPARKLING MAID drew away into a safe lead while saving ground and bad no mishaps. UHHIH was rushed up fast from a slow beginning and faltered nearing the finish. EPAWAY was slow to begin and finished well. GOOD LOOKING, a prominent factor throughout, faltered at the finish. CHAT HOPKINS could not keep up. JIMAR had no mishaps. SAGAMORE LADY was unable to improve her position. REAL MAN was never a dangerous factor. TONK was outrun. TOP GALLANT broke slowly. DOC COBBE had no mishaps. Scratched— 22710 Pictograph. 112: 22542 Pilatan. 108: 22498 Blended Well. 108; 22498 Foe OWoe, 111; 22498 3Felsway, 111: 22710 Outcome, 103; 22542 Love Venture. 112: 22332 Black Magic, 111. Overweight — Sparkling Maid. 4 pounds; Lhhuh, 2: Good Looking, 1; Sagamore Lady, 1; Tonk, 1; Doc Cobbe. 2. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. King Saxon, April 20, 1935—1:10% — 4—118. Purse O O Q Q A ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Weight, 6 lbs. below *■ *• O O ** scale. Non-winners since April 8 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, May 2-42 — Jam ,000; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner 75; second. 00; third. 50; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt hi. hk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22604HAPPY NOTE wb3104 9~~ 3 lh H 1 H ClingmanD Mrs A Crouch 825 22665 SALES TALK w 4 120 10 8 IP 44* 2 i WestropeJ L B Mayer 3.75 220733HALCYON BOY w 5 116 14 5| 51 5 J 3* PetersM B N Kane 7.35 227092*SELMALAD wh 6 118 11 6 2 J 2:i 21 41 DavW DMacVean 20.05 227553*ANYTIME wb3107 3 1 3 33 3 5* CouleN George D Widener ■ 2.50 22604 KENTOWN w 4 114 8 9 8 5 6h 6 RobertsonA A P Parker 15.10 21819 BILLY O. wh3113 6 10 105 91 7 71 HanfordI J Freedman 18.15 226102*IN CHARGE w 5 114 7 7 9* 101 Sh 81 WahlerC W W Crenshaw 8.65 22502 TOWN BOY wb5116 2 5 7h 7b 92 93 RodriguezE Miss Helen Grav 16.65 19583 RESOLUTE II. b4117 4 11 11 11 104 10s LaidlevO Mrs E J Malonev 110.70 22604 THE FIEND wb4120 5 2 42 611 11 MeadeD N I Asiel 15.15 Time. :23. :46%, 1:12%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to v li 1. .~I D~:~~~ HAPPY NOTE 18.50 8.30 5.50 8.25 3.15 1J5 lVlUlU6l mCGS SALES TALK 5 90 4.00 195 1.00 HALCYON BOY 5.50 1.75 Winner— Lt. b. g. by Happy Afeo— Stray Note, by Strolling Player, trained by H. Crouch; bred by Mrs. Carv T. Gravson. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:41. OFF AT 2:41 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. HAPPY NOTE was sent up fast on the outside after the start and drew away into a brief lead, then responded to urging in the stretch and outlasted SALES TALK in the final drive. The latter, under mild restraint early, worked his way up on the outside and finished fast. HALCYON BOY, on the outside in the stretch, closed well under urging. SELMALAD. in nearest pursuit early, faltered in the stretch. ANYTIME faltered steadily in the final eighth. KENTOWN showed an even effort. BILLY O. was never a daneerous factor. IN CHARGE was outrun. TOWN BOY had no mishaps. RESOLUTE II. and THE FIEND had no mishaps. Scratched— 22604 Cockerel. 116; Faust II.. 115; 22547Early Delivery, 123. Overweight — Anytime. 3 pounds. Daily Double on the Frist and Second Races Paid 8.90. