Official Racing Charts: Beulah Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-04

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Official Racing Charts . Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. 1 Beulah Park COLUMBUS, OHIO, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1942— BEULAH PARK 1 MILE. First day of twenty-five-day meeting May 2 to May 30. Beulah Park Jockey Club, Inc. Kenny gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Cooke camera. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Eastern War Time. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941—1:11% o /- -j — 8 — 112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming:. Non-winners of 2« L O O 5 two races. Weight. 116 lbs. Maidens allowed 4 lbs. Claiming May 2-42— Beu price, ,050. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third. 1; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St hi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 37224 TROPICAL SUN w 112 9 5 3l 2* 23 l2 WhitingL Edgar Zanther 32.00 22046 GOLD COIN MISS us 111 10 8 7* 6* 3* 2* HanauerC W C Hobson 6.10 16332 BARON OMAR wb116 8 1 1* 14 1J 32 PrehmW H R Penny 7.20 163323DATED IP w 111 3 4 4± 42 51 4 RobartE Galbreath and Moore 3.40 21741 MENTION wb 116 6 10 9± 8* 7i 5i Green J S Roucher 2.80 12644 TANGOWER LEE wb 116 4 6 6l 14 tt 61 WilsonHL Mrs Eli Long 16.70 17461 HONEY ROCK w 109 5 2 2" 3* 4* 7* KnisleyC E dayman 6.90 35636*CLARERL ■ 106 2 7 8°k 91 94 8* WhitlockK E Dickson 68.20 16118*MISS LANCASTER «■ 107 1 3 54 5* 8± 9" GlidewellP C H Morrison 17.80 22112*rORIAN wi 112 7 9 10 10 10 10 HensonE Mrs Paul A Morris 7.80 Time, :23, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to LA - ID* TROPICAL SUN 66.00 21.80 8.40 32.00 9.90 3.20 Mutuel Prices gold coin miss 7.00 4.» 2.50 i.« BARON OMAR 5.60 180 Winner— Ch. f, by Burning Blaze— Sun ODoon, by Sun Briar, trained by E. Zantker; bred by Shandon Farm. WiBner entered to be claimed for ,050. WENT TO POST— 2:24. OFF AT 2:26 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. TROPICAL SUN moved up stoutly on the outside rounding the far turn and, continuing eamely through the stretch, drew out into a clear lead in the last sixteenth. GOLD COIN MISS steadily improved her position and came strongly on the outside in the run home. BARON OMAR displayed the most early speed, but tired in. the last eighth. Scratched— 18715 Total Loss, 111; Morocco Betty, 107; 14583 Bettie Wynn, 111; 22025 Michigan Gold, 107; 18521 Agrawan, 102; 20830 Aljest, 112. Overweight— Tropical Sun, 5 pounds; Honey Rock. 2: Clarerl, 4; Miss Lancaster, 5. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941—1:11% 1 Q £L A — I — 112- I*»rs« 00- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-Z 2 O O 4 winners of a race since August 29. Weight, 116 lbs. Claiming May 2-42— Beu price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0: fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % xk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 15954 BAMBOO BROOM wb 5 111 10 2 23 2± 31 lh WilsonHB Mrs Eli Long 3.30 18138 COLONEL MARTIS wb 7 116 6 6 4± P 4* 2* McCaddnW D Christian 10.40 18463 ETHELMONT wb 7 111 7 10 6"" 61 51 32 GaitherA L G Munn 18.80 *QUEEN ISLAM w 4 106 8 5 31 31 lnk 4* RedmonF Hardy and Bolser 19.10 174192SNOW FLOWER wb6111 9 1 U 1 2h 54 RobartE Mrs James Bronnenberg 2.40 15631 OPOCA wb 8 111 l 4 51 f 6l 6l DobsonJ Wheatley Court Stable 12.90 22550*DARK WONDER w 7 107 2 7 7* 74 74 7* GlidewellP Edgar Zantker 260 13288*VIRBET wb 9 111 5 9 10 91 84 83 HidaleoR Cardis and Elliott 24.20 20423 HALS PET w 6 111 4 3 8* % 9i 92i WhitlockK Mrs A Bertozzi 39.10 21809 TRUMP wb5116 3 8 9*10 10 10 HillJR Mrs F Stafford 21.90 Time. :23%, :47%, 1:13. Track fast. k A . IB* BAMBOO BROOM 8.60 5.20 4.20 3.30 1.60 1.10 Mutiiel "rices colonel martis 7.40 500 2.70 %m ETHELMONT 6.20 210 Winner— B. m, by Black Servant— Bird of Blue, by Bubbling Over, trained by C. O. Ray; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 51.000. WENT TO POST— 2:58. OFF AT 3:00 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won drivine: second and third the same. BAMBOO BROWN was carried wide by SNOW FLOWER while rounding the stretch turn and responded eamely to keen urging during the final eighth, but barely lasted. - - - . Scratched— 18815 Henry M., 116; 18655 Uncle July, 116; 16119 Prudent Miss, 111; 18731 Juraboy, 111, ..