Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-05

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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES JAMAICA J i THURSDAY, MAY 5 S*7" Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 — .44 "»• Starts from Barrier Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLEAB; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. in. 1st Jamaica Purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 3/ MJle Noah, May 21, 1925—1:11—3—120. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; if for ,200, allowed 3 pounds. 3-year-olds, 118 pounds; older, 125 pounds. Non-winners in 1931-32 allowed 5 pounds. Index /-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeTodav Iricp 70136 *Noajoyce ....Hia 115 1:12% "4 117X 1200 70132 *Charlie Trp 106 1:12% 4 117.. 1200 70136* *ReProof F.G 100 1:12% 4 115X 1500 52521 Quick Step 5 120.. 1500 63597 Tetrarchal . .Jam 118 1:13% 5 125X1500 69628 *Best Maifou.Hav 113 1:12% 4 115X 1500 70245 **Panguitch ...Jam 116 1:13% 5 115.. 1200 49709 Bonavis M.... 4 117.. 1200 69970 Just Imagine M Bel 120 1:14% 3 108.. 1500 Index /—Best at Distance— » Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69970 Margaret Cal Dor 113 1:13% 7 117X 1200 66551 Gay Colors M Sar 110 1:13% 5 117.. 1200 70052 Blue Blitzen. .Lrl 112 1:13% 3 115.. 1200 70132 Howee Hav 112 1:12% 3 115X 1200 70132 Chipper M .Jam 112 1:14% 3 113.. 1500 66463 Clearaway M .. Jam 103 1:15% 3 113. . 1500 70244 *Caryldon .. .Jam 112 1:15 3 113X1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. I Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. 0 c Scratches are rhown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest with- C drawa being indicated. C S • Preceding horses name Indicates entry for Kentucky Derby. S The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. «48tr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company t Hon lOV Ce X 117 B. g, 4, by Noah— Joyce, by Sweep. J -»-■*■ Trainer, A. Zimmer. Owner, J. M. Zimmer. Work- Anr 23— 5 8 1-02% ft Apr29 32*Jam ] 1:13% ft 8 123 4 1 1 21 KsingorC11 1500 12 T.Threadsl09,Rproofll8,Win.Ann 104 Mar31-324St.J 11:01% ft 21 108*3 1 11 34 BuckE 2500 7 D.Johnnyll3,F.Missionll3,Brooksie 106 Mat29 32sSt..T 51:15% ft 41 107*1 1 1* V BuckE11 1000 13 Solus 107, Valley 105, Hypoluxo 108 Maz25-32St.J 54 f 1:08% ft 5 113*6 1 3* 44 Roderick!* 1500 9 PrincetnllS.Evtimelffr.PlysFly 109 Mar.23 32 St J 54 f 1:08% sy 51 114 6 4 3* 3* MadeleyF41 1500 9 Princetonll4,Quorum 113,Everytimel07 Marl7 32Trp 5 f 15% ft 13 113 1 2 14 34 MadeleyF* 1500 10 T.Heathenll6,Capt.Edl07,D.Johnnyl08 MarlO 32Trp 5i f 1 :07% ft 19-20 118 1111 11 MadeleyF1 1500 13 Chief sC,lle94,Chiantil07,P,kClahanll3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .18 3 13 $ 2.270 1932 r-cord. .12 3 3 3 ,260 Charlie 1 1 *7 B. g, 4, by Master Charlie — Margaret Hampson, by Nasturtium. ... ■ » op 5 8 lOSft -*■■*- Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, W. L. Johnson. Apc29r322Jam |1:13% ft 6 118 111* 24 MillsH1 1500 12 SingleStarll5,WtysFoxl09,Chipper 109 Mar.19 323Trp 54 f 1:05% ft 22 111 2 1 l1 34 HanfordB1 2500 7 SverLakell4.MaeSwpl05,Charleighl06 Marl5-32Trp 5i f 1:06% ft 4 116 2 1 V l1 HanfordB* 150014 Maboull6B.Stock*gsll6,P.Cal,han 111 . Mar 2-325Trp 51 f 1:06% ft 49-10 113 9 9 811 8" GianelloniJ1 1500 10 JkHowe 113,PnelIBound 117,Essie 106 • JanHia 3 112% m 81 110*2 2 2* 5* BauerH 2500 9 Glenside Hl,AngryPIumel05,Batty 105 , Jan. 9-32Trp 5i f 1:06% ft 11-5 113 9 5 44 1* GielloniJ1 1500 9 P.Callahanll3,Priory 118,Chianti 108 ! Starts. 1st. 2nd. -rd. Won.-, ■ StartB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .27 3 4 2 ,725 1932 record .. 6 2 11 ,600 Reoroof X 1 1 "" B. f, 4, by John P. Orler — Blame, by Wrack. W W- Mav 4 12 -51ft -*--*-*- Trainer, B. McKcown. Owner, S. Moscarelli. Apt29r32:,!Jam 3 1:13% ft 5 118 5 2 21 3l MalleyT" 1500 12 TdThredsl09,Nojoycel23,WdAnn 104 Apr. 7-32Bow 3 1:12% ft 10 109*12 7 5* 44 RoussellV1 2500 12 BkWatch 112,Fervorll7,P.Gaffney 112 i Marl6 324FG §1:14 ft 17 112*5 9 10* 84 WeberC1 2500 12 Out.Harborll3,MyHobbyl09,Durva 112 | Mad2-32F G 3 1:14% m 2 107* 4 4 64 6" ElstonG1 250U 6 Durval07,OrHarborll2,rmbereau 120 Mar.5-32FG J 1:13% sy 29-10 111*3 1 I4 T ElstonG" 2500 8 Marlene 113,0rHarborl21,HighPtsll2 Feh26-324F.G 3 1:13% ft 13 5 107* 4 2 14 P RoussellV* 2500 10 Tony Joe 117,Panshala 102,Outcry 117 , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 18 2 3 2 ,275 1932 record. .10 2 0 2 ,050 Onlck StOB 1 QA Ch. h, 6, by In Memoriam — Hurry Up II., by Phoenix. Work- Ad 30 3 4 147ft -*-4- Trainer, F. J, Stevens. Owner, W. Gallagher. May Z-52l3»m 3 1:13% ft 116 SCRATCHED. 