Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-05

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! 7and%£.yandand%.yand*£. workouts! Date at left of hones name is last workout of horse. Letters following time I Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e. easily; h, handily; o, all ont; u, eased up. I WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 AURORA. Weather cloudy; track heavy; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 18 Chicon :40 h 5-1 Lapidary . . . :43%b 4 30 Hn Virginia :45 b 5-3 Lucky Drift. :43 b 51 Judas :45 b 5 2 Woodgain .. :39%h One-Half Mile. 51 Bland Belle. :51%h 5-1 Hague 1:00 b Dodv :59 b 5-1 Portmanteau :58 b 5 2 Dunes :59 b 5-1 Sister Mary. :59 b Five Eighths Mile. 430 Bayamo ....l:10%b 4-30 Roycrofter .l:06%h 4-30 Hal Dvyer..l:12 b 3 18 Snd Fiddler.l:09 h 4 17 No More.... 1:15 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4 26 Bill Lutz.... 1:23 h 4-28 Peter Peter. l:27%h 51 Kittv 0Vav.l:26,f,h 5-1 Solicitor ...122%a 5 2 Oma Whisk. l:26%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 51 Paul Bunyanl:44 b One Mile. 52 Sthland Lad2:00 b All works were around double "dogs." SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 29 Ada Epinard :42 b 3-8 My My Jane -A2*r,b Curdle :39%h 51 My Inver... :38 h Conversation :43 b 4 29 Perfect Hert :42%h 5 2 Dunlins Boy :42 h 51 Pat. Marian. :41 b 4-29 Gan Lee.... :39%b 4-30 Red Grange. :39%b 4 23 Montfcrrat . :40%h 4 30 Wing Hand. :38%b One-Half Mile. 4-22 Anncte B... :54%b 5 2 Jessie Cpage :54 b Bull Frog... :52%h 4-30 My Sin :53 b 4 28 Courier .... :52%h 5-1 Thistle Duke :53%b Col. Foster. :52%b 4-29 The Abbot.. :52 b 3-14 Gold Handle :58 d 4-29 White Bnet. :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 51 Tlii tie Vic.l:05%h One Mile. 5 2 Folamile ...1:52 d , PIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast-— Three-Eighths Mile. 4 18 Blimp :36%b 5-2 Mouthpiece.. :37 h 5 3 Bun D :37 b 5-2 Step Livelv. . :36%d Gav Heart... :35%h 4-26 Sister Zoe... :39 d 4 28 Flagstone . . . :33 h 4-30 Stone Martin :36 h 5-2 Rtfgjr :37 h 4-19Springsteel.. :39 b O-e-Half Mile. 4 28C:mterwood.. :51 b 4-24 Major Lee... :51 h 4 27 Gloria Maris. :49%h 5-1 Repentance.. :50 h Hut :51 h Stealingaway. :48%d 4 8 Ima Queen.. :50 h 4-29 Try It :49 d 4 7 Ls Merrvmn :49%h VonSion.... :51 d 5 2 Miscnlcuiate. :50 h FiwEinhths Mile. 51 Bounder ....1:07 h 3-12 Gala Flight . .1:05 h 3-15 Conquest . ..l:02%h Latifole ....1:06 h 4 8 Clear Knight. 1:06 h 4 25 Morsel 1:05 h 4-26 Charlie K...l:02 h 5-2 Nomin l:03%h 5 2 Delicacy ...l:02%h 5-1 Pat. Callahanl:05 h 4 26 Fiddler l:02%h 5-2 Politen 1:03 h Election Day. 1:04 h Sunvir 1:04 h Gobi 1:05 h 5-1 Tred Avon..l:04%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4 23 Brd Meadvsl:20 h Mohegan ...1:18 h 52 Beret 1:16 b 4-27 Rokeby 1:22 h Dark Mist...l:16%h 5-3 Suntica . ...1.16%h 433 Kingbird ...1:19 h 4-16 Seret. Ddsnl:17 h 4 22Monel 1:18 k 4-5 Tarquin . . .l:19%h One Mile. All Rowes. ..l:45%d 4-28 Boatswain. . 