«. 17914 The Spotter, 116; 16333J Gold Sprite, 111. Overweight— Dark Wonder, 1 pound. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid ,591.20. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941—1:11% q s r — 8 — 112. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 2« Z O O D Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.; May 2-42 — Beu one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, S30; fourth, 0. _ Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22550 SONNY JOHN wB6112 3 4 6£ 5* 31 U WhitingL R Fisher 2.50 21666 MOLIDA wb6107 7 8 84 P 5* 2* McCaddnW D Christian 6.40 22042 TRAVEL AGENT w 6 112 6 2 1£ 1£ 2" 3" RobartE River Divide Farm 2.80 21761 VOTE BOY wb 10 112 2 6 51 2£ 1J 4* DobsonJ Wheatley Court Stable 8.80 22184 RED GO w 10 112 11 2*k 31 4£ 51 EversoleL Mrs J Alleeyer 39.10 21703*GUESS WHAT w 5 107 9 3 4* 4 * 6* 62 GlidewellP W D Smith 7.90 21126 BROWN MOSS wb 3 110 8 9 71 81 8* 7h HorvathK Jewell Bros 36.70 21659*EVER HOPEFUL wb 4 106i 4 7 9«k 9£ 91 8" RedmonF Mrs J W Johnston 16.90 21703NORMAN SLOAT wb 6 110 10 5 3" 6£ 74 9* HidalgoR Miss M Hodge 14.90 17843 COUNTESS ABBOT w 4 108 5 10 10 10 10 10 DogrtyWL F Morgan 11.40 Time, :23and. Al%, 1:13%. Track fast. VI i. ID*- SONNY JOHN 7.00 3.80 2.80 2.50 .90 .40 Mutuel Prices molida boo 3« i* 70 TRAVEL AGENT 3.00 50 Winner— Ch. g. by Son of John— Duchess of Marlborough, by Teddy, trained by Mr. H. Forrest; bred by Mr. J. J. McKeon. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:31. OFF AT 3:33* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won drivine: second and third the same. SONNY JOHN was shuffled back going into the far turn, but came with a brilliant rush on the outside when straightened out in the stretch and held on well in the final drive. Scratched— 16003 Celesti F., 102; 17327 Maystick, 112; 18961 Beauty Time, 107; 22111 Wha Hae, 112; 22079 Punta Final, 112; 17423 Sly Kitty, 102. Overweight — Guess What, 5 pounds; Brown Moss. 3; Ever Hopeful, lj ; Countess Abbot, 1. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941—1:11% 2 9 S f — 8 — 112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-L O O O year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since March 9 May 2-42— Beu allowed 2 lbs.; in 1942, 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 221472ROCK MAKER w 6 114 1 2 24 24 1£ Ink RobartE River Divide Farm 1.10 20527 BEHAVE wb4114 8 7 P 31 34 24 WhitingL Mrs L Hyde 14.80 2161PHADMORE w 5 113 4 6 54 5* 4i 34 CrowellG Mrs E Cloud 2.80 21582 JOE GREENOCK wb5118 3 1 l1 4 2£ 4" PrehmW S Pool 4.40 21546 MEANWHILE wb3108 5 5 6" bl 54 54 GreenJ S Roucher 19.20 21422 HEEL DUST wb 6 114 7 8 8 7i 64 63 GaitherA Miss P ODonnell 18.90 18715 BOB DODGE wb3106 2 3 3" 4J 7* 73 McCaddnW Fort Stueben Stable 17.10 20905 +GRIFFIN HILLS wB3107i6 4 I" 8 8 8 FarrellW Radabaueh and ,Reisine 34.10 Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%. Al%, ■.2%. Track fast. k A . in* ROCK MAKER 4.20 3.80 2.80 1.10 .90 .40 Mutuel Prices behave *40 340 320 .70 HADMORE 3.20 .60 Winner— Dk. b. g. by Time Maker— Lady Rockingham, by Trap Rock, trained by R. T. Shepp ; bred by Messrs T G. and C. G. Herrine. