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WORKOUTS /vR JSrSSrsL /KrSfiPtL Date at left of horses nan* hi last workout. Letter* following Qma Indicate: a, browing; d. driving; e, easily; a. handily; a, all oat; a, sulked ; a, eased up. Vastest Thaw at Each Plata am Shown In Black Face Type SUNDAY, JULY 15 ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 13 Ashen :36 b 7-12 Frisco :41 b 7 13 Air Squdron :38 b 7-7 Great Haste. :36%b Betterfly ... 56%d 7-12 Knave :40 b 7 12 Bluebeard .. :35%h 7-7 Miss Boss... :37%b 5 22 Bronzed .... :40 b 6-25 Ppevs Pillar :35%d 7-10 Ct Tetrarch :34%h 7-12 Pomparia . . :38%h 7-12Conte :35 b 7-13 Stop Aside.. :3bVzh 6 26 Chance Line :36%b 7 4 Slapped :37 b 7 4 Eveline F. . . :37%b 7-13 Sales Jewell :3bVsh 7-13 Fort Springs. :38 b One-Half Mile. 7-13 Bbies Choice :48%b 7-8 Race Craft.. :49%h 7-12Ballv Wise.. :48 d 7 12 Red John... :48y5b 7-llEvergold ... :50%b 7-12 Spanish Lad :47%h 7-11 FIv. Justice. :49%b 7-12 Saint :48%b 7-13 Gallant Mac. :48%b 7-10 St. Bernard. :48 b 7 9 Jovbird .... :48%h 7-12 Upside Dwn :47%h 7-12 .Nectarine ..:48 b 7-9 Vance :49%h 7-5 Prince Doo.. :51%b Five-Eighths Mile. 7 2 Bichloride ..103%b 7-12 Needle 1:01 ykb 7-6 Babuska ...103%b 7-12 Nellie Flag.. 1:01 b 7-12 David S....105%h 7-12 Noble Gift. .101%b 7 13 Early Dawn.l01%b 7-13 Preeminent .l:01%h 7-13 Gav Monrchl01%b 7-12 Spnish Babel :00 d 7-1 Grey Pal....l07%b 7-9 Sister Marv.l02%b 7 9 Lisa Belle. ..1:01 b 7-12 Shuffle Off..l03%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-6 Chirac l:18%b 7-13 Sunned ....l:19%h 712Clovis l:16%b 7-12 Sally Forth..l:19 b 7 8 Kashear ....1:16 d 7-13 Toro Nancv.l:15 b 7 8 Mix Up ....1:14 b 7 12 Thataway ..1:17 b 7-13 Quasimodo .1:14 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7 14 Essie Wessiel:31 b 7-12 Hour Girl. ..1:30%h One Mile. 7-13 Big Beau... 1:44 b One and One-Quarter Miles. 7-14Ladysman .2:07 h Ladysman is training well for the Arlington Handicap. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 27 Gunfire . . . . :40 b 3-19 Troford . . . . :40 b 712Pollv Rita.. :37 b 7-13 Win-ate . . . . :37 d 7 3 Sky Lad ... :36%h 7-4 Wild Turkev :36%b One-Half Mile. 7-3 Blast 56%b 7-10 Miss C"nne.. :51%b 7-12Chatain .... :53%b 7-9 Pancoast .. :51*/5b 7 3 Chief Pilot.. :52%b 7 12 Saracen Md :51%b 7 9 Clean Sport. :53%b 7-9 Theorem ... :53%b 5 28 Captain .... :53%b 7-13 Vergene .... :53%b 713Egvpt :53%b Five-Eighths Mile. 7 12 Adelaide A..109%b 7-12 Irish Image. 1.03 h 7-12 Alwavs True. 106 b 7-13 Kildee Marvl.04 h 7 12 Benevolence 107 b 7-12 Oh Dave ...103%b 7-12Dcadeve Dkl:03 h 7-11 Sir Richard. 