1:44 h 5-2 Air Pilot l:49-5h 5-1 Con Amore..l:48 h 4 4 Bo Ballot. ..1:53 h Pipedream . .l:44%d 4 29 Brown Sinnerl:51 b 4-30 Slave Ship. . .1:44 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4 26 Aegis l:57%b One and One-Quarter Miles. 53 Gallant Knit2:ll%b JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 17 A. a. Graces :37 h 5 2 Eriaccod . . . :41 b Bank Shot.. :36 d 4 25 Gld Sweeper :41 b 4 15 China Bud... :36 d 5 2 Mareve :38 b 4 20Dextro :37 b 5-2 Zaidee :39 b One-Half Mile. 4-28 Beguile :51%b 3-16 Reveille Bov :53!/5b 4 14 Margaret Cal :52%b Five-Eighths Mile. 5 2 Celeritas . ..l:03%b 5-2 Flaming . ...l:03%b 4-25 Chf Almgrenl:02 d 4-2 Polyfon ....1:05 b 3 10 Dim Ray....l:10%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4 25 Blond Knigtl:14%b 5-2 Rockhone ..1:17 h 5-1 Big Blow....l:19%b 5-2 Single Star. .l:18%b 5 2 My Purchasel:14%d Sweep. Hourl:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-1 St. Tuscan.. 1:33 b One Mile. 5 2 Parsnip ....l:46%b 4 30 Wild West..l:46%b 4 13 Sh. Approach! :49%b Flaming went easily. My Purchase and Blond Knight went well I together. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 27 Black Mass.. :39 b 4-19 Nimule :39%b 4 29 Cantino .... :37%b 4-29 Nutlet :39%b 4 29 Exiled :37 b 4-27 Oh Baby.... :33 b 4 4 Foul Tip.... :38 b Sarada :39 b Fin?al :39 b 5-2 St. Cristoper :38 h 5 2 Maebee :36%h One-Half Mile. 4 23 Cu-todian .. :50%b 4 29 Ranee Finder :50 b 4 29 Dome :50%b 5-2 Screech :51 b 4 25 Lullaby II... :50 b 4-13 Shavings ... :51 b 4 20 Opium :50%b 4-30 Unfair :50%h 5 2 Rosol :50 d 5 2 White Thorn. :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4 29 Annapolitan 1:02 h 5-2 Peter Pridd.l:02 b 4 21 Incantation .1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 53BestPlay 1:16 I 52 Parry l:15%h 4 30 Double Heart 1:13 b 4 29 Panetian ...1:13 b 4 28 Integrity ...1:15 h 4-29 Seven Veils. l:15%h 5 2 Marplot 1:20 b 4-29 Valenciennes l:154/4h One Mile. 4 15 Roan Antolel:44%b Rooney l:44%b 1 , I 1 AQUEDUCT. j Weather clear; track fast— I Three-Eighths Mile. 4 2lBurnside ... :40%b 4 28 John Dport. :37 h t 4 28 Call Plav... :39%b 4-29 Saucy Victor :38%h 4-7 De Valera.. :37 d 4-16 Tetra Khan. :40%b £ 3-26 Gden Words :36%d 4-20 Watchgirl . . :37%h 4 22 Happy Gal.. :36%d : One-Half Mile. ] 4-15 Alicia W. . . . :52 h 4 6 Reproof :51 h - 4-30 Explode . . . . :52 h 5-2 Sea Well.... :55 b * 51 Fair Bunt.. :52 h 4 23 Star Royal.. :50 h I Little Wanta :54 b 4 28 Verdi :50%h • j 4 29 Peacock Girl :58 b I Five-Eighths Mile. 5 2 Dark Secret. l:02%h 4 29 Rula Bdunl:00%d J 5 2 My Daughterl:07 b 5-2 Uncanny . ..l:09%b , 5-2 Noel Gay... 1:07 b . Three-Quarters Mile. 4 26 A la Carte... 