2500 12 M.SweetsllO.Stimatorll6,M.Sweep 108 Sep lSOBel 3 «c 1:09% ft 50 116 3 4 5i 54 WattersE* Stks 8 Balko 136, TheHeathen 129, Finite 129 Auand26-305Sar gl:26%sy 6 106 7 1 P P WattersE* 5000 18 Chatoverll3,BettyBeaul04,Frumper 108 I t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* Tetrarclial X 1 9 P ** 6 y Tetratema — Dress Rehearsal, by Grand Parade. Work- Mav 3-3-8.... :36ft 1LD Trainer, B. P. Codd. Owner. J. Gengler. Aug31-3rSar 3 1:13% ft 8 110* 8 9 94 84 PriorW18 2500 17 Zaidee 1024, Morshion 100, Scatter 108 Aug.l7-314Sar 1:24 ft 10 110 5 8 7* 710 PhillipsC 6500 11 Jubilatel04,MskedBall lOO.FlowOnlOS Aug 5-312Emp 5gf 1:10% ft 1 126 11 8 74 41 KelsayW* 3000 11 Scatter 116,Musing 113, Claremont 113 JuL31-314Emp 53 f 1:10% ft 10 117 8 3 44 P RemilrdP* 5000 14 Okaybee 120,BIueDay 118,Deploy 115 JuL25-31*Emp 5§ f 1:10% ft 12 120 8 9 7" 84 BarnesE8 6500 13 Squeaky 120, Charon 125, Smear 111 Jua20-315B B 3 1:13% ft 5 106 5 - 2"t 21 LeischnR* Allw 5 FnchLassll4,DyJohnnyl03,Timon 104 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won ,, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .12 1 2 1 $ 1,375 L Best ":ii; U 1 1 *- Br- f * b? Best PaI — Maifou D7 Helmet, HO Trainer, R. D. Carter. Owner, Mrs. B. Watson. Mar.31-323St.J 31:15% ft 32 112 3 3 8" 10" MeadeD* 1500 10 Coots 117, Valley 107, Estin 117 -. Mar30-324St.J 3 1:14% ft 16 107 1 1 2 54 MeadeD 1500 10 JoanK. 106,Hvpoluxo 109,Vladimir 109 Mar25 322St.J 54 f 1:03% ft 61 113 7 8 9" 94 MeadeD1 1500 9 Princetnll8,Evtimel07,PlysFly 109 Mar.22 324St.J 31:14%gd 81f 111 4 2 31 44 MeadeD 1000 14 Essie 106,P*lysFolIy 109,LightNun 106 Mar.9 325Hav 3 1:14% sy 4 100 3 1 2* 2s MeadeD1 1000 6 Hypoluxol05.Lt!eGypl04,M.L.H,n,y 102 Mac 4-32Hav 31:12 ft 8 110 4 6 5s 64 MeadeD 1000 8 Valley 110, Gunfire 112. Tamerlane 109 Feh27-32DHav 31:13 ft 3 107 3 1 P P MeadeD 800 10 Infinitus 109, Betty Ann 104,Hold 109 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Marts. 1st. and. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 27 2 2 3 ,390 1932 record. .17 2 3 0 ,600 Pailguitoll 1 1 Fv B. g, 5, by Leonardo II — Myrtle V., by Cavalcadour. Work- Mav 2—1-2 -50%sl Trainer. A. Dudley. Owner. A. Dudley. May 3-32=Jam 3 1:12% ft lOO 113 1 4 54 6" SmithF8 Allw 6 Condescendll9,DornochllO,S.Fever 105 Apr29-326Jam 3 1:13% ft 15 120*6 8 74 9" KnappL1 1500 12 TdThreadsl09,Nojoycel23,Reproof 118 Apc25-32*Jam 3 1:13% ft 20 110*1 5 5s 7n KnappL9 2000 12 CIaremontll7,Beeuilell7,ChileGold 111 Aprl9 32Jam 31:13 ft 12 114*1 3 3* 34 Knappl3 2000 8 T.Heathenl20,Evytimell9,Flageoletl08 Aprl6-322Jam 31:15 ft 40 109 4 3 74 84 KnappL9 2500 16 DailyNewsl08.S.Burdonl09,Beguile 118 Aug.313rSar 3 1:13% ft 60 106*12 11 114 15° KnappL" 2000 17 Zaidee 1024. Morshion 100, Scatter 108 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record. .18 2 2 0 ,800 1932 record. . 5 0 0 1 $ 100 Bonafis 117 BIk c * M y Wise Counsellor — rait Accompli, by Von Wariu Jtpr. 29-3-8.. :36%ft Lli TromP- Trainer, R. Neadern. Owner, Flying Horse Farm Stable. JuL 1-30Aqu i 1:01% ft 100 117 11 12 14" 1413 SteeleS Allw 15 BkForestll4,Matel22,Checkerberry 122 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Last year. . 1 Just Imagine 108 Ch 8 M by Runante11 — Queen Menilek, by Superman. Work- Mav 3 1-2 -50%ft -*- Trainer. R. Waldron. Owner. Mrs. C. 0. Isel.n. Maj- 2-32Jam 54 f 1:07% gd 107 SCRATCHED. 1500 12 WingWays 112,Seasaint 112,Griette 118 Apc22-32,,Jam 31:13 ft 30 107 9 10 1016 11" MundenF5 1500 11 Inaragell4,Everytime 112,WysFox 112 New 4-31Bel 31:12 ft 5e 104 8 10 12" 12" DeCalasE" 3000 15 Moony 112, LadyBlue 112,St. Carl 112 Oct28 31Emp 53 1:11% ft 10 108*10 4 31 2« HendrksF" 2500 14 Am.Queenll5,L.Atmptll8,Excurn 115 Oct24 31Emp 52f 1:11 ft 3e 110* 5 4 4 44 ThurberH* 1000 14 Arrayl02,MauraMc.ll2,NitEditioii 110 Disqualified. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 12 0 1 0 $ 200 1932 record. . 1 Mariraret tal X 117 B. m, 7, by Jim Gaffney — Wee Louise, by Sweep. Work- Mav 4 1-2 -52%ft Trainer, J. D. Misick. Owner, Mrs. J. D. Misick. APE22-32:Jam 3 1:13" ft 30 112 4 8 8° 10" FatorE* 1500 11 Inaragell4,Evervtime 112,WvsFox 112 Oct 7-3PJam 3 1:13% ft 100 115 7 7 8" 8" ForceK9 2000 9 Mheart 103,MiesDearll0,SgleStar 117 Sepi26 31cKcs 64 f l:29%sy 15 115 44 WallN 1000 8 HkWeidel 105,StevenB.115.Cyrano 110 Sep.22 31Kcs 3 1:20% sv 11-5 106 6" RoseF 800 7 SilverCanopv 106.Talky HO.Banjo 110 Sepl9 31Kcs 31:17 gd27-10 103 4* MireaultB 1000 7 BanjolOT.SilrCanpyllO.LyMcNll 107 Aus31-31B.B 1 113% ft 1 112 2 1 li li Wilson!* 1000 12 Preseal03,GoldnPatchll2,Gallopte 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 0 1331 record. .26 6 3 3 ,095 1932 record. . 1 Gay Colors 117 Br" h 8 M ty Bl,ntlnS— Bessie Dpjohn, by Ogden. Work- Mav 3—3-4 119%ft -»■-*■ Trainer. A. J. Goldsborcueh. Owner. C. H. Thieriot. Nov 4-318Bel 1A 1:46% ft "l0 112 1 7 12-1 122* KelsayW" 1500 14 Dunrockll2,Glensidel05,B.ofPrey 1134 Oct24-3PEmp 1,V. 1:49 ft 100 115 3-7 7" 7" BakcrF* 3000 9 Valourll. 