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BAINBRIDGE PARK J The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races j at Bainbridge Park Monday Paid 1.80 for GEAUGA LAKE, OHIO, MONDAY, JULY 16, 1934.— Bainbridge Park 1 mile. Second day. Bainbridge Breeders and Racing Association. Summer meeting of 13 days. Waite Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Stewards, J. T. Ireland, R. S. Eddy, Jr., and J. A. King. Placing Judges, R. A. Leigh, C. C. Campau and C. Abbo. Starter, G. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, R. A. Leigh. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. ©jQir5 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Tempus, May 30, 1931— :58— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-..ft. °ld*- Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 0. July-16-34-Bcg Claiming price, 00. Index Uorses BytA WllTSt hi % 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds Strt 98405 CLAMP w b 112 7 4 4* 3* 1** 1 BoucherJ J F Clark Jr 260 100 989jC3HARSHA w 106 4 3 3" 4J 54 21 ButcherM E J OConnell 1140100 98252 LAKAR wb 114 17 7i 71 64 31 MyresB J S McGinnis 2370 100 9769S JACQUELINE D. wb 112 9 1 1 21 2* 4* CooperRG R T Watts 340 100 97151SSUZANNE GUETEL w 112 2 6 61 54 4* 5* ReevesR F A Steland 190 100 97768 LEPIDUS m 109 5 2 24 1» 3k 6" FryeJW Escoba Stock Farm Stable 4720-100 97S98 ADADOS w 112 8 5 5 6 7* 7* SykesD M J Barrons 3180 100 97880 INGRESS wb 109 3 8 8 8 8 8 GarnerH Mrs F Hudson 990 100 97660 B. WALSH wbU5 6 Left at post. DewainS Mrs F E Turner 5630100 Time, :24, :48%. 1:01%. Track fast. i MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING 0OO8 CLAMP .20 .80 .30 260—100 90—100 65—100 HARSHA 10.60 5.30 430—100 165—100 LAKAR 10.50 425—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Campfire— Cluster, by John P. Grier trained by W. R. Sallee; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:17. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start eoo.1 and slow lor all but B. Walsh. Won driving; second and third the same. CLAMP rlosed strongly on the outside of the leaders in the stretch and, continuing gamely, drew clear in the closing eighth. HARSHA came again in the stretch. LAKAR gained steadily from a slow start. JACQUELINE D. showed much speed to midway of the stretch and held on fairly well. SUZANNE GUETEL and LEPIDUS raced well to the closing eighth Scratched- 97519 Miss Delba, 112; 98405 Kentucky Green, 109. Overweight — Lakar, 5 pounds. QOOOrT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Grefen, June 20, 1932—1:10—5—110. Purse CCO 4 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-16-34-Bbg tnjrd 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtlTBt hi lb Ml Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 97798 WIND FLOWER w 9 109 1 1 H 1* 11 11 SylvesterJ Aldrich and Winans 330 100 9787£3IMPH WIIKI wb 3 105 2 5 41 41 21 24 CheatmR Brooklyn Stable 1890 100 98318 BELEVEITORNOT wb6114 8 3 5" 3" 41 31 KleinR C C Smith 550100 97418LINMAST wb 6 109 7 4 2* 2 31 44 ManifoldH R B Bridwell 320 100 977232TANGALO wb 4 113 6 6 6* 61 5 5* ReevesR A Ayers 300100 98479 CUT OUT w 3 110 3 12 12 111 8 6" ReedW S G Miller tl600-100 97723FLYING VOTE w 4 109 9 2 31 5i 61 7* DewainS T Lewis 4890 100 98275 DOCTOR HAPPY wb 5 114 5 9 71 7 7k 84 MartinJ E Drake 4510-100 97795 SCRAMBOLA w 3 108 10 7 8 94101 91 AlbertsA A M McDermott t 98502* UNCLE HENRY wb 6 109 12 8 92 8" 9 103 MartinezP C N Finch 1370-100 97799 SANTA ROMA w 4 111 11 10 101 101 ll2 11 LeylandJ Mrs L L Schurman t 98598 POSTMAN HOME wb 4 114 4 11 11 12 12 12 PalumboS Mrs C M Feltner 5760-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23%. :47%. 