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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES SPORTSMANS PARK I THURSDAY, MAY 5 * Starts from Barrier Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated • WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago Daylight Saving Time c j 1st Sportsmans __. ... . Z, m-., „ Purse „_nn 00. 3-Year-Olds .tJ and Upward. Claiming. ~, ■ Abt. % Mile NOTE— Claiming price, 00. Non-winners of 00 twice since September 1. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Non-winners of 00 since September 1 allowed 3 pounds; one race since then, 6 pounds. Index Post Best at Distance-* VVt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. VVt. Time. AeeToday Prire 69613 5*Ada Epinard... "4 104X 800 702732 1 Peralta 7 111X 800 70271 3 Jaipur 3 110X 800 70323 11 Guffle 5 111X 800 70221 6 Wega 7 109X 800 69457 10 By Product... 5 106 X 800 Index Post -—Best at Distance VVt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeToday Pric* 54675 2 Kukui 6 111X 800 68824 4*Black Thunder. 7 106X 800 69627 7 Fast Life 4 111X 800 64976 8 Curdle 6106.. 800 70274 9*Brown Supinet. 3 100X 800 | I I J I ] 1 J | , | | , | ; | , , i | | | I I | Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. "£Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P. P.Cl.Poe Sts. Best Company Ada Epinard X 1 fA B * *• ty EBinard — Ada Blackjack, by Torchbearer, Work*- Mav 4 3-8 42ed **"* Trainer, S. Goibet. Owner, S. Gorbet. May 2 32Spt 6 f 1:24% ft" 106 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 1000 10 KcHalmall6.PnceRockl0b.S.Rerf 116 Mar.29-32:St.J | 1:15 ft 49 106*2 1 2,k l" McLarenJ10 1000 13 Weatherproof 112.Boeanlll.PsFollylll Mar.ll 325Hav £l:17%hy 5 115 5 2 4i 69i McLarenJ10 100012 S.VVshipll3,This.TeIee 106 Ponday 106 Man 3-325Hav 1 1:12 ft 2 105 6 5 55 33 MattiohJ* 800 7 Nelson 112.Silver Canopy 1 O.Jean 105 Feb.21 326Hav a 1:12 ft 10 109 1 1 2i 6ci Cleff A8 1000 8 BessCloi 117,LadyMcNeill 106,Film 117 Feb.14 323Hav £ 1-13% ft 4 103 1 1 l1 U MattioliJ1*1 800 12 StshMackll4,MyIdeal 103.Fr.Helenl06 FeD.7 32Hav |l:12Hin 8 105 4 3 33J 32 CleffA2 800 11 BilsonllO.OvrShadyl05,Nevermore 112 Jan.l0 32Hav a 1:14 gd 4 108 3 1 1 3 McCrVnC1 80011 JoanK.103,EddieLhnlOC,P.Mexan 113 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Vftm -» Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 12 13 3 ,225 1932 record .. 9 2 0 4 ,100 Peralta X 111 B. g, 7, by Disguise — Bosella, by Voter. Work- Anr " 28—5 8 lOSft ■*■-*--*■ Trainer. J. Meyers. Owner. J. Meyers. May 3 323Spt a §1:02% gd 33-10 115 22 TaylorW 800 10 TopCloud 115.JohnSpeedll5.Guffle 115 Jun.29 315Rav 5 f 1:06% ft 4-5 113 1"* MversB 1000 8 T.Padrell3,T.Fr.Rose 107,VVineJug 111 Mayl6 31Beu 5f 1:08 ft 7-5 113 22 SandozJ 1500 10 Hogartyl08.Participatelll,M.Mysticl03 Mayl2 313Beu 5 f 1:11 hy 17-10 115 l2 SandozJ 600 9 S.Lacrusel09,L.Pridgel07,L Chon 103 Octl4 304Duf 6i f 1:26% ft 13 10 110 3 3 3" 36i MattioliJ*1 1000 8 LenSwpl07,Sre ofBylOSi.ShMck 118 Scp.20 30*Beu g 1:15% ft 7 5 112 Pulled up. McCrayK 2500 6 OldKickapool07,H,hwayl04,Sadust 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. "rd. Wnn.—, 1931 record.. 3 2 1 0 $ 685 1932 record. . 1 0 1 0 $ 90 Jaipur X 1 1 C B. g. 3, by Volta— Ida. by Peep o Day. Work- nr 28 1-2 -51%ft " J-J-" TTainer. V. Gigliotti. Owner, T. M. Brank, Mjv 3-32Spt a|l:0rscd 7 111 2* MooreET 800 10 Diaquri 111, Banjo 115, Vandion 115 FebOTrp a 1:13 ft llf 97* 1 3 9*i ll10 MontgyR* 1500 14 Light Nu.i 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Feb26 323Hia 3 1:15 hy 18 95* 1 4 7M 728 MontgyR" 2500 8 Fervid 113.Dedicatel05,PellBound 113 Jan.l8 321Hia I 1:12*4 ft 67 115 2 11 10n 10** QnbushG1 2500 14 Rabble HO.Fair Billows HO.Slash 105 Jan.l6 32cHia 5 4 f 1 05% ft 17 112 2 7 8M 825 QnbushG2 2500 8 Sobiehall2,LoveOffering 103,Cholla 112 Dec313PTrp 5ifl05%ft 14 94 3 5 5J b* StoutJ5 Hdcp 6 Leros 118, Ellice 114, Bay Angon 101 Octl4-31L.B i 1:18% m 4 107 1 1 U 3! QnbushG 2100 9 Paldomar 109,Rideau 104,EnAvant 106 , SnrtS. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 23 4 8 5 ,715 1932 record .. 5 0 1 0 $ 90 Guffle X Til Ch *"* 8 by Chattert0n— Poa Negri, by Negofol. Work- Mav 2 3-8 -41ft Trainer. P. Sanford. Owner, Miss E. Biller. See chart ot yesterdays third race May 3-323Spt a | 1:02% gd 6 115 4=PierceJ 800 10 TopCloud 115.Peraltall5.JohnSpeedll5 Mar.30-322St.J 5 1 1:09% ft 15 109*3 1 1 2 LineJ* » 1000 14 RiverLeell2,WildCressl01.B.Brburnll6 Mar.28 322St.J S f 1:09% ft 12f 104 2 2 31 421 LineJ3 100014 Joan K. 104, Jimmie L. Ill, Tat 104 Mar2132St.J 5i f 1:08% ft 30 113 11 11 123 13n BardalesJ10 1000 13 VV.Topl09,Chtahcheel09,VVrproof 108 Marl5 322Trp 5 f 1:06% ft 18f 116 8 9 1218 1321 MadeleyF" 150014 Charliell6,Marabou 116.B Stockgs 116 Mar8 322Trp 5| f 1:06% ft 68 118 4 6 8s 88i ElstcnH5 1500 11 D.Johnyll3,Tkeegeell8,Bl.VVatch 118 Mar2 325TiT 5£ f 1:06% ft 235 113 2 4 4* 67 AustinS* 150010 JkHowe 113,PnellBound 117.F.ssie 106 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-s 1931 record. .16 0 3 3 $ 665 1932 record. .10 0 1 0 $ 130 Wega X 1 rtQ B. m, 7, by Star Hawk — Accelerator, by Uncle. Work- Apr 16 1-2 -52%ft ■■-"* Trainer. G. Keating. Owner. C. M. Jones. May 2 32Spt 6 f 1:24% ft 10 106* 4*i EnvinS 1000 10 KeHalmall6,PnceRockl08.?iRelf 116 Apr26 32Lex fc 1:14% m 28 110 2 7 9,s 9" TildenR 100010 Esntial 110,LghgBo 117.M.Materl08i Apr23 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 44 110 2 1 6°J 7 JamesE1 1000 12 AquaVitae 117,Tvill 116.Aristocrat 115 Aprl8 323Lex fc 1:11% ft 14 110 4 7 9" 912 RileyHR5 1000 10 J.Georgell5,ColBeachll5.BattleAx 115 Sep.l2-31"Bbg 2 1:12% ft 12-5 105*3 2 1* 1*1 LewisM4 1000 10 R.EmDownllO,JoanK.112.Abstely 106 Sep.10 316Bbg 3 1:12% ft 7 104*3 3 3 32i LewisM* 1250 9 StaLadll5,CaptnJ.S.107.Principio 110 Sep. 8 312Bbg 2 1:12% ft 8 104* 5 3 4 4i LewisM8 1000 11 Lassa 108, Captain J. S. 107, Finir 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 22 4 2 5 ,325 1952 record .. 4 0 0 0 $ 20 By Product X 1 f Br m * y lack T°ney — Cassidys Pride, by Meleager. IvO Trainer. F. Seremba. Owner. F. Seremba. Mad8-327F.G 11:50 ft 91 105 2 11 11" ll" ArnoldG8 1000 12 VV.Childll2,MsMacl04.PsCrusader 105 Man9 324F.G 1and 1:47% ft 20 105*3 4 3*1 28 MartinTP* 1000 12 Ravel05,PantMaid 105,AllColuma 110 Mat 3-324F.G l 1:49% gd 15 108 3 2 33 451 GarnerW8 100012 Cr.Headll2,Transfn 108i,S.Sophia 107 Feh26 327F.G 1 1:48% ft 19 108 2 5 6T1 94 MayT12 150012 BkPatricial08,Golfiexll3,Wayfrer 113 Feb.22 322F.G 1 1:50% si 49 100 8 5 7" 83 LaurinR11 1500 12 Old Bill 108, Harass 105, Dim Ray 113 Fchl5 32BF.G 11:41% ft 67 107 1 7 7° 7U MayT* Allw 10 V.H.Youl08J,EnVdl09,.S Ddsn 112 Iaa23 522J.P g 1:13 ft 13 109 2 2 1" 2 MayT" 1250 12 Andoral02,H.Virginial02.Runmaid 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .17 3 14 ,910 1932 record .. 10 0 2 0 $ 225 Kukui X 111 Cn- • * by °8€rs — Graftons Barricade, by Fitz-Grafton, Work: Apr. 27—3 8.. :38%sl *•** Trainer, B. Pollard. Owner, Mrs. K. Pollard. May2 323Spt a | 1:00% ft 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 2000 10 Justina 112.FortWorth lll.Valley 106 Oct20 306Haw li, 1:47% ft 5 1041 8 2 31 5=1 HanfordB" 1500 12 PulRevereOg.BumpsieRayPride 107 Oct 9-30Haw l 1:49% gd 25f 107 10 4 35 3U HanfordB4 1500 11 HySchnderll2,Harpnl07,JohnT.D. 107 Oct 3-30:Haw 1J1:56 gi 21f 103 9 2 S:l 5° JonesJM1 10 JainesM.lOJ.SdyShore 112.BpsieBay 108 O Sep 10 30 UP lg l:45%ft 39 108 7 X 9*J 9« HanfordB S LillianT. 105.RiffBaff 108. Vanquish 1110 Sep *-30«L.F 11:41 si 17 10S 11 10 10 "lO" HanfordB* 12 BoyishBoblOo.TbeTartarlOS.DljlollylOS O Eep 2-30:L.F 1 l:2S%m lit 110 8 2 2» Z* HanfordB* II Woodlotllj.JeffONeilllO.WbkArowlO? O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Black TIlUIHler X 1 C B*1, g 7 ty Thundexer— Flora McFlimsey, by Ballot. Work- pr 19 — 12 . -592iift ■*•*" Trainer, 1. Fischer. Owner, Ayres Sc Underwcod. Feb.22 32TF.G 1 At 1:50 cd "82 112 5 8 918 1020 McCoyJ3 2C0012 BlueLawll2.Louisvillcl07.WdRiver 112 Nov.28 317J.P l1:,02:03%ft 27 109 4 7 7" 8" FischerR8 1250 9 K.Pridel01,OpenGoShutl04. D.Dan 104 Oct22-31eLat 1 1:54% ft 88 113 5 8 T" 712 CallahanC8 2000 8 VV.G.Bmanl08.T.Srnerll3,Silvery 105 Octl5 31Lat 1A 1:50% m 53f 113 10 11 11" 11" DyerP10 2000 11 RoxieWeidl 113,Chatsnll3.Duelist 108 Oct 9-31«Lat l,Vl:51%hy 11 112 5 8 8" 821 KernVV*» 2000 9 HighStrml07,Chtsonll2.HyHanly 107 Oct 5-31cLat 11:54 ft 109 105*3 4 4* 5*1 MartinR6 2000 8 Goodman 108,Lit.Chipl08,P.Purley 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 16 0 1 3 $ 375 1932 record.. 1 Fast Life X 111 B R * by In Mpm°riam— Madr!SaI. fcy Malntenon. -i- J. X Trainer. C. L. Mackey. Owner, C. L. Mackey. Mar31-32JSt.J 5i f 1:09% ft 43 107* 8 9 ll9 ll28 CoxD8 100011 Preferred 111, Began 112, Finnath 107 I Mar.l3-32Hav lw 1:57% hy 15 110 3 6 8". 852 RoderickT* 80012 SandaIsl05,R.LikkerllO.GenSveep 114 MarlO-32Hav g 1:18 hy 10 115 9 9 813 7,c RoderickT 80011 Belgium 118,SandaIs HO.CubanPete 103 Mat6 324Hav 31:16 hy 15 110 3 7 ? 7,c EllsworthW* 900 12 Hypoluxo 112.MaSun 112,Andresito 107 Ma.. 3-32Hav 3 1:13% ft 20 110 1 1 2" 2 RoderickT 80012 Viv.Wrichtl07,Docll3,Bdie Wrack 112 | Fch27-324Hav 31:13 ft 15 106 7 b 8"i 915 RoderickT* 80010 LaGordrinal08,R.Greyl06,RyPoint 106 | Febl8 322Hav 31:14 ft 15 110 4 6 ll10 ll18 LipiecS3 80012 Zebral05,MyAgnesK.105,W.Vginia 110 j Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 28 1 0 5 I 830 1932 record. .13 0 1 0 $ 100 Curdle "1 Ci Br. m, 6, by Rire aux Larraes— Milky Way II., by Fitz Herbert. Work: Mav 4 — 3-8 39%ed -*-" Trainer. F. Freeman. Owner, F. Freeman. Scp21-316K?s 3 1:19% m 13 111 12* MartinE 500 12 StevenB. 106,Sucrose 106 Sepll-314Dor 31:16 ft 29 111 9 8 7 . 8" PollardJ10 600 10 StsFancy lll.Oneulikelll.llluminc 111 Jul.28 31Kgs 1" 1:43% ft 30 104 7M LauchH 500 10 Refereelll.PrceRonaldlll.Hobcaw 111 Jui.l7-31TDel 11:51% ft 15 107 8" RossR 600 8 FaceCream 115,Hobcaw 109,N. Sixty 109 Jul.ll-31M.R U 2:05% m 14 110 614 RossR 600 8 Tempter 116,Willrain 110,Turquoisell2 s» rts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 11 BrOWTJ Slipinet X 1 AH Br. f, 3, by Brown Frince n.— 8upinet, by Superman. J-1/1/ Trainer. M. J. Daly. Jr. Owner. M. 3, Daly. May3 324Spt a Jj 1:01% gd 23 103 4" DePremaR 800 9 Itso 115,NoonPIay 115.MoreSpace 103 Mar.30-323St.J 5i f 1 :09% ft 43 100* 1 11 ll1 ll12 ClemonsR* 1000 14 H.Hieoverll7.BokieB103.Res,vationl06 Man29 323St.J 3 1:15% ft 17f 99 5 7 681 7C1 GoverW* 1000 13 Noajoyce 107, Solus 107, Valley 105 Mar25 323St.J 3 1:15% ft llf 99*8 9 9°1 1013 StoutJ 1000 14 Valley 106,Estinll6,HazelGumberts 107 Mar.24 32St.J 3 1:16% si 32 97*13 10 9si 9"J PrivettW 1000 14 WgGold 112.S Susan98,Stupendous 107 Marl4 322Trp 3 1:13% ft 125 10311 8 810 8" EphimerF* 150014 Par"ties98,BIkStockgs 118,Prceton 118 MarlO-322Trp 5* f 1:07% ft 9 103 1 3 31 523 Long.l13 150013 Nonana 103,HmScaruml09,S. Susan 98 Janl3 32cTrp I 1:26% ft 29 102*5 7 6 6*1 StoutJ4 2500 8 Felaxel07,Capt Edll6,EverFaithful 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 16 4 5 1 ,580 1932 record. .10 0 0 1 * 120 2nd Sportsman S Aspirants Purse. Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Maidens. 4V2 Furlongs Special Weights. Index Post Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70272* 12 Maechute 116.. 70272 6 Col. Cloister... 116.. 702723 16 Hukill ....Lex 111 1:01m 116.. 700683 5 Chicaloo . .Lex 116 :59% 113.. 70224* 7 Probationer ... 116.. 70224 10 Parkersburg .. Lex 109 :59% 116.. 70224 1 Prudie Broom. 113.. 70272 2 Noahs Mary... Lex 100 l:00sy 113.. Index Post Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeTnday Price 69301 3 Laga 113.. 6969" 4 Brilliant Lad.. 116.. 69091 8 Hollandaise . . 113. . 69954 9 Pictorial ..Lex 116 :58% 113.. 70272 11 Billy Buford... Lex 116 :58% 116.. 13 Miss Maritime. 113.. 14 LErablo 116.. 15 Dunlin Boy. . . 116. . J. Cattarinich entry — Hollandaise, LErable. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start: figures or*. 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Ma Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt St. *4Str. Fin. Jockey P.P. CTree Sts. Best Company JlaPClwte 1 "I fi B. g, 2 M, by Annihilator — Cassie. by Fandion. Work- Apr 30—12.. -54%ed *•■*■" Trainer, W. Clark. Owner. M. H. Pons. Mav 3-322Spt 4i f :58% gd 38 116 2* WimmerM Maid 10 M.Hutchesonll3,Hukill 116.Kiddemll6 Mar.29 32St.J •, :49% ft 50 110 8 8 9n ll14 LeylandJ1 1000 12 T.Tovnll2.Principalitvll2,DrZone 103 Mar.25 32St.J i :49% ft 41 110 10 7 9s ll" BurneyD8 2500 12 Romacll2,Principalityll0,ToyTovn 107 Febl7 322Hia g :35% ft 118 117 12 1710 17*1 WallsP2 2500 18 J.Davptll7.BIyCastlell7,Revonahll7 Feh 6 323IIia 2£ f :29 ft 529 117 8 8"! 10° FageL9 Allw 13 LucilleK. 124, Okapi 122, Shavings 114 Feh l-322Hia 2£ t :28% ft 131 117 18 18" 18,n WallsP13 Maid 18 Meany 117. Levaal 117.Gay Attire 117 Jan.25 322Hia a :22% ft 315 118 7 741 851 WallsP" Maid 14 Helios 118,Woco 118,FIy. Dragon 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 7 0 1 0 $ 90 Col. Cloister 1 1 C B. g, 2 M, by Cloister— Marie Virginia, by Polroma. Work- Mav 1 3-8 -384/ft * Trainer, B. A, Jones. Owner. H. M. Woolf. May 3-322Spt 4£ f :58% gd 2i 116 820 OBrienJ Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3.Maechutell6,Hukill 116 Mar.30 32St.J i :50% ft 12-5 116 4 5 58 631 AllenCE5 Maid 12 Jestingll3.SocialBeell3.H.Explosivell3 Mar.28-32,St.J £ :49% ft 11-20 1121 4 3 431 6S3 FronkW6 150012 SgtHill 110.LilIianZ.109,SocialBee 101 ! J Mar.22-32St.J i :49% gd 16 112 7 7 421 2"* AllenCE 1500 12 SttJacktllO,NunsWayl07,SlBee 108j rrhdS32*Tip :48 ft 11 116 8 8 891 6*1 DickeyA9 Maid 12 Capsheaf 116,Opinion 116,St.Jacket 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3fd. Won.-. , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 5 0 1 0 $ 85 Hllkill I "I fi *•«*. * M, by Transmute— Miss Maggie, by Short Grass. Work- Apr 23 5 8 l-07%ft " Trainer, B. W. Stivers. Owner, B. W. Stivers. Mav 3-322Spt 4 f :58% gd 10 116 35 KnightM Maid 10 M.Hcliesonll3,Maechutell6.Kidm 116 Apr26 322Lex 4£ f :59% m 62 111 8 7 710 6*1 HardyDO2 2000 8 RidgeWelll,MissFkyl08,LastStd 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1952 record.. 2 0 0 1 $ 40 Chicaloo f"| Q B. f, 2 M, by Chicle— Lady K. JI., by Meddler. Work- Mav 2 1-2 -522~ft " -*--*-*- Trainer, H. Griner. Owner, J. D. Weil. Mav 3-322Spt 4£ f :58% gd 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Maochutoll6,Hukill 116 Apr26 324Lex 4£ f :59% m 18 110 5 4 4:1 34 HoffmanK5 2000 7 BlkNosol08,MyBIazell2 ,B.Tinker 111 Apr.21-326Lex 4£ f :56% gd 31f 116 10 10 813 914 HoffmanK9 200011 GnDeedsll6,MomsPylll,Dj Belle 116 Apr.16 322Lex £ :49 gd 23 116 2 12 1011 8°3 HoffmnK3 Maid 12 Whirling 116,Prestige 116,BlueFace 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 $ 50 Probationer 1 "I C. B. g. 2 M, by Emissary — Fedora, by Sain. Work: Apr. 30—3-8 39m * *~ " Trainer. B. Felix. Owner, W. F. Knebelkamp. May 2-324Spt 4 f :56% ft 11 1101 351 MooreET Allw 6 M.Brilntll2,SgtHill 115,MarionE109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 1 0 0 1 $ 40 Parkersburg 1 1 B. g, 2 M, by Pennant— My Bosie, by Plaudit. Work- Apr 5 3-8 -39%ft " Trainer, G. Keating. Owner, C. M. Jones. May 2 324Spt 4 f :56% ft 34 110 61S DupuvM Allw 6 M.Brirntll2,StHillll5.Pbationr 110", Apr27-323Lex 4 f :56% si 271 115 5 11 1021 1220 HardyL2 Maid 12 Boiling 115, Sunlow 115, Mi Cara 112 Apr.25-324Lex 4 f :56% sy 40 111 10 10 1024 1023 RilevHR8 1800 10 PrestigellO,MomsPollvl05,Kayvan 106 Apr21 324Lex 4 f :55 gd 13 109 3 4 4" 5" RileyHR5 Allw 5 RedWhiskllO,D.Ridgell2,MeChan 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- #1932 record.. 4 Prildie Broom 11" * by cotcb Broom — Crosspatch, by Hastings. Work- Apr * 20 3-8 43%ft -*--*-*-* Trainer, J. A. Kirk. Owner, Mrs. A. K. Weast. May 2-324Spt 4i f :56% ft 40 109 55 PflanzG Allw 6 M.Brirntll2,StHillll5.Pbationr 110". Mar30-32St.J ■, :50% ft 43f 113 10 12 126 1213 Lined1 Maid 12 Jestingll3,SocialBeell3,H.Explosivell3 Marl2-323Trp I :48% ft 243 107 12 12 1224 12" CarrolIW8 Allw 12 Modesto 121, Iprall21, Meany 124 Feb.15 323Hia § :34% ft 328 119 17 172 IV LeylandJ1* Maid 17 Fretwklig.Shavgslld.L.Bracadle 119 Jaa 6 32!Trp a a :22% ft 300e 115 13 13" 1310 BerryH13 Maid 13 Snldol 115,M.Reynsll8,L*yBdaIe 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won . 1932 record.. 5 3foallS 3Iary 1 1 Q B. f, 2 M, by Noah — Mary Beardon, by Peep 0 Day. Work- Mav 2 12 54%ft ■**■"*■* Trainer, J. E. WTright. Owner, D. McKinley. May 3-32;Spt 4i f :58% gd 26 113 71S DupuyM Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Maechutell6,Hukill 116 Apr25-324Lex 4i f :56% sy 60 110 6 9 9* 8" EllswthW 18CO 10 Prcstigell0,MomsPol!yl05,Kavvan 106 Aprl8-32Lex :49% ft 30 111 7 7 811 813 GarnerW5 2000 8 L.CIayl06,MomsPoIlyl06,GonDeeds 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1932 record. . 3 Laga 1 1 *3 B. f, 2 M, by Aga Khan— La Palina, by Ambassador TV. llO Trainer, P. Sanford. Owner. Miss E. Biller. Marll-STrp £ :48% ft 155 116 11 12 12" 128 RichardsH5 Maid 12 GonPrcessll6,ToyTnll6,LraClay 116 Man 7-32,Trp i :48% ft 81f 113 12 12 1228 112G CorbettC11 Maid 12 Stambul 116,HildurRock 116, Woco 116 Ftb.l6-322Hia | :35% ft 6*f 117 9 1610 1251 LongJ18 250018 MsBroomll7,JnBrwnll7,NunsWyll7 Jan.l8-322Hia J, :22% ft 64e 111 2 10s! 10s! LongJ1 Allw 18 DkLovelll,LucilleK.117,B.Orphan 117 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 4 Brilliant Lad lift Ch. g, 2 M, by Brilliant— Perfection, by Ballot. Work- Mav 3 1-2 52% " ft -*--*-" Trainer, W. J. Potter. Owner. B. C. Schwarz. May 3-322Spt 4£ f .58% cd 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 5 Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Maechutell6,Hukill 116 Apr 6-322Bow ■, :49 ft 62 113 9 12 125 11" RemilrdP* 2600 12 SergtHill 108,Catinoll5,SinggHeartllO Mar 4-323F.G 1 :35% si 21f 113 10 11 ll18 10" TildenR10 Allw 12 Jus.Loganll5,M.CarefuI 119,Sp.Wayll5 Fth29 323F.G g :35% ft 43f 112 9 10 1011 109 AndersonA10 225011 M.Careful 121.B. Waters 119,C.Test 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 3 Hollandaise 1 1 *3 B. f, 2 M, by Cudgel— Miss Holland, by Vandergrift. Work- Apr 30 3 8 .. -43cd J---*- Trainer, F. Seremba. Owner. J. J. Cattarinich. May 3 32*Spt* 4£f :58%gd 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Macchutell6,HukilI 116 Man 3-323F.G g :35% ft 14 112 4 4 6a 713 GarnerW1 200011 HaroldJr.ll5,F.Imagell2,MissBrirt 112 Feh3 32F.G I :36% ft 54 116 6 9 9" 981 MavT* Maid 12CrulTestll6,CvSquarell6,J.Umber 116 Jan.l5 324J.P i :24 hy 30 107 12 1214 12° MayT 300012 Figurtell2,BnWatersll8,MksBela 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1932 record.. 3 Pictorial 11*- B. f, 2 M, by Hephaistos— San-Silk, by Danger Bock, Work- Apr 20 3-8 37%ft Trainer, C. E. Lenahan. Owner, Lewis and Bogers. Mav 3 32:Spt 4i f :58% gd 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Maechutell6.HukiH 116 Apr21-328Lex 4i f :56% gd 98 116 6 7 719 7U1 GevingL5 200011 GnDeedsll6,MomsPylll,DyBelle lib / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 Billy Bnford 1 1 C. Br. g, 2 M, by Splendor II.— Light Sand, by Torchbearer. Work- Apr. 16—3 8.. :38%ft * U Trainer, J. D. Grant. Owner, Mis. W. V. Beeves. May 3 32-Spt 4A f :58%gd 15 116 61 ReevesR Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Maechutell6.Hukill 116 Apr.26-322Lex a I :59% m 25 111 1 5 6s 710 ReevesR 2000 8 RidgeWelll,MissFkyl08,LastStd 111 Apr22 322Lex 4i f :56% ft 20 116 8 6 8*1 913 ReevesR9 2000 11 CtPatrol 116,Chatwinkll6,RieWisell6 Apd8 322Lex i :49% ft 41f 116 2 8 7* 54 ReevesR1 Maid 12 RedBootll6,Catvvalkll6,FrhgThru 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 4 I MISS "Maritime I I Q Ch. f, 2 M, by Sir Barton— Yeomanette, by Voter. J. J. O Trainer, B. B. Bice. Owner, T. McClements. Mr 3-322Spt 4 f :58% gd 113 SCRATCHE Post P. 13 Maid 10 M.Hchesonll3,Maechutell6,Hukill 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. :ird. Won.- LErable 1 1 C B. c, 2 M, by Cudgel— Lotto, by Hilarious. Work- Feb 16—3-8 -37ed Trainer. F. Seremta. Owner, J. Cattarinich. Mar.ll 323F.G % :35%"gd" 118 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 Maid 12 PntBoxll8.Merovechll8.Fid.Iohn 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Dnillill Boy 1 "I C. B. c, 2 M. by Purlin— Superlight. by Superman. L X ° Owner. Casey Bros Work: Mav 4-3-8.... 42Cd Trainer, D. Casty. , starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 3rd Sportsmans 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Abt. % Mile NOTE— Claiming price, 00. Non-winners of 00 twice since September 1. 3-year-olds. 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Non-winners of 00 fince September 1 allowed 3 pounds; one race since then, 6 pounds. Index Post *-Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 70222s 12 GENUINE .... 9 111X 800 70221 4 Kelso 4 114.. 800 69294 9 My Inver 4 109X 800 66101 7 Nation 3 104X 800 69627 1 Ragal Knight . 3 110X 800 65325 10 Kitty F 3 105.. 800 69754 2 Blighter 4 114X 800 Index Post /-Best at Distance-- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 70223 3 Kinesport .... 7 111.. 800 65652 5 Goodyear M. 5 111.. 800 66327 6 Don Worthing- ton 4 111.. 800 69627 8 Carnival 4 114 X 800 69340 11 Dawn Patrol .. i 107.. 