115,FIvGuy HO.Knowlton 111; Oct21-3PEii.p 53 f 1:10% ft 100 122 7 8 7" 64 BakerF9 2500 9 Claremontll5.Chtoverl22,TmyLad 122 Octl5-3PJam l,lrtl:46%ft 60 113 5 9 lO12 10a BakerF8 2000 10 SweepPicl04.SaBurdnll6.Croyden 101 Sep22-3rAqu I 1:27% ft 60 115 4 4 6 74 BakerF* 2000 10 InnScoutllS.Scter 115,Bd ofPrey 115 Sepl4 3PBel 11:37% ft 100 112 5 5 64 6" BakerF5 Alhv 7 Pari-Mutuel 110,GyLightl07,Robot 113 Sep.l31*Sar 11:40 ft 100 108 4 5 9" 9" BakerF 4000 10 TheGenl05.NightPatrol 103,Mtaro 111 Ptnrte 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won — . , Starts. Int. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 14 I 0 c C C S S Bine Blitzen 1 1 FT B. o, ». by Eternal-BeggUf-Atw, by Bridge of Earn. Work- Aor " 20—3-4 119ft ■*--*-*- Trainer, C. ftuinn. Owner, B. A. Smith. Apr26-321Jam 3 1:14 "gd 15 105*3 5 6* 54 MillsH* 200011 B,tDaysll6,B.Kni4107,W.-in-Ch,ry 111 Octl9-31Lrl 3 1:13% ft 12 112 4 2 2* 34 MannJ1 2500 12 Sdwrack 112,FIgMamie 112,Porgie 112 Oct 5 31Jam g :59% ft 12 110 9 8 81* 9" MannP 3800 15 Commonl05,TrySomel20,WlHel*d 107 5epl8 31Bel 3 wc 1:12% gd 10 114 6 3 41 7•MannJ1, 3000 16 TbrsdylH.BreDasel 103,Chatms 107 Sep.14 3PBel 3 wc 1:11% ft 7 114 2 2 2* 44 MannJ1 4000 8 Nansenll6,WelIHeeledlll,Dexterity 114 Sep 9 31Bel 54wcl06%ft 4 11110 1 11 2* MannJ1* 3000 12 Em,cipatel06,ChileGoldlll,TrySomell9 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 8 111 ,050 1932 record .. 1 Howee X 11 B. c, 8, by Chilhowee — Zeka, by Zeua. Work- Mav 3 lm l-46%ft " •* Trainer, J. Zoeller. Owner, Pine Tree Farm Stable. kpOa-SPlam f 1:13% ft 15e 109 10 10 101* 9M FatorE" 1500 12 SingleStarll5,Charliell8,WstysFox 109 Mar31325St.J l70 1:48% ft 81 10818 3 34 41 HorvathK1 1500 10 This.Teleel09,MkeSpeedlll,Popcn 112 Mar29 325St.J 1 1:43% ft 16f 112 6 6 34 34 AHenCE" 1500 12 Afridi 111, WinnieC.99,Infinitive 107 Man22 326StJ 11:42 si 46 111 4 3 7*1 8" HorvathK4 2500 10 Dr.Syntaxlll,ClareBeel00,lronCzar 105 Marl9 32Trp 1 1:39% ft 19-10 109 7 9 10" 10* EnsorL* 1500 14 LuckyRketl07,OnL*vel07,Manassasll2 Marl6 32«Trp 1 1:47% ft 37 10 108 5 1 3* 54 EnsorL* 1500 12 HomeWork 109,Spanfairlll, Parties 104 Mar,5 324!av 3 1:11% ft 12 100 8 8 8" 84 PriorW1 Hdcp 8 MaIolol24,FnateVouthll8,BngUp 114 Starti. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Woi.-, Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, 1931 record. .34 6 7 6 ,430 1932 record. .13 0 0 2 $ 225 Chipper 1 1 Q B. c, S M, by Spur— Pert, by Pebbles. JL JL O Trainer, J. Johnson. Owner, J. Butler. Apr29-322Jam 3 1:13% ft 6 109 3 4 44 44 RobtsonA1 150012 SingleStarll5.Charliell8.W*stysFox 109 Aprl9-325Jam 1 1:13% ft 10 112 4 3 3* 2* RobtsonA1 2000 8 Clemontll9,Contributell7,Axenby 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 200 Clearaway 1 1 *3 B. o, 8 M, by Sweep— Misty Morning, by Peep o Day. JL JL O Trainer, J. Byer. Owner, Mrs. J. Byer. Apc26-32 iJam l°l:45 gd 104 SCRATCHED. 1200 12 R.Alopel08,Croydenll3.Wtchgirl 1034 Oct30-3PEmp 11:52 m lOe 105 1 7 8s! 8" RoseG* Maid 11 AtRandom 122,Torearg124,LillieD. 119 0ct21-3rEmp 53 f 1:11% ft 20 118 7 8 84 8" LongJ* Maid 10 Swcraftll8.Spfairll8,CsTbadour 118 0ctl4-3rjam 3 1:12% ft 50 103 7 7 74 711 LongJ* Allw 10 Cambal 108,Thais 115,Blackmock 103 Oct 8-3PJam 31:14 sy 15 112 14 15 15" 15M ThurberH1 2500 15 T.Threadsll0.Dceptivcl02.G.oGab 104 Sep.26-3PAqu j 100% sy 15e 113 13 14 16" 16" ThurberH" 3000 16 FnShowl02,PmRockl05,WlHled 111 Sep.l5-3PBel 54vvc 1:07% ft 15 112 5 8 54 41 RobtsonA10 2500 23 MingSun 116,BritKnot 107,Zcvar 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .9 • Caryldon X 1 1 *3 B. g, 3, by Donnacona — Jane Cameron, by Achtol. Work Apr 15 3-8 -38%ft *** Trainer, W. G. Campbell. Owner. C. Smythe. May 3-32Jam" 3 1:13% ft 100 112 9 10 10" 10" PeakeH* 2500 12 M.SweetsllO,Stimatorll6,M.Sweep 103 0ct29-316Emp 54 f 1:08% sy 5 123 4 5 3 54 FodenN1 Allw 5 M.Singerll2,Vturosoll2.D.dePtiers_ Oct28-316Emp 54fl:06%ft 20 122 4 6 74 5" FodenN1 Allw 8 Cabezo 119, Apprentice 115, Clotho 117 Octl4-3PL.B 3 1:16% m 4-5 1081 111* Is FodenN1 Allw 8 RubdgellO,Wentwthl09,M.JamisonlOO Oct l-31*Wdb l° 1:46% ft 9 107 4 4 41 31 FodenN* Stks 6 D.Mission 114,S.Wind lOO.Rubridge 102 Sep.26-3PWdb 1:15% m 24-5 119 3 3 34 34 FodenN Allw 7 DkMissinll7.TaKhanllO,Rubd ;e 110 Sep.l9-3PThf 54 f 1:07 ft 7 105 8 3 74 94 MadeleyF11 Allw 10 Hobnob 110,FcesD. 109,LckyPolIy 102 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .11 4 12 ,510 1932 record. . 1 t J 2nd Jamaica Purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Maidens. ,. «... Special Weights. Noah, May 21, 1925—1:11—3— % Mile 120. Index Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. Aeeloday Price 65972 Risk Lrl 116 1:14% 3 115. . 664631 Lillie D Jam 110 1:15% 4 118.. 