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1 j VOTE TO RETAIN PRESENT j CLAIMING RULE DETROIT, Mich., July 16.— Racing com-I missioner Mark Hanna today invited the horsemen racing at the Fair Grounds to a meeting at the commissioners office. After thanking them for their wonderful co-operation in making the present meeting J a success and assuring them that the con-t tinued growth and enthusiasm over the present racing augured well for the continuance of racing in Michigan, asked them to vote on the question of the claiming rule which 1 has been such a controversal one in all rac-1 ing centers during the present year. He introduced judge Murphy, who stated to the hoi semen that he had always regarded the claiming rule as a horsemens rule. He further stated that the association was not in the horse trading business and that his only interest in any rule was to see that horses were entered at their proper rating and that no one was permitted to take advantage of the others. He stated that he had absolutely an open mind in respect to the claiming rule, but that he believed the present rule in vogue in Mich-I igan was as near an approach to an ideal one as he had ever experienced. After the meeting, a poll was taken of the horsemen who voted by a ratio of 12 to 1 to continue the present rule.