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AUGUST ISSUE OUT TODAY POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MONTHLY MAGAZINE 25 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS POST TIME FREE CODE PARLAYS A New Feature Offered in Response to Wide Public Demand FIRST PARLAY GOES JULY 28 The vast resources of POST TIMES organization are behind every release. This service is under the personal supervision of POST TIMES Turf Editor and Chief Trackman. To introduce our FREE CODE RELEASES to old and new readers, we have arranged for a PUBLICATION DAY SPECIAL TODAY 3rd ARLINGTON — Hogs-Sausage-Salmon-Sturgeon. To Decipher, Buy Your Copy of the August Issue at Once and Turn to Page 46 THE FAMOUS RADCLIFF RATINGS completely revised and brought up to date, are just what the doctor ordered for sick bank rolls. You will be amazed at their consistency and the frequency with which they select long shot winners. THEY ARE SENSATIONAL! Articles by Lewis Y. Hagy, Salvator, Nelson Dunstane, Bradford Wells, Charles Hatton, The Turk — Profusely Illustrated If your newsdealer cannot supply you, remit .50 at once for one years subscription. POST TIME 166 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE, 15 CENTS YESTERDAYS EDITORS PARLAY: KHAMSEEN, 7.40, WON GRACIOUS GIFT, $ 7.40, WON SATURDAYS EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE: CABEZO, 3.46, WON FLEAM, - 2.70, WON SUBSCRIBE TO AND GET EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS, DAILY 0 WEEKLY This is the Editors Private Service and is the best information obtainable. You can well realize the strength of this information when you consider that the entire organization of Horsemans Weekly is behind this service. Subscribe at once. A six days trial will prove and convince you that you can make MONEY following this information. TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— September-53-21-21-68. HORSEMANS WEEKLY 20 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. jfsYST O L O G Y j DThe "Law of Average" System Profits to July 12 at Arlington H II Park Were: | j J I i ,540.24 1 II THOSE WHO OWNED THE MAGIC BOOK OF THE TURF AND PLAYED |fl GREAT SYSTEM, ARE THAT MUCH ON THE PROFIT M | j DTHIS SIDE OF THE LEDGER 1 1 I J "LAW OF AVERAGE" SYSTEM IS ONLY ONE OF EIGHT H DTHE SYSTEMS IN THIS GREAT BOOK H j H THE PRICE OF WHICH IS H ■ U ONLY U D ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY |j ITS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED THE RACING PUBLIC H PICKS THE WINNERS AT A GLANCE If D THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE M II PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. Q. H Plymouth Ct.. Chicago. 111.: H D443 Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . 11 • •• H DNAME ADDRESS • H STATE , *. 11 DCITY