66835 Deferred Pirn 116 1:16 3 115.. Index f-Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70245 Condescend .Jam 114 1:42% 4 126 X 70025 Raccoon ... .Jam 107 1:43% 5 108X 70197 Star Fire 3 95.. Index -Best at Distance- Wt Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price Capricious 3 115.. 69851 Light Breeze. Jam 116 1:17% 3 115.. . • , ! i | , I Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or . 2nd or 3rd last start; "apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cra. Die. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. *iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P CI Pee Sts. Best Company Risk 1 1 "- B. f, 3 M, by Sir Gallahad III. — Risky, by Diadumenos, Work: Apr. 22— 3-4. .1-16% ft ■*■-*■" Trainer. W. Knapp. Owner. Mrs. J. Hertz. Octl3-3PLrl 3 1:13% ft 25 1161210 74 64 SteffenE1 Maid 12 BdNestll6.Boscobel 116.B.AoMricall6 Sep.ll-3PBel 54wcl:06%ft 15 108 10 9 81* 6" SteffenE1 Allw 10 Unique 108,BlueDamsel 103,Citrus 112 Sep. 7-316Bel 5ifwcl:07% ft 20 114 16 15 144 134 SteffenE11 Maid 18 Tryandagnll4,Q,IyWy 114,Exhilte 114 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 3 LUlle D. 118 B. f, 4 M, by Campfire — Caretaker, by Sweep. Work* Mav 3 3-4 l21ft "-"" Trainer, G. B Dioguardi. Owner. G B. Diouardi. Oct30-3PEmp 11:52" m 10 119 3 4 51 3* CatroneF8 Maid 11 AtRandoml22,Torealong 124,Lansonl05 Oct23-31Emp 5gf 1:11 ft 12 117 8 9 64 64 McKnieA1 Maid 10 D.deP:iers 102.WsRosel02, Robot 120 Oct 8-3PJam 1° 1:44% ft 30 117 3 7 7n 7° ForceK1 Allw 10 Tote 115,Reneved 1084,Benedictine 115 Sep.28-31Aqu 1 1:43% ft 8-5 115 4 3 21 2" RobtsonA1 Maid 6Tittanita 105,OarkNun 115.0gygu 105 Aug 3-31Emp 53fl:ll%ft 31 115 3 7 64 44 WallsP1 Maid 13 Studiosll5.MryDancell5,HenryL. 120 JuL 7-3PAqu 1A 1:46 m 200 105 2 4 410 320 DeCalasE1 Stks 4 Avenger 1124, Tambour 121, Peake 105 Jun.ll-3PBel 1 1:41% m 20 107 5 5 610 6" FerminA* Allw 10 Barometerll2,S.Knightll2,Mtine!li 112 Starti. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .10 0 1 2 50 Deferred 1 1 Cv Kf,l M, by Stimulus — Postpone, by Wrack. Work: Mav 3—5 8 1:03ft •*" * ** Trainer, C. Mcors. Owner, P. Waness. May 2-321Jam 54 f 1:07% gd 115 SCRATCHED. 2000 12 WingWays 112,Seasaint 112,Grictte 118 Nov27-3PBow 3 1:13% si 17 114 3 4 713 815 OMallevJ1 Maid 12 G.Marisll4,Gal.Duchsll5.A.Louise 114 Nov. 4-31Pim 3 1:13% ft 47 116 7 7 710 711 RenickS1 Maid 12 Rebuffll6,GI. Maris 116,HurrvMore 116 Oct20 3PEmp |l:02 ft 12 107 8 9 94 84 RenickS 200013 SkyAlightlRMissCarol 107, Nonana 119 0ctl3-3PJam 54f 1:07% ft 5 106*6 8 8" 74 WeberC 2000 12 Nonana 111. Strategy 108,MissCarol 108 Oct 9-3PJam 54 f 1:06% m 10 114 5 4 5* 5" KeiserP11 3500 13 Morgil 117.WildWestl22.Li:ckRketlI4 Oct 6-31Jam 5i f 1:06% ft 12 115 2 4 34 24 KeiserP1 Maid 8 Sobieha 115,Naereta 115,MrrvGa! 115 Oct 2-3PAqu | 1:01% ft 30 102 7 6 54 44 RenickS 2000 8 ChileGoldllO.RalStonellO.Reg Flag 115 Sep24-3PAqu l.Ol ft 100 11513 9 84 1011 KeiserP* 200017 Moony 115.MissCarol 115,WngWavsll5 Sep21-31Aqu § 1.00 ft 60 105 13 10 9* 10s! DeCalasE* 3500 18 BnRosel04.FnShowlOO.Ch*fsCIe 10Ba] , Starts. IsL 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1931 record. .11 0 1 0 $ 200 CaprlclonS 11 Ch. f, S M, by Sting— Capra, by Ballot. XXO Trainer, J. Johnson. Owner. J. Butler. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.--, Light Breeze 11 Ch. f, 3 M, by Single Foot — Sailing Along, by Pennant. JL JL O Trainer. W. F. Powers. Owner, W. F. Powers. May 2-32Jam 54 f 1:07% gd 115 SCRATCHED. 2000 12 WingWays 112,Seasaint 112.Griette 118 Aprl8-32*Jam 3 1:12% ft 100 116 7 10 1018 MP PowersC* Maid 10 Lucrell6.Tushll6.Ward in Ch:incoryll6 Octl5-3rjam 54 f 1:06% ft 100 110 13 13 13" 1250 SherrvJ" 1S00 14 SirJonanll8.0iIQueenll5,Tec!iMe 109 Oct 9-3PJam 1 1:00% va 100 108 7 7 711 718 AmbrseE1 Allw 7 SonI.adyll9.MrGa 107.D«ttta«rayllO Oct 3-31Aqu § 1:01% ft 100 104 17 19 18" 14" WeberC1 1500 19 GpAlongl09.Johnnvl02.Kathrn.l. 1071 Sep. 7-3PBel 51fwclK7% ft 100 114 15 17 16" 144 WeberC11 Maid 18 Tryandagnll4,QlyWy 114,E.hilte 114 Aug 4-31Emp 54f 1:07% ft 100 110110 10 9" 9" MalleyT1 2500 11 Outgue?sl09,ResalFlag 118,S— gWrl 113 JuL30-3rEmp 54 f 1:09 gd 60 110 8 12 104 104 MalleyT1 250012 Boocapl 11, LaceShawl 112,F.Show 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .10 1932 record. . 1 3rd Jamaica Malverne Handicap. ,200 Added. 3-Year-Olds and 1 Mile, 70 Yds. Upward. Sting, May 15, 1925— 1 -A 5— 4— 124. Index Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70162 Laughing Queen. Jam 115 1:47% 3 104X Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931 cFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company Condescend X 1 9£ Br- e. 4. by Snob II. — Yankee Princess, by Ballot. Work- Mav 2 3-8 -36%sl -1-"- Trainer. F. Z. Brown. Owner. F. E. Brown. May 3-32Jam 3 1:12% ft 1-15 119 2 11* 1T SandeE1 Allw 6 Dornoclill0,SpeFeverl05,WchHim 107 Apr.28 324Jam 1° 1:42% ft 13-10 114 1111 1 MillsH CI Hep 3 A la Carte 115, Rideaway 109 Apr26 32Jam 3 1:12% gd 9-20 116 2 1 l1 14 EnsorL1 Hdcp 5 FrhLassl00,Danourlll4,Byzantine 103 Apr20 32Jam 5i f 1:05% ft 1-2 110 111 1* EnsorL1 Hdcp 2 French Lass 107 Oct31 314Emp 1*° 1:47% hy 31 110 4 4 54 44 CatroneF1 Stks 5 Hibalal20,StormyDawnl07,UncleSam 90 0ct26-313Emp 53 1:10% ft 3-2 122 6 5 54 64 MallevT8 6000 7 Smearll4.Wh. Cracker 117,Squeaky 119 0ct23 313Emp 52f 1:10% ft 16-5 116 4 2 2 2h CatroneF* Hdcp 5 Chatford 109,Chalice 104,LullabyII. 