103%h 7-12 Fair Peter .106 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-12Brnie Mtinl:19%d 7-14 Mintogee ...l:19%h 7 9 Black Chaff. l:20%h 7-3 South Galntl:15 4h 7-12 Blue Armor. l:15%h 7-11 Tomfoolery .l:19%b 7-12 Edward D..l:17%h 7-12 Wise Dghterl:19%b 7-12 Evening Gnl:16%h 7-9 W. Cookson.l:19 h 7 12 Frank D....l:16 h 7-12 Whiskora ...l:16%b 7-12 M. Stewart.. l:17%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 712Longus ....l:30%h 7-12 Pat C 1:30 h One Mile. 7-5 Gully Jumprl:49%h RAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 12 Adados :38 h 7-13 Jacqueline D. :38%b 7 -12 Anavah :39 b 6-19 Lepidus .... :37%h Barn Stormer :38%b Lightng Girl :37%b Bruin :39 h 7-12 Mr. De Luxe :37y5d 7-3 Brn Admiral :39 b 6-26 Pat. McKeon. :37%d Costlier .... 59%h 7-1 Pennt Brr. :38%h 519Corbcau . . . . 39 h 6 13 River Lee... :39%b 7-13 Cut Out :40%h 6-23 Solus :38%h 6 27 Dee Tees.... :37%h Stealakiss . .. :38%d 6 6 Espcau :38 h 7-12 The King... :40%h 7 2 Escoba Lass. :37%h 6-14 Too Late . . . :38 h 5 10 Grev Don ... . :36%d 5-19 Trying :35%d 6 27 Hartford Girl :37%b 7-13 The Nile.... :37%h 7-12 Ingress :37%d Whsicl Miss :38%h One-Half Mile. 7-12 Annuity :49 b 6 5 Mayetta M%i 7-12 Broadmoor. . :49 h 7-12 Mav Roam.. 51%b 7-13 Blind Puss.. :50%d 6-29 N. McCIchy :492id 7-1 Beige :53%b 7-13 Nancy Khan. :53 b Canynge :54%b 3-28 Ormontime. . :52 h 7 13 Cloistr Blues :50 b 6 12 Pr. Trafalgar :54%d 7 13 Deferred . . . :51h 6 12 Rosemarie B. :50 h First Act.... :55%b 7-13 Roll Home.. :51%d Flora Canter. :49 d 6 25 Supercharge.. :547/5h Foxtee :52%h 6 6 Sun Lilv 53*/5b 7 13 Gertrude V.. :50 b 7-1 Terra*™ ... :50%b Hnoras Hat :54%b 4 18 Tulevrs Spot :55 b 7 3 Lle MarccIIe :51 b 6-25 Trample .... :51 h 6 26Landover ... :51%d 6 16 Vcrda ■ :51V3d Five-Eighths Mile. Bv Surprise. 101%d 7-3 Morocco . ...103%h 6 29 Baritone ...106b 7-3 Mv Ideal. .. .101%d 6 27 Blondsure . .106%b 1-30 Marechal . . .104%d 6 27Crosng Overl05 d 7-12 Moiras Bov. .104%h 7-12 Clovinia . . . .104%h 7-13 Nav Nay. . . .102V5h 7-13 Cliffs Agnes. 1:01 d 7 7 Postn Homc.l:02%h Eustar 102%h 7-1 Probationer .103*?;h 7 3 Eastr Heraldl01%d 7-12 St. Richard. . 1 05%b 7-13Flving Silk..l:05%h 7-12 Surepop ... .14816* 6 28 Hour Lady. .103V£h 7-13 The Choctawl05b 7 14 Just High. ..106%b 7-12 Water Rose.. 1:03 7 12 Luck Piece.. 103d Three-Quarters Mile. 7 12 Brown Gold.l:17%b 7-1 Kite 1:15 b 7 13 Cordon Bleu. 1:19 d 5 25 Miss Gobi. . .l:184,sh Dixie Dan... l:18%h 7-13 Nora D 1:18 b 7 13 Genie Jr.... 1:17 d One Mile. 7-4 Flageolet ...l.-47%h Cliftons Agnes and Easter Herald were driving together. By Surprise showed early speed under a hard drive. My Ideal went evenly. DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-11 Brit Spangle :36%h 7-3 Mtin Barton :36 h 7-12 Good Aim... :35%h 7 10 Midshipman.. :38 h 7 -14 Good Dame.. :51%h 7-12 Motley :38 h -7 4 Gracs Gift.. :38 h 6 25 Popo :37y5b 7-1 Jeton :36 h 7-6 Putter :38 h 7-6 Jim X :36%h 4 28 Pertinacious. :38 h 7-10 Little Mickey .37 h 6-15 Stop Gap. ... :39%h 7-13Minnequa ..:40 b 6 20 Shasta Brm. :37 h One-Half Mile. 7-9 All Rowes... :53 h 614 Lazi Canter.. :52%h 7-11 Alpenstock. .. :52y3h 6 29 Ldg Article.