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T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day — Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers — No Waiting S«r TERMS— DAILY im The two horses you are to receive are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses the very earn* day they subscribe. No exceptions. No partiality. EMr BIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY— SUBSCRIBE -*PB Subscribe today and receive this big Win Parlay. Positively wired all out-of-town clients. No waiting for service. No delay. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Miss Puray, 6.00, Won Stroll Along, $ 7.50, Won WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody positively receives the same two horses the same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. WT BIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY -« Get That Big Double Today! Play It! Cash on It! Go the Limit! DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG WIN PARLAY We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of town subscribers wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. New York office open every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway. New York, N. Y. .| "k~~* k«. No* Best Because the Biggest, But Biggest Because the Best |L-!h!iy mr believe it or not m roa •! P| vz! * a two-dollar parlay on s. r. kincs 21 consecutive iLLldBi ? I I * i ■ " i A I h " WINNERS WOULD HAVE PAID Ca.vert Building 1« Broadway 6th F.oor 3,072,201,333,240,484,557.26 35c-AT o= at ALL aiT ufu/ccTAunc NEWSSTANDS-35c « APPEARING IN 257 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD ON MAY j, JUNE 2 W3Q PAYS FOR 7 ISSUES— And as a Premium You Receive P *W I B jjaV B 0and9 ABSOLUTELY FREE "afe WfSF B*W B ■J 3 BLUE STAR SPECIALS! M? • 1 m. • i »K i I 1 fir IHI YESTERDAYS BLUE STAR SPECIAL: /*— . Rtri icwp it a3 NJOT STROLL ALONG, .50. WON lililrfCm. a Tub ,J-r tva/ h * *„-, a i Above specials were given FREE to all subscribers. Pfcli X R/gy IT ad dadi AV #9lt iHiillll IfiJ I Dont wait for tomorrow. Send your subscription WwStjandMMs gSJyE lf||i j f Two LJLO HAVE PAID today and you, too, will receive FREE WINNING ■JpMtfSfljwSSreSar ow W? „w,.,- = o * T 2 !!!! M Dan McCann, foremost tuif commissioner, releases KMfrrr %N./~ rk*f =Lr L _ L-V 5o * HbXwi f : I one horse a day exclusively for Blue Book. Br%, W CvaSd!; IINNE re.o bJ jC wBS !i YESTERDAYS McCANN RELEASE: /|W%W. %V Wttr JL BEi?r I Todays McCann Release: CHURCHL— M-63-72-14-12. F %i « and HandWcUk pJandrnV JSRfltTBWiaJEgJgi FOP, DAN McCANN RELEASE, SEE PAGE 13 "W- *w*|2l StraiWiQ SHBHMpK|l Parlays that make the bookmakers weep can only be M3.07P pQI rn TAQ.IM ■T™ N N E Rs . V~ | SPEJBPCVfeiH PARLAY SERVICE pA* Vxw„. /j0/M/cko _8P£ TERMS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL pJygftto p£jD SSMB YESTERDAYS PARLAY: _ VERITY BALLOT, .22, WON YESTERDAYS „ TWO HORSES: - » „_ „ ,,,-jW. SUN GROS, Ran Second LUKE CONNELL, 9.62, WON st .jessicat,lesdaySPARLAY: 3.62, won DRY RIDGE, 6.58, .38, 3RD SIS AfiNFS $ 6 * 36 WON todays free code: ALL KING CLIENTS, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE CHURCHILL— Bee-13-25-28-9. in view of the fact that all my releases are LONG SHOTS, I STRICTLY ADVISE A TODAY S CODE PARLAY: SEPARATE PLAY ON EACH HORSE, in addition to the PARLAY play. You will find PIMLICO— James-57-23-45-23. this method very profitable. PIMLICO— Sande-55-47-47-69. FOR ODE PARLAY. SEE PAGE 3 CO _ PAYS FOR MY ADVERTISED £l* O WATCH ANNOUNCEMENT O DAILY PARLAY *P O Blue Book Coming to Chicago THE HOBSES You receive are the horses advertised 1 " Come in TODAY and allow me to explain. If you cannot see me personally, just | telegraph or telephone my office. Winners are what you want. I have plenty of them. S| V SAfltfV N0 BUNK— N0 DELAY— NO RED TAPE— NO FICTION • Kjm kJCllLJI V MY ADVERTISEMENT APPEARS americas surest- f BUT 365 DAYS EACH YEAR ~1H. FOUR 4 CONSECUTIVE WIN PARLAYS THERE MUST BE A REASON yesterdays two horses: For the Convenience of Western Clients I Have Established LUK.L CONIMELL an Office in Chicago SI9Q fi? AVOM AH those desiring to get in on the smartest information available to the racing pub- «p£.C. VJ£i, VTVyil iic may wire money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. CITY CLIENTS UNABLE FOOLHARDY TO CALL IN person may phone «Q Oft WniSI FRANKLIN 6725 «p V.JO, W KJit and I will send you todays parlay by messenger. Out-of-town clients, telegraph and TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: I will wire your parlay by fast telegraph. BAG O GOLD, 9.98, WON ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO EIGHTY TWENTY, 7.54, WON Q n VflVT/ MONDAYS TWO HORSES: »3. M. JN.11NIJ SSttSevn, fern, w8n 10 N0RTH CLARK STREET, 7TH FLOOR, CHICAGO, ILL. SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: - OTHERWISE, 5.70, WON STOP GAP, $ 9.22, WON TT TT AT *~ AsEotshurETs,TTH°MdEay riarvev Ames. Inc. Both horses are ready and will win easily. Get J / terms, daily 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y, Located Opp. Hotel Sherman CALL IN PERSON or PHONE DEARBORN 8697 and we will send messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, — — — — _— ___ wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. HlT /V * /. T1VT 155 N. CLARK SUITE 414 CHICAGO, ILL. VVV/ll A.jA H/N CLOCKERS REVIEW EXCEPTIONAL TRANSACTION TODAY IW,5T* W,RE 00 EARLY 0R CALL ,N PERSON TODAYS FREE CODE: CHURCHILL-Red-33-34. todays col. matt brady special: Wager heavily. Every post will be a winning post. PIMLICO— Rice-7-14. , Here is another long shot that the Colonel sends j __ along as a sure winner at plenty of price. j TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 For Col. Matt Bradjs Specials see page 11, Clock- | ,„ m mm m , — _ i __ __.__ " — ers Review. LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY HERE IS A BIG WIN PARLAY F0R you— have a big bet down on these two to win DOLLAR PRINCESS If you desire TODAYS PARLAY, *ire J3 imme- diately. Make all remittances payable to Parlay NELL KUHLMAN Servlce- WATCH MY AD TOMORROW FOR SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT clockers review publishing co. C0L c. R0Y 1476 BREWSTER, Broadway, New York City 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York Citj ■" J Advertise in Daily Racing Form FREE PHONE RESULTS— CALL WABASH 7000