110 0ctl9 314Emp 1" 1:44% ft 10 108 4 2 3* 4 WattersE* Hdcp 8 Pilatell3.SnMissionl20.NitPatrol 102 Octl5 314.!am 1 1:44% ft 6 107*5 2 34 3 DeCalasE1 7000 6 MdCareerl08,Hibalall2.Plydorus 105 Octl2 31Jam 3 1:12% ft 2 5 114 3 2 2 24 HarveyW1 Hdcp 5 Pennate 112, Blue Day 99, Banjo 101 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. We* — . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .26 6 3 5 ,890 1932 record .. 4 4 0 0 ,795 RaCCOOn X 1 HR B. g, B, by Wrack— KoblnetU, by Fair Play. -LUO Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, ETookmeade Stable. Apr25-323Jam 1° 1:43% ft 3 107*2 1 l1 14 CoucciS* 5500 5 Avaricsl09,Jamisonll3.Bon.Prince 105 Apr.2132Jam 1 A 1:46% ft 4 112 1 2 2* 44 McAteeL1 • 6500 4 Aprenticel09,Ridewayl09,QuiIlan 1084 Feh24-32iHia 1:26% m 16 108 4 2 21 2* EabyJ1 Hdcp 6 Lluniu 112, My Dandy 115, Thais 95 Febl7 325Hia 1 1:38 ft 71 107 3 4 61 610 RenickS Allw 7 R.RuffinlO8,JazAgel08,R.V.Wikle 108 Febl2 324La 1 1:37% ft 12 5 113 2 1 34 44 RobtsonA* Allw 5 Islam 113,DancingMack lU6.Martis 113 Feb.6 324fia 1 1:50% ft 76 100 2 1 54 9" StudleyW* Stks 10 LingBoltllO.Kincsenl09,Waterway 105 Jan.30 3241ia g 1:23% ft 47 112 3 5 5 84 PasseroJ1 Stks 9 Eveningl05,DonLeonl24,L*ningBolt 126 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, I 1931 record.. 14 3 3 3 ,000 1932 record. .10 12 0 ,465 Star Fire OCT Ch. t, 8, by Vulcain— Beach Star, by Pebbles. ** Trainer, J. Johnson. Owner, J. Butler. May 2-32* Jam 11:46 gd 9-5 95 1 1 1" ? MillsH1 7000 2 Quillan 115 ffffSf"1 */HL " „? 110 3 3 3* 3iBarnesE* Allw 4 Villon 115, Novelist U3.PeterPridd 110 K£E"" ?Hft ,9"5 109 5 4 38 35lBarn«E« Allw 5 Unique 112,Fr.Duchessl21 D,rkSVrll5 Apt20-32Jam 3 1:13% ft 13-5 108 1 2 21 21 RobtsonA Allw 5 Okavbee 112, Unique 111. Shoot 108 SC4o*S.Emp !L5 8 115 2 2 4s! 35i BethelJ2 Stks 5 Fgbonll8,RshMment 115,Sobieha 112 ?di2iVam 3 1:13% ft 41 112 4 5 581 5n BethelJ* Allw 5 D.Secretll2,T.Threadsll2.Playfole 109 Sep3,«Aqu * :59%ft 3i 110 2 2 2 1* BethelJ8 Allw 8 BtyFarrell ; O,nygnll0,LBlu. 110 Sep.22-3lAqu 1 1:00% ft 16 5 115 8 4 11 ft BethelJ* Maid 11 Exhilaratell5,Sobhall5,D.dePtiers 115 -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. ,-rr 1931 record.. 6 2 0 2 ,700 1932 record. . 4 0 2 2 $ 600 Laughing Qneen X 1 04. B. f, 8, by Sun Briar— Cleopatra, by Corcyra. Work: Apr. 29—5-8 1:02ft -Lt Trainer, B. Creech. Owner. W. R. Coe. Apr.30324Jam l70 1:43 ft 20e 115 9 6 9" 9" ColtilettiP Stks 10 Universel20.Economic 120,Curacao 114 Oct31-314LrI 11:40% si 26e 103 2 10 1018 914 PhillipsC4 Stks 10 Osculatorll7,TickOnll8,BngBlaze 122 Oct24-314Lrl 11:41 ft 14 5e 114 2 3 3 1* BejshakJ Stks 9 Sarietta 114,Delicacy 114,Kakapo 119 Octl6-315Lrl 11:40% si 5»e 108 1 6 6" 6" GarnerW* Allw 7 OvrTimelOSnmeluslOS.MdKnht 108 Octl2 313Lrl 3 1:13% ft 23-5 110 2 3 34 31 GarnerW4 Allw 7 Fr.Dchs HO.SnVeils 114 Delicacy 107 Oct 6 313Lrl 51 f 1:06 ft 15 109 9 7 7*1 51 PhillipsC* Allw 11 BgooKin?109,Tempus 115,Fredrick 115 Sep21 31HdG 5|l 1:06% si 12 108 5 2 1* ■ BurkeJH1 Allw 8 Suntica 111 Parry 111 Step Sis 104 Sep 9-313Bel 3 wc 1:11% ft 20 115 6 6 5* 5" BurkeJH8 Stks 7 Top Flight 127, Parry 119, Pintail 115 Tc771Start8-J1SV1 2ndT3rd-, on-.oc„r ! Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .11 3 11 5,345 1932 record. . 1 4th Jamaica Fourteenth Running Montauk Claiming Stakes. ,000 Added. 2-Year-Olds. Outline, May 1923— e/ «-., 3 16, % Mile :583/5_2— 111. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000-then 1 pound for each 00 to ,000. Winners of a stake race at this meeting not to be entered for less than ,000. Index -Best at Distance— . Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70161 Eisenberg ...Jam 120 1:00 122.. 7500 70161* Little Lad M Jam 115 1:00% 117.. 7000 68842 *Nuhat 100X 5200 68633 Chiltenny 112.. 6000 70035 *Due In M..Jam 120 1:04% 102.. 5000 70131 Bolilee M.. Jam 110 1:01% 107.. 5000 70027 Grannys Trade M ....Jam 112 1:04 109. . 6000 Index —Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70161 Cresta Run. .Jam 110 1:02 109. . 5400 70161 John Davenport. . Jam 111 1:02% 112.. 6000 69939 Polygeny M Jam 109 1:02% 102.. 5600 69881 Bracer M.. Jam 108 1:03% 107.. 5000 J. J. Robinson entry — Eisenberg, Little Lad. W. R. Coe entry — Dug In, Polygeny. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. JfcFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Rtr. Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pee Sts. Best Company Eisenberg 199 Ch- *• 2- bv Stimulus— Emma Helen, by Cudgel. Work: Mav 3—1-2 :53ft ■L-1 Trainer, H. C. Riddle. Owner. J. J. Robinson. Apr30-323Jam | 1:00 ft 4-5e 120 5 1 VI li RichardsH8 8000 9 LittleLad 115,Helios 112,Revonah 113i Apr.23 325Jam §1:00 ft 3e 122 4 2 2* 2" RichardsH8 Allw 8 Sandy Bill 117, Repaid 112, Helios 117 Aprl9-324Jam 1 1:00% ft 7 111 3 2 21 l8 PascumaA* 5000 10 Tinema 109.Revonah lll.WalterH. 103 Aprl6-32!Jam f 1:01% ft 15 118 5 4 58 61 PascumaA18 Maid 15 SandyBill 118,Revonah 118,HelpMe 118 Mad7-325F.G § .34% ft 17e 118 8 12 1319 135 PascumaA10 Stks 13 Jus.Loganl26,Nitumal20,M.Careful 123 Marl328F.G f :36 ft 41-10 118 710 88 910 PascumaA8 Maid 12 SirMichI 118,01dJudgell8,SymJack 118 Febl9-328F.G | :35% ra 67 112 10 10 1018 8" PascmaA" Allw 12 Nitmuall6,MsCareful 120,SshWay 119 Feb.10 32F.G f :35% ft 39 118 7 4 5" 5 PascumaA10 Maid 12 SphWayll8,Merovechll8,MksBela 115 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 8 2 1 0 $ 8,500 Little Lad 117 B. c, 2 M, by Sweep— Panasain, by Peter Pan. Work: Mav 3— 5 8. .l:03%ft *■*■* Trainer, H. C. Riddle. Owner, J. J. Robinson. Apr.30-32aJam f 1:00 ft 4-5e 115 3 3 21! 2 KsingerC7 7000 9 Eisenberg 120,Helios 112,Revonah 113 Apr25 325Jam | 1:01% ft 21 114 5 11° Pf PascumaA* Maid 12 Flambroughll4,Gyroll4,FourPence 113 fDisqualified. Apr20 32sJam 1 1:00% ft 15 116 8 6 71 8Bi RichardsH11 Maid 11 WhiteThornll6,Suretyll6,Gambado 116 Manl7-325F.G | :34% ft 17e 118 3 5 5 51 CundallF3 Stks 13 Jus.Loganl26,Nitumal20,M.Careful 123 Mar.ll323F.G | :35% gd 30 118 4 6 67 761 PascumaA3 Maid 12 PntBox 118,Merovechll8,FrdJohn 118 Jan.24-324J.P i :23%sl 11-5 115 6 68J 711 PascumaA8 Aliw 10 Almdlell2,CrVlTstll2,SnyFlower 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 6 0 1 0 $ 500 Nuhat X 1 00 B. f, 2, by Master Charlie— Caleta, by Sir Martin. Work: Mav 3—3-8 :36ft ±XJJ Trainer, G. W. Coburn. Owner, J, A. Coburn. ApE!Jam fl:0° ft 102 SCRATCHED. 6000 9 Eisenberg 120,LittleLad 115,Helios 112 Fob.22-32A.C 4 :47%ft 9-10 119 4 1 2J 54$ ODonnellS* Stks 9 Loversl 1MJ .Fnkall5,SisMcKverll0 Jan 9 32 A.C 4 :22% ft M0 119 2 1« 14 ColtilettiF10 Allw 11 SilkRagll6,Segundall5,SisMcKver 113 Jan 232 A.C 4 :22% sy 1-2 115 3 V li CoucciS1* Maid 13 LindnTreell5,Loversall 115,SkRag 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record. .3 2 0 0 $ 850 Chiltenny 119 Br c 2 ly Chilhowee— Dorothy Marie, by Leonardo II. Work: Mav 2—12 :54sv * "*- *■ Trainer, J. Snedecor. Owner, W. F. Smith. Feb.13 32=Hia g :34% ft 24 125 4 7*1 m McGinnisP4 Allw 14 Lucille K. 125, Levaal 125, Okapi 125 Feb 3 322Hia 24 f :29% ft 23 122 4 34 3i AmbroseE14 Allw 16 Meany 122,DryRidge 122,GayAttire 117 Jan.30 32Hia 4 =23% ft 20 118 12 10»1 ll11 AmbroseE10 Allw 17 Okapi 113, Helios 118, Dry Ridge 118 Jaa23-322Hia 4 =22% gd 47-10 120 8 7«1 781 AmbroseE18 Allw 12 WiseAnne 117,LucilleK. 117,Okapi 112 Janl4-32JHia 4 :23% ft 39-10 118 2 34 li AmbroseE4 Maid 18 TrySweet 118,Seymour 118,Revnahll8 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 5 10 1 ,100 Dug In 1 09 B. c, 2 M, by Pompey— Dugout, by Under Tire. XJ Li Trainer, B. Creech. Owner, W. R. Coe. Apr27325Jam | 1:02 ft 6e 120 7 6 8"i 811 KnappL4 Maid 10 Capt.Jerryl20,Arwswiftl20,Llandaffl20 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -. 1932 record.. 1 Bolilee 1 07 B. c, 2 M, by General Lee— Sundream, by Syndrian. Work: Mav 3 — 1-2 :49ft * Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Belair Stud Stable. Aprg-Jam 1 1:00 ft 7 110 5 8 78i 4° MalleyT8 3000 12 Algerialll,Timorousll7,ChiefDaunt 105 Aptl2-32 Bow 4 :49 si 7f 113 11 10 1018 9" MillsH18 Allw 16 Acautaw 115,Cattail 113,MsBrilt 112 iPuo1o£OW i 15- " 3 105* 7 3 2* 2-* MillsH12 2500 12 Keggy 113,BlazingCrimpl08,AllPlayl07 ZchZl "£Hla I :34% ft 31 115 7 8S* 86 MalleyT4 Allw 9 Helios 125, Meany 128, Maeantic 125 Feh23 322Hia f :35% ft 47-10 122 10 124 12«i MalleyT5 Allw 13 LeByerel.MyCllor FngDgon 122 Febl9-32Hia § :35% ft 286 117 12 6i 34 MalleyT18 Maid 16 Maeanticll7,W.Thornll7,Wnderoo 117 Fehl3-32JHia f :34% ft 173 115 14 12" ll8! KtsingerC" Allw 14 Lucille K. 125, Levaal 125, Okapi 125 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1932 record.. 7 0 1 1 $ 300 Grannys Trade 1 OQ B. f, 2 M. by Axenstein— El Dorado, by Bltimus. Work: Mav 3—3 8... :37%ft -LV» Trainer, T .R. Queen. Owner, Mrs. T. R. Queen. APL25-325Jam | 1:01% ft 20 112 4 11 ll18 1014 GarnerM11 Maid 12 LtleLad 114,Flamborough 114,Gyro 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -* 1932 record.. 1 Cresta Run 1 OQ B. c, 2, by Mad Hatter— Cresta, by Whisk Broom H. Work: Mav 3—12.. :48%ft -*-"* Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Apr30-323Jam 1 1:00 ft 5 110 7 9 99i 74 RobtsonA" 6000 9 Eisenberg 120,LittleLad 115 Helios 112 Apr 7-32Bow 4 :49 ft 11-10 118 10 7 38 1 WkmanR8 Maidl2 PostponetllS.KeltwkllS.P.Bigade 118 , Starts. 