- :51%b 619Balthasar . . :52 h 7-12 Moonsan . . . . :51%h 6 29Chasar :52%b 7 9 Morsel :50%h 6 16 Dark Celt... :51 h 7-1 Princess Pyre :51 h 7-12 Debs Delit.. :51%b 7-9 Ragtn Belle. :50 b 7-12 Explorer .... :49%h 71 Sun Lure... :51 h 7-10 Grand View.. :54 h 7-10 Sun Monk. .. :49 b 5 22 High Clover. :52%b 7-12 Sobrante ... :53 b 6 24Hcrcndeth ..:53 b 7-12 Slash :4B%b 5 21 Indiantown . :50%b 7-12 Some Good. . :49 b 7-11 Keen :51 b 7-12 Sheprd Boy. SI h 7-13 Julia Grant.. :52 h 7-11 Thistle Flit. . :50 h 7-3 Kiltamond.. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-3 Annarita ...104 h 7-11 Proposing ..1:04 h 6 26 Chin. Indian.102 h Perminata ..103%h 7-12BunD 103%h 7-4 Red Run. ...102%h 7-14 Dark Featherl03 h 7-12 Represtativel03%h 6 30 Electric Gaffl02%h 7-10 Retta Mar. .105 h 7-13 Full Tilt 102%h 7-11 Rung Heel. .102%h 7-6 First Entry.. 1:00h 7 3 Star Brook.. 1:06 h 7-11 Golden Sun . . 1 :07%h Spu r On 1 03%h 7-8 Injustice ...101%h 7-12 Shoeless Joe.l02%h 7-3 Lenawee ....l:08%h 7-14 Transbird ..1:04 h 7-10 Manners ...107 h 7 12 Zenka 105 h 7-llNyack 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-8 Avail 1:17 h 6 27 Glamorous ..123 b 7-12Bataille ....1:19 b 7 8 Goodestone .1:18 h 7-5 Come Sevenl:16%h 7-14 Oh Ray 1:18 h_ 7 10 Copley Sqre.l:17 h 7-10 Respect ... .1:1 4%d 7-12 Donday .... 1 :20%h 7-12 Ruckus 1 :20%h 7 11 Dignified ...120%b 712 Swimalong . .1:22 b 7-7 Frumper ...1:19 h 6 25 Trvabit ....1:17 h 7-12 Flying Girl. . .126 b 6 20 Volo ? 1:24 b Seven-Eighths Mite. 7-12 Constt Wife.l:32 h One Mile. 7-6 Fiji 1:48 b 6 26 Ridge Mor..l:43%b 7 9 On Sir l:50%h 7-8 Tut Tut 1:44 h First Entry did a nice work. Respect was driving. Fiji had an easy trial. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-4 All Forlorn.. :36%h 7-11 Dna Tutti.. :39 h 7-5 Arab :35%h 7-13 Prosecutor. . . :39 h 6 26Bamboula .. :38 h 7 6 Sweepogan.. :37%h 7-13 Cdy Prince. :37%h One-Half Mile. 71 Ruths Hope. :51 h 7-7 Postscript... :49%h 7-10 High Image. M%h 6 28 Polyfon .... 54 h 7-13 Kai-Finn . . . :52 h 7-9 Trafc Judge :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-13Acte Servicel:02 h 7-11 Hardatit ...104 h 7-12 Hobnail . . . .103%h 7-13 Quick Step. .102 h 7-11 Paper Moon. 1:02 h 7-14 Zipalong . ..1:0l%h 7-13 Paddock ....103%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-12 Frisky Maid . 1 :19 h 7-13 Oneill 1 :20%h 7-13 Fair Billy... 