1:13%. Track fast. , S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB WIND FLOWER .60 .20 .20 330—100 210—100 110—100 IMPII WilKI 10.20 5.20 410—100 160—100 BELEVEITORNOT 5.20 160—100 Winner — B m, by Star Master — Gladiola. by Dark Ronald trained by J. Winans; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:49. AT POST— 9 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. WIND FLOWER showed the most speed throughout and held on well in the drive. IMPII WIIKI saved ground entering tnc stretch and finished gamely. BELEVEITORNOT showed good speed, but tired. LINMAST ran out on the stretch turn after being a keen factor for half a mile. TANGALO was in close quarters most cf the wav. CUT OUT began slowly. FLYING VOTE tired in the stretch. Scratched-98500 Morvim. 99. 97795 Lady Ethel, 99; 97497 King Today, 104; 98500 Hartford Girl, 109; 96S37 Lady Calistoga. 109; 97592 Snowcloud, 109. Overweight— Impi Wiiki, 1 pound; Tangalo, 4; Cut Out, 1; Scrambola, 4; Santo Roma, 2. QQOOQ THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs, fPeter Parley, Aug. 15, 1928— 1:05%— 4— 104. Purse utfAldO 00. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-16-34-Bbg thjrd ;20, fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 3 lbs. IimIh Horses EqtAWtlISt % % Str F10 Jockeys Owner* EquiT. Odds Strt 97796MENTALITY w 4 111 4 3 2* 1* 14 11 MillsC J Fisher 380-100 93344BEIGE wb 6 115 7 5 51 41 2 24 SykesD D Christian 180 100 97850NORVVALK w 5 103 6 f 4k 5" 61 3k SmithFA G OKeefe 1140 100 97219 ESCOBA LASS w 3 105 11 8 91 71 5* 41 FryeJW Escoba Stock Farm Sta 1550-100 97797TAPPANAUGH wb 5 112 2 4 34 31 3 51 ReevesR M R Loney +1300 100 97362 ARROW w 5 113 3 6 101 91 8* 6* LongH Mrs J Lessert + 97076 NORTHVALE w 3 107 1 2 6* 61 4» 7* GaitherA L Rondos 4760-100 98507 RIVER LEE wb 5 108 9 7 81 84 71 83 BoucherJ H D Jones 5170 100 84736KDOROTHY HICKS w 5 101 10 1 11 21 91 91 MatthewsM Miss D Hicks 1880 100 97545 OZITI wb4114 511 11 11 10 10s MillsJ Baldwin Bros 300100 97486 TODDLING GIRL wb 4 108 8 10 71 10 11 11 CooperRG Newport Stable + tMutuel iicld. Time, :23%, :473£. 1:07. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— MENTALITY .60 .20 .00 380—100 110—100 50—100 BEIGE 3.60 2.80 80—100 40—100 NORVVALK 5.20 160—100 Winner — B. g, by San Utar — Culture, by Spanish Prince II. trained by C. Hall; bred by Mrs. L. J. Marks. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:24. AT POST— minutes. Stait good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MENTALITY drew away on the stretch turn, but was doing his best at the end to hold his slight advantage. BEIGE was in close quarters to the stretch turn, but closed strongly when clear. NORWALK raced on the outside most ol the way. ESCOBA LASS closed a big gap. TAPPANAUGH tired. DOROTHY HICKS ran out on the stretch turn. Scralched-97798 June G., 107; 98632 Scrip Monev. 100; 93149 Gertrude V., 107; 98275 Green Wave, 110; 98362-Wild Blonde, 105; 98632 Disa, 101; 93639Iervin B., 106. Overweight — Escoba Lass, 4 pounds; Arrow, 5; Northvale, 1; Oziti, 3; Toddling Girl, 5. Corrected weight — Mentality, 111. QQCOQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 20, 1932—1:10—5—110. ut/A!utl Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, July-16-34-Bbg 545. thjrdf 0: fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 5 lbs. Indei Horses EqtA WtlP St hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 98407 ROYAL SEE w 4 105 9 2 V V V 1" FryeJW R O Higdon 350-100 986333DELMA DUNN w 6 110 4 4 3k 21 2* 22 SylvesterJ Mrs W R Hoffman 160100 97756 FLYING SILK w 5 110 2 8 91 5" 42 32 CanfieldL G J Mandel 440 100 99163 POLISHER w 4 115 11 6 5l 42 31 44 LongH S D Hudson 1570 100 97878 BOSTON BAY wb 5 115 5 11 7 74 62 5* DilleaJ Mrs H Davis +3500 100 88894L1GHTNING GIRL w 6 111110 3 4 3a 5k 6k ReevesR. Mrs F H Martin 2470 100 866132*LADY TRUST w 4 105 3 7 81 81 8* 7* MatthewsM W J Palmer 3190-100 98598 TULEYRIES SPOT w 4 109 6 9 1G2 103 7" 8,k PalumboS M»s E L Bull + 986083*FLYG AMBASDOR wb 7 106 7 10 11 11 11 9k ColvinL W L McCue 910-100 92694 DARKEST HOUR wb 4 110 1 5 6" 9,k102 101 ReedW G S C Miller 2030100 90030 NELL McCLATCHEY w 7 110 3 1 21 6l 9* 11 CheatmR J Tutt 5350 100 tMutuel field. Time, :23%. :47%. 