1st. 2n£. »rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 2 1 0 0 $ 850 John Davenport 119 Ch" * 2 by Kai-Sang— Macron, by Pennant. Work: Mav 4—3-8 :37ft -LJ- Trainer, T. D. Grimes. Owner, J. P. Atkin. pnn3,oVarn *1:0° ft 4 111 6 7 64 9nMannJ4 6200 9 Eisenberg 120.LittleLad 115,Helios 112 Feb20-325Hia g :34% ft 17-5f 122 4 64 31 PollardJ18 Stks 16 Okapi 122, Meany 122 HeHos 122 Feb.l7322Hia § :35% ft 3-2 11717 94 li SmithW18 250018 BlrnyCastloll7,Revonahll7 Sevmrll7 Feb 5-32=Hia 2i f :28% ft 72 122 3 48 44 SmithW8 Maid 18 Levaal 122, Maeantic 122, Pancoast 122 Feb. 3 32-Hia 2i f :29% ft 196 117 3 68 74 SmithW8 Allw 16 Meany 122,DryRidge 122 Chiltennv 122 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-, 1932 record.. 5 1 0 1 $ 1,000 Polygeny 109 Ch- f. 2 M, by Polymehan— St. Rita, by The Finn. Work: Apr. 28—12... :52ed ±yj£j Trainer, B. Creech. Owner, W. R. Coe. Apr21.324Jam f :59% ft 20 109 7 9 810 815 KnappL1 Stks 10 Swivel 109, Fretwork 114, Maebee 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-, 1932 record.. 1 Bracer 107 Ch. c, 2 M, by Stimulus— la Gioconda, by Marco. Work: Apr. 30—1-2.. :50%ft XXJ * Trainer. T. H. McCreery. Owner, Howe Stable. Aprl9-324Jam 1 1:00% ft 12 108 9 8 64 618 KtsingerC8 4500 10 Eisenberg lll.Tinema 109,Revonah 111 Feb27-324Hia g :34% ft 12 115 8 34 44 BejshakJ8 Allw 9 Helios 125, Meany 128, Maeantic 125 Feh20 325Hia g :34% ft 18e 117 6 5*1 64 BejshakJ1 Stksl6 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDaveiiport 122 Fehl3-32JHia g :34% ft 85 115 6 68 54 BejshakJ1 Allw 14 Lucille K. 125, Levaal 125 Okapi 125 Jan30-32Hia 4 =23% ft 3111513 13" 1518 WkmanR* Allw 17 Okapi 113, Helios 118, Dry Rdge "8 Janl4-322Hia 4 £3% ft 8i 118 3 2» 54 WkmanR8 Maid 18 Chiltenny 118,TrySwtll8 Seymour 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 6 5th Jamaica Purse ,000. 2-Year-Olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special % Mile Weights. Outline, May 16, 1923— :583/5— 2— 111. Index -Best at Distance—. Wt. Claim No. **orse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69939* Maebee Jam 111 :59% 117.. 700568 Lady Diver.. Jam 110 1.01% 117.. 70027* Four Pence.. Jam 113 1. -02% 117.. 69939 Exiled Jam 109 1.01% 117. « Good Guess...... 117., Flighty Anna.... 117. e 70027 Grannys Trade . ■ ,..Jam 112 1:04 117. a l Index -Best at Distance— . Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70131 Single Brig. .Jam 110 1:04% 117.. Flirting 117.. Notebook 117.. 70090 Wary 117.. Wheatley Stable and Belair Stud Stable entry— Notebook, Lady Diver. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Maebee 117 B. f, 8 M, fcy The Porter — Lady Pike, by Sir Barton. "* Trainer, A. G. Robertson. Owner, Maemere Farm Stable. W k M v 4 3 8 -36%ft Apr21-324Jam g :59% ft 8 111 2 3 3* 3* WallsP4 Stks 10 Swivel 109,Fretwork 114,Edelweiss 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1932 record.. 1 0 0 1 $ 350 LadT Diver 117 B. f, 8 M, by Sir Gallahad III. — La Delivrance. by Ajax. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Belair Stud Stable. Work- Mav 3 3 8 -36%ft Apr26 32BJam 1 1:01% gd i3 5 110 2 11* 2"8 MalleyT8 Allw 3 Shavings 116, Single Brig 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , , StartB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 1 0 1 0 % 200 Four Pence 117 B. f, a M, by Swift and Sure — Groat, by Junior. Trainer, P. F. Dwyer. Owner, Mereworth Stud Stable. Work- Anr 30 1 2 -51ft Apt25-32sJam §l:01%ft 4 113 8 3 381 4Tt KelsayW8 Maid 12 LtleLad 114,Flamborough 114,Gyro 114 tPlaced third through disqualification. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1932 record.. 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Exiled 117 Br. f, 8 M, by Brown Prince II. — All Gone, by Last Coin. Work- Mav 4 3-8 -37ft Trainer. W. Brennan. Owner, Greentree Stable. Apr21-324Jam f :59%ft 20 109 5 6 5*1 6«° KtsingerC7 Stks 10 Swivel 109. Fretwork 114. Maebee 111 Aprl8-32Mam j 1:00% ft 20 115 6 6 481 411 KtsingerC4 Maid 10 Edelweiss 115,BayAgnes 115,Swivel 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 Good GneSS 117 Br. f, 8 M, by Swift and Sure — Guess Again, by All Gold. J- -L I Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner, C. V. Whitney. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.— * , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Flighty Anna 117 B. f, 8 M, by Flight of Time — Annarella, by Doricles. Work- Apr 30 1-2 .. -53ft Trainer, B, Waldron. Owner, Mrs. C. O. Iselin. r -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Grannys Trad© 117 or Pas : performances see fourth race. Single Brig 117 Br. f, 8 M, by Single Foot — Light Brig, by Light Brigade. Work- Mav 2 5-8 107sl Trainer, E. M. Kelly. Owner, Miss E. Kelly. AprJam % l.