1:17%h 7-10 Tazewell ...1:20 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Star Fire.... 1:32 h One Mile. 7-13 Dark Winter1:40%h 7-10 Tcralice ....1:42 h 7-11 Fast Chance. l:46%h 76 Yap l:46%h 7-10 Shoo l:46%h KINGS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 -10 Bold Robin.. :38 b Rock vale . . . :39 b 6 26Euxine :38 b 7-12 Rubens Pet. :40 b 7-12 Hasty Mden :38 b 7-13 Susie V :36 h 5 26Iou :38 b 7-12 Sidney G... :37 h John K :40 b 7-3 Sunny Susn :39 b 7-14 Jerry W.... :37 b One-Half Mile. 7-7 Black Anna. :50 h 7 12 Jack DOr. . :51 b 6 30 Hattie :51 b 7 10 Prince Wnd :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-8 Sweet Jean. 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-14 Ting Fan.... 1.19 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7 7 Three 1:32 b EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 21 Chmed Eyes :41 h 7-3 Pass Shot... :36 h 7-10Corc Dailey :38 h 6 30 Omar Jones. :37 h 7-2 Dalmatia . . . :37 h 7-9 Sophisticated :37 h 7-12 Ever True.. :36 h 7-12 Uncle Donald :37 h 7-11 Miss Snow.. :39 h One-Half Mile. 7-13 Attraction . . :50%h 5 23 High Hd n. :49 h 7-8 Aileen C... :504,£h 5 2 MintFalon.. :52%h 7-13 Brillfalon . . :52*5h M. A. Suarez :52 h 6 28 Black Fther :51 h 6 28 Miss Mment :49 h 7-9 Galon Lad.. :55 h 7 8 Recital . . . . :52 h 7-6 Guy Falgon. :52%h Uppermost . :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-13 Credulous . .104%h 7-12 Portden . . .1:02%h 7-7 My Selectionl04%h Samuel R...107 h 7 9 Mamas Chcel 05 h 7 12 Syriac 1.08 e Three-Quarters Mile. 7-12 Espinaca . . .l:15%h 7-12 Our Sallie. . .l:17%h 7-11 Identify ....1:24 h 6-24 Only One. . .1:15 d 6 10 Kdred SpiritlO h 7 3 Sang Froid. .l:16%h 7-12 Nipped .....1:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. Please 1:36 h One Mile. 6 30 Affirmative . 1 :55 h 7-13 Pinbud .... 1 :48%h 7-7 Boston Mat.l.-45%h 7-14 Thursday ..1:46 h 7-13 Mare v l:45%h 7 13 Tdiug Post. 1:46 h MONDAY, JULY 16 ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather cloudy; track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. 7-14 Anarchy ... :37%b 7-12 Sickle Bill.. :35%d 7-14 Born Happy. :38 b 7-12 Sun Chance. :35%h 7-12 Balancer ... :36%h 7-13 Stay :35 h 7-14 Brabble .... :36%b 7 12 Stickhandlc . :37 b 7-13Chewawa ... :38Vsb 7 14 Tee Totum.. :36%h 7-12 Entwine .... :35%d 6 23Twoaday . . . :39 b 7-2 Grenadine .. :35%d 7-7 Toro Bang.. :36 b Gden Hvest :37b 7-12 Tabitha .... :35Vsh 7-13 High Delight :37%b 7-13 Virginella .. :35%d 7-12 Irksome .... :35*ih 7 13 World Series :37%b 7-12 Play Off.... :37 b One-Half Mile. 7-11 Blue Lillian. :48%b 7-14 Romn Sdier :48%d 7-12 Colonist ... :48%h 7-9 Rowalong .. :50%d 7-MGd Gamble. :47%b 7 9 Sun Captor.. :50%b 7-11 Gimlet :48 h 7-7 Softly Come. :48%h 7-10 Ima Grnock :48%b 7-12 Sister Zoe... :49%b 7-14 Jewelry .... :48%h 7-15 Sunned .... :49%d 7-7 Lilac Dav... :48%h 7 8 Tartan Betsy :51%b 7-9 Mjorie Kerr :50 d 6-27 Willa T :49%b 7-6 Prs Camelia :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-13 