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Claims and Sales Horse. Track. Owner. Price Spiral Pass Suf Merry-Ho Sta. ,501 Beau Brannon Suf Mrs. W. W. Adams 2,00 Don Moss Suf Mrs. E. Haugh- ton 2,00 Ballast Reef Suf H. O. Simmons 1,25 Wise Witch Det Mrs. J. B. Burn-stein 1,25 Auld Langr Syne L.F Overton and Jung: 1,00 Valdina Bob A.C C. Whittendon 70 Kaleidison Oma Mrs. E. Barnes 60 Codad L.F R. E. Plemmons Shifting- Sand L.F W. F. Flanigan Distant Light L.F W. F. Flanigan Ultalu Bcu K. E. Gill De Sota Suf J. Binstock Valdina Luster Suf Pine Tree Stable Valdina Alpha Suf Pine Tree Stable Valdina Secret Suf Tine Tree Stable Paireve Beu C. Williamson Pup Tent Beu A. M. Culver . Susie Rooster Beu A. Dishong Wha Hae 3eu Mrs. J. Rickey Private sale.