1:13. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ROYAL SEE .00 .60 .80 350—100 130—100 90—100 DELMA DUNN 3.80 3.20 90—100 60—100 FLYING SILK 4.80 140—100 Winner — Blk. 1, by Royal Canopy — See Saw II., by Fitz Herbert trained by D. H. Carroll; bred by Mr. A. M Chichester. Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:52. AT POST— minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. ROYAL SEE took the lead at once and held on well in the final drive. DELMA DUNN challenged gamely in the stietch. FLYING SILK closed much ground. POLISHER had no mishaps and tired. BOSTON BAY beean slowly. LIGHTNING GIRL tired. Scratched -99163 Bank Shot. 115; 98500 Supercharge, 105; 98215 Princella, 105; 98500 The Nile, 105. Overweight — Lithtninc Girl. 2 pounds: Tulryries Spot, 4; Flying Ambassador, 1. Corrected weieht— Nell McClatchey. 110. AAAiA FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Golden Auburn, Aug. 30, 1930—1:44—5—117. Manakiki •tfvlTt" Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; sec- July-16-34 Bbg onrj, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to 00. index Horses BqtAWtlPSt hi % % Str Flu Jockeys Owners Bqutr. Odds Strt 98388ANNLTTY w 3 107 5 4 31 3"k 31 21 l1 FryeJW V Meiman 370 100 990343*MASKED PRINCE wb 3 107 3 2 l2 l2 Is 14 21 ButcherM E J OConnell 400 100 98483 NUCKOLS BOY w 8 111 7 7 64 54 4 41 31 ReedW S G Miller 480 100 98636 SUPER TOY wb 7 107 8 8 71 74 61 5" 4k SylvesterJ Mrs W R Hoffman 910 100 98586MARY BANE wb 5 105 4 5 2 22 2 3 54 MartinezP C N Finch 880 100 99106 FI YING CHEROKEE wb 6 117 1 1 5" 4* 51 6» 61 LongH Freeman and Schlicker 1010 100 98587 LUCK PIECE wb 8 113 2 6 8 61 T T 7« WilsonL H H Chopin 450100 97802HAM w 8 106 6 3 4* 8 8 8 8 CheatmR E B Kunonen 1600-100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. 1:40£, 1:47£. Track fast. , 82 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB » ANNUITY .40 .20 .60 370—100 160—100 80—100 MASKED PRINCE 4.40 4.00 120—100 100—100 NUCKOLS BOY 3.80 90—100 Winner— Br. f. by Busy American — Lillian Shaw, by Fair Play tarined by V. Meiman; bred by Mr. W. H. Whitehouse. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:17. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good snd slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. ANNUITY moved up fast in the stretch and, overhauling the leader a sixteenth out, drew clear. MASKED PRINCE was made too much used of early and tired. NUCKOLS BOY gained steadily and finished well. SUPER TOY closed much ground. MARY BANE tired after racing well to the stretch. The others were outrun. Scratched— 99167 Night Edition, 111. Corrected weight — Ham, 106. QQ24.1 SIXTH flACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Lucky Dan, June 20, 1931—1:42—4—113. Purse XRfKEt"" 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; July-16-34-Bbg thirdj 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses BqtAWtPPSt hi hit % Str Flo Jockeys Owners Bqui». Odds Strt 97881 BARNEY KEEN wb 7 118 8 4 14 l2 l1 l2 l2 MillsC F Stockton fl870 100 98213 CLOVINIA w 3 107 1 1 8" 64 4« 21 2« DyerJ , R Barnett 1140 100 978002*BELL CAP wb 4 113 4 3 2 21 21 3* 31 