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1 BELMONT PARK TURF NOTES T $ Joseph E. Widener, in reply to a question regarding the Florida racing dates, stated that he had nothing to say. A modern steeplechase course will be completed at Rockingham Park, N. H., before the opening of the meeting June 21, according to general manager Lou Smith in a long distance telephone conversation with William Vincent Dwyer here Monday. It is expected that the field sport in the New England sector will be stimulated by the facilities offered at the Salem course. The E. F. Sims horses arrived from Louisville, Ky. Leading eastern stables will race at the Rockingham Park meeting opening at Salem, N. H, June 21. Tom Thorp has received applications for stalls from the following: C. V. Whitney, fifteen; the Green-tree Stable, twelve; Mrs. John Hay Whitneyi twenty-five, and William Ziegler, Jr., sixteen. The Greentree Stable is shipping Moppet and the following two-year-olds to Chicago to join the western division of the stable Bitter Root, Overtone, Cherokee Sal and Hit and Run. Ike Pearlstein, following a long stay in the West Palm Beach Hospital as the result of a motor car accident, was among the arrivals. Max Hirsch may ship Gold Basis to Chicago to start in the American Derby. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Austin and their two daughters will leave for Chicago to witness their Mr. Khayyam run in the American Derby. Winnie OConnor will ride the high jumpers owned by James S. Wallace at the Queensboro horse show to be held at Hollis-wood, 188th and Union Turnpike for the benefit of charity. The show will be held this week.