800 ! J Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. #Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or ■ 2nd or 3rd last start; *appr entice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: u Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St %Str Fin. Jockey F.T CI Tee Sts. Best Company 1 mi in*. V 111 Ch. h, 9, by Sir Martin— Dependable, by Dalhousie. J-11 Pcttev- 0wner B c Schwarz-May 1-06+sl Tiaintr- w- J- Work- Apr 27—5-8 2 322Spt 6 f 1:23% ft 16-5 116 3* FlowersHE 1000 10 MikeCrevlli.Soluslll.MakeSpecd 110 Se*p30 314Crd fc l:14y5 si 3 110 1" JohnsonE 700 7 A BIm 116,T.F.Rose lll.Skipaway 113 Sep 1 31Bbg I 1:13% ft 31 111 1 1 31 53 DayW8 1000 8 KneeGladcr 108,Trotvood98, Baboo 110 Au24 31Tdn | 1:12% ft 10 112 8 8 8*3 8° JonesJM4 1200 3 SstaLadllS.CaptsDater 113,Wega 110 Au§19 3rTdn 3 1:13% gd21-10 110 3 5 1081 101 JonesJM10 120010 CsDaughterlll,Vnarckl04i,AsFr 110 Au?;17-31Tdn i 1:13% gd 9-5 112 114 62I MeadeD11 1200 11 Fort Mannl07.Copper 104,Broadm,r 109 Aug6 313Tdn 31:13 ft 27-10 112 5 7 T 8s DyeL1 1700 9 GtArtistl09,The.Iudge98.Capt .IS. 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. "frd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 17 5 11 ,835 1932 record. . 1 0 0 1 $ 40 Work- vr 19—3-8 42ft *•*** Trainer, J. G. Bioun. Owner, B. Bagley. May 2-32Spt 6 f 1:24% "ft 48 116 71 WimmerM 1000 10 KgHaImall6,PnccRockl08,SiRerf 116 Mar.l7-323F.G 1and1M ft 13 111 7 2 2* 22 JohnsonE12 100012 Polyfonll0.PysFollyl05.i;i.::blton 110 Mar.ll-324F.G 3 1:14% sy 84 117 9 6 9S1 911 JohnsonE11 250011 GtinEvenll7.Heymanll7,JysEnd 112 Man 7-324F.G 3 1:13% gd 5 118 5 3 541 561 PascumaA1 2500 6 Pmetheusll4,Crberryll8,TonyJoe 116 Feb28-322F.G 3 1:14% ft 48 11718 1 l4 l4 GarittyP10 100P 12 Sw Past 105,Mavro HO.Pag Laddie 115 Jan.l8 322J.P 31:14 ft 27 99*8 9 811 814 DostieR* 1000 12Orloff 102, Anne L. 109, Suffer 106 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won .-, 1932 record.. 6 1 1 0 $ 525 My IllTCr V 1 OQ Br. f, 4, by My Own — Inver Maid, by Trompe la Mort. Work- Mav 4—3-8.... :38cd J-U Tramer. H. Trotsek. Owner. J. J. Dolan. Marll-321F.G 31:14%gd 14 110 3 1 l1! H TildcnR5 100011 Updike 115,KingHaIma 115,Babble 115 Jan.29 323F.G 3 1:13% gd 27 109 9 9 10" 92 MayT8 5500 12 Rusty 109, Blighter 114, J. George 114 Jan.l6-32"J.P 3 1:16% si 12 112 3 9 8" 5i RoblcH* 100012 ThelmaL.112.Finnathll2.FrcetNot 117 Jan. 1322J.P 3 1:14% gd 13-5 10810 9 8" 615 ElstonG* 1000 12 ThsSethll2,PleRobel00.FleDolan 112 Dec23 31M.P 3 1:21% "hy 7-5 112 13 1* 1* RobleH* 1250 6 Nervator 115. Claret 112, Orkin 115 Decl8-312J.P 3 1:19% m 17-5 112 9 9 3* 24 RobleH4 1250 10 Eleanora.M.107,WiseSusanl07, Beige 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. **/••».-, 1931 record.. 24 3 4 5 ,685 1932 record. . 4 1 0 0 $ 425 Nation X 1H/1 Ch. g, 3, by The Turk — Combination, by Meridian. J.U4t Trainer, M. Schwartz. Owner, M. Schwaitz. Mav 2-322Spt 6ifl:23%ft 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 1000 10 MikeCarey 117i,Solus lll.Genuine 116 Oct.l6-31cF.P 3 1:16% si 5 111 1 1 31 42i DayW« 1000 10 RaraAvisll3,Strathconall4,T.C!.po 105 Oct 8-316F.P 3 1:17% hy 13 108 4 5 7P1 713 DavW1 1250 7 Olga 110, Chutney 110. Marcelet 108£ Oct 5 3rF.P 3 1:16% m 21-5 108 1 1 221 24 DayW 1000 8 Olga 108,MagnaMater 106, Atcines 111 5ep21-312Crd fcl:12 ft 8 5 109 21 LeBIancN BOO 8 Pceml 112,KtyOWayl09,GrgeK. 112 Sepl6 314Crd fc 1:17% m 39-10 112 32i LeBIancN 800 7 Even 113, Cattv 110, Welcker 110 Sepl2-31Bbg 3 1:12% ft 15 108 2 2 3" 341 MeadeD 1250 12 MissN.Conlanl07.EHenD109.MMiw 110 Sep.4 31,1Bbg 31:18 m 24 109 2 2 3» 65i MeadeD1 1000 9 Mailliw 108, SilentVote 109, Catty 101 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , 1931 record. .20 1 2 4 $ 900 Regill Klligllt X 110 Br. g, 3, by Tournament II.— Lady Clinton, by Mohawk n. Work- Mav 3—1-2 -51%ft **" Trainer, A. B. V/:i! Owner. J. II. Johnron. Mar31-322St.J 5£ f 1:09% ft 711 104 5 7 10" 10:o McLinEM3 1CO0 11 Preferred 111, Bo-an 112. Finnath 107 Mar.30-322St.J 5i f 1:09% ft 7* 108 10 12 12M 12TI MeadeD12 1000 14 RiverLee 112,Guit!e 109.WildCress 101 Feb.l6-321Hia 1 1:26% ft 117 110 2 fc 64 6" QnbushG1 25U] 6 Rubridge 112, Norwalk 110, Afridi 105 Jan.13 322Trp 5| t 1:06% ft 21 103*3 6 6" 7" ArthurV1* 1500 10 P.Gaffney 118,CMsCamilIe 95,Orkinll8 Jan.l2 322Trp 5] i 1:06% ft 6 101*4 1 33 54J ArthviV1 1500 7 M.Avdalel02,S Barleyll8,StarRoM 100 Jan. 4 322Trp 5j « 1 :07% f t 43 10 101*1 2 23 3!1 ArthurV2 1500 11 MaeSweep94,SnyS,san99.W!ni1ieC. 102 Dec.30 314Trp 3 1:12% ft 9 111 3 1 2» 414 MadeleyF4 2000 6 CaptainEdlll.Spanflovv 103.Felaxe 118 Sepl8 3rThf 5i 11:08% ft 9 109 1 1 1* l1 MadeleyF3 1200 12 PssStolal04,PalsRoM 112,JeEllen 109 , Starts. 1-t. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd W..n .-, 1931 record. . 9 1 0 1 $ 790 1932 nnti. . 6 0 0 1 $ 75 Kilty F. 1 AT Ch. f, 3, by Peter Quince — Tanagra, by Bsn Erush. Work: Apr. 28—3-8.. :40%ft J-"e- Trainer, F. Wood. Owner. P. Wood. See chart oi yesterdays tilth race. Sep.28-313Crd a | 1:08% hy 19 112 53J MooreET 1200 8 NancyKcrrlll.Even 112,McalMny 110 Sep25-31Crd fcl:14 m 16-5 115 3s MooreET 900 8 Carrots 115, NancyKorr 109,Catty 115 Scp.l9-3rBeu 3 1:17% si 5 105 5Ti MartinJ 1150 8 Alcovel08.GMdcnSandanl02.TopicA. 98 Senl8 312Beu 31:22 hy 23 5 105 2"MartinJ 1200 6 FstRr.tel07,MoreSpacelGand.S.Bonny 102 Sep.l6-3rBeu 5 f 1:09% gd37-10 105 , ll MartinJ 900 8 Pennll2,DominantStarl08,MyMarie 107 , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , 1931 record.. 14 1 2 1 $ 450 Bligiltcr X 11/1 B. g, 4, by Blink II.— Sevigne, by George Smith. Work- Apr 30 3 8 -383-ft Trainer, B. Lentini. Owner, Mrs. A. Hiller. April -322Bow 3 1:14% m "48 117 12 11 ll18 1015 FisherRJ4 2500 12 BrMBird 110,DMngBo110,Yc.nFlagl07 Mar5 322F.G 3 1:13% sy 59 117 8 6 818 820 ArnoldG4 2000 8 Reprooflll.Marlcne 113.0rHarbor 121 Mar 3-32:F.G £ 1:13% ft 102 115 7 5 6" 7" GuerraJ 2500 10 Burgoo 115,MvHobby 113.Dovnpourll8 Fch25-324F.G 3 1:13 ft 178 112 5 7 810 810 RemillardP1 2500 8 Fiddler 115. Bursoo 112. Smear 110 Fcb.22 324F.G l 1:50% si 14 112 9 3 54 691 RemillardP* 150012 PlavBirdl02.BbyPovors 112,Arecal 112 Feb.18 32:F.G lfg 1:51% si 14 112 1 1 21 35 RemilrdP1 10C0 12 BilJLutz 107,B.Weidel 112,GlpnLad 107 Feb.lO-323F.G 3 1:14% ft 25 109* 9 4 5:1 7* LewisM11 3000 12 Gr.Princel09,Honymnl09,J.Gorge 109 — ?tr-ts. 1st. 2nd 3rd Won _ , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 100 1032 record. .12 1 2 1 $ 725 KingSnort 111 B. h, 7, by Brown Prince II. — Alverda, by Fair Play. Work- Mav 1 3-8 -384-ft Trainer, C. Bartsch. Owner, C. Bartsch. May 2-323Spt a | 1:00% ft "l3 116 618 ReevesR 2000 10 Justina 112,FortWorth lll.Valley 106 Mar 5 3PHav 3 1:15% hy 1 118 2 2 22 4s LipiecS1 2500 6 FrtcFirell7,Andrsit.112.PciaAnn 114 Feb.24-315Hav 11:4 % ft 8 108 1 1 3 611 FeenevR1 Stks 11 JcanLafittc99,B.NcusB. bll4,Guildcr 98 Feb. 9-315Hav 1M 1:42% ft 21 110 1 1 l3 2*Kauryf* H-lcp 6 Druc2istl09,BeIgnLass96,JkBiener 103 Feb. l-315Hav 1A 1:45% ft 5 112 2 1 441 41 FrogMteD4 Hdcp 7 Druggistl04,SunMisnl24B.NcwsBobll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , , St-rts. 1st. 2nd. ..r... . 011.- 1931 record.. 6 0 2 0 $ 640 1932 record.. 1 Goodyear 111 Ch- *■ W- hy Docod — Juvenile, by Hilarious. Work: Aor. 23-3-8.... :39ft * * * Trainer, N. Burner. Owner, J. H. Hathaway. May 3-321Spt all:01%gd 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 800 10 Diaquri 111. Jaipur 111, Banjo 115 Oct 5-3PF.P 31:16 m 62 117 7 8 V 831 DilleaJ4 1000 9 Hypoluxo 110,Timekerll3.BaiSter 110 Sep30-3rF.P 3 1:13% ft 35 f 110511 12 1221 1224 DilleaJ4 1000 12 Fymanlll,CptnJ.S.109.O.LgHop 114 Sep.25-31F.P 3 1:16% sy 21 115 5 6 61* 623 HardyL1 1250 6 HarassllO.SMPricel.FrArgmnt 115 , Stints. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 3 Don Wortilington 111 B. g. 4, by Donnacona — Nellie Worthington, by Clencairn. Work: Mav 3—3 8... :38%ft A "*- "•*■ Trainer, C. Baldwin. Owner, C. Baldwin. See chart ol yesterdays seventh rare. Oct24-31cHaw 1J 1:58% tl 23 f 100* 5 9 922 B*N«eU* 150011 Quibblerll3.ByPovcrsll3.VtMctcr 113 Oct 2-318Haw 1 1:55% ft 61 1091 3 8 7G1 710 McDottL 1500 8 B.Canooy 99,Wizardry 107,StopGap 112 Sepl9-3rBeu 1and 1:52% si 15 99 918 VcsseliA 700 10 WngMaid 103,VeraC. lll.BngRock 105 Sep.l5 315Beu 1"° 1:47% ft 17 107 610 MooreET 1300 7 Gre,mv,dl02,T.Proctor97,WildDrms 105 Sepl2-31Beu 5 f 1:09% ft 2 106 l1! MooreET 600 10 LittleKidl07 .Forefather 107 .Danilo 107 Sepl0-312Beu 5J f 1:08% ft 10 107 31 MooreET 800 10 McxicanD.102.O.Grandlt;6;.Sulmul 109 Augl4 312Haw 1A 1:49 ft 20f 110 4 6 9°1 9" FinnertyR4 Maid 12 BueHMerll0,Grsslandsll0,DkyBoyll0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou -n 1931 record.. 15 1 1 1 $ 525 Carnival X 1 1 A Ch. c, 4, by Purchase— Durbar, by Chicle. J. -1. *X Trainer, O. Chancy. Owner, O. Chaney. Mar.31-322St.J 5ifl:09% ft 15 113 1111 816 84 WellsL10 1000 11 Preferred 111, Boran 112. Finnath 107 Mar.30-323St.J 5ifl:09%ft 23 112 10 8 ffl 9:J McLinEM14 100014 H.Hicoverll7.BokieB.103.Resvationl06 Mar29 322St.J 31:15 ft 43f 116 9 10 10"! 102 MeadeD: 1000 15 A.Epinardl06,Wtherprill2,Bogan 111 Mar.25 322St.J 5i f 1:08% ft 110 109*9 9 8" 8"! ClancyM* 1500 9 Princet,nll8,Evtimel07,Ply,sFMy 109 Manl3 322Hav 31:22 hy 2 110 3 1 10 1014 McLarcnJ* 800 12 Solusll2,Morongell,Marshall Seth 112 Mar.10 325Hav 31:18 hy 4 109*4 1 1" 21 MaierF2 800 9 ThoSpanrd 114,Rir.sGirl 104,Atlas 114 Mac 2-322Hav Ild414ft 10 110*6 1 ll ICoxD7 800 11 Star 113. Ronald Grev HO.Morvion 113 Jan. 3-32Hav 1" 1:53% hy 3 104* 1 7 714 8" PriorW1 800 8 Misnomer 112,SiReliet UO.Sesqui 115 Jaal322Hav 3 117% sy 4 107 5 3 43J 641 CleffA4 800 12 LcCventyllS.P Bulholl3,Cahama 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, . starts. 1st. 2nd. :sr.l Won -* 1931 record.. 21 2 0 3 ,825 1932 record. . 9 1 1 0 $ 725 Dawn Patrol 107 Ch. c. 3, by Wise Counsellor — Persian Lady, by Omar Xfcay Work: Mav 3—12... :50%ft AVI y«m- Trainei. G. W. Morris. Owner, P. Sturm. Mar.l2 32Hav 3 1:20% hy 8 116 4 5 11" 11" MartinJ 100011 Regusted 105,MuelIer lll.Camping 111 Feb.17 32»Ha 5tl:06%ft 4 112 6 4 5*1 5i MartinJ* 800 9 Dianamedel07.BadAxell2.S*nsLass 106 FetxUSHav 2 1:13% ft 4 116 5 7 8" 8" MartinJ* 1200 8 BobUplll.HtyPollylOb.TistleTelee 108 Feb. 724Hav * U2% ft 4 104 3 3 8" 8U MartinJ* 1200 8 Inarage 107,LibertyAce llb.JoanK. 108 Jan.24 32*Hav i 1:13% ft 8 112 2 1 1 l" MartinJ1 lbOO 8 BobUp 110, Gurirler 113,Bad Axe 107 Janl2??3Ha 5J I 1 :0b% ft 20 103 ? 1 14 14 MartinJ9 1000 12 Teedup98,CliarrrTeNote 101,F Atina 105 Nov.26 31Bov. 2 1:12% ft 26f 116 11 13 8" 7*lTaylorW* Maid 13 BlkBoard 116,Cheelall6,FrrYValkerll6 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. and. 3rd. Won.-, 133] record.. 5 1932 record. . 6 2 0 0 ,250 4th Sportsman s *i f/ msr.i Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Abt. % Mile NOTE -Claiming price, 00. Non-winners of 00 twice since September 1. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Non-winners of 00 since September 1 allowed 3 pounds; one race since then, 6 pounds. Index Post Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos Horse. TYacit.Wt. Tim«. AgeToday Price 69628 4 HMi Color.... 4 114X 800 69613 5 I.a Golondrina. 5 109X 800 63730 7 The Abbot.... 