Official Racing Charts: Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-28

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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. : Belmont Park PARK 1-2 MILES, 6 1-4 FEET. Fifteenth ELMONT, L. I., N. Y., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1942-BELMONT 1 day of twenty-four-day meeting May 11 to June 6. Westchester Association. Puett gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by J. J. -Jones camera. Steward Representing The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy. Steward Representing New York State Racing Commission, Francis P. Dunne. Steward, H. 0. Vosburghr Visiting member The Jockey Club, Walter M. Jeffords. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, John B. Campbell. Assistant Secretary, Julius Reeder. Starter. George Cassidy. Judges, C. H. Cornehlsen, Frank E. Kilroe and Joseph E. Kyle. Clerk of Scales, Albert Burlen. Assistant Clerk of Scales, Nelson Strang. Paddock and Patrol Judge, Myron D. Davis. Patrol and Assistant Paddock Judge, George Hyland. Patrol Judges, Walter Mara and Frank Keogh. Timer, John Miller. Physician, Dr. Michael Soinrad. Track Veterinarian, Dr. M. J. Dair. Supervisor of Saliva Test and Chief Veterinarian of New York State Racing Commission, Dr. Jordan Woodcock. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting, 1941, .35; current meeting, .44. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one horse. No field horses. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE Juvenile Course. Sun Again, May 24, 1941 :58V6 2-year-olds. Claiming:. Weight, 116 2116. Purse ,500. O A fi C 1 4 U O I ibs winners of two races, 3 lbs. extra; two races since May 6, May 27-42 Bel 6 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt 22754 TOWSER wb 111 6 5 2 14 13 H EadsW H P Headley 5.80 236522IS I IS w 116 1 7 3 5h 5 21 ThompsonB C H Trotter 2.95 239252JAQUITA w 113 3 2 1 2 24 33 Gilbert! J P Smith 1.90 23801LEOS BRANDY wb116 4 4 54 3 32 44 ArcaroE B F Whitaker 3.95 23429 CREDENTIALS vb116 5 3 V- 42 42 52 StoutJ Maxwell Howard 11.80 23654 NAVY BLUE wbU6 7 1 7 7 62 64 WoolfG D Guilino 49.10 23614 LA RICHE w 113 2 6 61 6h 7 7 WrightWD Mrs Louis Lazare 12.45 Time, 22, :465, :58. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid v , Odds to . 13-60 G.70 3.30 5.80 2.35 .65" ... , n TOWSER Mutuel Prices 410 1:8 1-05 2 Winner B. g, by Bull Dog Precious, by "SupremuV," trained by K. Osborne; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:00. OFF AT 2:04 EASTERN WAR TIME. . , ti Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third driving. TOWSER nm was sent up ft after the start, forced the early pace to dispose of JAQUITA and drew away then was under mild hand urging at the end. IS I IS was slow as usual to settle in his stride, responded when urged and closed with good courage. JAQUITA displayed speed throughout and held on well underurgmg LEO S BRANDY was unable to keep up when urged. CREDENTIALS showed an even effort. NAVY BLUE was never a dangerous factor. LA ?cSfhed-23747UnFortress, 111; 22401 Drudge, 111; 23747Jotun, 114; 23652Budded, 116. Overweight Navy Blue, 5 pounds. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Main Course. Nusakan, Sept. 13, 19291:104 126- Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, A n C O 2 4 U O L 5 lbs below scale. Non-winners of two races since April 8 allowed May 27-42 Bel 4 lbs.; one race since then or two races in 1942, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Net value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vx Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23615SELMALAD wb6118 3 3 24 2 14 1 DayW D MacVean 8.20 23613 VERSE vb4110 7 6 6 3i 32 2" MeadeD Vera S Bragg 7.55 236133HAPPY LARK: wb5114 2 2 4 1. 