Official Racing Charts: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-04

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Churchill Downs LOUISVILLE, KY., SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1942— CHURCHILL DOWNS 1 MILE. Seventh day of nineteen-day meeting April 25 to May 16. Churchill Downs-Latonia, Inc. Bahr gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Kuprion camera. Racing starts at 12:00 m. Central War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting 1941, .34. Current meetmg, .41. No Daily Double. FIRST RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Coldstream, May 4, 1935— :522_— 2— 113. 9 * R 7 A. KeI-tu-ky Cardinal Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. __ __ O / -4- Special weights. May 2-42 — C.D Net vaue to winner «j00; itcon 200; third. 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St %, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt ADULATOR w 119 10 2 2£ F H HaasL Woolford Farm L60 22656 CHOP SUEY w 115 9 6 33 34 2* VedderRI. E K Thomas 2.10 I LOV BRIDGE w 115 4 9 8* 52 32 WeidamanF H R Penny 69.60 22656 COLORS UP w 115 3 4 4h 4 43 JamesB Mrs A Sabath +29.20 MABE MONDAY w 118 2 12 12 10l 5" BodiouA Louis Rowan 36.20 22401 MARKQUEN w 118 8 5 5* 6i 6* AdamsJ Mrs Roy Carruthers 45.90 VALDINA KNIGHT w 118 6 7 7* 7h 7* Berger.I Valdina Farms :4.80 22343 DICK MACAW w 118 1 1 H 21 8h CraigA R C Stable 98J0 VALDINA PLEDGE w 118 5 3 10± 11 | 9h BiermanC Valdina Farms :4.90 21806 EAST STAR w 118 11 10 9s 9l 18J EadsW H L Dickerson +29.20 22588 BOLO SERVANT w 115 12 8 6T4 8l ll1 GrillF H Fried berg 14.10 22588 SOCIETY LADY w 115 7 11 11 12 12 DyerJ D V McClure 13.80 +Mutuel field. Coupled as Valdina Farms entry. Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :H]/S, :*%%, :54. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to , D_.:_. - ADULATOR 5.20 3.20 3.20 1.60 .60 .00 M---U__J Uiuei i rices chop suey 3.40 2.80 .70 . o I LOV BRIDGE 14.00 6.00 Winner — B. o, by Insco — Mea, by Messenger, trained bv R. O. Higdon ; bred by Mr. H. M. Woolf. WENT TO POST— 12:07*. OFF AT 12.D8 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. ADULATOR, alertly handled, took command when settled in the stretch and held his advantage to the close without need of urging. CHOP SUEY, well placed and a sharp factor from the start, swerved to the inside when put to punishment in the drive, then came determinedly after being straightened. I LOV BRIDGE improved her position steadily, came out slightly on the final turn, then closed resolutely under good urging. COLORS UP faltered after racing forwardly placed for three-eighths. MABE MONDAY finished fast after beginning slowly. MARKQUEN gave way in the closing stages. DICK MACAW went to the front at once -and set the pace to the stretch, then quit. Scratched— Water Tower, 118; Chance Grey, 118; Active, 118; Accord, 118; 22246 Greenock Image, 118; 22549 Vacuum Cleaner, 118; 22747 Termite, 118; 22339 New Blend, 118. Overweight — Adulator, 1 pound. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1936— 1:10%— 4 2 O | 7 S — 115* urse ,900. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. 4-year-__■ __ O / J 0],js U7 ]DS . 0ider, 119 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed May 2-42— C.D 4 lbs. Claiming: price, ,400; if for ,250, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third, 5; fourth, S25. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt 22476 +JUMP BID wb 4 110 6 2 31 2* 1* 1" WallaceG F Moos 1020 22110 NORSWEEP w 7 110 3 8 74 52 3£ 2 k KnottK C A ONeil Jr 270 16519 AWAY w4113 17 5and 6h 6i 3l WeidamanF Koerner and Kresin 33.70 22550 HIGH VOTE wb 9 112 5 10 101 10- 9* 4n EadsW J B Lewis 1.90 22706*SABRA wb4105 7 3 92 94 7 54 StricklerW Mrs Carl Graham 6.90 22706MOHN THOMAS wb 4 105 2 6 24 33 44 62 HustE W E Smith 12.70 22706 KATES KITTEN wb 6 107 4 9 81 7£ 5« 73 CritchfieldC J McShane :24.90 03209 HOME FOLKS wb 5 112 8 5 1£ U 2h 84 DyerJ G S Howell 7.30 19777 HELLO ZAC w 5 112 11 4 41 4*» 8£ 94 ClarkS Horlander and Herbold 69.70 21815 PRESENT TIME w 5 109 12 1 6h 81 10l 10* CraigA S H Atkins J24.90 21115 FELTHORN wb 4 110 10 11 ll3 11* IP H2 RichardJ C Lauck 82.30 13365 HIJOU wb 5 112 9 12 12 12 12 12 HaritosJ B J Bax J24.90 +Disqualified. +Mutuel field. Time, :22%. :46%, 1:13%. Track fast. D_.:-~-. NORSWEEP 7.40 4.40 3.20 2.70 1.20 .60 iViufuei _--l_-«.___-_l r rices away 24.40 8.00 n.20 3.00 HIGH VOTE 280 .40 Winner — B. m. by Sweepster — French Lass, by Baigneur, trained by C. J. Edwards; bred by Mr. H. C. Hatch. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST— 12:49. OFF AT 12:50* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. JUMP BID, a forward factor from the start, took command in the stretch, swerved to the outside near the eighth post and bumped NORSWEEP, then came again and just lasted. JUMP BID was disqualified for the stretch foul and placed last. NORSWEEP worked her way up steadily throueh the first half mile, came out slightly for the drive and suffered interference from JUMP BID. but held on well, just failing to get up. AWAY raced evenly to the stretch, then closed determinedly under punishment. HIGH VOTE, far back and outrun to the final three-eighths, closed fast on the inside. SABRA was unable to better her position when hard hustled through the stretch. JOHN THOMAS tired after showing early speed. KATES KITTEN had no excuses. HOME FOLKS raced to the front soon after the start and set the pace to the stretch, then faltered. HELLO ZAC was done early. Scratched— 19090Commendable, 112; 22587 Batter, 115; 18926 Miss Nutmeg, 107; 20968 Orawout, 107; 227063Petee Gene, 112; 22706 Prince Gale, 115; 22657 Double Value, 112; 20100 Stop II., 112. Overweight — Sabra. 5 pounds; Felthorn, 5; Present Time, 2. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1936— 1:10%— 4 9 9 7 s — ll5, Daniel Boone Purse First Division. Purse ,000. L __ __ O / O 3_ anj 4-year-olds. Maidens and winners of one race. Allowances. May 2-42 — C.D 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22555 LORD VATOUT wb 4 118 9 8 1 » 14 l2 12£ BodiouA J E Widener L30 22480 CLEARMONT wb 3 113 11 5 3* 2i 24 2* ArcaroE Alisal Corp 2.30 226603YAR wb 3 110 7 6 42 32 33 31 BrooksS C N Finch 5.80 22701 HAICHOW wb 3 110 6 11 102 72 4* 4« PoolE J D Weil 26.90 22658 SISSIE SMITH wb 3 110 8 1 64 51 5i 52 CkshankB S H and J C Stone +20.90 22749 COUNTRBALANCEwb 3 113 4 10 9£ 6h 62 62 Gilbert.! Raul Espinoza 8.40 19005 HADA SAM wb4115 17 8h 92 -83 73 BeasvC F Tyler 151.30 22508 tSWEEPSTAKER wb 3 110 5 12 12 12 10_ 83 WallaceG E B Johnston +20.90 22701 LAST BUBBLE wb 3 110 2 2 14 4* l 91 GarnerW J G Elder 52.00 12638 FRITTER SUM w 4 115 3 3 5£ 8h 14 101 AdamsJ E Rachal +20.90 20693* YOKEL w 3 108 10 4 72 101 12 ll* LongaC George B McCamey 147.40 *VENETIA w 3 100 12 9 ll2 ll3 9h 12 HustE Mrs K T Maxwell 102.40 +M«tuel field. +Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :22%, :46%, 1:12%. Track fast. k.t..J...