Vagrancy Drives to Fore In 0,000 Pimlico Oaks: Belair Stud Filly Half-Length Victress Over Chiquita Mia, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-04


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Vagrancy Drives to Fore In 0,000 Pimlico Oaks Belair Stud Filly Half-Lengrh Victress Over Chiquita Mia BALTIMORE, Md., May 2.— With 22,000 spectators looking on, Belair Studs Vagrancy drove to a half-length victory over Charles S. Howards Chiquita Mia in the nineteenth running of the Pimlico Oaks at the Maryland Jockey Club course this afternoon. A. A. Baronis Bonnet Ann was third, seven lengths farther away and thus two invaders from New York carried off first and third honors, while John Hay Whitneys The Swallow, who also made the trek from the Empire State, led only Marie Galante to the end of the mile and a sixteenth. Vagrancy, winner of three of her eight starts last year and one of two this season, had the services of Tommy Malley and that lads fine handling was largely responsible for her earning ,375 of the 0,000 prize for the New York banker. The time of 1:45% was two full seconds off the record established by Air Master earlier in the week, but the small field of seven provided one of the most thrilling contests of the current meeting. A 9 to 5 choice, Vagrancy was reserved off the early pace of Copperette and Chiquita Mia and did not make her run to the I leaders until the latter was ready to replace j Copperette on the front end. Malley did not get her into her best stride until ready for the run for home, and he sent her up on the outside of Chiquita Mia. When the latter begfia to drift out Malley drove the Belair miss toward the rail, and Chiquita Mia followed her to the inside. Malley, however, had room enough, and with whip, feet and hands he wore down the California representative to be drawing away from her at the end. Bonnet Ann and The Swallow raced far back throughout, the latter refusing to respond to Sterling Youngs strong handling, but Bonnet Ann took the overland route to wear down Copperette when inside the final sixteenth. Improving her position through the field, Red Rosette closed boldly, but Bonnet Ann had a clear margin over her at the end. Marie Galante held a contending position to the stretch, but then retired. The Swallow outfinishing her at the close. Each contestant carried 121 pounds and it was the first victory in this important stake for Belair Stud.

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Local Identifier: drf1942050401_1_6
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