1:24 b 5-2 Mamus ....1:20 b 4-19 Braggadocio 1:21 b 4 25 Passaic l:17%d , Seven-Eighths Mile. | 5 2 Man o Nightl:31%h • One Mile. 4 28 Cane Heart. .l:45%d 4-20 Sta Graftonl:44d , 4-28 Francock ..l:44%u TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-3 Atcines .... :39M h 1-23 Buzzer :39%h 4-27 Bud Broom.. :36 b 51 Gallonal . . . :39 h 5-2 Black Diand :36 b 4 27 Marwig :36%h One-Half Mile. 3 15 Bonaire .... :52%h 4-24 Ono :52%h Brillante . . . :51%h 4 24 Parawick . . . :53 e 4 26Dupee :51%h 4 26 Plungg Sun :52%b 5-2 Hill Parade.. :50 b 4-28 Privately ... :50%d 4-29 Miss Bgage. :5Q%d 4-24 Tatawi :51%h 4-16 Mucker :53 h 4 26 Wdjammer . :5iy5h Five-Eighths Mile. 4 29 Border Wartl:04%b 4-21 Gareth l:06%h 3 8 Busy Seth..l:05%u 4-16 Hv H. Bell. l:06%h 4-19 Bonhonest .1:05 h 4-24 Kton Mint. 1:05 h 4-11 Bn Thistle.. l:03*h 4-19 Kalani l:04%h 429Chee Maid.l:04%d 3-10 Macon l:03%d 4-29Campdore ..1:05 b 4-27 Orangery .. .1:03 d 4 12 Del Welles.. l:0and%h 3-13 Provo l:04%h 4-10 Deep Beach. l:06y5h 4-27 Papvvorth ..l:03%d 4-29 Eagle Bird.. 1:05 h 4-29 Peggy J....l:03%d 4-29 Garnish ....1:08 h 5-1 Some Noyes.l:07 e 4-25 Gd Thoghtsl:05 h 4-19 Society Bellel:03 d Three-Quarters Mile. 5 2 Fn ReIationsl:19 h 5-1 Matonian ...1:20 e 4 30Givanna . . . . 1 :20%h 4-29 Mission Inn.l:17%h 5-2 Jean Desaiblel:17%h 5-2 Ormonbird ..l:19%h 5-1 Linmar ....1:22 h 4-19 Navy Girl. . .l:17%h Miss Angon.l:19%h 4-26 Winslow ...l:18?5b One Mile. 4 29Likipuu ....1:45 h 4 29 Shasta Star.. 1:43 d CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Auf Wiedhn :362/5h 5 2 Hvannisport . :39%b j 4 30Aurebon .... :37%d 5-2 Lohi :38%b 4-29 Bonny Maun :36 h 4-21 Monks Dude. :36%h 4 23 Ballinasloe .. :36%d 5-2 Old Depot... :39%b 5-2 Bld Bowboy :35 h 4-27 Patricia Grey :36%h 4 21 Cicero :3675b 5-1 Princs Quen :37 h 4-21 Cathere Fox :33%b 4 21 Pietro :38 b 4 -27 Dusky Lass.. :36%h 5 1 Perfect Model :37%h 4 30Dis Dat :39 b 5 1 Prcess Pyre. :37 h 5 2 Dvak :36 h 4 20 Star Brook.. :36%d 4 21 Flowery Lady :36%h 5-1 Sally Irene.. :36%d 5 1 Fireflash . . . :36 h Two Slipper. :38 b 4-28 Gertrude L.. :39 b 4-26 Whirling . . . :38 h 4-29 Hopefield ... :39 b One-Half Mile. 4-29 Bgage Miss. :51%h 4-27 Levaal :50%h 4-13 Craigen Lady :51%h 5-1 Locust Moss. :50%d 4 23Canfli :50 h North Gallis. :5iy5h 4-28 Chicago :54%b 4-23 Pony Up.... :49%h Chemulus ... :50 h 5-1 Playaround... :48*sh 4-27Daudet :50 h Cuickaway .. :49%h 4-30 Flying Ds.. :51 h 4 29 Roy :50%b 4 28Gloritone ... :48%h 5-1 Sunfire :50 h 4-29 Helen Bab... :5073b 5-3 Storm Center £D%i 4-27 Helen Bond. :54%b 4-23 Sunnv World :50%b 5-1 Ledford .... :54%b 5-2 Upset Ann. . . :49 h 5-1 Lugano :49%h 4-28 Vis Major... :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Black Cometl:00%h 4-30 La Salle l:04%b 5-2 Drm Porter.l:03 b 4-29 Pittsburgher 1:0473b 5-1 Dark Sea.... 1:0475b 4 20 Pnell Boundl:05 b 4 27 Fountain ...1:06 b 4-23 St. Jensund.l:07 b 5-3 Heavy Sugarl.