-OO ft 50 107 12 12 12" 12" CatroneF18 3000 12 Algerialll,Timorousll7,ChiefDaunt 105 Apr26-32Mam § 1:01% gd 12 110 3 3 3* 318 CatroneF* Allw 3 Shavings 116, Lady Diver 110 Apr21-324Jam g :59% ft 30 109 9 10 1020 1026 EabyJ* Stks 10 Swivel 109, Fretwork 114, Maebee 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 $ 100 Flirting 117 B. f, 8 M, by Pompey — Enticing, by Over There. Work: Mav 3—3-8.... :39ed * * Trainer, B. Creech. Owner, W. R. Coe. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , • Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Notebook 117 B. c, 8 M, by Chicle — Flyleaf, by Broomstick. Work: Apr. 29 1-2.. :50%ft ■*•■*- Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Wheatley Stable. r -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Wary 117 r" f * M by MessenSer — On Guard, by Rabelais. Work- Apr 30 3-8 -37ft ■*--*-• Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Whitney. Apr.27-324HdG 4± f :55" ft 10 114 4 8 10J 1618 EnsorL* Stks 16 Cattail 117,Paint Box 117.Cruising 117 Apc23-32HdG 4i f :54% ft 18 107 5 4 7* 6*i SmithJ Allw 14 Cattail 110, StarFairy 107, Okapi 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record. . 2 6th Jamaica purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 1-16 Miles Sting MaY 9- 1925— 1:423/5_4— 106. NOTE — Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 00 to ,500. 3-year-olds, 114 pounds; older, 118 pounds. Non-winners of two races since April 1, 1932, allowed 2 pounds; two races in 1932, 4 pounds two races in 1931-32, 6 pounds. Index /—Best at Distance--* Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 702468 *LITTLE NAP.Aqu 112 1:46 5 113X 4500 70133 *First Mission.Jam 104 1:44% 7 109X 4500 Index Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70244 *Black Feather... Jam 109 1:46% 4 100X 4500 T. Kirvvan and J. McCambridge entry — Little Nap, Black Feather. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. cFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 2 or 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest w.-k-out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Little Nap X 1 1 Q Ch. h, 5, by Dozer— Tea, by Sir Martin. Work: Apr. 27— lm. .l:44%ft ■*■■*•** Trainer, C. Cafarclli. Owner. J. McCambridge. May 3-32"Jam 1| 1:51% ft 11-10 104*2 3 3* 22 MillsH1 4000 6 G!idelial08.Jamison 109,Avaricious 104 Apr,29-323Jam l70 1:43% ft 2J 113*4 2 1" l2 MillsH5 3400 6 DailyNevsl04,Avariciousl22,Iollan 116 Apr21 SJam 1° 1:44% ft 8 5 120 2 3 l1 2" HornF1 3000 7 NhtPatrl 109,LyJackl04,LyRckt 100 Aptl8-326Jam l" 1:44% ft 8-5 122 2 11* 1 HornF8 2500 11 WiIdWestll7,Muff 113,PhtomRock 110 JaiL23 325Hav 1and 1:45% ft 6e 103 2 7 7*J 710 RoseG2 Hdcp 8 JkColIinsl08,Batherll3.ThtleFyrn 107 Jaal3-326Hav 1 1:46 ft 2 111 6 4 4*1 421 ReynoldsC4 3000 6 Port oPlay 107,Athol 112,Kadiak 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 24 2 2 6 ,640 1932 record .. 7 2 2 0 ,825 First Mission X 1 OQ **• * 7 by Chatterton— B. First, by Cunard. Work: Mav 3— lm. . .l:49%ft J-t Trainer, R. D. Carter. Owner, Miss B. Watson. Apr29-328Jam 1° 1:43% ft 8 111*2 3 5*i 513 KnappL4 3100 6 Lit.Napll3,DlyNewsl04.Avaricious 122 Apr22-323Jam 1" 1:43% ft 13 5 104*1 1 11 24 KnappL1 3500 4 Glidelia 104, JohnF. 112, Robrack 109 Apr.l9-326Jam 1A 1:46 ft 20 107* 2 2 H 28 KnappL4 3000 7 DailyNewsl03,HyGrovell2 Recede 102 Aprl6-32JJam 1:15 ft 20 117 1 7 641 68 SteffenE2 2500 16 DailyNewsl08,S.Burdonl09 Beeuile 118 Mar31324St.J 1 1:01% ft 10 113 4 3 3i 2* MeadeD8 2500 7 D.Johnnyll3,Noajoycel08,Brooksie 106 Man26 324St.J 1 1:40% ft 16 105 1 2 41 610 MeadeD1 Hdcp 7 Chatford 100,Uluniull6,BurningUp 109 Mar.24-32°St.J 1:14% si 30 108 1 2 2* 1 MeadeD* 2500 6 Justina 108, Brooksie 108. Coady 116 ■— Stiirts. 1st. ind. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W.m., 1931 record. .15 3 0 1 ,604 1932 record. .14 1 3 1 $ 950 Black Feather X 1 fQ B" ** 4 by Black Servant— Pin Feather, by Dalhousle. Work: Apr. 28—3 8.. :35%ft AVsjI1 Trainer, C. Cafarplli. Owner, T. Kirwan. May 3-32Jam J 1:13% ft 12 113*8 8 910 8i MillsH8 2500 12 M.Sweetsll0.Stimatorll6 M Sweep 108 Apr29-32*Jam 1:13% ft 12 118*2 7 42 54 MillsH5 1500 12 TdThreadslOO.NojoyceLReproof 118 Marl4-32aTrp | 1:26 ft 81f 116 12 13 ll12 102 DeCamsE18 15CO 13 Common 109,ChicagoGirl 111 Coots 116 Mar 3 328Trp 1 1:40 ft 6J 115 4 7 828 820 WorkmanR* 1500 8 SanPresto 112,Essie 107,BobsPlay 107 Feb.27 32Hia 1 1:38% ft 11 111 8 6 88i 8" DeCamsE8 2000 9 S.Shadowl08,Bosafabolll,NonKay 108 Felx24-32Hia 14 1:55% m 5 112 3 1 1* 1* DeCamsE8 2000 9 BoundingDeepll2,IronCzar 98,Bozo 112 ,— Start!. it 2nd. Srd. vvon. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .17 1 0 1 $ 800 1932 record. .15 Q % 850

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050501/drf1932050501_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1932050501_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800