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:04. OFF AT 4:04 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROCK MAKER displaced JOE GREENOCK from the lead when straightened out in the stretch, but had to be hustled along in the closing stages to retain his slight advantage. Overweight — Griffin Hills, 1| pounds. ___ FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941—1:11% q s -j 8 112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 2ej ZOO/ 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners of ,000 or May 2-42— Beu four races of any value in 1941-42 allowed 2 lbs.; of 50 or three races in 1941-42, 4 lbs.; of 25 or two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 8 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 V-i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt tUBTHE NIZAM w71U 2 5 24 4 V 14 GlidewellP R Basnett 3.80 21878 IOMIVA wn5108 4 10 9"k 8l b*1 2» RobartE River Divide Farm 3.70 21706 TARTARUS w 8 116 9 6 61 5- 44 3«k WhitingL Mrs F Whiting 7.80 15957?QLEEN ADVICE w3105 1 1 lh 24 23 44 BushV Mrs H Wiener 17.80 21607 POLARIS wb 8 110 10 4 43 44 3J 5* DerdenH Mrs J C Sawyer 18.10 18660 LITTLE ABNER w5112 3 2 54 6l I1 6* PrehmW Briner and Hammack 16.60 18636 RED TET w 4 110 7 7 71 7 k 81 7"k HornG Myrtle Maroon Stable 57.20 18114 BOSTON LASSIE w 5 107 ■ 5 9 10 N 93 B4 FarrellW Mrs H E Selby 34.80 *and652HANID m 4 107i, 6 3 3s 3* 6* 93 HensonE Mrs Paul A Morris 150 119792 tSIR S. w 5 114 8 8 6410 10 10 KnisleyC Cook and Davis 19.80 . fApprentiee allowance waived. Time, :22 $, :4«%, 1:12%. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — * , Odds to » LA A. I D - THE NIZAM 9.60 5.2t 3.60 3J0 1.60 W Mutuel Prices pom™ ».» 340 mi t* TARTARUS 3.00 .60 Winner— Ch. e. by Hallucination — Our Pet, by Noah, trained by W. J. Huff; bred by Mr. M. J. Barrons. WENT TO POST— 4:34. OFF AT 4:34i EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. THE NIZAM shook off QUEENS ADVICE while rounding the stretch turn and held the race safe all through the last eighth. POMIVA began slowly, closed much ground and came strongly in close quarters next to the inner rail through the stretch. TARTARUS raced into contention on the outside rounding the turn for home and held on courageously in the final drive. QUEEN ADVICE displayed early speed for a half mile, then tired. POLARIS raced evenly. HANID quit badly in the last quarter. Scratched— 22115 Speedy Josie, 105; 17774 Forever Prince, 110; 21706 Black Brummel, 105; 18819 Maxiekin, 111. Overweight — Pomiva. 3 pounds; Boston Lassie, 2£ ; Hanid, 2j. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE. Fast Move, May 7, 1938— 1:37%— 7— 118. Inaugural o *y a s q Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. May 2-42 — Beu N t va|ue to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St tt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 21787 ESPINO GOLD v%b 5 114 1 3 72 7* 51 32 l1 WhitingL Mrs Frank Nugent 3.00 225073JIM PAT wb 4 100 5 6 63 44 3£ 21 24 HanauerC G S Kilpatrick 17.20 21739FERGIE*S COUNT wb 4 112 4 5 2* 2* l1 U 34 GlidewellP J Zitnik 1.60 22622 RED IDOL wb 5 104 8 4 4± 3"k 41 42 4"k WhitlockK Luzerne Farm 37.20 11405 HIGH FIDELITY w 8 119 7 7 8 8 8 7* 54 RobartE River Divide Farm 3.40 22146 MNLITE BOBBY wb6110 3 8 5* 51 61 6» 64 HorvathK H H Price 15.70 17974 GALLEE w 4 115 6 2 lh 1 * 21 54 7 McCadenW McKelvey and Valentine 5.90 17986 LADY LUCILLE wb 5 105 2 1 3J 6h 74 8 P.up. BushV Mrs H Wiener 37.10 Time, :23and, :4fr, itttM, 1:37%. Track fast. LA A. I D • „ ESPINO COLD 8.00 4.80 3.20 3.00 1.40 60 Mutuel r rices jim pat n.20 400 4M .m FERGIES COUNT 3.20 .61 Winner — Br. h. bv Espino — Off Gold, by Polydor, trained bv F. Nugent; bred by Mr. W. Zieeler, Jr, WENT TO POST— 5:03. OFF AT 5:03 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third the same. ESPINO GOLD avoided the fast early pace, but closed strongly on the outside in the run home and. overhauling the tiring leaders, won going away. JIM PAT raced into contention as the stretch was reached and held on well in the final test. FERGIES COUNT was much used racing GALLEE into defeat and tired when the real issue came after drawing clear on the turn for home. RED IDOL raced forwardly and had no excuses. HIGH FIDELITY was going strongly when too late. The others tired. Overweight — Red Idol. 2 pounds; Moonlite Bobby, 2; Lady Lucille, 5. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE. Fast Move, May 7, 1938— 1:37%— 7— 118. Purse 00. * * ™ Q f Q 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Weight, 115 lbs. Winners at ™ ™ * one mile or over in 1942, 2 lbs. extra for each such race won. May 2-42 — Beu Non-winners in 1942 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third. 