10 111 X 800 66061 10 Take Off 5 114X 800 65497* 3*Shortv 7 106X 800 64557* 1 Lothario 7 114X 800 66288 2 Scotland Sarah. M 3 99.. 800 Index Post -Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Pos Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 65552 6 Emma Hoagland 9 112X 800 69394 8*YalIer Gal.... 6 101.. 800 69621 9 Thistle Duke.. 4 111X 800 70273 11 Rose Mary Ryan 8 101.. 800 67858 12 My Sin M.. 4 106.. 800 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start: figures * or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs Dia. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pee SU. Best Company High Color X 1 1 A B. f. 4, by High Time— Freckles II.. by Marajax. Work- Aor 27 3 8 ■40%sl Trainer, J. Palmer. Owner, H. C. Bumage. MarSlSt.j 1 105% ft 26 108*2 4 4*1 7s BrackenH7 1500 10 Coots 117, Valley 107, Estin 117 Mar28 32*St.l 5i t 1:09% ft 7 111*5 1 I1 24 EppihimerP 1000 12 Stupendsl06,Boundrl06,JgeDixn 104 Mat23 32StJ 5ifl:08%sy 43 109*8 8 8* 8* EphimerF* 1500 9 Princeton 114,Quorumll3,Noajoyce 114 Mar2132*StJ 5 1 1:07 ft 6f 110 1 11 12" 11" EphimerF" 1000 13 Coots 114, Marabou 114, Valley 108 MarlSHav 5U106%ft 2 112 5 6 7"i 7,B MaierF* 1200 9 JpbineD.KM.GunfirellTamrlane 112 Feb24 326Hav 3 1:16% hy 8 106* 1 1 2 5" MaierF* 1300 7 Film 102,Bess Cloi 112,Conscience 114 ?- Feb 6 32*Hav 3112 ft 6 108 2 2 2* 54 BrackenH 1500 7 VladimirllO,BrightSpane!ell2,FiIm 111 Jan.29 32«Hav 5H1:06 ft 6 5 112 2 11* 2* PazJ* 1200 9 Vladimir 115,Nelson HO.rinnath 110 Jaa24 324Hav 5J t 1.05% ft 2 111 7 1 1* 7" PazJ 2000 8 Lanier 114, Justina 109, Scatter 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-* , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1 "1 record.. 22 3 2 6 ,338 1932 record. .12 1 3 0 $ 900 La Golnitllrina X 1 OQ B. m, 6, by Flying Ebony— Azalea, by Peep o* Day. Work- Mav 2 5-8 1 -07ft -*-*"*- Trainer, A. C. Niebandus. Owner, A. C. Niehaus. Mar29-32*St.J i 1:15 "ft 34 111 4 6 64 9" CorbettC* 1000 13 A.Epinardl06,Wtherpr4112,Bogan 111 Mar21-32*St.J 5 f 1K7 ft 6f 110 9 10 1014 10" CorbettC1* 1000 13 Coots 114, Marabou 114, Valley 108 Mar.18 32*Tn 3 1:13% si 62 111 2 6 6" 7" CorbettC" 1500 12 Brooksie 111. Coots 116, Marabou 116 Maill325Hav 31:17% hy 5 113 4 8 10" 12M AllenCE2 100012 S.Wshipll3,This.Telee 106,Donday 106 Marl32*Hav 5tl4*v%it. 2 108 6 7 54 44 FischerR* 1000 9 JphineD.104,Gunfirell2,Tamrlane 112 Feh27 324Hav 31:13 ft 1 108 1 1 1* 1* EnsorL* 80010 RldGreyl06,RkyPointl06.W.Vnia 106 Feb,19 32,Hia 1 1:53% ft 25 107 1 3 64 8" CorbettC* 2000 10 EIPumal04.LionH,rtdll2,B.Southm 97 t Start*, let. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.-, starts. 1st 2nd. Srd. Won 1932 record.. 14 1 0 0 $ 650 The Abbot X 111 Ch *** 10, ty Theo- CooB: — Irish •A°bes» °y Cei*- Work- Mav 4—12 -52»d * Trainer. C. O. Kay. Owner, Battle Aa BtaOie. Mav 3-32*Spt a|im%"gd 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 800 9 Itso 115,NoonPlay 115,MoreSpace 103 Sep 2 314D.P 3 1:18 m 51 108 3 2 34 4" MartinR* 1200 6 JnGhamlOO,R.Svicei09i,M.Frce 103J, Au526 314D.P 31:16 m 16 112 3 2 10s 10" RoseMs 140011 Cabama 106,JudgeDirenzoll7,Runarl05 Aus22 316DP 31:14%gd llf 105* 3 7 10" 12s MartinR* 1200 12 B.Annl00.Li?htAirl05,JudgeDirzo 108 JuL28 314Ken 3 1:13% ft 12 108 6 8 8" 84 LyonsD* 1000 12 Stephanus 108,Chubl03.BlueCanopyl07 JuL13-31*Dev 3 1:11% ft 6f 104* 4 9 ll»i 11" MontgyR1 1200 12 Babblel02,FairSpeedl06,Nevermore 102 May5 31Aur J M4 ft 12 112 6 7 5*1 5J DeMassiT4 1400 12 HogsDancellO.Motel.FateMann 108 Marl9 31St J 5i f 1:09 ft lOf 101 8 6 7*1 8" AIlenR" 1000 11 Sturdy 108. Valley 108, Da Vinci 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record. .10 Take Off X 114 B. g, 5, by Theo. Cook— Goldie Girl, by Golden Maxim, Work- Anr 30— 1-2 -59ed * Trainer, W, A. Williams. Owner, M. 3. Whalen. May 3-32 all:0i%gd 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 800 9 Itso 115,NoonPIay 115,MoreSpace 103 Octl5-3rF.P 3 1:19% hy 17-10 120 1 3 5,tt 7" DayW 1000 7 KingHalma HO.Harass 115. Chard 110 Octl3-314F.P 3 1:18% m 9 5 120 1114 ll DayW" 1000 11 Sen.Sethll3.Sorrentol08,CatchHim 111 Oct9 3PF.P 3 1:15% si 5 113 1 1 2* 61 FischerA* 1250 8 MissOninellO,LdVrntinell3,R.Sh 109 Oct 8-3rF.P 31:17 m2110 112 4 4 1 ?* FischerA* 1000 11 JeffONeil 107,Sen.Sethl07,Calwickll2 Oct5 3rF.P 3 1:16% m 5 113 3 2 1 24 SwigertT* 100010 MikeBwnlOS.FkLightm.K.Halma 108 Sep29-31;F.P 31:13 ft llf 110 7 10 12" 12" SwigertT1* 1520 12 ElizhSulhvanl.LioIelelOS.Alarnae 110 Mav22 315Aur 3 1:14% gd 31 114 10 10 10" 10" LeylandJ* 1200 10 ThomasSoth 109,Chester 105,Rellinell6 MaVl3 3rAur 3 1:19% hy -6 5 110 4 11* 341 ReddingJ* 1000 6 Meridnesel05,Maxiuml02,C.ErlPat 99 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record. .14 2 2 2 $ 1,375 Short J X 1 A/? Br. g, 7, by Trojan — Bagazza, by His Majesty. IwO Trainer, C. C. Kranz. Owner, Miss C. C. Kranx. Oct l-31«Crd lft 151 ft 8 113* 3* MyresB 400 8 Annavanl06,Donau 113,SdayNight 118 Sep.23 313Crd 3 1:15 ft 49 104 87i BardalesJ 900 8 FenceDoIan 113. Bilson 107,Lassa 112 Sepl5 313Crd kl:14 si 29 10 111 21 FerminA 700 6 Calwkll7,Beekperl07,Sh.Charraer 110 Sep 7-31 Bbg 3 1:12% gd 18 108* 7 10 101 104 RoussellV1* 1000 12 SatinSpinnerl03,MyIdeal 110,Mavro 103 Mcrte. 1st 2nd. 3rd Won _ , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 21 1 2 3 $ 845 Lothario X 1 1 A h ■* by Bastoureau — Shy Ann, by Harmonicon. Work- Apr 22 12 -52ft Trainer, W, B. Hall. Owner, L. Pond. Ma - 2-32Spt a 1 1:00% ft 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 2000 10 Justina 112.FortWorth lll.Valley 106 Sepl5 31*Beu 31:15 ft 22 105 34 ClemonsR 700 10 RoseLadvl05,Barter 103,P.Mexican 109 Sepl2-314VVhe | 1:01% ft 7 102 l1 KiniryF 500 8 P.PeaklO5,B.HerHeartl05,Pasnger 105 Sep8 31Whe | 1:03 ft 14 115 41 KiniryF 500 10 ChtingCheatersl05,Iraqll5,Ravine 113 Sep 3-313Vhe 6A f 1:28% hy 9 110 4 PardickJ 500 8 Gov.Peayl08,LilvCupl03,G.Powder 108 Sep. l-31*Whe 6f 1:23% ft 29-10 110 6°! HornF 500 9 GoldenOnent 115,Missy 105,Donau 112 fc- Starts. 1st. 2ud. 3rd. Won.-» , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .21 4 0 6 $ 2.065 Scotland Sarah QQ Ch- f 3 Ml by Baicines — Sara Winn, by Toddington. *J *J Trainer, E. L. Goode. Owner, Emmerson and Phillips. Oci.23 31Haw 5| f 1:08% ft 32f 115 12 12 12:o 122* FronkW" Maid 12 BtButyllS.GnLightlW.B. Hawaii 115 Oct 2-31Haw 5J.f 1:09% ft 30 115 12 11 11" 11" CorbettC Maid 12 SIyIrenell5,CousinJudy 115,lmeldall5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. ord. Wou — . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 2 Ellinta litem land X 11*? Bll£ m 9 by Westy Hogan— Elizabeth H., by Marta Santa. Work: Anr 22-3 3.... :37ft * " Trainer. G. Elrod Owner. G. Elrod. May3 324Spt a|lDl%gd 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 800 9 Itso 115,NoonPlay 115,MoreSpace 103 Oct2 3PR.P 1T0 1:48 gd 22 113 4 8 8=8 8" CochranR4 600 9 Lactarius 112,IowaBoy 109,Florian 113 Sep23 315RP l:o1.51%hy 16 105*5 8 8" 841 GayG8 600 8 TomHill 105,GaineswdllO,Clarifier 113 Sep22 31JR.P l;ol:52%m 26 113 6 8 8" 8" GrossE7 600 8 F.Relatnsl08,B.Spdingl08,Col.Bb 110 Sepl8 314RP 11.28% ft 39 106*6 9 9" 9" ClancvM* 600 9 L.Partrid!;ell5.M.Witti,ml07,Solus 106 Sep 3-314R P 1:"1:53 m 7 109* 3 5 5" 5:* GilbrideE* 600 6 ElMonteli4,BrunslM,M.J.McNyJr.ll4 Sep 1 314R P 1 1:47% hy 9 106* 5 2 11 11 ArnoldL 600 8 DryChief38,LittIeBlaze lU5,Gerardi 109 Aiig.29 3FRP I 1:29% ft 24 113 10 10 10" 9" CornT* 600 10 SolusllS.LyPartridgellS.Voltacast 108 Aug.23-31A.C 11:27 ft 18f 112 11" BerryH 500 11 MissWticismlOg.Sedgie.Baptite 104 , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. Mrd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 29 4 1 1 $ 1,290 Taller Gal 101 "**" m * by Ballot — Mammy, by Sempronius, Work- Anr. 20-3-4.. l:18%ft J-1 Trainer, L. Hall. Owner, Mrs. L. Hall. May 3-324S|»t a % 1:01% ed 105 SCRATCHED. Post P. 12 800 9 Itso 115,NoonPlay 115.MoreSpace 103 Mar.15 32-T.p 5 t 1:06% ft 18f 106* " 1 W 14r6 SouthG 150014 CharIiell6.Marabou 116,B.Stockgs 116 Oct 1 3PCrd c 1:12% ft 13 109 24 LipiecS 500 8 PoIyhthl07,OneGrandl09,RckReef 110 Sep24 3rt"rd fel:12 ft 45 109 64 PalumboS 700 8 Skipaway 112, Zebra 107, Paquette 109 Sep.8 3rBt 3 3 1:12% ft 63 104 4 8 7s 74 AllenR4 1000 9 Sha.Ladl07,Span.Jackl07.Runrnaid 106 Sep 5-31-IJbg 3118 hy 49 110 3 b 6" 6" PalumboS 1250 7 ThrCall lll,Dr.L.Hmanl06,Mro!l 106 Aug24-31*Tdn 3 1:12% ft 83 1031 1 11 11" 11° PardickJ" 1000 12 AsFairl07,WineCardlll.Sh,taLove 102 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Mrd. Won — . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -» 1331 record.. 6 0 1 0 $ 60 1932 record.. 1 Thistle Duke X 111 B. g, 4, by Golden Broom — Axis, by Orsint. Wnik- Mav 4—12 •53%td Trainer. T. Koran. Owner. G. Coliins. Mar30 SPStJ 5J i 1:09% ft 47~10f 113 14 13 146 14" HorvathK4 1000 14 H.Hicoverll7,BokieB. 103, Res vationl06 Mac28 32vSt J hi f 1KB% ft 42 111 9 9 10" 8" HorvathK0 1000 14 Joan K. 104, Jimmie L. Ill, Tat 104 Mar.22 32St.J 3 1:14% gd 149 106*6 6 14" 14:o GilbertJ1 100014 Maraboull6,Stupousl04,H.Scarum 107 MarlO -393Hav 31:18 hy 5 115 5 8 10" 11" GilbertJ2 80011 Belgium 118,Sandals HO.CubanPete 103 Feh26 32:ll:iv 3 1.14% si 8 112 2 1 84 9"! GilbertJ 901 12 Hypoluxo 109,Sha. Charm 105,Solus lfc lDh24 32;Hav 3 1:17%hy 10 112 2 2 3s 5" TerniaO3 800 12 Andresitol04,Hyoluxo 109,WnieJo 106 Febl9 32sHav g 1.13 ft 10 112 4 8 84 104 FischerR 800 10 MYrEversll4.Algol IRCapsDatrlO? Feb.ll32Hav 31:13 ft 15 110 5 3 8* 10 FischerR 800 12 Cmpeadorll2.M.Eversll2.Musketr 108 „ rtb.9 324lav 3 1.13% ft 10 110 5 3 1 3* FischerR* 800 12 Br.Kn,tl07,F.E.Cmpnl07,C,sDter 107 SfHrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won. stiirls. l-t. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn . 1931 record.. 32 4 3 1 ,710 1932 record .. 16 0 0 1 $ 75 ItOSl 3Iarv Rvan "1 HI B" m" *• by I-antados — Go-get-em. by Mediator. 11/ J. Trainer, F. Coffenberry. Owner. E. McCaffrey. May 3-32Spt aflK2%c l 40 105 54 DelmadoE 800 10 TopCloud 115.Peraltall5,JohnSpeedll5 Sep.l9 314Beu 3 117 si 18 1051 74 MyresB 6XJ 9 Dkavrsl07,WineJuglO6,PeMcan 110 Sepl7 31*Eeu 5 f 1 08% ft 33-10 110 24 PerdomoA 500 / KinFlksl02i.N Sixtv 106, Stingl09 Sepl6 31*Beu 5 J, f 1 -09% gd 107 107 21 MvresB 600 10 A.Aminel09,O.Grandl05£,BtCopr 105 JuL 6 293R P 5* I 1 10% ft 10 100 1014 LoeanL 50010 lst,sielesl03,LittleCookl06,Rotarian 102 J-n.26 29R.P re 1 20% ft 23 108 7i TrenchdS 700 10 Hoatzinl06.JohnD.108,GoldenLaura 106 ■ Starts. 1st. Ju ■■• 1 W..-. St.-irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won .-. 1931 record.. 3 0 2 0 $ 100 1932 record. . 