untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-05


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! I LEST YOU FORGET ! ! "INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST TURF LOSSES" DAL Ciiolm Combine Service IBB ill ■ I lal Bi WEDNESDAYS DOUBLE MJXSwJ VUOIVI JEANNE WACHS, .76, $.52, 2nd BAGIEL, 6th Aurora THE MAN WHO GAVE YOU FREE HORSES ADVERTISED ARE POSITIVELY THE _ _ A -»- „.,-, ONLY HORSES RELEASED MARLENE WIN 0R lose 11 ftfl WON TUESDAYS DOUBLE: .OU, Wm BAG O GOLD, 9.98, WON WESTERN CLIENTS, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: I OUTER HARBOR, $ 5.60, WON have shipped and distributed to various agencies my why give your bookie 90 per cent the better of it weekly codecard, which is now on sale at all news- wnen it oniy costs |3 to get "jn" on reai information? stands throughout United States and Canada. D STOP HANDICAPPING- dj-i PARLAY CODECARD dj-i pp-» STOP GUESSING II «P1 GOOD FOR 6 DAYS «P 1 IP*-STOP LOSING -« SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS |p» LIMIT DOUBLE AT AURORA THURSDAY ~m No Telegrams! No Phone Calls! Dont s° down t0 Aurora Thursday until you have. called at our office for this positive limit win parlay. Buy your favorite racing paper, decipher codes and gy* YOULL COME HOME WITH A SMILE "WB you have it in your lily white hand. 9*~W0ULD YOU BE SATISFIED TO BET WHEN"»« HERE IT IS: ■** THE STABLE IS DOWN? "»■ AURORA-Tom-36-14-27-9. Only a Fool Wouldnt AURORA-Frank-87-26-3-14. WINNERS!! WINNERS!! WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! WRT Dont Hesitate—Subscribe ~M Go to. the nearest newsstand and procure this TERMS— DAI LY— TERMS weeks parlay codecard or wire to me direct. CITY CLIENTS CALL IN PERSON OR TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 0596 or»D rilCTCD DUES IsUOlCK F0R MESSENGER SERVICE 151 West 42nd Street New York City Out-of-town clients, wire money. Service sent by OR MY WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE fast telegram. Positively no delay. _. . _. . .. THE COMBINE Kinder Distributers 179 w. Washington St. 6th Floor Chicago, III. 64 West Randolph Street Chicago, 111. Office Open Daily 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. r~f r ■ —■ John W. Cromwell Turf Weekly rJrrnrjJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ i FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— PRICE 50 CENTS % TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: W "W • ¥ 1ft Jf • CHURCHILL— Slow-4-13. CHURCHILL— Saddle-17-3. |; f/l||f # / /VIV For name of these two horses, see page 2, Cromwell M M M M m M M M m m M m Turf Weekly. «» #! •»•» MJ I M f # YESTERDAYS COL. REYNOLDS SPECIAL: S J *"■"-""""■ -— — -• *J LUKE CONNELL, 9.62, WON TODAYS COL. REYNOLDS SPECIAL: YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: AURORA— Waco-95-86. Come one, come all and play this "WINNING INFO." FOOLHARDY For Col. Reynolds Specials, see page 7, Cromwell __ __ __».-».__ Turf Weekly .08, WON BIG LIMIT PARLAY GOES TODAY BRIGHT KNOT CROMWELL PUBLISHING CO. CO J OMH 853 Broadway Suite 2110 New York City «P°* * v ***** TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: T II D • r *J EIGHTY TWENTY, 7.54, WON Weekly Kacmg Lxuide blue day, 1.20, won DAILY CODE monday-s two horses : Two Great Free Information Services BURNING UP, 9.94, WON One Horse a Day Selected by Americas TRINCHERA, 0.40, WON Greatest Experts LAST WEEK— FOUR WINNING PARLAYS carmacs release for Thursday: SJ»*80 Won With Every Bet-! PIMLICO— Four-29-11. „— .. ... . . .... .. %..* ... . JT ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: "£ *■"*■ *re .*" Cajhing Th,s. W"k 2SL Dont „ fail subscribe and to today win plenty. BOTH rmiRrun u im I iv »ix-«-i». ?q 10 HORSES should romp home at JUICY ODDS. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF APRIL 30 TERMS DAILY tnm, unlL| WEDNESDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: DANCING MACK, .60, WON CALL IN PERSON or PHONE HARRISON 8528 and WEDNESDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: I will send messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, OLD HILL, .94, WON wire . , WEDNESDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL 20 W. JACKSON BLVD. Room 1414, CHICAGO, ILL. WON - 68 Out of the Last 117 Have Won C1 mnpur f?I A OU Another Secret Society Special Soon jUr KEeJfUi rLAoH WATCH FOR IT For Sa,e on AM StandS 35 Cent$ WEEKLY RACING GUIDE get the cash with supreme flash Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly TODAYS FREE CODE- 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. CHURCHILL— Feb. -2-4-1 1-5. ■ - For cipher code, see page 2, Supreme Flash Turl rppC I SAMPLE COPY OF NEW Weekly. Z. ,RACI?? PUBLICATION ToDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: - One o Best-Outstand.ng and Late Spec.als-Speed- PiMLIC0-Helmet-9-49. CHURCHILL-Gun-26-50. DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION JSSiSSi** ?! 8 SUT*S FLASH TURF WEEKLY, sold at all 35 newsstands, Send for FREE copy FACTS AND FIGURES, or the cents the real story of scientific turf speculations. copy UNITED RACING WIRE SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. BOX 493 CHICAGO, ILL. 1799 Broadway Suite 1071 New Yjk City.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050501/drf1932050501_30_4
Local Identifier: drf1932050501_30_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800