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22555i3KILLARNEY LASSwb 5 112 5 3 l2 1* 2i lh Ink WhitineL R Fisher 1.30 22510 CHARMAC wb4107 3 7 7* 6" 4"k 3i 2l McCaddnW W N King 15.90 21743 tCHIEFJEAN wb 6 114i 1 2 4J 4£ 31 2* 31 WilliamsS H E Mozer 7.20 21399 JEAN LEE w 10 112 I 1 j | I 4* GreenJ J E Irvine 16.60 17372 BINDY w 7 110J 4 6 51 5l 54 B GaitherA Mrs H Wiener 5.40 21613 STROLLING BY wb 8 117 8 4 31 3l 5± 62 63 KnislexC C N Finch 2.80 19407 BAR PLAY w 10 112 7 5 6$ 7« 7* 73 74 FarrellW Russell and Wheitz 15.10 18679*VANDY w 4 107 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 WhitlockK E Dickason 54.10 fApprentiee allowance waived. Time, :24. :48i, 1:14%, 1:40%. Track fast. I n • KILLARNEY LASS 4.60 3.40 2.60 1.30 .M JO M. utuei r rices killarney lass 4.60 3.40 2.60 1.30 .70 .3© CHIEFJEAN 4.20 1.10 Winner — Ch. m, by Torchilla — Admirals Lassie, by Man o War, trained by H. Forrest; bred by Mr, C. T. Fisher. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:32. OFF AT 5:32 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. KILLARNEY LASS went a trifle wide at the turn for home, but came again under urging through the stretch and outgamed CHARMAC in the final drive. The latter closed up steadily during the run home and finished courageously. CHIEFJEAN saved ground entering the stretch and outlasted JEAN LEE. The latter forced the early pace, but tired in the last quarter, as did STROLLING BY. The others were outrun. Overweight — Chietjean, 2j pounds ; Bindy, 3. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Francesco, May 20, 1939— 1:44%— 5 — 120. Purse 2 9 O 7 A 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of 50 *■ O i V in 1941.42. Weight, 115 lbs. Non-winners in 1942 allowed 3 lbs. May 2-42— Beu Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third. 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V*. Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22145 BOLD RISK wb4112 9 3 22 P V- P 14 RobartE W B Arndt 2.40 21588 ONUS wb 9 115 3 10 10h 7£ 4£ 43 2" WhitineL Amedee Jearfran 1.20 18559 BROAD STRIPES w 6 112 2 5 4"k 3£ 33 31 34 BushV E D and O D Mattinelv 23.10 16046 DISTRIBUTE m 11 112 12 8 5* 22 23 22 44 GlaugJ A C Snyder 7.90 16329 JFLUTTERBY w 9 112 1 7 7h 61 54 5s 52 DeWittJ Mrs N Pombles 66.10 21146 MINEY w 8 110 10 9 9*» % 8 6l 6 * HorvathK E D Slavin 8.80 22603 DONA BOY wb4112 4 11 1H 104 7* 7* GaitherA J K Wynkoop fH.40 21399 PINNACLE LIGHT wb 5 107 7 12 12 12 IP 91 82 HidaleoR Miss M Hodee 28.10 18594 IRISH LARK wb 5 107 11 6 3J 51 7h 8i 94 McCaddnW Rivermont Ranch 52.10 22031 TOUGH BIRD w 4 112 5 4 8i 101 12 IU 10i CornavW F Morgan +11.40 15326*GOOD MEMORY wb 10 108i 6 1 P 4"k 6* 101 IP CrowellG Mrs L Fry 35.60 08218*GAONA w 8 107 8 2 f| 81 9 12 12 GlidewellP Cardis and Elliott +1140 tMutuel field. Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :48%, 1:15, 1:41A$, 1:49%. Track good. LA A. ID* B0LD RISK 6.S0 3.20 280 2.40 .60 .40 Mutuel 1 rices onus 2.80 2.40 .40 .2© BROAD STRIPES 4.40 1.20 Winner — Ch. c. by Bold Venture — Cogartown, by Rolled Stocking, trained by J. Chalmers ; bred by Mr. J. H. Rouse. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 6:01. OFF AT 6:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily: second and third drivine. BOLD RISK was hustled into the lead midway of the back stretch and, displaying the most speed, held the race safe thereafter. ONUS steadily improved position while working way up on the outside and outgamed BROAD STRIPES. The latter was a forward factor throughout and held on well in the final diive. DISTRIBUTE raced into contention entering the back stretch, but tired badly in the last ciehth. Scratched— 21005 Dick Bray, 112. Overweight — Miney, 3 pounds; Pinnacle Lieht. 5; Good Memory. 1£. NINTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941—1:11% o 7 ft]/ — and — 112. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 2* i- O / U/2 Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, 00. DECLARED OFF.

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