United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-05


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I I ; , j j ! . I i l j j i i I j 1 i 1 j I UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL . * NEWS j BRIEFS NATIONAL: McElroy Denies Missile Gap WASHINGTON, May 4.— Defense Secretary Neil H. McElroy said today neither the U. S. nor Russia will have intercontinental rockets ready to fire much before the end of this year. He denied there was a "missile gap." Testifying before the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, McElroy said the impression of a "missile gap" is created by comparing what Russia could produce with what the U. S. actually plans to produce. Steelworkers Brief Bargaining Teams NEW YORK, May 4.— Top officials of the United Steelworkers of America today briefed the unions bargaining teams which will meet separately this week with 12 top steel companies. Approximately 350 steelworkers, members of the locals representing each companys employees, met behind closed doors at Hotel Roosevelt to hear the unions contract demands spelled out. Tomorrow, the union bargaining teams will kick off 1959 wage talks with U. S. Steel, I Bethlehem Steel, Republic Steel and Kaiser I Steel. On Wednesday, separate talks will I begin with eight other major companies. I Indias Struggle Important — Nixon WASHINGTON, May 4.— Vice-President Richard M. Nixon said today Indias economic struggle may be more important to the free world than the Berlin crisis. Nixon delivered the opening address to a two-day conference of U. S. and Indian leaders who advocate vast, long-term American loans and other aid to India. All the speakers emphasized that in India, whose popula-I tion is greater than Africa and Latin America combined, the world will see perhaps a conclusive answer to the question of whether underdeveloped nations can achieve economic progress without abandoning freedom. Truman Assails Un-Americon Committee WASHINGTON, May 4.— Former Presi-I dent Harry S. Truman said today he is anxious to tell the House Committee on Un-American Activities why he thinks it is "the most un-American thing in the country." But for now, the committee will just have to wait. Truman discussed the committee on his usual morning walk, which preceded an appearance before a House judiciary subcommittee studying the proposed repeal of the 22nd amendment. The amendment provides that no one man can serve more than two consecutive terms as president. Truman has repeatedly attacked the measure. Hope to Win Support for India WASHINGTON, May 4.— Vice-president Richard M. Nixon and other officials to-j day opened a two-day conference intended to win support for a bigger and long-term program of American aid to India. Sponsors of the conference, led by businessman-economist Eric Johnston, hoped to persuade Congress and the administration that India is the vital Asian battleground in the struggle between democracy and communism. The United States, they said, must lend billions of dollars to help India win the economic race against Red China. FOREIGN: U. S. Suspends High Altitude Flights PARIS, May 4. — The United States has suspended high altitude flights to West Berlin pending critical negotiations forthcoming with the Soviet Union. The sources said the United States has decided to keep its planes below the 10,000-foot level and not to fly any armed fighter planes in the air corridors to Berlin for the time being. Nehru Defends Tibetan Actions NEW DELHI, May 4. — Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru today defended his ac-! tions in the Tibetan uprising and said he was "shocked" at the anti-Indian remarks made by Communist China. "People should not be so thin-skinned," he told Parliament. There might be "far-reaching consequences." Hammarskjold Explains Summit Speech COPENHAGEN, May 4.— Dag Hammarskjold, United Nations secretary general, said today his speech here last Saturday should not be interpreted as "a proposal or a suggestion" that the U. N. arrange a summit meeting. "I merely outlined the possibilities and facilities offered by the organization. It is up to others to make proposals," he said. Soviets Plan Rigid Program MOSCOW, May 4.— The Soviet Union will go to the May 11 Geneva Foreign Ministers Conference with a rigid program that allows little room for maneuver or compromise. But observers here are not unduly pessimistic about some future East-West agreement. The dangers of the international situation and the overriding desire of both the East and West to achieve some kind of relaxation of international tensions will prove the governing factor at Geneva, the observers said.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050501/drf1959050501_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1959050501_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800