-03 h 4 29 Sir Melton. .l:02%h 4 27 Just Ormont.l:09 h 4-29 Tonawanda .l:04Vsh 4-28 Jane PackardlKX%h Thres-Quarters Mile. 5-1 Brush Down.l:17 h 5 2 Gold Tip.. ..1:17 h Babes Pal..l:17%h 4-30 Jennie Gal.. .l:14%h 4 24 Back Log... 1:17 b 4-30 Love Offergl :1873b 5-1 Cassinette ..l:15%d 4 21 Macks Finhl:19 b 5-1 Coletown ...1:1975b 5 2 Mr. Dick.... 1:21 b 4-30Cavuga ....l:18%b 4 23 Psy Walker.l:17 b 4-28 Dei Dixi....l:17 h 5-1 Squall 1:17 d 4-22 Dick Morris. l:15%h 4 30 Texas Knit.l:17 h 5-2 Epithet ....1:16 b 4 29 Valdosta ...1:16 h 4 30Evergold ...l:16%h 4-26 White Legs..l:20 b 5 1 Fairy Lass..l:16%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-20 Gunfire ....1:34 b 52 Minton 128%fc One Mile. 4-23 Al Neiman..l:47°sh 5-2 Harvest Sun.l:44%b 4-30 Aqua Vitae..l:48%b 51 Majel 1:44 h ; 5-3 Bonnet 1:43 h 4 29 Mmv Singer.l:47%h I 5-3 Bourbonite .l:4675h 4-23 Pluckv Play .1:44 b 4-30 Dawn Mist...l:45%h 4 20 Stonestreet .l:45%h 5-1 Easter Time. l:45%b 5 3 Sandwrack .1:43 h 4-30 Hal Riley.... l:43%h One and One-Eiqhth Miles. I 4-29 Economic ...l:5975h 4 29 Stepenftchit 1:55 h 4-29 Over Time.. 1:55 h j One and One-Quarter Miles. 4-18Brdon Mint.2:09-y5h 5 3 Cathop 2:09%h 5-3 Brother Joe.2K9 d 5 2 Tick On 2:07 h 5-3 Burgoo King.2:08 h 4 29 Universe . . .2:13-3h ! Tick Ons work was very good. j Brother Joe was no match for Burgoo King, the latters work was impressive. Jennie Gal did a good move. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Advising Ann :39%b Hawks Lane, :3775b 5 2 Amcan Joy. £7%b 4 29 La Verbina. :40 b 5-1 Danton :374,5b 5 2 Mt. Ranier.. :40%b 1 4-25 E. S :407ib 51 Mijo :36!/5h ; I I j ! j 4-30 Maxim Girl. :38%d Stallman ... :374/5b Ocean Flight :37 b Spg Flight. :36%h 4 29 Old Judge... :37%b 4 25 Uncle Matt.. :36*/5b 4-30 On Rush.... :3873b 5-2 West Main., :3775b . 4-29 Petite Irene. :38%b One-Half Mile. 51 Knowlton .. :55%b 4-30 Old Hutch.. :55%b 4 30 Long John.. :5375b 4 30 Peter Dixon. :52 b Last Stand.. :50%h Parnev :537sb 4-30 Miss Pandra :50t51i 4 29 Tombereau . :4973h Five-Eighths Mile. j 5-1 Lady Couvinl:04 b 5-1 Mad wind ...1:05 b 51 Michigan Ladl:03 h 5 2 Ykee Doodlel :0575b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-13 Bay Angon.l:2275h 5 2 Peter Parley. 1:22 b 5 3 Eil-Weir ...1:25 b 5-1 Piecemeal ..l:20%b 5-3 Fort Dearbnl:21 b 5-1 Peace Jimmyl :1673d Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-2 My Hobby.. 1:29 h 4-29 Totem l:31*3h 4-30 Royal Guineal:32 b One Mile. Bding Rock.l:46v50 4-30 Mai San. ...1:47 b 4 28 Big Business 1:55 b Sam Patch .. 1 :4875b Uncle Matt showed speed under a pull. Maxim Girl was all out in her work. Tombereau could have done much better. Michigan Lad did a nice work. Peace Jimmy went from the barrier under I a mild drive. I My Hobby did a nice move.

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Local Identifier: drf1932050501_11_1
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