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SARATOGA STAKE DATES t ! When the Popular and Valuable Features of the August Meeting at the Spa Will Be Run. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y, July 16.— Saratoga racing, like this ever popular summer and health resort, has a charm all its own. Much of the popularity of Saratoga racing has been due to the liberality and progressiveness of the Saratoga Racing Association in providing an alluring stake program, which has always attracted the entries of the best horses in the country, with the result that the sport is always of the highest class. This year is no exception and, though the values of the stakes do not measure up to the offerings of some years in the past, they are so substantially endowed as to bring together all the outstanding horses of the present year. The nominators to Saratoga stakes include all the foremost turfmen of the country, and their colors will not only be seen in the prized features, but in the overnight handicaps and other daily races. The great array of stakes is headed by the Saratoga Cup, Saratoga Special, rich Hopeful, Travers, Spinaway, United States Hotel Stakes, Saratoga Handicap, and a host of others, the complete list being as follows and shown in the order in which they will be run: Monday, July 30— The Flash and the American Legion Handicap. Tuesday, July 31— The Seneca. Wednesday, August 1 — The Wilson. Thursday, August 2— The Beverwyck Steeplechase Handicap. Friday, August 3— The Test. Saturday, August 4— United States Hotel Stakes and the Saratoga Handicap. Tuesday, August 7— The Saratoga Sales Stakes. Wednesday, August 8 — The Saranac Handicap. Thursday, August 9— The Schuylerville. Friday, August 10 — The Mohawk. Saturday, August 11— The Shillellah Steeplechase, the Saratoga Special and the Merchants and Citizens Handicap. Monday, August 13 — The Troy. Tuesday, August 14 — The Kenner. Wednesday, August 15 — The Alabama. Thursday, August 16— The Catskill. Friday, August 17— The Delaware Handicap. Saturday, August 18 — North American Steeplechase Handicap, the Spinaway and the Travers. Monday, August 20 — The Kentucky. Tuesday, August 21— The Champlain Handicap. Wednesday, August 22— The Sanford. Thursday, August 23— The Consolation Claiming, First Event Two-Yea r-Olds, five and a half furlongs, and the Senator Kav-anaugh Handicap. Friday, August 24— The Adirondack Handicap. Saturday, August 25— The Grand Union Hotel Stakes and the Whitney. Tuesday, August 28— The Amsterdam. Wednesday, August 29— The Albany Handicap. Thursday, August 30 — The Huron Handicap. Friday, August 31— The Consolation Claiming, Second Event, two-year-olds, six furlongs. Saturday, September 1— The Saratoga SteeDelechase Handicap, the Hopeful and the Saratoga Cup.