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE. King Saxon, April 20, 1935 — 1:10% — 4—118. St. O o Q o c Albans Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-win- O O D ners 0f jwo races other than claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-May 2-42 — Jam winners of ,300 or two races of any kind allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 7 lbs. Net value to winner 75; second. 00: third. 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St hi tf Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 225762*SONG OWAR w 112 1 1 l1 l1 lJ l1 ClingmanD Mrs L J Lepper 1.20 22543 *ARGO ROUGE w 112 5 3 41 24 22 2» HildebrtL Mrs T Christopher 27.20 22471*VAIN PRINCE wb115 1110 IP ll1 4* 32 LoveridgeL Mrs C Phillips 30.95 18388 LISTE wb117 2 2 7* 61! 3h 4» WallN Paraeon Stable 26.85 21796 SON OHAL «b120 3 9 10» 101 7 51 PetersM M D Wagnon 8.35 22576 BLUE STRIDE wb 112 14 14 14 14 6* 6 HanfordI Mrs J F Bragg f36.25 22471 DIAMOND SHOALS w 117 4 13 12* 8l 8 7b MeadeD - The Barrineton Stable 5.40 22608 SALTO wb117 9 12 8" 7h 9* 83 MehrtensW King Ranch 4.85 22367 GALAFLY wb113 7 7 6h 5 5" 9h KeiperP Miss Helen Gradv 18.90 19215 FIRE WARDEN wb117 10 4 2" 3h 10« 10n WestropeJ J T Maloney 34.40 22545-*BLUEWATER wb108 12 11 13 13* 14 11* MannW George D Widener +36.25 22545*McCORMICK w 108 13 6 9» 12 122 121 WahlerC W W Crenshaw +36.25 13727 TOUJOUR we 117 6 5 3* 4 11" 13 RodriguezE Nvdrie Stable 81.20 SICYON w«113 8 8 5 92 13 14 MayT Marshall Field 125.30 tMutuel field. Time. :23%. :47J, 1:12%. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid — N / Odds to kA..i-.. D»:_,w. S0NG OWAR 4.40 3.60 2.90 1.20 .80 .46 fVlUTU6l I riCGS ARGO ROUGE 14.50 8.40 6.25 3.20 VAIN PRINCE 8.20 3.10 Winner— Ch. g, by Hard Tack— Opera Bouffe, by Caruso, trained by C. Raynor; bred by Mr. L. J. Lepper. WENT TO POST— 3:16. OFF AT 3:18 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. SONG OWAR was sent into command after the start and. saving ground, held on with determination to the end. ARGO ROUGE was a prominent factor from the start and had no mishaps. VAIN PRINCE worked his way up on the outside and bushed fast. LISTE ran in spots and had no mishaps. SON OHAL finished fast. BLUE STRIDE was slow to start. DIAMOND SHOALS broke slowly. SALTO was in close quarters going to the far turn. GALAFLY ran away an eighth before the start. FIRE WARDEN had a flash of early speed. BLUEWATER was neor .: shone factor. McCORMICK was bumped and bore out at the far turn. Scratched— 22576 Bulrush. 117: 22576 Aletern. 117. FOURTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— : 58—2—106. Saxon . O O Q o /• Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 122 lbs. *■ - O O j Non-winners of a sweepstakes since March 31 allowed 4 lbs.; of May 2-42— Jam S1.300 or two races since then or ,000 at any time, 8 lbs.; maidens, 11 lbs. Net value to winner SI. 300: second. 00; third. 00: fourth, 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ?g ?« Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds *1 Strt 22573 RED SONNET w7l~14 4 2 14 1» 1» 1*| BntaJ George D Widener 65 22365 HOOSIER WOLF wH118 6 5 V 31 3J 2" RobertsonA Mrs A F Sherman 15.45 22606 BULLPEN wb114 11 4" 4* 4» 32 PetersM Coldstream Stable 11.75 22606IJOE BURGER wB118 5 3 2: 2* 2 V MeadeD Mrs L Lazare 4.30 22573-VICTORY DRIVE wb114 3 4 58 58 5 * 5° WallN Mrs A Pelleteri 5.75 HARD PONE wbUI 2 6 6 6 6 6 MehrtensW Max Hirsch 29.70 Time, :222£, :4545, :58%. Track fast. r—V Mutuols Paid- , Odds to , ii A. I D *~~~ RED SOMMET 3.30 3.IO. 2M M .60 .30 MUliiel iTiMtMi KriCeS iaww HOOSIER WOLF MO 4.4t 3.36 