~l D _.:_-,-.-. L0RD VATOUT 4.60 3.00 2.40 1.30 .50 .20 Mutuel "rices clearmont 3.00 j.« .50 » YAR 3.00 5# Winner -Dk. b. g, by Vatout— Lady Genevieve, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by D. E. Stewart: bred by Mr. L. Volterra France. WENT TO POST— 1:36J. OFF AT 1:37 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. LORD VATOUT raced to the front soon after the start, established a good lead approaching the stretch and easily held his advantage to the close. CLEARMONT, well handled and a sharp factor from the start, came determinedly when hard urged in the final quarter, but could not reach the winner, though easily best of the others. YAR faltered after racing forwardly placed to the final eighth, but lasted to withstand HAICHOW. The latter, slow to besin, worked his way up steadily to the stretch, then failed to better his position under strong handling. SISSIE SMITH was unable to threaten. COUNTERBALANCE had no mishaps. LAST BUBBLE had brief early speed, then retired. FRITTER SUN could not keep up. Scratched— 22786 Radio Crusade, 108; 22344 Which Man, 110; 22660 Dodge City, 110; 18962 Point High. 110; 22658 Crystal, 108. Overweight — Sissie Smith, 2 pounds. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1936—1:10—4 O 9 Q 7 7 — H5. Daniel Boone Purse Second Division. Purse ,000. -t -t O / / 3_ ani 4-year-olds. Maidens and winners of one race. Allowances. May 2-42— CD 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. —l Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M V_ Str Fin Jockeys Owners * Odds Strt 134232WISHBONE wb3110 4 3 21 22 1* l2i EadsW Calumet Farm -50 21993 JACKORACK wb4118 8 7 82 64 32 2* AdamsJ H H Atkinson 4.70 22658 HALCYONA wb 3 109 2 4 l2 l2 22 32± CraigA J O Keene 15.40 22407 CLOAK wb3113 3 6 74 5. 61 4± GarnerW R C Stable 11.60 17379 ROSY BRAND w 3 108 10 2 4h 73 73 54 AllgaierH Rivermont Ranch 106.30 MARMAC wb 3 110 11 1 3h 3. 5± 6-k PoolE J D Weil 33.00 22250 GALANT LADDIE w+ 3 114J_ 1 8 54 4n 4h 73 SkellvJ J W Marchbank 48.30 134422LATE DAWN w 3 110 7 10 6» 82 8 8J Dyer J J Fred Miles 51.10 22407 AMERICAN LAKE w 3 110 9 9 ll3 ll2 10* 92£ PariseS J G EWer +25.20 22701 FRANK G. • w 3 112 S 12 12 12 12 10h BodiouA I J Collin* +25.28 08652 HIGH STREET wb 3 115 6 S 92 9* 9J 11* MayerJ J A Price +2518 22701 AIR RAIDER wb 3 110 12 11 10i 102 Hi 12 RichardJ R Morgan JM8 +Mutuel field. Time, :tl%, :46%, VM%. Track fa*t. Continued on Page- Twenty -Two Churchill Downs Continued from Page Five i — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to » Xa..«...I D»;/.*k WISHBONE 3.00 2.40 2.40 .50 .20 .20 /WUlUCl I lICCS JACKORACK 3.00 2.80 .50 .40 HALCYONA 3.80 .90 Winner — B. c. by The Porter — Tiens, by Pennant, trained bv B. A. Jones ; bred by Calumet Farm. WENT TO POST— 2:33. OFF AT 2:38* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third driving. WISHBONE secured a good position at once, took command entering the stretch and easily held his advantage to the close. JACKORACK worked his way up steadily on the inside, came stoutly when hard urged in the drive, but co«ld not reach the winner, though easily besting the others. HALCYONA raced to the front early, set the pace through the first half mile under pressure from the winner and faltered. CLOAK could not reach the leaders under good handling and had no excuses. ROSY BRAND was never dangerous. MARMAC tired after racing forwardly placed to the stretch. GALLANT LADDIE failed to stav in the drive. Scratched— 22481 Diavoloman, 105; 22700 Mothers Girl, 113; 217883Whichwins, 118; 22655Dead Level, 108. Overweight — Haleyona, 1 pound; Rosy Brand, 3; Gallant Laddie, 4 ; Frank G., 2; High Street, 2. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921-1:23%-2 2 8 7 8 4 — 110 Purse SI, 000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 117 lbs. Z. Z. O / O Non-winners of two races since April 8 or a race since April 24 May 2-42— CD allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5, Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ft % % Str Fin Jockeys Owrners Odds 11 Strt 221403VALDINA HOST wb114 4 4 21 2* 1£ li PJ BiermanC Valdina Farms 1.40 22749*KOKOMO w 109 1 8 *4 *4 £ 3 2i HustE Shady Brook Farm 7.70 22481*SOME MAN wb 109 2 5 li lh 22 2J 3"k StricklerW W S Payne 5.90 18034 HARKIM wb 114 3 6 I1 8 8 5£ 43 AdamsJ W B Simpson 19.50 227072IRISH BAY wb 114 5 7 8 7i 5h 4n 52i RichardJ Raul Espinosa 16.20 22703 CAPTAIN FURY w 114 8 1 3h 4« 7£ 73 6 » CraigA Stuart Hamblen 26.90 22655 TRANSFORMER wb 114 7 3 64 54 4i 61 7« ShelhamerA Neville Dunn 7.20 22001 GRENADIER wb 113 6 2 44 3« 6l 8 8 ArcaroE M B Goff 4.50 Time, :23, :46, Wtjfc 1:24. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to n ii..J...~l D_:«,. VALDINA HOST 4.80 3.80 2.80 1.40 90 .40 Mutuel rrices kokomo %m 3w 2.40 so SOME MAN 4.00 100 Winner — Blk. c, by Sortie — Lady Hostage, by Prince of Bourbon, trained by F. Catrone; bred by Valdina Farms. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:274. OFF AT 3:28 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. VALDINA HOST, well handled, secured a good position at once, took command when SOME MAN faltered on the upper turn and easily retained his advantage to the close. KOKOMO, slow to start and outrun to the stretch, came to the inside for he drive and finished resolutely under punishment, but could not menace the winner. SOME MAN took command early, set the pace for three-eighths under pressure from VALDINA HOST and then faltered. HARKIM finished strongly after being outrun early. IRISH BAY was never prominent. CAPTAIN FURY had early speed. GRENADIER was done early and had no excuses. Overweight — Grenadier, 3 pounds. SIXTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921— 1:23Vand— 9 2 8 7 Q * — 110, Frencn Lick Springs Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds * A • / r anc| upward. Allowances. Non-winners of ,600 twice in 1941-42. May 2-42— CD 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners of ,005 three times in 1941-42 allowed 3 lbs.; if 4-year-olds and upward and have not won 55 twice in 1941-42 or ,000 in 1941-42 or 05 three times since Sept. 12, 1941, 6 lbs.; of ,600 in 1941-42, 8 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Tn8 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt ~ 22480aCERBERUS wb 3 110 5* 1 3 32 14 l2 P BrooksS R Needham .90 22589 RAPHAEL II. wb 5 114 1 5 44 4*4 43 3" 234 BodiouA Joseph E Widener 15.20 225913*FIRST OF ALL w 3 105 2 2 22 14 24 24 3»k HustE Dixiana 4.00 22703 RADIO JOE wb3110 7 3 14 24 31 43 4* CraigA R C Stable 26.40 22591 ARIDISICAL w 3 110 3 6 61 64 64 54 53 CkshankB I J Collins 15.20 22657 ONE TIP wb 4 114 4 7 7 7 7 7 63 JemasN C W Pershall 10.50 21811*INSCOLAD wb 5 109 6 4 5" 52 52 62 7 StricklerW Woolford Farm 5.10 Time, :23, :46%, 1:1 V/s, 1:24%. Track fast. ii A. ID- CERBERUS 3.80 2.80 2.40 .90 .40 .20 fYiutuci rrices Raphael h 8.20 4.20 3.10 i.