Arthur Motzl:02b 7-14 Irish Colleenl:06%b 7-13 Bay Sister. .101%b 7-12 Jester B....101%h 7-13Bridgie ....103%b 7-12 Kissie 103 b 7-13 Black Helen.l:04%b 7-12 Minna 101%h 7-12 Bitter Bark.104 b 7-14 Mid Victian1:00%h 7-13 Bobbys Son. 1:02 h 7-3 Marcclla Msl01%h 7-13 Blessed AgnlOlb 7-13 Mucia 104%b 7-13Bnie Prcessl:03%h 6 29 Prce Spldorl02 b 7-7 Cavalry Calll03%b 7-11 Polala 1:05 6-23Ctess Ann..l:04%b 7-13 Pairbypair .1:02 b 7-8 Cloudet ...l:05%b 6 28 Pomparagn .1:03 b 7 14 Count Arthurl:06 b 7-13 Rl Duchess. 103%b 7-12 Divide 101 %d 7-13 Reelaway ...102%h 7-12 Ed B. Moss.103 h 74 Ray Card. ..102 h 7 9 Fraidy Cat..l:00%b 7 8 Sarahmond .102"%b 7-7 Fair Perdita . 1 :03%b 7-12 Snobeedo ..105%b 7-2 Full Sail....l:05%h 7-11 Some Pomp.l04%b 7-12 Golden Sprayl:07%t 7-15 Slapped ....103%b 7-13Hagerman .1.04%b 7-12 Wilco 105%b 7-14lwintoo ....107%b 7-8 Wise Ways..l03%b 7-12 Impel 101%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13Byrdine ...l:19%b 7-13 Master Beaul:21%d 7-13 Bobs Buddyl:14%b 7-13 Our Chance. l:19-%d 7-14 Camp Cook. 1:22 b 7-13 Pol vphote ..l:16%b 7-13Clotho l:18%b 7-2 Prince Pest.l:17%h 7 13 Flight of Gdl:21 b 7-14 Rhadathus .1:20 b 7-13 Golden Sat.l:21 b 7 12 Red Whisk.. l:13%h 7-7 Happy Lad..l:15%b 7 13 Red Canopy. l:20%b 7 13 Hot Shot... 1:17 h 7 11 Steppin Highl:16%b 7-13Jascha 1:15 h 7-13 Sula l:15%h 7 13 Lulu Lite... 1:15 h 7 10 Salaam 1:20 b 7-14Lovito l:14%b 7-14Saractus ...l:18h 7-12 Luna Mica.. 1:19 b 7 13 White Gingerl:20%b 7-10 Mr. James.. l:13%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-9 Barn Swlowl:29 b 7-12 Hiiena l:28%b 6-29 Blessed Evt.1:27%h 7 9 Hour Zev...l:34 b One Mile. 7 7 Elf Lock....l:47%b 7-12 Indian Runr1:41%b 7-13 Hope to Do.l:45%b 7-13 Panorama ..l:42%b 7-10 Inlander ...l:44%b 7-13 Time Clock.. l:44%b One and One-Eighth Miles. 7 11 Carbon ....204 b 7-13 Westko 1:5«%b Indian Runner breezed all the way. Inlander and Time Clock went easily. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather partly cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Brother Ben :38%b 7-14 Jawapa :36 h 7-12 Busy Jay... :38%b 7-13 Miss Quick. . :38%b 7-11 Bossie Eye. . :37 h 7-14 Paul T :36%h 7-12 Clientele .. :36%h 7-13 Rowdy Boy. :40 b 7-13 Deceive .... :37%h 7-13 Walumbe .. :37andh 5 12 Dr. Sullivan :38%b One-Half Mile. 7 4 Brilt Queen :50%h 7-14 Jay Vee.... :53%b 7-14 Brilt Duke. :50 h 7-13 Newell :50%h 712Cedo :51%b 0-22 War Dimes. :4S%h 7-14 Ida K :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-24 Brilt Miss.. 106 b 7-3 Merrily On. .105%b 7-11 Booms Pal . . 1 06%b 7-13 Or Else 1 :04%h 7-5 Cresta Run. 107 h 7 12 Then Some. .104%h 7-5 Chrysostom 103%b 7-14 Whirling ...1:03?