untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-28


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Now on Sale 1942 EDITION World-Famous Encyclopedia of the Turf Compiled annually by DAILY RACING FORM Here it is. . .at your fingertips. . .eyerything you want to know about American and Canadian race tracks, horses, owners, trainers and jockeys! Interesting to Everyone For anyone who has eyer witnessed "The Sport of Kings" this volume of almost 1,000 pages is packed with interesting and useful information. A "must" for racing secretaries and organizations, handicappers, selectors, breeders, or patrons of the track. . .anyone who must haye complete and authentic racing facts and statistics. The New, 1942 American Racing Manual Contains a list of racing colors, records of owners, trainers, jockeys and horses, all track records, diagrams of principal tracks, rules of racing, betting percentage tables, ill record pay-off odds, scale of weights, a detailed explanation of pari-mutuel wagering, the history of national and international stakes, etc. Strikingly je-styled, handsome de luxe binding. All material in simple easily understandable form and language. Make Remittances Direct to Publisher: DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. Enclosed find $ for which send me a copy of the 1942 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL, .70 Per Copy, Including postage. 11 II NAME ADDRESS . CITY ; We will not be responsible for any cash sent with orders. Use Postal Money Orders. No C. 0. D. Service.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942052801/drf1942052801_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1942052801_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800