2 32 WahlerC Hugh McL Fenwick 1.65 23126 tSUN GINGER wb4108 6 5 5 42 . 4J ZufeltF Aberdeen Stable 2.Z0 186423RUFIGI w5119 5 4 4 65 51 53 WestropeJ Lord Carnarvon - iU0 23706 HARD JESTER w4117 11 3" S1 6 64 WallN W-L Ranch 6.40 C96432ERNIE HOLST wb 4 113 4 7 7 7 7 7 VerchcrT Bern Stable 4J.00 -Apprentice allowance waived. .... Time, :2V5, :46and V.W5. Track fast , . f Mutuels Paid v , Odds to 18.40 8.60 430 8.20 3.30 1.15 ... I r SELMALAD - Mutuel Prices w 3-40 HAPPY LARK ,bu Winner Br. g, by Jock Agnes Ayrcs, by King James, trained by D. MacVean; bred by Mr. J. L. Holton. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO P0ST-2:33. OFF AT 2:35 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SELMALAD iw forced a the pace from the start, drew away under pressure in the stretch, but was tiring fast in the fmal drive VERSE was slow to begin, but improved her position steadily and finished with a rush. HAPPY LARK displayed speed from the start and, under ursing, came again at the finish. SUN GINGER showed an even effort throughout RUFIGI was taken under restraint when outrun and finished well. HARD JESTER had no mishaps. LRNIb HOLST dropped back after the break. Scratched 23702 Raphael II., 110; 22097 Liberty Franc, 114. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 16.80. THIRD RACE ABOUT 2 MILES. Fairmount, May 28, 19263:405147. Hibler Steeplechase. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim-4 A fi 7 2 U O O jnff Non-winners of 00 twice since April 27. 4-year-olds, 144 May 27-42 Bel lbs.; 5-year-olds, 150 lbs.; older, 153 lbs. Winners of 00 since April 27, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of 00 in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.; of 00 in 1941-42, 5 lbs.; one race since May 1, 1940, if 5-year-olds or upward, 8 lbs.; maiden 6-year-olds or upward, 12 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,000; second, S275; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 3 6 9 12 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23486 FELT SLIPPER wb 7 141 8 10 95 8 6 2 H ScottA Mrs L E Stoddard Jr K80 234862MUFFD DRUMS wsb 5 145 7 6 34 35 23 4 2s RobertsE Greentree Stable 9.30 23486 WAR PORT w 9 150 4 3 l2 l2 l1 32 Z2 RobyT Geo Casilear 8.25 09672LLE COTGE II. wsl0 150 10 7 V2 5 43 42 42 MageeJ Mrs James C Clark 4.95 23770 SAPELO w8148 3 8 82 64 5h 5 5 ClemtsHW MontpoJier 1.50 23701GLEN-NA-MONA w 7 149 9 9 5h 23 3 63 6n BlandW Jane Watters 11.40 02462 DANNY DEEVER w6148 5 5 7 71 86 78 7 CruzH Brookmeade Stable 45:25 99991 DINGWELL w 10 145 2 1 6 910 910 85 8 HisonMrJS Mrs F M Gould 73.50 23486MACS COTTAGE w 12140 1 2 10 10 10 10 93 MaierF MrsR Ringgold 102.85 23701 NIGHT HERON wb 6 151 6 4 22 4J 72 95 10 BellhouseF F Ambrose Clark 5.35 Time, 3:44. Track fast. rt FELT SLIPPER 31.60 11.00 6.70 14.80 4.50 2.35 Ml utuel Prices muffled drums 7.00 5.20 z.5o 1 m WAR PORT 5-20 -60 Winner Br. g, by Felstead Carpet Slipper, by Phalaris, trained by W. Post; bred in England by Mr. E. Harmsworth. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:56. OFF AT 2:57 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from flag. Won driving; second and third the same. FELT SLIPPER was restrained off the early pace, but jumped well, responded to pressure in the final half mile and disposed of MUFFLED DRUMS at the end. The latter was well up throughout and assumed command when urged, but could not withstand the winner. WAR PORT showed speed throughout and had no mishaps. LITTLE COTTAGE II. was prominent from the start, then faltered. SAPELO had no mishaps. GLEN-NA-MONA made a bad landing at the eighth fence. DANNY DEEVER was crowded back going to the sixth fence. DINGWELL was never a factor. MACS COTTAGE was outrun. NIGHT HERON made a bad landing at the ninth fence and tired badly thereafter. Scratched 23701 Epindel, 146. - FOURTH RACE 5-8 MILE Widener Straight Course. Distraction, June 4, 1927 :56 2 125 Purse 500. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and A fi A 2 4 U O Hr geldings. Special weights. May 27-42 Bel Nel vaue to winner 75; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, S75. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt OCEAN WAVE w 116 17 2 - 5 34 2 In HaasL Calumet Farm J3lo HALBERD w 116 14 4 1 2 In 22 WoolfG Mrs W M Jeffords 5.20 23654 DOVE SHOOT wb 116 18 15 2" 1" V2 3 PetersM C V Whitney -fll.70 238553DEVILS THUMB w 116 6 5 41 5 5 4 NevesR W E Boeing 9.30 CARELESS w 116 2 18 10J 8 4 5 EadsW Calumet Farm 3.80 23855HARD PONE wb 111 12 8 7 62 6 6 Garzal Max Hirsch 37.10 SUN FLAME wb 116 7 9 8 10 91 75 WestropeJ Brookmeade Stable 68.25 PEACE EAGLE w 116 11 7 lln 12 7 84 WrtWD B F Whitaker fil.70 236542TWEEDY wb 116 16 6 34 4l 8 91 RoduezE W Zicgler Jr 1.65 CHESAPEAKE w 116 5 3 9h 9 10 104 BasileM J F Flanagan 186.90 GOUACHE wb 116 4 12 161 16n 12 14 MeadeD Marshall Field 10.25 21137 ZOOMING wb 116 13 16 13h 131 13 121 McCryC Woodvale Farni 79.90 BILOXI BAY w 116 8 1 14J 11 lln 131 SchmidlA E R Bradley 27.50 SUPERMONT w 116 9 14 12 74141 144 GilbertJ Foxcatcher Farms tll.70 BOY SOLDIER w 116 3 11 15 15 15 154 YoungS E R Bradley 27.50 23654 PACIFIST w 116 1 10 18 17 16 16 ArcaroE Greentree Stable 75.95 23654 PORTLIGHT wb 116 15 17 61 14 172 17 LngdenJ Wheatley Stable fll.70 23106 DOC COBBE wb 116 10 13 17h 18 18 18 ThpsonB Railroad Stable fll-70 fMutuel field. ICoupled as Calumet Farm entry; E. R. Bradley entry. Time. S9. Track fast. ki..X...l D!.. OCEAN WAVE JEntry.. 9.60 5.30 3.50 3.80 1.65 .75 fviufuei r rices halberd 6.70 4.80 2.35 1.40 DOVE SHOOT Field 4.70 1.35 Winner Ch. c, by Blenheim II. Columbiana, by Fetee-Wrack, trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Calu-mei Farm. WENT TO POST 3:25. OFF AT 3:27 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. OCEAN WAVE was a prominent factor from the start and, under hard urging in the final drie, outlasted HALBERD. The latter was under severe pressure while racing true and finished determinedly. DOVE SHOOT began slowly, moved up fast and finished with good courage. DEVILS THUMB vas a prominent factor throughout. CARELESS showed a good effort. HARD PONE raced evenly throughout. SUN FLAME was bothered nearing the final eighth. PEACE EAGLE made up some ground. TWEEDY had no mishaps. CHESAPEAKE raced" well. GOUACHE had no mishaps. ZOOMING showed an even effort. The others had no mishaps. Scratched 23487 Slide Rule, 116. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Roseben, Oct. 16, 19061:225126. Purse ,500. 2 4 0 6 5 3 -year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special weights. May 27-42 Bel Net value t0 w;nner 75; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP- St and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 236532JANE BLENHEIM w 3 110 12 1 2h 22 l2 1 F LngdenJ Mrs John D Hertz L03 23616 TOP MILK w3113 2 7 8h 8 6" 53 24 WrtWD Mrs F A Clark 38 35 23488 REAPERS BLADE wb 3 113 11 12 6 34 3 31 "31 ArcaroE Brookmeade Stable 6.60 , 23653 AT WHICH w 3 108 7 5 123 i2 gh 84 4h ZufeltF A D B Pratt 9.90 DON BINGO w 3 113 13 11 74 41 43 2 5"k WestropeJ Binglin Stock Farm 4.85 23542 MIGHTY MASTER ;wb 3 113 6 4 14 4 2 41 64 MalleyT Mrs L A Livingston f92 60 23370 GAY WING wb 4 124 1 9 10$ 92 84 6" 74 BasileM Lazy F Ranch 61.35 13581 BLITZKRIEG wb 3 113 3 