« FIRST OF ALL 3.20 .60 Winner — B. g, by Coldstream or Bull Dog— My Lava, by My Play, trained by J. Baumbach ; bred by Coldstream Stud. WENT TO POST— 4:27. OFF AT 4:27* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily , second and third driving. CERBERUS secured a good position early, took command when called upon approaching the stretch and easily retained his advantage to the close. RAPHAEL II. saved ground while outrun to the final turn, came determinedly when hard urged in the drive, but could not menace the winner. FIRST OF ALL, much used engaging RADIO JOE through the first three-eighths, tired and lost ground steadily thereafter. RADIO JOE faltered after racing forwardly placed to the stretch. ARIDISICAL was unable to threaten. ONE TIP was always far back. INSCOLAD was done early. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 MILES. Whirlaway, May 3, 1941— 2:012/,— 3— 126. 2 2 8 8 0 Sixty-Eighth Running KENTUCKY DERBY. 5,000 Added. ™ ™ ° ° u 3-year-olds. Weight, the scale. Trainers of the winner, second May 2-42 — CD and third horses to receive ,000, ,000 and ,000 respectively; breeders of the winner, second and third horses to receive ,000, ,000 and 00 respectively. Net value to winner 4,225; second, ,000; third, ,000; fourth, ,000. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22554 SHUT OUT w 126 3 1 42 314 3" 14 12J WrightWD Greentree Stable 190 227033ALSAB wb 126 7 5 101 8l 44 42 2h JamesB Mrs A Sabath 5.10 22703 VALDINA ORPHAN wb 126 14 10 2" 24 22 2n 34 BiermanC Valdina Farms §9.90 2259DWITH REGARDS w 126 15 4 l2 H 14 32 44 LongdenJ Mr and Mrs T D Grimes 5.40 22608 FIRST FIDDLE wb 126 2 11 114 IP 9»J 63 53 McCrearyC Mrs E Mulrenan +9.20 22105 DEVIL DIVER wb126 5 2 54 54 54 52 6*4 ArcaroE Greentree Stable :i.90 22608 FAIR CALL wb 126 1 7 61 6 4 61 71 7 * LindbergH Mill River Stable +9.20 22479 DOGPATCH wb 126 10 3 3» 44 7b 84 8h SkellyJ Milky Way Farm 59.70 22703 HOLLYWOOD w 126 6 14 145 131 123 101 91 WoolfG Valdina Farms §9.90 22389 SWEEP SWINGER wb 126 4 15 15 14 133 ll2 104 ShelhamerA T D Buhl +9.20 226083APACHE w 126 13 6 I« 74 84 9l 1H StoutJ Belair Stud 16.90 22480 SIR WAR wb 126 8 8 9114 ll2 12M2* AdamsJ Circle M Ranch +9.20 22389 FAIRY MANAH wb126 9 13 121 9h 101 132 136 Gilbert J Foxcatcher Farm 39.90 22608 REQUESTED w 126 12 9 8124 146 14» 14» HaasL B F Whitaker 5.10 22703 BOOT AND SPUR wb 126 11 12 134 15 15 15 15 CraigA E C A Berger +9.20 +Mutuel field. tCoupled as Greentree Stable entrv; §Valdina Farms entrv. Time, :12%, :23%, :35%, :47%, 1:00, 1:12%, 1:254£, 1:39, 1:50*5. 2:04%. Track fast. kA..t...~ D.;«r SHUT 0UT tEntry 5M 340 300 1 90 70 50 /viuruei I rices alsab 6.20 4.80 2.10 1.40 VALDINA ORPHAN§Entry 5.20 1.60 Winner — Ch. c. bv Equipoise — Goose Egg. bv Chicle, trained bv John M. Gaver ; bred by Greentree Stable. WENT TO POST— 5:31. OFF AT 5:33 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. SHUT OUT, taken in hand after being hustled along for three-eighths, went close to the pace under smooth rating, responded when called upon and. wearing down the leaders, continued strongly while drawing out through the last