£h Three-Quarters Mile. 6 20 Blameless . .l:20%b 7 13 Poiypom ...l:16%h 7-12 Broadstep ..1:18 b 7-11 Parade Step. l:16%h 7-8 Ding Bin... 1:15 h 7-13 Sabre Slash. l:19%h 7-13Glynson ...l:16%h 7-12 Some Knightl:16%h 6 6 Luna Bright. 1:20 b 7 14 Sassaby . . . .1:15 h 7-12 Little Lad ... 1 :17%h 7-13 Well Heeled . 1 :15%h 7-13 Monks Bela.l:16%b One Mile. 7-13 Back Log... 1:47 b Sassaby showed a good effort. Merrily On was breezing. War Dimes showed speed. RAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-13 Catch Fly... :35d 7-14 Lvnvcte .... :36%d Covet :39%d Little Star.. :40%h 7-13 Crestonian . :37 h 7-13 Minnie Belle :36%d 7 6 Chatterfol . . :38%h 7-12 Marmitina . . :38%b 7 4 Espa S Z7Vandh 6 18 Oaten :37 h 7-3 Frnd Chary :38%b 6 24 Principio ... :37%h 7-12Falmh Belle :36%d 7-13 Red Eva.... :37 h 6-26 Farmer Bob. :37%h 7-2 St. Mica.... :39%b Gen Measure :38%h 6 25 Traplou . . . . :40 b 6 20 Julia Irene.. :37%d 7-14 Wise Pete... :38%d 7-14 June G :39%h One-Half Mile. 6 25 Aldershot . . :49 h 7-13 Mamie D. ... M%i 7-12 Balisite .... :49%h 7-5 Morgil :53%b 7 13 Blake :52V£h Nora Barrons :50 b Celinare .... :50 h 6 28 Rush Along. 1 h 7-12 Dick Star. . . :50 h 6 3 Sandro :53V4b 5 7 Kranella ... :50%h 6-17 Soldier Boy. 0%d 6 12 Lady Rene.. :50%h 5-11 Two Brooms :49 h 7-14 Ly Barrons. :49%h 7-1 Vin Noir.... :50%h 6 30 Miss Berwyn :51 d 7-1 Vladimir . . . :54 b Five-Eiqhths Mile. 6 15 Golden Way.l:03%h 6-26 Our Bettie 1:02d 7-13 Miss Gee... .1.05 h 7 5 Ton.bereau .104%d 7-13 Marc. Agnes. 105 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-llAurica l:19b 6 20 Hey Pat. . . .l:18%b 7-13 Auf IfhaValJMsk 6-18 Hugue 1:23 b 7-13Charmg Sir.l:15%h 611 Miss Chilla. .l:19%h 7-14Eldred L....l:16d 7-12 Whisp 1:15?d One Mile. 7-14 Lion Hearted1:45%h 7 13 Sun Mate... 1:56 b 7-12 Pigeon Hole.l:46%b Charming Sir worked impressively. Whisp had speed from barrier. Kranella and Soldier Boy were in company. Lady Barrons and Nora Barrons were in company from barrier. DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-4 Amazing ... :39 b 5 15 Dolinda ... :37%h 7-1 Cvnwyd .... :36%h 7 11 Excitation .. JB h 7-3 Caroline C. :36%h 7-11 Earle Maxwl :36%h 7-13 Glint :35%h 73 Scream .... :38 h 4 4 Grasswrack . :36 h 7-7 Shady Past.. :36%h 7 10 Green Lotus. :35%h 7 9 Solid Amcn :36%h 713Kaiy :37%h 6 22 Trigling .... :40 h 6 23 Ladfield . . . :37%h 6 25 Waterfront . :36%h 7 13 Pleasant . . . :39%h 7 13 Zorach :39 h 7 11 Phtom Rck u38 h One-Half Mile. 7 3 Bob Dozer.. :52 h 6 28 Rock X.... :55 b 7-4 Chifally .... :49%h 7-1 Rose Miss.. :50%h 7-12 Cold South.. :48*h 7 8 Racketeer .. :52%h 7-12Chero :49 h 7-10 Sad Knight. :48%h 7-12Drombo .... :50%h 7 9 Stock Mket. :49%b 7-5 Foxiana . . . :51 h 6 28 Tennywood . :50 h 7-8 Genipa :50 h 7-9 Trsure Ship. :51%h 7 9 Ladv Menifee :52 h 6 29 Wild Law... :50andb 7-9 Marooned . . :49%b 7-12 Witchg Chp :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-13 