1 My SiD -| f* Br. f, 4 M, by My Flay— SeOMry, by Bain. Work: Mav 4—1-2 :53ed -"-I/O Trainer, H. E. Brown. Owner, F. E. Moore. | Jan.l3 322Trp 5 f 1 K6H ft 18 113 9 9 10s4 10" EabyJ" 1500 10 P.Gaffney 118,Cf sCamille 95,Orkinll8 Mat25 318St.J 5ifl:10 1t 66 106 3 6 6* 6" DaintyF* Allw 12 LisgEarslll,MasrDbarll5,Pgohn 111 Marl6 31*St.J 5£fl:ll ft 7f 100 2 7 9* 81 AllenR1* 15 X 12 VendrellO.BbyFolsomlW.Zachary 109 Mar. 9 31St.J 5|fl:ll ft 31 98 6 5 « 7* Cooper R» 1000 12 Stephanuslll.SvanTrail 114,LafUr 108 Jan.28 31Mia 1T8 1:45% ft 52 105 1 8 8s* 8M PichonL1 2000 8 Perception 116, Outcry 113, Dea 108 Jan.17 31«Mia l7* 1:45% ft 15 10* 6 10 iO* 10" RileyHR10 2000 10 Perception 114,Watchgir! 109,Relic life , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. . 5 1932 record. . 1 5th Sportsmans Homewood Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and 62 Furlongs Upward. Allowances. Index Post /-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 70228 1 Harum Scarum 4 109X 70275 4 Bcrniee Van... Haw 111 1:23% 5 109* 70225 2 King Cherokee 5 114X 70275 6 Home Work... 3 106.. Index Post /- Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70225 5 Brooksie. Ham 98 1:19% 5 109X 70271 3 Diaquri 4 109X 70225 7 Patricia Marian CD 107 l:23%h 8 115X Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. fFair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or * 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. «4Str. Fin. Jockey F.P.Cl.P.cSta. Best Company Uliruill Sea ruill V 100 Ch • * ty Mad Hatter — Yashmak, by Broomstick. Work- Apr 30 — 3-4 l-23%ed -*■-* Trainer, J. W. Johnstone. Owner, I. Glasscock. May2 328Spt l70 1:47% ft 21115 1« HarrisonM 1000 8 EvelmeF.110,Unc.Charleyl20,Yrow 120 ■ Mar3132St.J 1 1:58% ft 8-5 106 5 4 2* 21 EphimerF* 1000 5 Mmerl04,Cfidentl 109, Obsvatn 111 Mar30 325St.J 1 1:50% ft 11 106*3 1 21 2* EphimerF* 1500 7 Genial Host 104,Si Relief 107,Bozo 111 Mar.28 326St.J 1" 1:47% ft 19 10 111 5 11" 1* HanfordB" 1000 11 BoBallotllb.Pai toPul HO.SbyShoeslUl Mar.23 322St.J 2 1:16% sy 31 10 113 9 3 3*1 2* HanfordB* 1000 14 ChsCamiIle99,Baal 106£,BlueNiIe 104i Mar22 32aSt.J fl:14%gd3310 107 1 4 3 3* HanfordB" 100014 Maraboull6,Stupdousl04,Deerfield 106 Mad6 32sTrp 3 1:12% ft 81 107 «, 4 2* 2* HanfordB* 1500 10 CharIehlll.CsCamiHe92,Bl.Kmgt 103 Start*. l*t -nd. 8rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st- 2nd. Srd. Won. 1931 record.. 1 1932 record. .13 2 5 2 ,445 Bemice Tan fc 100 B. m, 8, by Sir Martin— Kathryn Harlan, by McGee. Work: Apr. 22—12.. :51%ft *"* Trainer, E. F. Orden. Owner, E. F. Oeden. See chart ot yesterdays third race. May 3-32»Spt 64 f 1:24 gd43-10 111 2* HarrisonM 2500 7 HomeWklOS.T.M.TalklW.SnSper 111 May 2-323Spt a g 1:00% ft 30 111 4" HarrisonM 2000 10 Justina 112,FortWorth lll.Valley 106 Mari6 32*F.G 21:14 ft 22 109 2 4 11* ll12 RobtsonW* 2000 12 Out.Harborll3,MyHobbyl09,Durva 112 Mat 9-32F.G 1 1:47% ft 13 107* 1 1 5 8" WeberC* 1500 9 Delmonicoll4,LillianT. 104,LenaM. 104 Mac 5 32*F.G 1and 1:49% sy 27 107 2 1 2 3* TiMenR* 1500 9 HalRiley 112,OWBiU 112,HalfDay 111 Mac 3-32TF.G 1£ 1:55 sy 25 103* 8 9 9" 9" MartinTP* 1500 9 Essare 113.KenKBng HO.StopGap 112 Mac 1-32*F.G lA 1:48% ft 16 5 111 4 2 4*1 6* RobtsonW* 1500 9 Albazanoll2,Vagabond 107,DiraRay 114 Feb22 325F.G 1 1:42 si 13 104 2 3 4* 4n RobtsonW1 AIlw 7 Petabit 104, Plumage 111, Harlem 104 Starts, tat. 2nd. 3rd. w™ , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. *-rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 11 0 0 1 | 50 1932 iccord. .22 3 5 5 ,320 Kill if Cherokee X 11/1 B. h, 6. by Cherokee — Grace Ring, by Judge Wright. Work: Apr. 29— 11 8... 2:05ft *•*•** Trainer, F. Perry. Owner, F. Perry. May 2-325SPt 6i f 1:22% ft 21 108 6:1 Martin J Hdcp 8 YildChildl00,Mrsnufflll,P.oPlay 102 Manl7 32F.G 1 1:13% ft 40 113* 2 12" 321 CantrellL* 2500 8 Fervor 114,BkTvrone 118,TonyJoe lib Madl-324F.G 21:14%sy 33f 118 7 7 53J 533 HobartA 250011 Gtir.Evenll7,Heymanll7,JysEnd 112 Feb29-32»F.G J 1:13% ft 31 117 3 2 2* 58i CavensJ* 2500 7 B.Looneyll2,TonyJoell7.LghgBoyll2 Feb.l5 328FG 11:41% ft 39 112 2 5 9" 9" GuerraJ1 Allw 10 W.H.Youl08i.Enwdl09£,S.Ddsn 112 Fel 4 32*F.G 1 1:40% ft 31 105 4 5 7,s 7" LewisM* Allw 7 B,rHterl07i,P.AthIingl05,W.Win 1C8 Feh2 32,F.G 1148 ft 24 5 110*1 1 2"» 2* ElstonG1 2000 12 Wrackell 110,AIbazanoll0,Flo.DoIanll0 Jao27-32»F.G 1 1:52% hy 81 107 6 1 41 5 LewisM 2000 12 HighStorml07,StopGap 113,LaFeria 107 starts 1st. 2nd. Rrd. •*•■ - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woe.-. 1931 record. .23 8 4 1 ,727 1932 record. .12 0 2 1 $ 325 Home Work I A/? Ch. ?. 3, by Broomstick — Harcbesa II., by Rabelais. Work- Mav 2 3-4 T24f -AVJQ Trainer, H. E. Brown. Owner. F. E. Moore. May 3-325Spt 6£fl:24"gd 7 108 1* AllenR 2500 7 BceVanlll,T.M.Talkll6.SnSpner 111 Apc22-325HdG 1- 1:47 ft 17 108 4 2 31 42ttNeelJ8 2500 7 BatgRamll3,Gen.Crtll2 Hatteras 107 tPIaced third through disqualification. Apr.21-325HdG 1 1:47% ft 10 110 14 4 Z*l AllenR4 250010 Gen.LejeunelOl.Fervid 110,GIenside 115 Apd9 326HdG 11:47% ft 91 105 1 1 421 5"! NeelJ1 2750 10 BwayLtsllO.DonTkerl05,BgRam 112 Aprl2-322Bow lT0l:49%hy 81 108*2 3 5TJ Th EphimerF* 3250 8 D.Taskerl05,BnRosel00,ByLights 110 Apr2 328Bov 1A 1:50% ft 12 112 7 2 11 lrt HanfordB* 2500 9 GalCourtllO.ChonPal 112,Ph.Rockl07 Mar28 324StJ 21:16 ft 9 107* 8 7 31 1* EppihimerF3 1500 13 Aliens 102, Nonana 107, Bob Up 104 Mac22 32*StJ 11:42 si 15 110 2 4 32 4*i RemilrdP1 2000 10 Dr Syntaxlll.ClareBeelOO.IronCzar 105 Mari6 32«Trp l 1:47% ft 24 109 4 5 5J1 1* RemillardP3 1500 12 Spanfairlll.Parties 104,LkyRacket 106 . Starta. 1st. 2nd- 3rd. Won. , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record. .23 4 3 2 $ 2,925 Brooksie X 100 Br. m, 5. by Wrack — Mollis Roan, by Bobbte Resa. Work: Apr. 30— 5-8. .l:09%cd *■"•» Trainer, C. Troutt. Owner, E. McCuan. May 2 325Spt 6i f 1:22% ft 21-5 108 818 KnightM Hdcp 8 WildChildl00,Mrsnufflll,P.oPlay 102 Mar31-32*St.J g 1:01% ft 7 106* 1 2 4J 4» BrackenH* 2750 7 D.Johnyll3,F.Missionll3,Noajoyce 10b Mar26-32ISt.J 5i f 1:07% ft 81 108 5 2 2* 1» BuckE9 2500 7 Coots 118, Justina 108, Aliens 96 Mar.24 32"St.J 11:14% si 21-5 108*6 6 6*1 3* RoderickT* 2500 6 FirstMission 108,Justina 108,Coady U6 , Mar.l8 32*Trp $ 1:13% si 7-5 111 3 11* 1* EnsorL* 1500 12 Cootsll6,Maraboull6,BlackStckgs 116 Mar-STrp 5J. f 1:05% ft 51 112 5 1 2* 2* MillsH* 150012 LyerllO.MedneBow 111, D.Johnny 112 Mar.7 32*Trp j 1:12% ft 9 112 6 6 44 2*1 EnsorL* 1500 9 Par Boundll7,HyHieover U2,JiIlion 98 Ktarta. let. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1931 record. .45 10 14 8 ,695 1932 record. .19 3 4 5 ,820 DJaqnri X 1 OQ B. f, 4, by Golden Broom — Chanteuse, by Disguise, Work- Mav 2 5 8 l:08%ft ■*■"« Trainer, C. Adams. Owner, S. Adams. May 3-32 a | 1:01% gd 14-5 111 l4 ConnorsJ 800 10 Jaipur 111, Banjo 115, Vandion 115 OcU4 31sLat 31:16 m 4-5 105 2 11* 24 ColvinCM1 Maid 7 ElnoraM. 105,Jayee 108,Orcbtion 108 Oct 6-31Lat 3 1:13% ft 51 109 2 1 2* 4*1 ColvinCM* Allw 12 BiBi 112,BlackDust 109, EagleBird 112 NovnSOIHF 81:04 si 18 5 107 1 1 1" 3*1 YeltonR* 2500 10 TheMongl 112,TderNphl07,Wdelnl09 Novl3 301Lat 3 1:15 hy 81 103 2 2 2* 7*1 ArnoldG 2000 12 RgWerlOS.WeidelnKB.Participte 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 250 1932 record. . 1 1 0 0 $ 550 Patricia Marian X 11 Ch. m, 8, by Sir John Johnson— Love Story, by Bunstar. Work: Mav 4 — 3-8 41ed -*--**- Trainer. T. Moran. Owner. G. Collins. May 2-325Spt 6 f 1:22% ft 9 118 4 DyeL Hdcp 8 WildChildlOO.Mrsnufflll.P.oPlay 102 Apr20 32«Lex fc 1:09% ft 81 105 3 3 38 fl RileyHR* Hdcp 5 Ridgevw 104,Click 106,StrtSinger 107 ApclbSLex fc 1:10% gd 194 107 9 9 9 6H EllswthW* Hdcp 10 Tannery 112,JoeyBibb 110,BtyDerrl08 Feb20 325Hav J 1:11% ft 4e 100 3 5 61 6"! MeadeD1 Hdcp 6 Fort. Youth 108,Bather 116,MaIolo 13C Jart28 32°Hav 1A 1:44% ft 5e 100 3 6 6*1 7* FryeJW* Stks 8 Batherll2,B*rningUpll2,For.Youth 110 Jan23 32«Hav 1 1:45% ft ■ 2e 104 1 4 810 81 MattiofiJ» Hdcp 8 JkCollinsl08,Batherll3,ThtleFyni 107 Jan-lOHav 3 1:13 gd 5 108 5 7 b*i 41 FisherR* Hdcp 9 Vcillatell6,J kCollinsll5,0tBound 108 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. Starta. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .33 2 9 7 ,610 1932 record.. 8 0 0 0 $ 175 6th Sportsmans Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Maidens. By2 Furlongs Claiming. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 116 pounds. Index Post /-Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim i No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70221* 6 Prince Rock . . 3 108X 1500 69295 10 Box Office .... 3 103.. 1500 57446 2 Big Star 5 116.. 1500 70276 3 Zode 3 108.. 1500 13 Lydia Ann ... . 3 103. . 1500 70323 12 Prince Hawkins 4 116.. 1500 70276 1 McKell 3 108. . 1500 Index Post -Best atDistance- Wt. Claim No Pos Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 68673 4 Flash of Light. 4 116. . 1500 69370 5 Boston Rose . . 3 103* 1500 70277 7*Tom Ormont .. 5 111.. 1500 70095 8 Virginia 0 3 103. . 1500 9 Paesano 3 108.. 1500 70273 11 Comradeship ... 3 108.. 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or *. 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. «iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pee Sta. Best Company Prince Rock X 1 08 Iffcl M - to Prince Pal— Classic, by Delhi. Work: Anr. 30— 5-8. .l:ll%ed J-UO Trainer, G. T. Harris. Owner, H. D. Lemley. May 2 32Spt 6J f 1:24% ft 15 108 2* HalbertF 1000 10 KingHalma 116,SiRelief 116,Wega 106 Mar.l7-32F.G 3 1:15% ft 16 115 6 8 8s 84J RobleH" 150012 Graphite 115,NickD. HO.Doughboy 115 Mar8 32F.G 3 1:14% ft 22f 110 4 1 22 23 RobleH* Maid 11 KyBoyllO,KgCnderll3,M.Unruly 107 Feb.l8-32F.G 3 1:16% si 33f 113 9 7 7n 8n DayW* 150012 GonLkhtl08,L.Marclel03,RaAnn 105 Octl7-31Lat 3 1.19 hy 25 115 3 4 671 69 PoolE" Maid 12 Vesee 115. Jodio K. 112. Manassas 115 Octl0-31*Lat 3 1:15 si 22e 115 5 3 5U 6n FisherH* Maid 12 Predict 115, Slash 115, K. Russell 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 11 0 0 1 $ 150 1932 record. . 4 0 2 0 $ 190 BOX Office 1 0*3 Br. f, 8 M, by Black Toney— Billie Burke, by Star Hawk, Work- Adt 30—1-2 . . -56cd ■**"*• Trainer. J. McClyman. Owner, F. Seremba. Mar.ll-32F.G 31:14%gd 32 110 9 9 8n 710 MavT,u MaidlO PanshaIallO,JudanllO,RealPardner 117 Man 7-32F.G 3 1:14% gd 52 108 6 4 45i 4*1 MavT* 100012 RunOnllO,NickD.105,UltimateVote 117 FebdO-322F.G 11:49% ft 18 100 8 9 10" ll18 CraigM" 2000 12 Dextro 105, Penn 110, LoyalLouie 110 Feb,6 32F.G lj 1:48% ft 99 100 5 12 1223 1225 CraigM 2000 12 N.KhlrnnKM.AdsumHC.VtyBallot 109 Feb. 1-32T.G 3 1:12% ft 40 10718 9 9" 71 SmithJ1 200012 ChuChu 103,BtKnot 109,LyCouvin 104 Oct20 31Haw 31:15 ft 78 107 7 5 8n 7*1 SmithJ7 2500 12 MarthaD.102,GolnStatel08,Parties 106 Augl7 31sHaw 5j f 1:06 ft 54 110 8 9 9" 9" SmithJ8 Allw 9 Colonl BellellS.P.DreamllS.Bryia 110 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 re-ord.. 2 1932 record. . 5 Q Q 0 $ 25 | ■ , Bljr Star 1 1 Z Br. k, i M, by Blaek Tsasy— Brilliant SUr, by Koitk fNtf 1-L0 Work: Mav 1-1-2... :52%ft mT _ _ . . , . Trainer, J. C. McAuhffe. ,.