Official Racing Charts: Beulah Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-28

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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. . Beulah Park COLUMBUS, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1942 BEULAH PARK 1 MILE. Twenty-second day of twenty-five-day meeting May 2 to May 30. Beulah Park Jockey Club, Inc. Kenny gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Cooke camera. Stewards, George Palmer and E. W. Stribling. Judges, Fred Burton, E. W. Stribling and T. J. Brown. Paddock Judge, J. H. Yerian. Patrol Judges, J. Pons and C. Hudson. Starter, William Daly. Clerk of Scales, Thomas J. Moran. Racing Secretary, Fred Burton. Assistant Racing Secretary, B. H. Held. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, summer meeting, 1941, .40; current meeting, .32. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses must be named individually. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 19411:11 8 112 urse ?400, 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. 2 4 0 6 9 May 27-42 Beu Net value to winner .00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and Vs Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 21784 BAY FLASH wb 115 18 84 64. 34 14. FlinchumJ H Cantor 1.80 18962VANTIME w 110 7 2 14. l1 14. 21 CoucciT P T Chinn - 41.20 23497 BACK TOOTH wbIIO 4 1 2 4 21 32 DoertyWL Mrs H H Price 2.60 23142 EASY JACK wb115 8 6 5 5 44. 44. MyersE J" S Mulvihill - 6.70 23712 WATCH HILL w 115 2 7 7" 7b 6 52 FarrellW A D Currens 23.50 23492 f MISS LANCASTER wb 110 10 4 4and 3 5l 62 WhitlockK C H Morrison 46.20 23492 SPRING SONNET w 110 3 5 64. 8i 86 7 KnisleyC A Feasley 86.60 DOUBTER wb 115 5 9 92 9 9 8 DobsonX E C Piatt 3.00 23376 UPPER BRACKET wb115 9 3 3 2h 74. 98 SylviaE C C Bell 84.20 MISS WILDWOOD wb 111 6 10 10 10 10 10 GreenJ W N King 29.20 f Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :W, 1:15. Track good. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to k 1 , I I BAY FLASH 5.60 3.60 2.60 1.80 .80 .30 lyiutuei r rices vantime 15.80 5.60 6.90 BACK TOOTH 3.00 .50 Winner B. c, by Sangreal Who Said, by Witchmount, trained by E. Wheatley; bred by Mr. F. B. Koontz. WENT TO POST 2:31. OFF AT 2:31 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BAY FLASH saved ground early, came to the outside of the leaders entering the stretch and, closing strongly, got up in the last few yards. VANTIME showed the most early speed and held on courageously in the final test. BACK TOOTH saved much ground entering the stretch where the leaders went wide and held the others safe at the end. EASY JACK raced evenly. WATCH HILL finished stoutly. MISS LANCASTER was forced wide on the turn for home and finished tiring. DOUBTER showed a dull effort. UPPER BRACKET tired after showing early speed. Scratched 23710 Gallant Dust, 110; 09398 Rose Mary Wood, 110; 23863lHigh Carrie, 110; 23267 Waza Sweep, 110; 23863 Pompous Peggy, 110; 23707 Season Call, 105. Overweight Miss Wildwood, 1 pound. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 19411:11 A "7 0 8 112. Purse 00. , 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non- L. f U U winners of a race since May 1. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners in May 27-42 Beu 1942 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. - Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 232032GOLDEN RAPIER wb 5 108 6 3 4 2 H 12 SeamanW Mrs L V Bellew 1.90 23662 BLUEBIRD w 4 1154. 5 9 5 3 34 24. LittrellJ J Goodwin 4.90 23709 SEQUOIA wb11113 3 1 14 1 24. 3k McCanW Mrs J R Nation 7.80 22944 f PRINCE DANNY w 9 113 8 6 6nk 61 44. 42 DcWittJ Mrs R Reeves 4.90 18895 JBOBBYS SON w 10 113 2 7 8 7J 5 51 KnisleyC J E Lewis - 8.90 23620 tMARISHEILA w4110 1 5- 2nk 4nk 61 fi NapierG T Mills 23.20 234933JACKEMMA wb 8 112 10 10 91 9l 81 7 FlchumJ Briner and Hammack 26.90 16333SONGSTOP wb 7 1064. 