Beau Govansl:04%h 7-7 Leana G....1:02 h 7-13 Captain Ed.. 105 h 7 15 Martin Btonl03 h 7-5 Cross Ruff.. 106 h 7 9 Maystick ...1:11 b 7 9 Delgado ...104 h 7 -13 Master Lad. 103 h 7-12 Empress Starl 05 h 7 8 Perpetuity .106 h 6 26 Final Flinu..l:05 h 7 14 Pacific Coastl:06 b 7 12Koneta ....102%h 7-13 Saunter ... .102%h 613Kgs Mstrel.105 h 7-12 Thistle Fyrn. 105 h 7 12 Little Egypt. l:04%h 7 14 Urchin ....l:04%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13 Brn Molses1:14h 7 12 Modesto ... .1:18 h 7-12CourIand ...l:16%h 7 12 Own Mtinezl:17 h 7-10 Englewood .1:18 h 7 9 Silent Shot.. 1:18 b 7-12Justa Sheik. 1:18 h 7-10 Southld Ladl:15%h 7-12 Main Event. 1:16 h 6 25 Wild Cress. .1:19 h 7-12Megai 1:15 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-11 Pari Mutuel .1:31 d One Mile. 7-14 Boys Howdyl:56 h 7-12 Strongheart .1:4S%h 7-12 Bright Bblel:55 b Brown Molasses, Master Lad and Saunter worked from the barrier. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 28AIwintour .. :37Vsh 7-11 Pollv Cee... :36andh 7 2 Cabouse . . . . :37 h 7-10 Reba :37%h 6 12 Distribute .. :36%h 7 10 Rock Sprav. :37%h 7-11 Fnch Star.. :39%h 7 14 Star Queen. :37 h 5-27Flaghorn ... :38 h 7-10 Serenabit .. :36?5h 7 10 Juniority .. :384h 7-2 TippoTip... :37h 7-14 Jaz Age :36*sh 7-1 Waterset ... :37%h 6 26 Liberty Oak. :36%h One-Half Mile. 7-2 Buy Straight :50%h 7 13 Leaflet :51 h 4-20Fabius :50%h 7-6 Morway :51 h 7-13 Hasty Belle. :51%h 7-11 Steelhead .. :50%h 7 6 Indian News. 52 h 7-10 Yancey .... :54%h 7 12 Integrity ... :55 h 6-30 Wax :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 29Cutie Face..l03%h 7-13 Rustic Joe. .103 h 7-1 Fair Blanchel05%h 7-13 Spdv Skippyl:07 h 7-8 Flying Sailorl:02%h 7-10 Starogan ...l:04y5d 7-10Hogans Fox.l:04%b 7-10 Strenuous ..102%h 6 24Pce Tokalonl.07 h 7-12 Sun Cloisterl02%h 7 13 Race Street. 103 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7 14 Arrowswift .1:18 h 7 2 Karonite ...1:19 h 7-13 Boy Crazy. .l:19%h 7 14 Kht of 01d.l:16%h 713Bss Monkeyl:17 h 7-11 Legume ... .l:18%h 7-13 Court Gossipl:18 h 7 8 Parties ....l:17%h 7-14 Hpy Easter. l:17%h 6 28 Shaun Praicl:18 h 7-14 High Glee... 1:13?h Sver Wrackl:15 h 7 13 Hot Griddle. l:17%h 714 Vted Power. l:15%h 7-13Hogans Fly.l:16%h 7 13 Waylayer ..l:15h 7-14 Immune ...l:16%h One Mile. 7-10 Allotment ..l:54%h 7-13 Retribution .l:45%h 7-13 Heysweet ..l:45%h 7 14 Rocky Run.l:50%h 7-12 Moralist ...l:44%h 7-10 Sarada l:44%h 7-13 Prince Abbotl:50%h 7 14 Spar l:50%h FORT ERIE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-llAltsheb .... :37 d 7 9 Mr. Dick.... :37%h 7-14Alcodema.. . 