„ Owner, H. fi,n Ga.iet. Mac f 31*Mia 1 A 1:46% ft 11 120 6 8 6* 5n CorbeUC* 2500 9 MilePIayl20,BdonDarcl06.Tdesm,n 111 Febl7-31*Mia 1A 1:47% ft 112 117 6 3 6s* 7» WallaceJ* Maid 7 Stellanova 110, Politcn 117, Matadi 110 Fsb.ll-31Mia 1, 1:44% ft andi 118 1 4 54 4» BurkeJH* 11 firdDucb,slOO,SnowcloudMKi, Poly 100 O Jta.31-31»Mla 51:12 ft 164 114 2 I 5» 5«| RenlckS* « Hackyn.ll8,Grac*sGift 120.S nyMornll6 O JU. 7-30»A.P l:26Vfcft 1M 111 1 J 3»1 2» SmithJ» 12 SirArsoll2,Lawyer 112.meAld map 112 If *n.30-30«A.P ll:38Vt» ie 107 » 6 7" 7" SmlthJ» 7 Equation 102,Devon 107.FyMsiden 108 O Jo«.;4-30»Was ll:37%ft SO 107 4 S S" 8«J SmithJ* » HIgUFootlOS.DncleLthprlOi.CulIfldenlOS A fcn.20-30*Was J 1:25 ft 29f 105J 2 » !» 4*1 SmithJ1* 12 HornpJpel03JnI sf tel03,PlkyPlay 10B A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3Td. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 4 0 0 0 $ 25 Z0 ie 10Q Ck. o, 8 M. by His* Clsad— Miss Btar. by Hesperus. Work- Apr 13—3-4 119ed -»-VO Trsiner, B. B. Hice. Owner, P. N. Kyle. May 3-32"Spt 6J f 1:25% gd 51 99 4" BrackenH 150G 7 Lonell 107,MarthaD.105,GaidenSeatl04 Api£3 32HdG 1148% ft 48f 102* 5 1 91 lO** ClancyM" 2000 12 Silvery 112, BokieB.103i.ChosenPal 105 Apt21-32*HdG 31:13 ft 164 116 1 7 101* 12" SmithJ1* Maid 12 Botswainll6,Paramorll6,Hurway 116 Apcl9-323HdG 3 1:13% ft 52f 110 10 9 8* W* SmithJ1 2500 12 Prometheusll7,Princeton 112,StopSisl05 Ape 6-32Bow 31:13 ft 6 115 5 5 51* 6" CalhanC1 2000 12 JiltedllO.BrownPet 110.W. in Cfccyl20 Sep. 8-31L.F 3 1 J.2% ft 5 115 9 5 and 2* SchutteH* 3000 12 DisDatll5.Herb«rt 113,Sweepmar 113 Ail9 31Haw 3 1:14% ft 11 11212 7 7» 7»1 CallahanC Maid 12 RdDiamd 112,Upidary 112,DisDat 112 Aug3 31Haw 3 1:14% ft 22 112 4 3 31 5» CallianC** Maid 12 ClPncel.MgBblesl.Excavtn 112 JuL24 3rA.P 5*. f 1:06 ft 82 108 5 5 5* 6*J SchutteH1 Alhv 7Morfair 112,SunsSon 112,Cathop 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won.-* 1931 record.. 11 0 1 0 $ 200 1932 record.. 5 0 0 0 $ 20 LydlA Anil 1 AQ Cn- f 3 **• tv Thunderstorm — Soloist, by Bamroscb. Work: Mav 2-1-2... :51%ft LlJ Trainer, A. E. Barrett. Owner, K. T. West. Jr. / Stsrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. :ird. Won.-, Prince Hawkins 1 1 £ B. «, 4 M, by Princo sf TJmbria — Hose Hawkins, by Stock-Work: X ° Mav 3-1-2 :53ft X _ . **■? _ _ _ _ _ .. Trainer, £. Hoffman, „ Owner, Xra. E. Hoffman. See chart of vesterdavs third race. May23 313Aur 5J f 1K6% ft 18-5f 105 6 4 6* 819 DickeyA11 1200 12 Alamae 106, The Dipper 111, Coy HI Auc;19 30,Haw 31:14 ft3710 110 2 2 4 9" FisherH 2000 11 ByNoyesl02,SrLakellO,GoodFrnd 110 JuL16 30A.P Si f 1.-06% ft 2 HI 7 10 9" 10* MarcumJ* Maid MChgoGirlllS.ChucklingllS.TyStar 113 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 1 McKell 1 flQ B. c, 3 M, by Busy American — Punctilious, by Viceroy. Work- Apr 28—3 4 1 17%ft " *V*3 Trsiner, F. Wood. Owner, F. Wood. May 3-32 Spt 6£ f 1-25% gd 44 1061 51* MartinJ 1500 7 Lonell lG7,MarthaD.105,GardenSeatlQ4 Mayl4-3Beu 4 f 1:00% hy. 44 112 9U FeeneyR Allw 10 KrzBabyllO.HallGirl 109,SilntVotell2 Apr28-31*Beu 44 f -.58% si 39 108 10" SylvesterJ Allw 10 Pat*«ml09i,Jta:.lontlll,LkyStonel08 , Starts. 1st 2nd. Srd. Won.- . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 2 1932 record.. 1 Flash Of Light 1 1 fl Ch. a;, 4 M, by Porte Drapean— Buby Miekow, by Orb. J. JL O Trainer, D. Fuchs. Owner, D. Fucks. Feb.l5-32*F.G 1 1:41% ft 275 1101 9 10 1054 10** RichardA* Allw 10 W.H.Youl084,EnSvdl0Si,S.Ddsn 112 , Stsrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record. . 1 Boston KOSC * 1 fiQ Br. f, 8 M. by Bostonisn— Bssonis, by Ballot. lJO Trainer, W. N, Hushes. Owner, S. Campo. Marl4-32,F.G 31:15% ft 15f 105 11 11 10* 10,B TildenR* 1000 12 Uma 105, Anne L. 112, Tufinuf 112 Mar 3-32F.G 3 1:14% ft 433 105 12 12 12" 122* WhitacreL» 1000 12 W.Child 107,BngLad HO.WIi.Toes 101i Aug2131C.P 5i f 1:08% ft 16 5fl06 910 8* 791 KennedyJ4 125012 W.Sellerll3,PcsStola 106,HloLou 1074 Aue;3 3rM.R 1 1«% sy 22-5f 107 91* WilsonT 1000 12 Descrvell5,GardcnSeatlll,Suranto 109 Jun.l9 3rB.B | 1:02% ft 28 102 11 11 11" ll20 CraverL* 1200 11 DarkMistllO.RmarieB HO.Deserve 109 Jun.l6-31B.B § 17% hy 11 112 3 4 3" 3 GreenbgS* Maid 7 Norwalk 112, Prowess 112. Budge 112 JunJO-SlKI.P |l:04%m 30 115 4 5 6" 6U LauchH* Allw i H.Bornll5,MyPchasell8,W. Basket 115 . Starta. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 8 0 0 1 $ 40 1932 record. . 2 Tom Ormont 1 1 1 B. h, 6 H , by Ormont — Emma J., by Jim Gaffney. Work: Apr. 28— 7-8. .1:33% ft »*•» Trainer, J. A. Hall. Owner, Miss L. Hall. May 3-327Spt 1and 1:53% gd 10 117 816 DePremaR 800 9 S.Maudicl02,D.Mdenl09,O G.Shut 117 Marl6 32*Trp 3 1:12% ft 140 110*9 9 919 720 Snyder J M* 1500 10 Charlehlll,H.Scarrnl07,CsCami!le 92 Marl4-32,Trp 5| f 1:07% ft 9f 116 7 8 9*1 10s! CatroneF11 150014 Sideshow 98,ChiIette 103,Mo..t Jule 99 Jaall-322Trp 54 f 1:05% ft 220 111 7 7 714 7" FowlerT* 1500 7 AryPrmelll.T.Spandlll.Chathee 106 Jaa 1-32Trp 54 f 1:09% si 130 111 6 6 6*1 5*1 FowlerT* 1500 7 GysChoicell4,M PrkeilOl.Bnder 109 Dec4 31*J.P ll:51%hy 61 106 5 b 6" 7** DelmadoE* 1500 8 H.Pocketsl03,DsSignal 110.BonnieL.98 Dec. 1-31M.P 3 1:21% m 42 114 3 9 8" 6M FrogteDE8 Maid 12 C.CapcrsllO,Dis.Signl 112.H.Pkets 110 Octl6-31TF.P 1and 1:49% si 123 111 2 8 11" ll2" MeyerJ 1000 12 StageStruckll6,Privatelyll4,Yargee 106 . Starts, 1st- 2nd. Srd. Wod. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 11 0 0 1 $ 75 1932 record. . 5 Virginia O. 1 0*3 Br" 3 M by Big Blaze_ littIe Black, by Dick Finnell. Work- Apr. 26—1-2.. :53%m *"*** Trainer, B. W. Stivers. Owner, B. W. Stivers. Apc27-322Lex fc 1:12% si 7 108 7 6 67J 661 CorbettC* 1000 8 WellHeeled 108.Dondayll3,Silkoline 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 1nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 1 FaesanO 1 Q. B. r. 3 M, by Paul Weidel— Winter Blossom, by Atwell. J-v/O Trainer, L. Grieves. Owner, L. Grieves. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* Comradeship 1 OR Br o, 8 M, by Axenstein— Cress, by Chicle. Work- Mav 2 1-2 -51%ft ■■•*** Trainer, J. W. Johnson. Owner, I. Glasscock. May 3-32»Spt all:02%gd 80 109 9U HarrisonM 800 10 TopCloud 115,Peraltall5,JohnSpeedll5 Marll-32sTrp 1:27% ft 91 106*3 8 810 818 DemanoV2 150010 Enro 116,Observatn lll.WaveTop 107 Mat 9-322Trp 3 1:13% gd 104f 109 10 10 62 5* DemaneV" Allw 12 Caerleon 112,Sancroft 109,Strategy 104 Man 5-32*Trp 1 1:42% ft 230 103* 7 10 102 10" DemaneJ* 1500 10 S.Teatimel01,Lapidryl06,B,kerSara 111 Oct24 31Emp 5?f 1:11 ft 40 110 9 11 12° 14" AmbroseE 1000 14 Arrayl02,MauraMc.ll2.NitEdition 110 Oct21-315Emp 54 f 1:07% ft 60 108 7 7 7" 71* FowlerT* 2000 7 SanKai 120,WildWestll4,ChileGold 112 Octl5 31Jam 54 f 106% ft 60 100*14 11 10*1 10* StoutJ* 1000 14 SirJonanll8,OilQueenll5,TechMe 109 Oct 9-314Jam 54f 1:08 m 100 117 1 10 102 10" RenickS* 3500 13 Trysome 122,Chatmoss 117.Tonine 119 JuL 3-31Aqu | 1.-00% ft 100 112 3 17 1821 182* RichardsS* 2750 18 L.Shawl 110,SomeKntll8,BrnRosell0 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starta. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 5 • 1932 record.. 4 7th Sportsmans ,_ r, __.- Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Abt. % Mile NOTE — Claiming price, 00. Non winners of 00 twice since September 1. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Non-winners of 00 since September 1 allowed 3 pounds; one race since then, 6 pounds. Index Post --Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Pries 70274 3 Broadmoor ... 8 1UX 800 69626 11 My Beauty.... 6 109X 800 65493 10 Red Grange. . . 8 111X 800 69626 8*Gan Lee 3 102. . 800 69361 9 Montferrat ... 9 114X 800 646281 7 Forefather ... 7 111.. 800 68047 1 Marge Collins M 5 106.. 800 Index Post /—Best at Distance— « Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeToday Prie* 70274 2 Princess Black ~4 106X 800 63994* 4 Annete B. M 3 99X 800 70273 5 Nicaragua .... 6 114X 800 61620 6 Black Lightning... 4 106X 800 70325 12 Semester 3 104 X 800 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1. 1931. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or *. 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cra. Dis. Timo Tr. Odd* Wt. St. *4Str. rin. Jockey P.PCl.Poe.Stn. Best Company Broadmoor X 111 B. k, 8, by Paicines— Blind Beauty, by Helmet. Work: Mav 2 — 3-8... -39%ft -*--*•-*• Trainer, J. Bronnenberg. Owner, Mrs. V. Bronnenberg. May 3-32*5*4 a § 1:01% gd 2 115 6" MyersB 800 S Itso 115,NoonPlav 115.MoreSpace 103 Oct 3 314Crd 1 1:14% ft 29 10 107* 1* MyresB 800 8 WildObvell2.LilySuell2.Flor.Dolan 115 Oct2 3PCrd a 11:02% ft 1 114 1* CavensJ 700 8 AI.Aminel09,Myopial09.NacyByrd 109 5ep22 31JCrd * 1:14% ft 13-10 118 2J WallaceJW 700 8 Corbeaul07,L.Barkievll5.1kAngel 111 Sep.l9-31Crd fc 1:11% ft 9-10 115 1» WallaceJW 600 8 ShastaSunl07,WenU 118,OrestesH. 115 Sepl6 31Crd fcl:17%m 8 118 31 WallaceJW 500 b DmoclsllO.OresfsIl. 115,Brinkley 118 Sep.ll 314Whe § 1:01% ft 1-2 113 1* WallaceJW 500 8 PrccssElsiellO,Sportll3.CrdWires 110 Sep. 9-31*Whe 1 1:02% ft 6 113 2J DyeL 500 8 Doubloon 109,Panorel 106. Milano 110 Sep. 7-3inhe 1 1:02% ft 19-10 112 1* DyeL 500 10 LadyLeCtelll,P.PcakIll,J J.Bck 111 Stnrta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won ._, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .13 5 3 2 $ 1,400 1932 record. . 1 My Be.! lit J X 1 HQ B. m, «, by Porte Drapean — Trade Mark, by Broomstick. Work- Mav 3 3-4 121ft aU Trainer. C. Troutt. Owner, C. Troott. Mar31-321St.J 54 f 1:09% ft 34 102*8 9 9s! 7:i BrackenH8 100014 WiklCress97,JephineD.lll,JmieL. 112 Mar.26 323St.J J 1:15% ft 22 5f 107* 7 3 55 52i BuckE" 1000 14 MikeCayll7.HyHoverll7.Finnath 107 Mar.25 322St.J 54 f 1:08% ft 110 109 3 7 7»J 5S1 BuckE" 1500 9 Princet*nll8,Ev,timel07.PlysFIy 109 Mar6 322Hav g 1:16 hy 10 117 1 4 48J 4" JonesJM* 800 8 Prefredl22,StyhshMackll8.Joan K.117 Feb.l0 32*Hav | 1:13% ft 8 109* 3 1 T 8* RoderickT2 800 10 Trnsluc,ntl07.Fairymnll4.M.Ideal 106 Jan.30 325Hav 3 1:12% ft 3 103*1 1 l1 lJ MartinR2 800 10 B*tyAnnl03.Stv Mackll3.RobtaL. 105 Jan.24 32Hav f 1:13 ft 4 109* 6 6 53J 5M MartinR1 800 12 RIRockllb.Lib Ace llb.Al.snlutely 116 Jan.20 32"Hav 54 f 107 si 6 111 3 4 71 flrl CritchfdC* 1200 8 Bad Axe 106. F.fia 107. Nelson 116 Jan.17 32*Hav | 1:13% ft 4 107*1 1 li 21 MartinR1 1000 8 Infinitusll2.E.Lehmannll2,L.BIack 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won — Starts. 1st. and 3rd Won — 1931 rprnrd. .19 4 12 ,880 1032 record.. 10 1 1 0 $ 750 Red GnUlfje X 111 B. g, 8, by Sweep— Flying Cinder, by Plaudit. Work: Mnv 4—3-8... dMfcai X X * M*. Mrs. K. Shepp. May 3-32Spt a|l:01%gd 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 30G 10 Diaquri 111. Jaipur 111. Banjo 115 Oct 1 31*Crd a 1 1:02% ft 2710 118 21 ConnorsJ 600 8 L.BarkIeyll2,KingsX 113.A. Amine 112 Sep28 312Crd a | 1:06 hy 9 5 118 3=1 ConnorsJ 600 6 Vandionll8,T.FhRosellO. Account 118 Sep.25 31*Crd ? 