1.» BULLpEN 4.71 ,.» Winner— Ch. e. by Balladier— Sovietta, by Stefan the Great, trained by W. F. Mulholland ; bred by Mr. G. D. Widener. WENT TO POST— 3:52. OFF AT 3:54 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third driving. RED SONNET was sent into command after the start and drew away into a safe lead, then, in the final eighth, stumbled slightly, but was taken under steady restraint. HOOSIER WOLF, fractious at the post, was placed under pressure in the stretch and outfinished BULLPEN at the end. BULLPEN was sent through on the inside in the stretch and finished well. J.OE BURGER, under urging and in nearest pursuit early, quit in the stretch. VICTORY DRIVE had no mishaps. HARD PONE ran away a fast half mile en route to the post. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE. King Saxon,- April 20, 1935 — 1:10% — 4 — 118. EleTen*h Running JAMAICA HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year- ft ft 7 2? L O O / 0ids an i upward. May 2-42 — Jam Net va|ue to wjnner ,158; second, ,000; third. 00; fourth, 50. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St xk jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 226073OVERDRAWN wb 4 115 1 1 1* l1 l1 lnk CouleN G D Widener fl.80 227112AUGURY wb 5 118 9 4 MM* 22 MeadeD N McCarthy 5.00 22397 BULL REIGH wb4109 2 3 5J 5£ 3i 3l WallN Mrs A Pelleteri 28.30 22665BIRCH ROD wb.6113 8 11 11 10* 9J 4» BreenJ G D Widener +180 22607 CANT WAIT wb 7 116 5 9 8J 6» 5» 5»k RobertsonA Myron Selzniek 28.15 22098POTRANCO wb5118 6 10 9* 82 6s 6£ KeiperP M A Kern 5.40 22502DOUBT NOT wb6112 7 8 10* 11 10* T* RodriguezE Mrs T Christopher 7.05 14774 PARASANG wb 5 125 4 5 7| 9* 7" 8l PetersM C V Whitney 23.60 227972SPEED TO SPARE wb9114 3 2 2»» 2» 4i 9 i WahlerC J H Miles 11.10 22607 ZACATINE w 4 112 10 6 6* 7» 8* 103 WestropeJ F J Buchanan 25.7t 22098 DISPOSE wb 4 123 11 7 4± 4* 11 11 MayT King Ranch 10.60 tCoupled as G. D. Widener entrv. Time. 23J4, :47, 1:12%. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid- , Odds !• , ki . I n • OVERDRAWN Entry .... 5.60 3.50 2.M 1.M .75 .46 Mutuel Prices augury «» « i46 $.« BULL REIGH 8.W 3.00 Winner— Ch. g, by Jack High— Finita, by St. James, trained by W. F. Mulholland; bred by Mr. G. D. Widener. WENT TO POST— 456. OFF AT 4:2»J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. OVERDRAWN, quick to start, displayed speed from the start while saving ground and, in the final eighth, responded to outlast AUGURY. The latter, a prominent factor from the start and under mild restraint, moved up when urged and finished with good courage. BULL REIGH raced forwardly all the way and held on well to the finish. BIRCH ROD was slow to start and came to the outside to finish fast. CANT WAIT improved his position and showed a good effort. POTRANCO. from a slow start, worked his way up steadily and was steered between horses through the stretch run. DOUBT NOT was never daneerous. PARASANG ran in spots. SPEED TO SPARE was unable to keep up and then quit. ZACATINE had no mishaps. DISPOSE bore out badly rounding to the stretch turn. Scratched— 22285 Richmond, 110; 22S07Omission, 122; 220982Sher,ff Culkin, 123; 22756 K. Dorko.lM. SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Mad Play, Oct. 4, 1924— 1:49%— 3— 115. Alcedo * 0 ft ft ft Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. May 2-42 — Jam Net vaue t0 winner ,305; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22398 MARRIAGE wb6108 5 4 lh 31 31 22 l2 MeadeD R A Coward 405 226662SIR JEFFREY w5112 4 1 2s li l1 l2 2» WestropeJ L B Mayer J.50 22666r!THE RHYMER w 4 114 1 5 5 5 5 4£ 3»» RobertsonA Greentree Stable 2.80 22503"-THE FOP w5105 3 3 34 2£ 2J 3h 44 HildebrtL Judy-Ed Stable +2.90 22609 BLUEBERRY PIE w 4 102 2 2 4* 4 4" 5 5 WahlerC Mrs M Factor Jr +2.90 tCoupled as Judv Ed Stable and Mrs. M. Factor. Jr., entrv. Time, :23%, :43, 1:13, 1:38 J£, 1:50%. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid — , Odds to s KA..4...sJ D»/.Ar MARRIAGE 10.10 4.40 .... 4.35 1.M .... Mutuel Prices sirjeffrey 3.00 .... m .... NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD. Winner — Red ch. g, by Strolling Player — War Wedding, by Man o War, trained by R. A. Coward; bred by Mr. C. T. Gravson. WENT TO POST— 5:10. OFF AT 5:11 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. MARRIAGE was taken back under restraint when outrun and. saving eround thereafter to the final eighth, was sent to the outside and closed with a rush to wear down SIR JEFFREY. The latter was sent into command going to the first turn, was rated alons; steadily while saving ground and held on well to the end. THE RHYMER, on the inside and unable to get clear racing room, finished with good courage. THE FOP was sent up fast on the t .tide, then tired. BLUEBERRY PIE had no mishaps. Scratched— 22398Olympus, 112. Overweight — Marriage, 1 pound; The Fop, 5. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Mad Play, Oct. 4, 1924— 1:49%— 3— 115. Purse 9 9 ft ft Q ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since ** April 8. Weight, 6 lbs. below scale. Non-winners in 1942 of three May 2-42 — Jam races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 50; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22760*EPAMINONDUS w 5 114 7 6 43 4 32 1£ P WahlerC R J McCormick 8.95 22760 TRUE KNTGHTESS w 5 111 4 3 35 2* I J 23 2« MayT P B Codd 2.50 22714 GOOSEBERRY wb 5 116 2 7 7 5*i 43 32 3* MeadeD The Barrington Stable 2.30 227602HILLBLOND wb5114 5 4 5* 62 545 412 WestropeJ I Bieber 1.90 22668 RING STAR wb 4 114 3 2 l1 l1 21 5J 53 RobertsonA *H T Palmer Jr 5.95 22239*FORTISSIMO wb5105 1 1 22 3* 65~64 63 HildebrtL C F Kohler 44.10 22548 NOROTON wb 7 114 6 5 61 7 7 7 7 LaidlejO J Simonetti 43.10 Time, :23*$, :48, 1:14, 1:33%, 1:52%. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to v ki . I n EPAMINONDUS 19.30 7.80 5.00 $.35 2.3t 1.50 fYlUtUel I riCeS TRUE KNIGHTESS 6 60 4.60 230 1.30 GOOSEBERRY 3.50 .75 Winner— B. g, by Pomponius— Sue Anne, by Mere Play, trained by W. E. Martin; bred by Brentwood Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:46. OFF AT 5:47 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. EPAMINONDUS was taken under restraint early and followed close up. responded to urging in the stretch and drew away at the end. TRUE KNIGHTESS was sent up fast on the outside rounding the far turn and held on well to the end. GOOSEBERRY was slow to beein and was steered to the outside for the stretch run. HILLBLOND showed an even effort throughout. RING STAR had early speed, then quit. FORTISSIMO was not persevered with when beaten. NOROTON was never a factor. Scratched— 22368 Ida Rogers, 106; 226682 Pistol Pete. 109; 22663 Bobs Boys, 114; 22714 One Shen. 114. Overweight— True Knightess, 2 pounds; Ring Star, 1; Fortissimo, 1.

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