4 2 34. 54 7 8l McLeodG C A Werline 11.40 23666 PALLAS ATHENE w 7 110 7 8 103 iQi 10 91 HensonE Mrs G Mayer 28.20 16217 ASPERITY w 4 108 9 4 I1 910 SylviaE Roy Simmons 102.10 23547 LITTLE KHAYYAMw 4 113 11 11 11 11 11 11 GlaugJ Mrs C McCoy .90 f Apprentice allowance waived. iMutuel field. Time, :23, -Al, 1:13. Track, good. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to 11 . 1 D:- GOLDEN RAPIER 5.80 3.20 3.00 1.90 .60 - .50 , MUtUGi r riCeS BLUEBIRD 4.20 3.40 1.10 .70 SEQUOIA - 3.60 .80 1 Winner B. h, by Sting Baton dOr, by Gay Ronald, trained by. L. V. Bellew, Sr. ; bred by Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Asiel. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:00. OFF AT 3:00 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. GOLDEN RAPIER moved up stoutly -on the outside when straightened out in the stretch, then took command an eighth out and drew away into an lead thereafter. BLUEBIRD worked way up next to the inner rail in the stretch and outgamed SEQUOIA. The latter showed the most early speed, but tired at the finish. PRINCE DANNY raced on the outside of opposition throughout and finished strongly. BOBBYS SON finished resolutely. MARISHEILA and SONGSTOP both tired after showin? early speed.- Scratched 23441 Guinea Law, 108; 06775 Military Miss, 108; 23662s Lady Lucille, 108; 23663 Capt. Yar-brouih, 113; 23866Kinky, 108. Overweight Bluebird, 24. pounds; Marishila, 2; Jackemma, 4; Songstop, 3; Pallas Athene, 2. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 5.40. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 19411:11 9 A fl 7 1 8112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 116 lb. Z. f U I Non-winners of two races allowed 2 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. Claim-May 27-42 Beu ing price, 00. .Met value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A WtPP St xk Vand Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt 23623 ANTHONYS GIRL w 110 5 5 31 Ink 12 16 KnisleyC J D Rogers 1.80 23710 LIGHT SANDAL w 109 6 7 72 62 5l 24. FarrellW C Hickman 15.10 23757 FLYING STRIPES w 110 1 4 44. 44 4 3" HidalgoR Pink Elephant Stable 9.80 23707 DESTINY DEB wllO 9 1 14 23 2 42 NapierG F Wood 3.80 23863 LEOTA W. w 109 10 2 33 33 5 SylviaE Wm Alexander 7.60 23438-GRACE K. wb 111 2 2 54. 5 64 62 CornayW S Roucher 4.40 BARTERING w 105 4 9 81 82 72 7 McCadenW J B Latta 18.20 23093 IVY ROLL wb 1074. 8 6 6 71 83 8 GlaugJ R E Francis 23.10 23330 ASTOLOT wb109 .3 8 9 95 9 9 DobsonJ Galbreath and Moore " 37.20 fSING OUT w 111 7 10 10 10 10 10 GreenJ Craig and Chamness 37.20 fApprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :47, 1:12. Track good. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to , in ANTHONYS GIRL 5.60 3.60 2.60 1.80 .80 .30 M, UTUGI r riCeS light sandal 8.20 3.80 3.10 .90 FLYING STRIPES 4.20 1.10 Winner Blk. f, by Roman Soldier Eau de Nil, by Golden Orb, trained by K. S. Cleveland; bred by Mr. H. N. Davis. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:27. OFF AT 3:28 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. ANTHONYS GIRL moved up strongly on the outside rounding the stretch turn and drew away decisively in the run home. LIGHT SANDAL closed fast on the outside in the final eighth and outlasted FLYING STRIPES. The latter went wide entering the stretch, but continued with good courage in the final test. DESTINY-DEB showed much early speed, but tired rapidly in the last sixteenth. LEOTA W. also tired in the last sixteenth. The others were outrun. Scratched 23376 Lady Petite, 105; 23376 Seventh Sage, 114; 23708 Range Light, 106; 23662GoId Pair, 114; 23812 Rose Wrack, 109; 23866 Fandangle, 110. Overweight Anthonys Girl, 1 pound; Flying Stripes, 1; Destiny Deb, 1; Ivy Roll, 2; Sing Out, 1. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 19411:11 2A 7 8 112. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-U Z winners of two races in 1942. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners in May 27-42 Beu 1942 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0: third, 0; fourth, 0. . Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Str Fm Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23934TRY FLIGHT w 5 111 3 2 23 2 2 li McLeodG C A Werline 2.30 18596 CHICONY wb5112 2 1 l2 l2 li 2 McCadenW C E Lenahan 5.30 23811 THE SPOTTER w 6 116 6 3 4and 41 4 3n DeWittJ J A Whiteside 19.80 236212 fSIS WAGNER wb 4 111 4 4 34 32 3l 4n HensonE Mrs Leo Wagner 4.80 23665 SONNY JOHN wb 6 116 5 6 6.1 5 54 524. NapierG R Fisher 2.80 15959 ITS A GO wb 4 112 9 10 92 81 8 6h KnisleyC J D Rogers 14.80 23713 GAY CHARLOTTE wb 4 111 15 561 63 72 WhitlockK Koch and Ritter 27.20 23758 ROSE K. wb 7 111 10 8 ll 73 72 83 GaitherA Mrs F T Tracy 37.20 23548 GUINEA LAD wb 6 116 7 9 84. 9s 96 9 FarrellW Mrs Ashbridge and J Rigney 14.60 22991 HAPPY TIDINGS w7112 8 7 10 10 10 10 FlinchumJ Briner and Hammack 27.20 fApprentice allowance waived. Time, :23l$, :47, 1:12J. Track good. Mutuels Paid Odds to ki.....l Du:. TRY FLIGHT 6.63 3.80 2.60 2.30 .90 .30 viutuel r rices chicony 5.00 3.00 1.50 .50 THE SPOTTER 4.00 1.00 Winner Ch. g, by Trystcr Grand Flight, by Mad Hatter, trained by C. A. Werline; bred by Mr. E. Asbury. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:54. OFF AT 3:54 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. TRY FLIGHT closed gamely on ,Ahe outside of CHICONY when straightened out in the stretch and, under keen urging, got up in the last iifty yards. CHICONY held on gamely in the final test and was much the best of the others. THE SPOTTER raced forwardly and nosed out SIS WAGNER in the "final stride. SIS WAGNER had no excuses. SONNY JOHN saved ground in the stretch and held oh well. ITS A GO was going well on the outside when too late. The others tired. Scratched 23936 My Mae, 107; 239363Prudent Miss, 111 ;" 23663Marie Olympia, 111; 23936 Henry M., 111; 23759Medrano, 116; 23761Tough Bird, 107. Corrected weight Guinea Lad, 116. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 19411:11 2 4 0 7"? 8112. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-tl . - winners of two races in 1942. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners in May 27-42 Beu 1942 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 239382TRAVEL AGENT wb 6 116 3 5 4 3 1 li FlinchumJ D E Cronin 220 23760 BELLE JAMES wb 5.111 5 7 82 7"k 4 24 SylviaE Ed -rd C Piatt 2260 23811 BAMBOO BROOM wb5111 4 6 5 5 2 32 WilsonHB Mrs Eli Long 360 23866 SHEF EUGENE wb 11 116 8. 9" 6 6i 64 41 WhitlockK F C Barrows 980 23380JRESCUED w5 106 7 10 10 10 7 5 CoucciT G Logsdon 890 2354a WHA HAE wb9112 9 4 3 2k 5h 6 HornG Mrs J Rickey 1310 23665 NORMAN SLOAT wb 6 116 6 8 9 8 7n HidalgoR Miss M Hodge 17 80 23757 DARBY DELLA w41U 1 1 l"k lh 3 82 DobsonJ Darby Dan Farm 1140 23865 tINAL w. 4 110 10 3 71 84 9i 93 KnisleyC R C Groff 38 20 239363NORMAN NADI wb 5 112 2 2 2h 4h 10 10 FarrellW Mrs H Wiener 3.80- fApprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, 1:13. Track good. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to k4 -J Dw; TRAVEL AGENT 6.40 4.60 2.60 2.?.0 1.30 .30 lYlUlUei rnCeS BELLE JAMES H.OO 5.00 - 4.50 1.50 BAMBOO BROOM 2.80 .40 Winner Ch. g, by General Lee Day Court, by Court Day, trained by A. M. Wheeler; bred by Mr. R. J. TJienst. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:20. OFF AT 4:20J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. "TRAVEL AGENT moved up fast on the outside of the leaders rounding the stretch turn, took command when an eighth out and held the race comparatively safe thereafter. BELLE JAMES closed a wide gap and came fast through the stretch on the outside. BAMBOO BROOM saved ground all the last quarter and held the others safe. SHERIFF EUGENE raced on the outside of the opposition throughout, but held on fairly well. RESCUED came very fast through the stretch. WHA HAE tired in the run home, as did DARBY DELLA. Scratched 22943 Red Brand, 107; 23935Phillis B., 107; 23866 Dodge Me, 112; 21643 Blue Boo, 107; 23761 Roaming Again, 116; 23203 Miss Mint Drop, 102. Overweight Inal, 3 pounds. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE. Fast Move, May 7,-19381:37 7 118. Spicer Fur-2 4 0 7 4. niture Co- Puree. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allow--t v ances. Non-winners of 50 other than claiming in 1942. 3-year-May 27-42 Beu 0lds, 110 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Winners of races other than claiming in 1942, 2 lbs. extra for each such race won. Non-winners in 1942 allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 50; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V. - Str Fin Jockeys Owners - Odds Strt 235502SPEEDY JOSIE wb4111 5 2 4 42 31 4 li WilnHB L Clous 1240 238683SAVES NINE w 3 107 7 3 2 2"k lh 24 23 WhlockK Al Smitha 1 50 237113MAXIEKIN wb 4 109 6 5 3 32 44 3 3" CornayW S Roucher 17 80 23272 PILLORLAD . w 7 116 2. 8 8 8 6 6 4 SylviaE Edward C Piatt 7.80 23552 LITTLE ABNER wb5113 1 6 72 74 5 52 51 FlihumJ Briner and Hammack 11.50 238133BE PREPARED wb 5 111 8 1 1 l3 2 4 6" GaitherA Mrs F T- Tracy 27.20 23814 EYES w 4108 3 4 6 6 8 74 7 McCanW J B Latta 11.40 22992 DARK IDEA- vb5116 4 7 54 5 7 8 8 GreenJ Green Acre Farm 2.40 Time, :23, :47?, 1:12, VJB. Track good. 1 Mutuels Paid v , Odds to x Mutual Dkp SPEEDY JOSIE 26.80 7.40 3.40 12.40 2.70 .70 iWutuei r rices saves nine 3.40 2.60 .70 .30 MAXIEKIN .t 4.80 1.40 Winner Br. f, by Quatre Bras II. Miss Marcclla, by Sir Martin, trained by L. Cloud; bred by Audley Farm. WENT TO POST 4:45. OFF AT 4:45 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third easily. SPEEDY JOSIE moved up stoutly on the inside entering the stretch and, taking command when an eighth out, drew clear nearing the end. SAVES NINE raced wide as she took the lead at the turn for home, but held the others safe at the end. MAXIEKIN raced forwardly, was forced wide entering tha stretch, but held on fairly well in the final drive. PILLORLAD closed much ground and came strongly in the run home. LITTLE ABNER saved ground in the stretch and finished stoutly. BE PREPARED set a fast early pace, but quit badly in the last quarter. Overweight Saves Nine, 2 pounds; Maxickin, 1. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Dark Idea, May 5, 19421:425 2 4 0 7 5 116 Purse ?400 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non- tl winners of a race since September 20. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, May 27-42 Beu H6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners .Odds Strt 238672VELOZ wb7116 8 2 2 3 2 4 4 KnisleyC L Rodriguez 350 23620MANE HULL - w6106 6 3 3i 2 46 3 22 BadaliA H T Cooper 11 40 23550 BOSTON LASSIE wb 5 111 4 1 41 43 lh 2 3 FarrellW Mrs H E Selby 160 23667 JVIGNETTE wb-5111 12 4 l2 H 31 45 45 GaitherA F Coffenbury 4690 23378 BUSY MOROCCO w 4.116 1 7 61 64 52 52 McCadenW Mrs E E Watson 17 80 23863 INDIAN NICKEL w3110 3 11 102 104 1 andnk i NapierG L and P A Stcffen 28 20 23666 ULTALU w8116 7 10-12 12 12 9k 7and DeWittJ K E Gill 5920 23937 DENEB wb 3 106 5 12 11, 114111 8 82 MyersE J R Neville 4.40 23328 MNKET w4111 9 8 84 7 8 104 9 WilsonHB Mrs Eli Long 21.60 23863 MISS IRENE T. wb 3 104 2 9 71 52 5 U 10 SylviaE Wehry and Dashields 53 20 238153PALLO w 7 106 11 6 92 9 10 ll2 ll3 SeamahW X O McCulIough f6.90 23549 KING HULLO w 6 116 10 5 6 8 912 12 GreenJ H H Chopin f6.90 fMutuel field. Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :W5, 1:13, 1:41, 1:45. Track good. . . , Mutuels Paid v 1 Odds to y viuruei r rices jane hull m 3m 3.30 .90 BOSTON LASSIE 2.60 .30- Winner B. g, by Swift and Sure Snowcapt, by Roi Herode, trained by L. Rodriguez; bred by Mere-worth Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. - WENT TO POST 5:14. OFF AT 5:14, EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving ; second and third the same. VELOZ moved up stoutly while saving ground rounding the stretch turn and, continuing wtih good courage in the run home, outgamed JANE HULL. The latter raced forwardly and also saved ground in the stretch, finishing strongly. BOSTON LASSIE moved up on the outside rounding the top turn, went into a slight lead, but bore out all the last quarter. VIGNETTE set the early pace, tired after reaching the stretch, but was much the best of the others. BUSY MOROCCO raced evenly. INDIAN NICKEL closed ground, as did ULTALU and DENEB. The others tired. Scratched 23815 Gold Sprite, 111. Overweight Indian Nickel, 2 pounds; Deneb, 34; Miss Irene T., 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Dark Idea, May 5, 19421:425 2 4 0 7 6 116, Purse ?400- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-tl , . winners of a race since September 20. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, May 27-42 Beu H6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt -234422HEEL DUST wb6116 7 9 72 61 14 l3 l3 GaitherA Miss P ODonnell L30 23940BROAD STRIPES wb 6 111 1 11 11 9J. 8 4"k 2b SeamanW ED40D Mattingly 28.20 238143OPOCA wb 8 112 5 4 3A. 4A. 32 24. 32 FlinchumJ Wheatley Court Stable 2.80 238633FIRST DIVISION w 4 111 3 1 l3 l2 24 3 4" McLeodG C A Werline 6.90 238703BINDY w 7 111 9 3 6 74 6h 5- 52 CornayW Mrs H Wiener 5.90 23664 TOPWAY w 10 116 4 2 2 3 4k 6 64. McCaddnW E D Slavin 11.40 23815 MARIE F. wb51U 2 7 4 2nk 5 74 72 GlaugJ Miss Fay McCoy 23.60 23335 JWILLIE G. w 5 116 10 5 51 51 74 82 8 WilsonHB C N Finch f38.20 23144 iVANDY w 4 116 6 8 9 83 93 g5 96 HensonE E Dickason 57.20 23756 LADY NATION w 4 112 8 10 104. 11 10 108 1010 DeWittJ J A Whiteside 101.20 23709TURN OUT wb 6 111 11 6 84. 10 11 11 11 ThnburgJ J Thornburg Sr f38.20 tMutuel field. Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23?, :48, 1:1454, 1:40, 1:45. Track good. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to Mutual Dj-sse HEEL DUST 4-60 3-40 2-40 1-30 -7 -20 viuruei r rices broad stripes 15.60 4.00 6.80 1.00 OPOCA 2.60 .30 Winner Lt. ch. g, by Brilliant Bright Eastern, by Friar Rock, trained by P. ODonnell ; bred by Mr. J. D. Rogers. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST-5:41. OFF AT 5:41 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. HEEL DUST moved up rapidly on the outside rounding the far turn, took command at the turn for home and drew away into an easy lead thereafter. BROAD STRIPES closed a tremendous gap and came very fast through the stretch. OPOCA raced forwardly throughout and held on gamely in the final drive. FIRST DIVISION displayed the most early speed, but tired after reaching the stretch. BINDY went very wide on the first turn and finished resolutely. TOPWAY showed early speed, but tired, as did MARIE F. Scratched 23867 Childhood, 106; 23335 Gambling Boy, 116. Overweight Opoca, 1 pound; Lady Nation, 1. NINTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Higher Cloud, May 15, 19111:11 A 0 7 ATA 8112. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-z. h- u s U Z winners of a-race since May 1. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners in 1942 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, 00. -DECLARED OFF.

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