1:17% m 2 114 33MooreET 600 7 Varocklll,TpCIoudll4,MgiEvers 114 Sep21-314Crd fc 1:12 ft 17 10 116 1» ConnorsJ 800 8 Pr,batell6,TpClo..,in4. 1 K etUUw 114 Scpl2 31Dor 54 f 1:07% ft 11 5 111 3 3 1* 641 ParadiseJ" 600 11 BoldRobin lll.LilvSue 108.C..,eland 95 Scp.10 315Dor 3 1:14 ft 21-10 109 9 2 31 8Ti CooperR5 800 S SilvcrCanopy 110,Talkyl09,B. Robin 109 Starts. 1st. 2nd. Rrd. Won.-, , _ Starts. 1st. 2nd. ird. Won.-. 1 1931 record. .25 5 6 prf 2,485 Gail Lee 1 fW B. g, 3, by The Wanderer — Aryiade, by Cactus n. Work- Mav 4—3-8 -39%ed *"*" Trainer, G. Gorbet. Owner, G. Gorbet. ?lan31-32St.J 5i f lrOgft 5 103* 3 2 2" 54 McLarenJ8 1000 14 WildCress97.J*ephineD.lll.JmieL. 112 Mar.30 32St.J 5i f 1:09% ft 31-10 105 2 3 34 41 McLaren J 1000 14 H.Hieoverll7,BokieB.103.Resvationl06 Mar.25 32StJ 1 1:15*4 ft 39 107*3 6 8" 84 McLinEM" 200013 MakeSpeed 107,Infinitivel02,Mordenl07 Mac22 522St.J 5£ f 1:08% gd 2i 109*1 1 14 2" McLinEM*1 150014 JaneEHenl04,Th.Teleel08,Span.Flirt 109 Macl8 32*Trp 3 1:13% si 29 97 2 5 51 64 McLlinEM" 2000 14 Commonl08.HistPointl04,FornPIavl02 Mad2 32*Trp 5i t 1 -05% ft 11 103*2 2 2" 54 MillsH 150012 J. Howell7,T Heathen 117,Prin eton 11 Macl32*Trp 5£ f 1:06% ft 20 99*2 Z 24 1 McLlinEM* 1500 14 Nonvalk 99, Mortime 109, Parties 98 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-. 1931 record.. 7 2 0 0 | 1.305 1932 record. .11 1 2 0 $ 865 Uontferrat X 1 1 A B. h, 9, by Maboul — Constance dAntioche, by Phoenix. Work- Mav 4 3 8 40%ed " ** Trainer, L. Ruzicka. Owner, J. F. Miller. Msy 2-32:Spt 6A f 1:23% ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 11 1000 10 MikeCarev 117i,Solus lll.Genuine 116 Mar.l3 32*A.C 1A 1:45% ft 8f 111* 2 2 44 714 ManuelT8 900 11 LukeJr. 107,MmQueenl04,SerMan 104 Man 4-325A.C 1 1:26% ft 11 113* 8 2 3* 3* MattB" 800 12 Baptistell0.Ni rlitFlashm.WyMtrll5 Feb28 32A.C 1 1:12% ft 11 115*101011" 9° SmithG* 800 12 G Oriolell2,S.Thrillsl09.Whataman 112 Feh21-32"A.C 1 1:47% ft 61 115*1 1 21 24 SmithG2 80011 Ahpetl07.VdVancel07,JackAlex,r 107 Febdl-32TA.C 1 A 1:51 m 3 5 115*4 1 3 4" TremayneR8 600 7 Shift 112,DeepRiverl07.MyOwnLad 107 feb.6 523A.C 1.,. 147% ft 5 107*2 1 II 11 TremayneR9 600 10 J.Alexderl04,SnThrillsl02,D River 104 . Stnrli. 1st. 2nd. Mrd. Won.- , starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record. .29 5 5 2 J 3.270 1932 record. 10 4 12 ,560 Forefather 111 Cl1, e 7* ty Polymelian — Forfar, by Marcovil, Work- Apr 26 — 3 8 . 41sl •*-*■-*■ Trainer. H. A. Cotton. Owner. H. A. Cotton. May 3-32Spt af,l:01%gd 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 800 10 Diaquri 111, Jaipur 111. Banjo 115 Sepl6 314Beu * 1:16% gd 5* 107 21 CleffA 600 8 Sugarrdl01.Danilol07,SthernCloud 105 Sep.l4 31Beu V 1:48% ft 12 5 107 5U CleffA 700 8 Qurquill 107.Sulmul 107,L.Marmionl07 Sep.l2-3rBeu 5J 1 1:09% ft 29-10 107 34 CleffA 600 10 D.Wthineton 106,L.Kid 107,Danilo 107 SeplO 314Beu 54 f 108% ft 36 1C3 5* CleffA 600 8 LadyCtonlll,PfectPlavll2,Whwinl03 Sep.8 31"Beu 5£ 1 1:09 ft 81 106 34 CleffA 600 8 Crittall 112. Whiskwin llO.A.Amine 106 Sep. 5 31Beu 5i f 1:14 hy 39 102* 54 CleffA 700 9 DocCnerl09,SkyHighl09,FreeHelen 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3r l Won.-, . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .25 0 1 2 $ 100 Marge Collins 1 Cf B. m, 5 M, by Guy Fortune— Miss Margaret, by Dick Welles. IvV Trainer, G. B. Hennessy. Owner, I. C. Mishler. Jan.21-32M.P 1 1:15 ft 17 112 5 6 84 9" GarnerW8 1250 12 Charm 107,FgerTips 106,PcsElsie 112 Dec28-31J.P 3 1:16% si 122 111 5 3 44 54 WeberC* 1250 9 M.Oninell4,LyDriftll2,A.Thunder 111 Decl0 316J.P 3 1:18% si 59 106*12 12 12" 12M SeelmanG* 1250 12 KingHalmall4,Cockrill 114.Biinklyl09 Dec 1-51* J. P 3 1:20% m 28 105*4 6 12" 122» CraigM" 1500 12 Vladimirl08.Smlderingl08.D Simon 108 Jun.18 515Bbg 3 1:12% ft 59 101*5 5 44 54 FaseL4 2500 8 Perkins 120,St.Marco 115,Sawdust 105 Jw.5 512Bbg 31:14%hy 46 101*10 8 11" 124 SvlvesterJ 1750 12Cabama 97, Baboo 106, Your Flag 99 May29 51Bbg 3 1:15% ft 91 103*6 2 2 64 FageL* 1000 12 Lit.EffordlOO.Cloudylll.PrssNight 107 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 10 0 0 1 | 50 1932 record. . 1 PrinceSS Black X 1 Cf B. t 4 M, by Black Servant — Bartered, by Boots and Saddle. 1"" Trainer, B. H. Brashear. Owner, C. Lambert. May 3-324Spt a 1 1:01% gd 26 110 9" GrossE 800 9 Itso 115,NoonPlav 115.MoreSpace 103 Mac 9-32F.G 3 1:14% ft 3f 108 4 4 94 11 MartinTP 100012 DChevlyll3,Santderll8,FgerTips 108 Feh28 32F.G i 1:13% ft 179 110 4 7 8" 8" TildenR* 100012 Hnymnll5.Sntndrll5.WdChild 105 Decl4 31JP 3 1-14% si 43 105*7 9 11" 10*» Battista.I" 1500 12 Apolitan 113,HyKuhnsl05,Curtsey 104 Dec 1-31M.P 3 1:21% m 7J 10810 4 7" 9™ CavensJ8 Maid 12 C.CapersllO.Dis.Signl 112,H.Pkets 110 Octl6 51*F.P 3 1:15% si 18 101*5 3 54 6U MartinTP2 1000 12 Speedy Al 106.Tryor 109,Eye White 109 Octl4 312F.P 31:19%hy 12 108 3 8 64 8" TurkC* 1000 11 Chcklingll6,Wtahorsell4.Brimsey 109 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-~ 1931 record. .26 0 6 5 $ 825 1932 record. . 3 Annete B X QQ Ch. f, 3 M, by Wise Counsellor— Agnes Ayres. by King Work: Mav 4—12... :54%ed *-*7 James. Trainer, L. C. Veatch. Owner. Seranata Farm Stable M* 3 32JSpt a % 1:02% gd 98 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 800 10 TopCloud 115,Peraltall5,JohnSpeedll5 Sep 7-31D.P 5 t 1:06% ft 5 105 9 2 24 34 EIstonG" 1500 12 Pmeditatel07,OurGriefl05,StellaF. 112 Sep 4-312D.P §1:01% si 16 105 2 1 2* 3 ArnoldG8 2500 6 CtonTimell3.StellaF.103,UsetAnn 100 JuL23-31Lat 5* f 1:12% hy 11 110 2 9 1224 12" TildenT Allw 12 Lonell 110, Shaker Lady 115,Dizzy 110 JuL14 31Lat 5j f 107% ft 5i 115 1 1 21 58 SmithJ Maid 12 L.Offeringll5,Parfaitll5.P.Lchmn 115 Jul 7-31Lat 5* f 1:08 ft 47-10 115 5 2 24 34 SmithJ" 2500 12 FrvLassllS.ElizabhW.llO.H.Molloy 110 Jtm22-31*Was % 1:00% ft 33-lOf 104*11 3 3s 7» SmithFC" 2500 12 SnsCoinlOS.EscbaLand 115,L.Batts 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record. .8 0 0 4 $ 300 Nicaragua X 1 1 A B. g, 6, by Sir Barton— Dismiss, by Ogden. ■A. J. *± Trainer, C. Phelps Owner, C. Phelps. May 3-32Spt a I 1:02% gd 14 115 64 MoranN 800 10 TopCloud 115,Peraltall5.JohnSpeedll5 Oct 3-31R.P ft 1:12% gd 13 111 3 4 51 7* EamesC* 600 9 PleLi ;htll5,Brunoll5,E.OSullivn 106 Octl314R.P fcl:12%hy 41 111 4 3 34 44 DyerJ8 600 8 TomHill lll.Martinas 107,MyInver 107 Sep.26 31R.P 5i f 109% gd 8-5 113 4 1 l4 l4 DyerJ* 600 10 Thatslt 108.L. Vtinel08,Nondaga 108 Sep24 3PR.P 5* f 1:12% m 8 5 107* 3 1 14 2* CoxD 600 9 O.PIumelll,Apronette 112,Webster 112 Sep22 316R.P fc 1:13% m 47-10 106*2 1 21 34 CoxD" 600 8 CmeArgllS.E.OSlivanllS FcsimilellO Sepl7-3PR.P tc 1:12 ft 3-2 108" 4 1 14 1 CoxD" 600 9 WindyRossl03,TomHill 105,Tarrant 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. . Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 29 4 7 3 ,875 1932 record.. 1 Black Lightning X 1 Of Blkl f 4 by Gonfalon— Ebony Belle, by Dick Finnell. Work- Mav 3—12 53ft *•"" Trainer, J. C McAulitfe. Owner, R. Gallet. JuU7-3iGDev I70 1:45 ft 57 98 12 11 11T 11"? CooperR" 900 12 SanCarlos 105,Ham 107,Issaquena 102 JuL16-314Dev 1 1:47% ft 54 97 3 3 6« 7" CooperR8 1200 10 FairVagary95,LibbieJeanl02.Isostasyl09 Jul 1-31Ken 31:17%gd 22 101 6 6 6" 6" WarrenR3 1250 8 L.Menifeei07,T*kyCnel lll.Sucrose 104 Jual5-31«Was 1 1:54 ft 143 100*5 6 9,J ll20 EIstonG* 1800 12 WchWayl03,WaterPortl03,Brooksiel07 Jun. 5-31Was 1 1:54% ft 15f 105* 9 7 6* 6" EIstonG4 2000 12 A.Clay 105,EnglewoodllO,WaterPort 105 May21-3rAur 3 1:17% hy 14 110 4 5 4» 3" PalumboS" 1200 9 D Lghtonlll.R.K.Girl 105,MnaoIu 111 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . starts. 1st. 2nd. ord. Won 1931 record.. 13 0 0 1 $ 50 Semester X 1 04. B. c, 3, by Sir Barton— Pearl Mesta, by Wrack. Work: Aor. 6—5 8 1:02ft -1 "* Trainer, E. Trueman. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. See chart ot yesterdays fifth race. May3 32Spt a!l:02%gd 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 12 800 10 TopCloud 115,Peraltall5,JohnSpeedll5 Ape 2-3243ovv l 1:50% ft 33 10 112 6 6 71* 722 BenhamE1 2500 9 H.Workl.GalCourtllO.ChosnPal 112 Oct27-312Lrl 31:13 ftl3-10el09 4 3 44 3J AccardyA4 2500 12 Shiva 109,SomeKnight 112,Gurgler 105 JuL21-31AP 54 f 1:06% ft 6f 113 5 2 3 5* McAffeD* 3100 *4 DancingBoyllO.RuffianllO.Playing 107 JuL 1-31Aqu | :59% ft 4e 118 6 4 6,u 7" MalleyT2 5300 8 Contributel22,Princel 115,Bl.Dasel 105 May 9-31Pim 44 f :54% ft 17 20 118 5 2 24 21 ColtilettiF1 Allw 7 LouisO. 115,PIayalone 110,N Vintage 115 May 6-31Pim 44 f 54% ft 9e 117 5 5 44 44 CollettiF* Allw 11 GenlAdvance 110,Zonda 114,Towee 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-* 1931 record.. 9 1 2 1 ,600 1932 record. . 1 8th Sportsman s •IMii Purse „ 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. i i 5 1 1-16 Miles NOTE— Claiming price, 00. Non-winners of two races in 1932 or one race since April 30. Weight, 115 pounds. Non-winners in 1932 allowed 5 pounds. Index Post Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 702772 9 Duskv Maiden. Tdn 106 1:45% 5 105X 800 70278* 1 Nose Gav ..Syr 105 1:45 4 105X 800 70278* 3 Trudgeon ..F.G 112 1:49% 5 110.. 800 70277 10 Open Go Shut. J. P 110 1:51% 7 110 X 800 70327 12*Amsterdam Hav 116 1:46% 6 110.. 800 69918 7 Plavbill ....Trp 111 1:47% 4 115.. 800 Index Post -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70278 2*Clarifier . . .Tdn 105 1 :48% 8 105X 800 70228 4 Yarrow .. .Bbg 114 1:46% 4 110.. 800 702283 5 Uncle Charley.. F.G 110 1:49% 5 115X 800 70221 6 Aviator .. .F.G 111 1:47% 7 110X 800 70071 8 Beekeeper .Lex 113 1:50% 5 115 X 800 70016 ll*Pacheco . ..A.C 109 1:49% 6 110.. 800 70328 13*Maunaolu .A.C 111 1:48% 8 100X 800 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. *J:Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company Dusky Maiden X 10 Blk m 5 by St Henry— AIice Haieh. °y star shoot. Work- Mav 1— lm 1 51%ft * Trainer, K. J. Farris. Owner, Mrs. R. J. Farris. May3 327Spt li1,; 1:53% gd 15 109* 22 GleasonM 800 9 S.Maudiel02,O.G.Shutn7.M.MTnd 112 Oct30 31*Lat 1- 1:48 tt 60 105*3 8 12" 12" MgomyR2 2000 12 SilvrylOS.JffONeil 108,Sc.Brigde 115 Oct24-3rLat l 1:49% m 26 107 2 9 10" 921 RoseM4 2500 11 Bide a Wee 109,Duelistl05,Woodlot 112 Octl6-315Lat l1"sl:50%m 26 105*1 5 4» 414 MartinR1 2500 6 Typhoon 110, BestAce 108, Suitor 113 Octl3-3rLat 1 A 1:50 sy 23 105*2 1 34 54 MartinR 2000 9 B.Blairl03,Cabama 108,CampParoIe 108 Oct 3-315Crd lA 1:49% ft 16 110" 8" MaierF 600 8 Doc 118, Chill Wind 105, Sniper 113 Sep.28 31*Crd lj*0 2:00% hy 5 115 1» BarrettW 500 8 T.Khanl06,MyScoopll3,M,yMcClain 115 Stnrta. lit. 2nd. 3rd Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record .29 2 1 2 $ 915 1932 record. . 1 0 1 0 | 90 Nose Gay X 10 B. f, 4, by St. James— Kosi Pompon, by Bock Band, Work: Anr. 29—12 53%ft J-"f- Trainer. K. Holloway. Owner. R. E. Coppage. May 3-32Spt l1l5l:53%gd 13 112 24 BurnevD 800 8 BdCharlnlTrudgnin.EvelvnL. 