eighth. ALSAB, taken to the outside after a half mile, started up after three-quarters and closed resolutely to head VALDINA ORPHAN in the final stride. VALDINA ORPHAN forced a fast pace under clever rating, rallied when placed to strong pressure entering the stretch and held on gamely to the last sixteenth, where he faltered. WITH REGARDS took command gradually, crossed to the inside approaching the back stretch, was under a snug hold to the last three eighths and, placed to pressure, continued well to the closing eighth, where he tired. FIRST FIDDLE, well back early, worked his way up steadily through the last five-eighths and was racing well at the end. DEVIL DIVER, a factor from the start, saved much ground and was kept in hand to the last three-eighths, but did not respond to pressure. FAIR CALL raced evenly. DOGPATCH did not keep up on the final turn and was not dangerous thereafter. HOLLYWOOD was outrun. SWEEP SWINGER began very slowly. APACHE was held safe from the start and was under vigorous riding before going seven-eighths. REQUESTED dropped out of contention after a half mile and, hopelessly outdistanced, was eased after a mile. Scratched— 227883First Prize, 126; 22703Sun Again, 126. EIGHTH RACE 1 3-16 MILES. Olga Star, May 25, 1916— 1:59%— 6— 105. Purse 2 9 ft A 1 SI, 000. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 117 lbs.; A O O I older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 2 lbs.; since May 2-42— CD April 8, 4 lbs.; in 1942, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St y2 % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22593 CHATTED wb 5 1144 3 4 l2 l2 l3 l2 134 SkellyJ Mrs C Gregory 290 22752 DANCING LIGHT wb 5 118 2 6 34 34 33 22 2« CraigA K G Marshall 1.30 22252*FAIR PLAYER wb4108 1 3 21 22 24 32 34 LongaC Hanks and Smith 24.10 227523TEDDER wb5114 6 2 4* 43 44 44 424 AdamsJ Miss M Woolwine 3.20 22753 PARI CALL wb6107 4 16 6 52 52 5nk BrooksS C Graham 8.50 22594 SOME COUNT w 7 112 5 5 52 54 6 6 6 CkshankB Mrs G Alexander 16.70 Time, :24%, :49£, 1:14, 1:40, 1:59% equals track record. Track fast. kA..t..l D,;/.«r CHATTED 7.80 4.00 3.40 2.90 1.00 .70 /VlUlUGI I rlCCS DANCING LIGHT 3.00 2.40 .50 20 FAIR PLAYER 5.80 1.N Winner — Ch. h, by Diavolo — Stonechat. by Chatterton, trained by J. R. Gregory; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 6:254. OFF AT 6:254 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third driving. CHATTED went to the front before foing a quarter, established a good lead and easily retained his advantage to the close. DANCING LIGHT saved ground while racing within striking distance of the leader to the stretch, came determinedly when subjected to punishment, but could not reach the winner. FAIR PLAYER forced the pace for three-quarters and then faltered. TEDDER was never dangerous and failed to respond when hard urfed in th« drive. PARI CALL was always outrun. SOME COUNT could not keep up. Scratched— 22753 Veiled Prophet, 101. Overweight — Chatted, 24 pounds. NINTH RACE CHURCHILL DOWNS— 1 1-8 Miles RESULT STRAIGHT PLACE SHOW DH MS EH ME EH ■■0EH Order gg BBQ.BB HQ Q0 IIDQQ finish Di ■■•■■ "H-BEl mm ■■•■■ x Dead-heat Off-Time: B 00 7 1— KAI-HI 4— CSOODANWARM 7— HAPPY KHAYYAM 2— BURNING STICK 5— FAY D. 8— MAD MACAW 3— HUP NANCY 6— ESSJAYTEE 9—1 MIGHT SCRATCHED — Happy Khayyam. TENTH RACE DECLARED OFF

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