8 9 103 ll2 9 82 JamesB A G Vanderbilt 9 20 DELICATESSEN wb 3 108 4 10 111 m i24 ni ch CostG . .Mrs W A Crawford 99 5S 22796 RECAP wb 3 113 8 6 4 51 51 71 10i NeVesR W E Boeing 20 70 22218DGUBLE EIRE w 3 108 5 3 32 6 4 71 102 ll3 CouleN Godfrey Preece 106 35 18768BOURBON TOWN w 3 103 9 2 5h 7h 10$ 12 12S HilbrtL Sanford Stud Farm 140.15 PRINCE BEILTRO w 3 113 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 MarinelliJ C C Ortlieb -f92 60 fMutuel field. Time, :23, :46, 1:24. Track fast. . r Mutuels Paid , Odds to Mutual Phc JANE BLENHEIM 4.00 3.10 2.50 1.00 .55 .25 viuruei rnces top milk 25.60 10.30 4.15 REAPERS BLADE ....... 3.80 .90 Winner Br. f, by Blenheim II Crazy Jane, by Haste, trained by G. D. Cameron ; bred by Mrs. J. Hertz. WENT TO POST 3:54. OFF AT 4:00f EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. JANE BLENHEIM followed the early pace under mild restraint, moved into command and drew away when ready. TOP MILK came through on the inside in the stretch and finished well. REAPERS BLADE began slowly and moved up stoutly, then hung at the finish. AT WHICH began slowly and finished well. DON BINGO moved up fast from a slow start, then faltered in the final eighth. MIGHTY MASTER had early speed, then quit. GAY WING had no mishaps. BLITZKRIEG was never a factor. DELICATESSEN was outrun. RECAP could not keep up. DOUBLE EIRE had a flash of early speed. BOURBON TOWN was outrun. PRINCE BEILTRO had no speed. Scratched 23805lChickore, 108; 23488 Gallant Dick, 113; 22281 Gatineau, 113; 23121,Cairnqorm 113 -235422Pharatheen, 113; 17509Trierarch, 113; 23653 Hi-Kip, 108. Overweight Jane Blenheim, 2 pounds. SIXTH RACE 1 1-2 MILES. Sorteado, Sept. 23, 1939 2:28 4 112. Twenty-2 4 0 6 6 Sixth Runnin COACHING CLUB AMERICAN OAKS. 0,000 , Added. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Weight, 121 lbs. Maidens oo May n-U Bel allowed 5 lbs. The Coaching Club to add a cup, to be known as the Coaching Club Cup, to be won three times, not necessarily consecutively, by the same owner before becoming his of her property; also a silver trophy of the value of 00, which will be given to the owner of the winning filly each year. Net value to winner 5,425; second, ,000; third, ,500; fourth. 50. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 237042VAGRANCY wb121 6 3 4 14 14 14 I2 MalleyT Belair Stud : 60 23704 MACKEREL wb 121 5 4 34 4 34 21 2 JamesB C V Whitney 845 23704 COPPERETTE WbT21 4 6 23 22 22 31 33 GilbertJ Foxcatcher Farms 9765 237043BONNET ANN wb 121 3 2 6 3 45 4 45 WrtWD A A Baroni . 665 23704 RED ROSETTE w 121 1 5 5h 6 5h 52 52 WoolfG Mrs W M Jeffords 310 23704 TRIBAL RULER wa 121 2 1 4 53 6 6 6 WielderE J E Widener 6360 Time, :24, ;51, 1:17, 1:42, 2:07, 2:31. Track fast. . , t Mutuels Paid , Odds to v KvtllfllAl PkIz-AP VAGRANCY 3.20 2.50 2.20 .60 .25 .10 viuruei rnces mackerel 4.90 3.50 1.45 75 COPPERETTE . 6.90 2 45 Winner Dk. b. f, by Sir Gallahad III. Valkyr, by Man o War, trained by J. Fitzsimmons; bred by Belair Stud. WENT TO POST 4:24. OFF AT 4:24 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. VAGRANCY was under stout restraint throughout, shook off opposition when ready and had something left at the end. MACKEREL was under stout restraint, then was steered to the outside entering the stretch, but could not overhaul the winner. COPPERETTE was a prominent factor throughout and had no mishaps. RED ROSETTE was taken -under steady restraint early, but failed to respond when urged. TRIBAL RULER had no mishaps. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Dot, Sept. 7, 19231:423100. Filigrane 2 4 0 6 7 Purse- Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of o"o ?5000 other than claiming. Weight, 123 lbs. Non-winners May tvt 2 1 -42 r Bel i 0f ,600 or three races since April 8 allowed 3 lbs.; of ,300 or two races in 1942, 7 lbs.; at any time, 10 lbs. Net value to winner ,650; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St i Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 238603FAIRARIS wl23 5 3 ll H 1 1 15 ThpsonB R S McLaughin 25 22390 ETERNAL PEACE wb120 3 1 5 5 5 34 2 ArcaroE B F Whitaker 12 85 23753SIR WAR wb115 4 2 42 31 22 23 35 WandcrE Circle M Ranch 7 95 23258 EQUALIZE w 116 2 5 2k 4 4 5 42 LngdenJ J E Sullivan 27.75 23373 BLUE PENNANT wb 120 1 4 33 22 3 42 5 WestropeJ Louis B Mayer 9 15 Time, :46?, 1:37, 1:44. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to Mufriitl DuI-ac FAIRARIS r 2.50 2.30 2.10 .25 .15 .05 UfUel rriCeS ETERNAL PEACE 4.80 2.60 1.40 .30 SIR WAR 2.40 - .20 Winner Ch. c, by Fair Trial Nunnery, by Friar Marcus, trained by A. G. Robertson; bred in England by Messrs. Wickham and Boynton. WENT TO POST 4:51. OFF AT 4:52J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. FAIRARIS outran his field throughout and was galloped in front to win under mild restraint. ETERNAL PEACE, outrun early and under urging, improved his position to outfinish SIR WAR. The latter raced forwardly from the start, was placed under pressure entering the stretch and held on well. EQUALIZE was unable to menace the leaders at the end. BLUE PENNANT saved ground and was not unduly persevered with when beaten. Scratched 23753 Wood Robin, 120; 23263 Saku, 120. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-2 MILES. Sorteado, Sept. 23, 1939 2:28 4 112. Purse "A 2 4 0 8 500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. "Non-winners of a , race at one and one-half miles or over since May 9. Weight, 5 May 27-42 Bel lbs. below scale. Non-winners of a race at one and one-half miles or over in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,200. Net value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1 Ui Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23754 SWEEPALOT wb8U4 5 7 6h 44 45 lnk lh ZufeltF Judy-Ed Stable 195 23617TRUE KNIGHTSS w 5 115 7 5 3h 1414242 LindbergH P B Codd 315 235462ARMOR BEARER wb 7 120 6 3 4 3 2n 3" 32 WrightWD J B Partridge 2.25 23754 SILVER ROCKET wb4113 3 6 54 2" 33 4 42 RobertsP Mrs D P Barrett 12 40 23436RESOLUTE H. wb4114 14 7 5156 510 5" HildebndtL Mrs E J Maloney 7.75 22753 STEADY ON wb 4 109 4 2 22 6h 66 6 6 ThompsonB Lestor Manor Stable 37.05 22794DARK MISCHIEF wb 4,108 2 1 14 7 7 7 7 CouleN R A Coon 36.20 Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:39, 2:06, 2:31. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to ki. ....! Du: SWEEPALOT 5.90 3.20 2.30 1.95 .60 .15 viuruei rnces true knightess " 4.13 2.60 1.10 .30 ARMOR BEARER 2.40 .20 Winner Dk. b. g, by Sweep All Pelota, by War Cloud, trained by C. A. Roles; bred by Messrs. D. L. Proctor and C. W. Damon. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 5:15. OFF AT 5:15J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SWEEPALOT improved his position on the outside and, entering the stretch, moved up on the outside and disposed of TRUE KNIGHTESS in the final drive. The latter was sent up on the outside rounding the first turn, moved up into the command on the back stretch and, under pressure, came again at the end. ARMOR BEARER was sent up goin" to the far turn, but faltered badly in the stretch run. SILVER ROCKET, on the inside, had no mish-ps3 RESOLUTE II. made up some ground. STEADY ON and DARK MISCHIEF were not persevered with when they quit. Scratched 23264 Hillblond, 109. Overweight Steady On, 1 pound. -

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