112 Mar30-32"St.J 1A 151 ft 26 107 6 6 62 6" BurneyD9 100012 BoBallotl06,Pal to Pal 101. Dr.Billv 104 Mar28-327St.J lirtl:49%ft 26 107 7 2 24 44 BurnevD2 100014 Swp Net 106,GenlHostlll.Misnom*erlll Mar25-327St.J 11:43 ft 9 101*12 8 8,: 6n ClancvM" 1000 12 SourMh lll.BdgDeeplll.RobaL. 112 Mar23 32 iSt.J 1 A 1 :50% sy 13 10 108 9 5 4s 4" FieldsG 100010 GbvsChoicell6,Dr.Billy 104.BigBo 111 Marl8-325Trp 1 1:41% si 7 107 7 6 4J 44 FieldsG4 15U0 11 WkRoval 112,WeTopl08,BngDeepll6 Macl5-32iTrp li 1:53% ft 29 101*13 11 8" 64 MgomyR9 150013 Monfrolll.BdingDeeplll.Bragcio 111 , Starts. 1st. 2ud. 3rd. Won.- Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -» 1931 record. 32 2 2 5 ,560 1932 record. .16 0 2 2 $ 480 Trndgeon 110 Ch b 6 b? Baigneur — Innis Morris, by Trevisco, Work- Mav 2—12 -50%ft -1-•*-" Trainer. C. E. Lenahan. Owner. W. S. Rust. My 3-52Spt l,1,, 153% gd4L10 117 34 ReevcsR 800 8 BdCharlfnllN-seG-yl.EvIynL. 112 Apc22-32sLeK 1 1:56 ft 17 10 113 1 2 22 34 KernW4 1000 6 Beekeeper lOO.Hornsby 108,Big Bo 113 Apr20 324Lex l] 1:53% ft 30 113 2 1 20t 21 KernW2 1200 6 WdRiverll3,M.Ogdenl08,V.Prince 113 Apr.18 324.ex fc 1:11% ft 61 115 9 9 8" 8" KernW2 100010 J.Georgell5,ColBeachll5,Batl!eAx 115 Mar.18 524=G 1 A 1:49 ft 22 112 4 5 5" 6" AndersonA 1500 7 Andora 105,Harlem HO.Ormontime 112 Mad6 522F.G 14 1:56% ft 19 5 112 2 3 810 11" AndersonA 1000 12 MakeBelieve 115,Dr.Billyl09.Yarrowl07 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1931 record.. 10 2record. . 8 0 3 2 J 315 Open Go Shot X 110 Ch. g. 7, by Malamont — Wilhimet, by Hurst Park. Work- Mav 1—1 18 2:02ft **" Trainer. C. 8. Stubba. Owner. C. B. Btubba. May 3-32Spt It** 1:53% gd" 11-5 117 34 ColvinA 800 9 S.Maudiel02.D.Mdenl09,M.Mland 112 Jan.9 327J.P ll gd 12 110*1110 34 2* NeelJ1 1000 il PceLadyl05,MatthevvllO.SwpPa,t 107 Jaa7 32J.P 14 1:57 gd 27 113*5 6 *4 64 RoussellV" 1000 12 DimRayll4,SethsBalIot lll,Punkie 111 Dec26 31JP l 1:57% si 15 112 4 4 44 34 TildenR* 1250 8 Mut.Friendll2,PceLadyl07,St.Gap 110 Dec23 31TJ.P 1 2:00% hy 22 5 115*5 5 34 3 NeelJ4 1250 7 SsBaIlotll2,EroraM. 108,Fly.WingsllO Decl8 31M.P li 2:00% hy39-10 110 6 4 4" 44 PrgrassA* 1250 9 JuniorC.107,SprtingBIuesllO,OtilIa 102 Decl4-31J.P 11:51% si 21-5 110*5 6 64 74 TinkerH8 1500 10 StopGapllO,Ruberneckll5,Tommy 103 starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. nnn - , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 16 3 15 ,658 1932 record .. 3 0 1 1 $ 140 Amsterdam 110 B. h, 6, by Archaic — Balmacara, by Nassovlaa. Work: Mav 3— 5 4. . .l:26%ft ■*•-*•" Trainer. S. Gorbet Owner. 8. Gorbet. See chart ot yesterday s seventh race. May 2 32sSpt l70 1:47% ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 3 1000 8 H.Scarmll5,EveIineF.110,Un.Chleyl20 Mar.30 32St.J 11:44 ft 56 111*2 6 916 918 McLarenJ4 1000 13 OurPal 116.Observatnl09.Wrproof 107 Mar.28 32St.J lr 1:49% ft 12f 111 13 11 8" 64 McLarenJ* 100014 Swp Netl06,GenlHostlll,Misnomerlll Mar21 32St.J 11:50 sy 81 107*410 8" 8* McLarenJ 1000 13 Red Face 116, Rave 106, Playbill 113 Feb22 324lav Its 147% ft 12 115 5 3104 9" MattioliJ* 900 12 AILivstonl05,Misnomerll5,B.Spglell5 Febl3 32"Hav l50 1:44 ft 7-5 113 5 5 1* 11 MattioliJ* 800 9 RayRdyll5,FrGlowll5,BluePencil 115 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won i , Starts. 1st. and. 3rd. Won.-, 1951 record. .32 6 6 3 S 4.180 1932 record. 10 1 2 0 $ 875 Playbill 1 1 Fv Chl B- *• b? Fair P1»y— Black Brocade, by Neil Gow. Work- Mav 3 5-4 l*21ft -*--*-*- Trainer. H. E. Brown. Owner. F. E. Moore. Apr.20 326HdG 1,-1:54% ft 34 112*1 7 7" 7IT NeelJ5 2000 10 HogsDcell2,SqzePlayll2.JyKing 112 Aprl8 32;HdG 14 1:55% ft 12 112*5 9 "F 914 EppihimerF* 200012 NlonKayll2,Monoclell7,Mjinsheet 112 Apt 5-32*Bow 14 1 -.56 ft 27 110 1 7 54 4s RemilrdP* 1500 8 Garliclll.JgeCavlyllO.GenialHost 105 Mac29 32°StJ 1A 1:50% ft 9 105*3 7 7* 7" McLarenJ* 1500 7 SrMashl09, Bagiel 105,CshedStone 110 Mar26 32St.J 1 2:04 ft 83 109 10 9 64 5* RemilrdP" 1000 14 T.Hatttiel07,GsChoicel09,EvelineF. 99 Mac22 32St.J 1 A 1:50% si 26 115 3 6 64 64 RemillardP* 1500 7 Bagiel lll.Silvery 112,Bird of Prey 108 Mar.21 32"St.J 1t*s 1:50 sy 7f 113 1 4 44 34 RemillardP* 100015 RedFacell6,Ravel06.CrystaIDomino 101 Mar.17 32"Trp l 1:47% ft 21 111 5 11" 1" RemillardP 1500 7 PutterlOl.C.Stonelll.Bird of Preyll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- i Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. Won.— . 1951 record.. 5 0 2 0 | 500 1932 record .17 1 0 2 $ 800 Clarifier X 1 C f» Ch e 8p SweePer — Clarabella, by Fair Play. Work- Mav 3 3-8 -42ft ■*-V5* Trainer, J. Palmer. Owner, H. C. Rumage. May3 328Spt 1t 1 :53% gd 108 112* 815 BrackenH 800 8 BdCharrnl.NseGayl.Trudgn 117 Jan.26 324Hav 1 A 1:48 ft 20 107* Left at post. PrivettW 800 8 Sniper 107, Atlas 110, Blanc Seing 112 Jan.23 324iav 1M 1:44 ft 30 109* 3 6 6" 64 PruettW1 800 8 Eve.Skyl04,Repduce 109,O.Citizen 114 Jan.20 324*av 1 1:13% si 30 110*10 10 1011 104 PrivettA10 800 10 Darkaressl05.OrShadyl04,Chester 109 Ja«.17-32Hav ItV 1:46% ft 30 110 7 8 8* 8° PrivettW* 1000 8 JustO.-mt98,Amsdamll6,O.Citizen 110 Jaa3 32*Hav l50l:54%hy 30 110*8 7 81* 8" CoxD* 800 8 Cabama 112.GoldenPlayl07.ElmerH.107 Jaa 2 322Hav 3 1:19% hy 30 110* 8 7 T* T* PrivettW* 1000 8 PrefrdllO.Abslutylll.Man.Evrs 115 , Starta. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record. .25 3 2 2 | 1,080 1932 record .. 7 FarrOW 110 B. », 4, by Wrack— Milfoil, by Vulcaln. 11" Trainer, A. Schwartz. Owner, E. Schwartz. May 3-32*Spt ItV 1:53% gd 117 SCRATCHED. Post P. 6 800 8 BdCharl-nl.NseGayl.Trudgn 117 Ma - 2-328Spt 1T0 1:47% ft 16 120 410 SeaboG 1000 8 H.Scarmll5,EvelineF.110,Un.Chleyl20 Mad6 324.G 14 1:56% ft 24 107 8 1 24 34 TildenR" 1000 12 M.BeIievell5,Dr.Billvl09,PfectPlayll2 Marl4 32F.G 141:55% ft 49 10 107 9 7 6" 91* MayT* 1000 12 Updike llO.BigGun l.JckBerry 111 Fcb27-3247.G Its 1:49 ft 71 10711 8 44 44 GuerraJ1* 150012 WdlyLadl02,T.Duke 112,PerftPIay 112 Febl8 324.0 lr 1:51% si 13f 112 8 5 610 8" GuerraJ10 1000 12 BillLutzl07,BobWeidel 112,Blighter 112 Iao25 52*J.P j 1:15 ft 9 11211 9 64 6* AnersonA* 1250 12 Andora 102,ByP*ductl09,H.V nnia 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1951 record.. 29 15 8 ,565 1932 record . 7 0 0 1 % 95 Uncle Charley X 11 Bn * 5 by Ma8ter Charlie— Glyn, by Delhi. Work- Apr 29— lm. .. .1:48ft iA« Trainer, W. H. Brown. Owner, W. H. Brown. May 2-32sSpt 1" 1:47% ft 18 120 34 DupuyM 1000 8 H.Scarumll5,EvelineF.110, Yarrow 120 Marl8-324?.G 14 1:56% ft 30f 114 2 11 ll18 ll" AndersonA* 150012 NoersFtll6,Herdeenll6,MkeBve 114 Mad6 324?.G lrj 1:48% ft 44 115 2 5 3* 64 AndersonA* 150012 BlkPatciallO.Troll 115,Tig.Flowersll5 Mar.l2 324?.G 14 1:58% m 61 112 4 1 2* 2* McCoy J* 1000 6 LaFeriallO.Interior 107,FlyingWingsl07 Mac 7-324*. G lrg 1:50% gd 32f 110 2 11* 14 McCoyJ* 100012 E.ReesellO,B.oSlandl05,LadsRn 102 Feb.l6 32*F.G lr 1:46% ft 73 110 5 5 5" 51S AndersonA* 2750 5 BrsMnkeyll0,Dnpourll3,Msnuff 110 Iao24 32J.P 11:50 si 73 113 2 6 5* 54 AndersonA4 1500 8 OldBill 112,ThomasSethll2,Vacabd 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. 2b 1 4 2 J 925 1932 record. .11 1 1 1 $ 565 Aviator X 110 B. g, 7, by Under Fire — Brown Eyes, by Caugh Hill. Work- Apr * 22 12 -51%ft •*--*-" Trainer, E. F. Ogden. Owner, E. F. Ogden. May 3-32Spt 1and 1:53% gd 117 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 800 9 S.Maudiel02,D.M*denl09,OG.Shut 117 May 2 32Spt Q f 1:24% ft 18 116 10" HarrisonM 1000 10 K*gHalmall6,PnceRockl08,SiRerf 116 Macl4 32,FG 3 1:15% ft 35 117 12 7 6" 6T RobtsnW" 1000 12 Uma 105, Anne L. 112, Tufinuf 112 Feb3 32*F.G J 1:14 ft 123 116 11 12 ll1" 11" OMalleyJ" 3500 12 Twill lll.Tantivy lll.Honeyman 111 Jaa29 32F G 1 1:13% gd 164 114 11 10 8" 7*° RobtsonW* 3500 12 Rusty 109, Blighter 114, J. George 114 Oct28 316Haw 11:50% gd 27f 115 12 9 12" 1220 BogskiW* 1500 12 J. Alexderll5,W.Timell5,G. Handle 110 Oct.20 315Haw lr*a 1:48% ft 44 112 1 10 12*° 122 PrgrassA* 1500 12 Primeval 112,H.Ashbyl07,LaDte!le 104 « Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. V».ii .— 1951 record. 28 2 0 3 ,725 1932 record. . 4 Beekeeper X 11, 5, by Star Master — Honey Pot, by Sir Martia. Work- Apr 20 3 4 l-17%ft Trainer, C. R. Valentine. Owner, L. Rosenberg. Apc26 32Lex* 14 2:00% m 8 117 2 5 5" 5M LandoltC5 1000 6 WoodRiver 117,Runar 112.Chatson 115 Apr22-326Lex 141:56 ft 31 108 4 11* ll LaneJ3 1000 6 Hornsby 108, Trudgeon 113,Big Bo 113 Aprl6 32Lex l,1,, 148% gd 72 113 5 2 3» 510 BurleyF10 1000 10 Albazano 113,Disturbll3.LadySweetl03 Sep.23 318Crd 1 1:43% ft 16 5 105 5 TaylorW 700 7 LfootDon lOS.LordMarnlOS.JkUp 108 Sep22 31Crd | 1:14% ft 45 112 74 TaylorW 700 8 Corbeaul07,Brdmoorll8.L.Barkloy 115 Sepl9 31*Crd fc 1:13% ft 32 109 31 TaylorW 600 8 D.NationllS.SothsJol 106.R.theRipll5 Sep.16 313Crd fc 1:16% m 24 112 58 ReevesR 500 8 Wildolivell8,Brimseyll6,DarkAngel 112 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .14 0 0 5 % 90 1932 record. .3 1 0 0 $ 450 PacllCCO 110 Ch * 6 by Aspinwall— Berrilla Choice, by Berrili. -L-LV/ Trainer, W. A. Mkel. Owner. L. H. Brown. Apn23-32;:Tan 1 1:48% ft 112 9 8 74 44 ArnoIdL10 800 11 BabyBluel07.Wizardrvll2.Hrsfield 112 Apr.20 32Tan 14 1:55 ft 112 10 9 64 25 ArnoI.iL5 800 11 AeCargol07.N.Rhymesll2.B. Hopes 108 Apr.16 322Tan 1° 1:45% ft 110 4 10 914 8" KingC4 800 10 Pandosto 113.Paige 107,V.Vengece 110 Ape 8 32Tan 1 A 1:48% ft 112*11 7 74 7" KingC1 800 11 LieJeanl06.J.A!exderll2,R.McCrnll7 Ape 1 32Tan 1"* 1:48 ft 114*7 3 2J 31 KingC" 800 12 Boiling 115,Rapida 108,Beaver Boy 111 Mar26 32A.C Its 1:47 ft 9 109 8 11 ll14 9" KingC" 500 12 Thatslt 107,MaxieB,.lerl07.QnAnn 107 Mar.22 32A.C I 1:26% ft 11-5 109 6 3 34 23 MattB" 400 12 Bafflorettel05,HermeIin 109,Buzzer 109 . Starta. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won — . , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. . 6 1932 record .. 11 1 2 1 $ 505 Nauiiaoln X 1 OO B m 8 by Gold Oak— Poomaikaianl, by Harvester. Work: Aor. 28—3 4 1:20ft ±XJJ Trainer, J. A. Hall. Owner, Miss L. Hall. See chart of yesterdays eighth race. Mar.30 32St.J 5£ f 1:09% ft 711 104* 7 13 104 84 OsborneH" 1000 14 RiverLee 112,Guffle 109,WildCress 101 Mar.ll 325Trp J 1:27% ft 92 104*101010" 9* OsborneH8 150010 Enro 116,Observatn lll.WaveTop 107 Jaa 8 324Trp | 1:27% ft 274 110 5 5 74 Ti BerryH4 1500 7 BkStocksl]3,MarINeyll3.B Spre 113 Jaa5 324Trp a li 2:05% ft 249 108 3 4 5" 5" BerryH8 1500 6 Yargee 103,SourMash 113,Cabikto 108 Jaa232Trp 1 1.47% gd 278 108 3 8 818 8" BerryH* 1500 8 Fair Bill 112, Mulf 105. Tack 110 Dct31318Trp 11:48% ft 217 109 7 5 54 5» BerryH4 1500 9 Sc.Brigdell2,LJCncdll2,Yargee 107 Starts. 1st. i:nd. 3rd. Won.-, , . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Woo.-, 1931 record. .28 1 2 1 $ 555 1932 record. . 5