EdwardsH J Bronnenberg Jr 1010 100 98506 NORA D. w 8 113 10 8 7 71 7l 4" 4k DilleaJ C Hirschberg 370 100 99167*WAIT NOT w 4 102 11 6 5l 5" 64 61 5* MoonR R T Watts 1160 100 98345*MISS M. LUTZ wb 3 102 9 11 11 11 11 81 6* MatthewsM W F Lutz 3330 100 97066WILD TRANSIT w 3 102 7 10 10* 91 81 7* T ManifoldH C Troutt 190 100 98505 DEFERRED wb 5 112 5 5 6l 41 51 5* 81 SykesD D Christian 560100 98213*NANNY D. w 4 108 6 9 9* 103 102 11 91 EdwardsD M D Livingston 1560 100 98411 SPORTING MAUDIE wb 5 110 2 2 4» 8* 9410* 10* PrivettW J Oran 4920 100 97882 POMPEIA wb 5 113 3 7 31 31 3k 91 11 ReevesR M H and G Gallagher t tMutuel field. Time, :24, :48, 1:14. 1:40%, 1:45%. Track fast. . 12 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ■ BARNEY KEEN Field 9.40 1.60 $ 6.20 1870—100 480—100 210—100 CLOVINIA 10.00 7.80 400—100 290—100 BELL CAP 5.60 180—100 Winner — B. g, by Tom McTaggart — Alma W., hy St. Burley trained by F. Stockton; bred by Messrs. Bond and Roy. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:43. AT POST— 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. BARNEY KEEN was never seriously menaced. CLOVINIA closed steadilv in the stretch. BELL CAP tired near the finirh. NORA D. closed a big gap. WAIT NOT and DEFERRED tired. POMPEIA stumbled at the start. MISS M. LUTZ finished strongly. Scratched— 98505 Dr. Parrish, 107; 99167 Allosretto, 107; 991683Rex Regent, 113; 97572 Hold Hard, 107; 98507 Probationer. 113; 97664 Corbeau, 118. Overweight — Deferred, 5 pounds; Sporting Maudie, 3. QQOTo SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile out of chute. Etonardo, Sept. 9, 1931—1:37—4—104. Purse *y*y+4l:+d 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-16-34-Bbg tnird 0 ; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. index Horse* EqtA WtPIst U l,2 ** Str Kin Jockeys Owner* Equiv. Odds Strt 981311EXCEED w 4 107 10 10 ll1 ll2 6* 6" 1» SmithFA C T Hall 3770 100 98321 REDIVIVUS w 6 112 2 11 104 71 5* l1 2fc JulianG H Withers 160 100 99035 CLAUDE C. wb 8 112 9 8 8 5 31 3* 31 LoweW C O Smith 800 100 98506*ANAVAH wb 5 97 3 3 1* 1 l1 21 41 GriffinM E Smith 1890 100 84092 MR. DE LUXE wb 7 112 12 2 22 2" 2k 4* 5» FryeJW F Quigley t950 -10G 98345 LAZY MARY wb 5 107 6 5 61 64 74 7 6 DyerJ Mrs K Briddle 570 100 97884 SWEET JOE wb 6 112 5 4 4« 41 4 51 7* MillsC K Ban 3180 100 98345 IREDELL w 4 107 4 1 51 81 81 81 84 ManifoldH R B Bridwell 410100 98343*DONUP w 5 107 1 6 7a 94 94 91 9l EdwardsD Mrs R Scoville 4760 100 97885 BE FINE w 4 102 8 9 12 12 12 12 101 KleinR J K Browning t 97802 GOODYEAR w 7 112 11 7 9 103 11 11» ll1 ReedW H Hathaway + 96156 NAT WEISS wb 5 112 7 12 31 32 6k 101 12 AlbertsA R J Moore 2360 100 tMutuel field. Time, :244, :48%, 1:14%, 1:41%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . EXCEED 7.40 6.60 0.20 3770—100 1230—100 410—100 REDIVIVUS 4.80 3.80 140—100 90—100 CLAUDE C 5.00 150—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Rustic — Transcend, by Sir Barton trained by C. T. Hall; bred by Messrs. Morris St Walden. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. .WENT TO POST— 5:16. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EXCEED closed with a rush on the outside through the stretch and won in the Final stride. REDIVIVUS was shuffled back early, but closed fast, then quit after showing in front. CLAUDE C. took an easy lead midway of the stietch, but was not good enough. ANAVAH set the pace to the last eighth. MR. DE LUXE quit. LAZY MARY raced evenlv. NAT WEISS tired. Scratched— 97318 Constance Ann, 102; 96651 Jim Shanahan, 112; 98081 Brown Admiral, 112; 97769 Catch On, 103; 97594 Uncle Si, 107; 98502 Anadnab. 112. Corrected weight — Claude C, 112, Goodyear, 112.