6 h 5 29 Pat Gaiety.. :38 b 7 6 Circulet .... :38%b 7-9 Rock Jug.... :38 b 5-20 Flying Home :36 b 7 2 Romola . . . . :36 h 7-7 Goggies .... :37%d 7-11 Te Stiment :38 b 7-7 Herculaneum :36%h 7 2 Trickys Son. :39 b John Robin. :35%d One-Half Mile. 7-12 Judic 50 h 5 22 Roche DOr. 51 h 7-11 Little Honey :49 b 6 25 Sun Fash... :50 h 7 13 Miss Wmore 50%h 7 2 Santa Crest. :50 b 7-13 Bear Tamer. :49%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 21 Canny Scot. 105 b 7-12 Ly Gd Stm1:03 h 7 6 General Toy. 107 h 7 9 Soil Gills. ...105 h 7-12 Little Caesarl07%b 7-3 Toano l:03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13Allanah ....1:16 h 7-13 Pitchblende 1:15 b 7-13 Battle Plane. 1:15 h Silver Sail.. 1:22 h 5-29Diseur l:16%h 7 10 Stirred Up.. 1:17 h 7-13 Prce Rupertl:18%b 6 25 Takus 1:15 h One Mile. 7-13Papalico ....1:44 h 7 12 Wthy Dukel:43 h 7-13 Prince Fox.. 1:44 h 7-14 Yelw Metal VA2%d 7-12 Sweeptrap ..1:45 h KINGS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 10 Dug In :37 b 7-14 Pass Cstian :39 b 5 22 Dawn Patrol :38 b 7 12 Tee Off :37 h 6 14 Hidden City. :37 h 7 8 Vandis :39 b 7-12 Indian Dane :38 b 7 5 Walter Jr... :40 b 7-14Justold .... :38 b One-Half Mile. 7-14 Baptism . . . :53 b 6 9 Fatal Gift... :51 h 7-10 Chipmunk . . :52 b 7-12 Just Marie.. :49? Five-Eighths Mile. 7-13 Star Player. 103%b Three-Quarters Mile. 615Busv Masterl:22 b 7-14 Irish Consul. 1:18 d 6-21 Diaquri ....1:17 h 7-13 Ltle Psum.l:17%h EMPIRE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Bird Lore . :38 b 7-14 Mae SkiHing. :36%d 4 30 Dandv Dcer :38 b 7 3 Prince Rgret :38 b 6 23Dont Blush. :39 b 7 14 Quns Flag.. 6%d 7 12 English Knt 57 d 7 14 Red Badge.. :37 h 7-12 Finance . . . . :37 h 7 11 Transcding :S7%b 7 11 Jim John .. :37%d 7 4 Ted Husing. :37 b 6 28 Modern Ace. :38 b 7 13 Wd in Chy :39 b One-Half Mile. 7-14 Black Patia :49-ysd 7-14 Koterito . . . :50%h 7 7 Clonard .... 51 b 7-13 Later On .. 51%b 7 10 Currants ... :50%h 7-14 Little Lie .. 51%b 7-11 Captn Ago. :49 h 7-11 Landsman . . 53 b 7 11 Dunbar .... :52 b 7-13 Our One .. :50%h 7-10 Diecaster .. :53%b 7-14 Observant .. :49 d 5 27 Engraver . . 53 b 6 26 Phillipic Boy 51 b 7 8 Flying Cher 50%d Press Athe :53 I 7-13 Gding Light 52 b 7-13 Race Cap* . 51 b 7-13 Hard Play . 50 h 7-12 Trickling ... 55 b 6 29 Judge Blake. :49%d 6 28 Tellwhy ... J55 b 1 714Kievex .... :51b 7-3 True Rance :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7 11 Any Chance. 1:06 b 7 14 Hoosic Maid. 1:08 b 7 14 Black Fcon.MO b 7 4 Spanish Wayl:04 h 7-13 Creaky 1*3 d 7 13 Second Gs..l:05 b 7 14Chc* Favor. 1:05 b 6 30 Turf Beauty. 1.04%b 7 8 Erebus ....1:04 b 7-14 Wged FlightMl b Three-Quarters Mile. 7 14 Bahadur ...1:17 h Hedric l:17%d 7 10 Distrust ...1:20 b 5 26 Hosain 1:19 b 713Folking 1:20 b 7-11 Lady M*— 11 b 7 13 Gold Prize .1:22 b 7 14 Old Master 1:17 h 7-2 Gentle Knt.1:16%h 6-27 Sunny Tom.l:22%b One Mile. 7 9 Balios 1:47 b 7 2 Troboy ....1:47 b 7-7 Curacao ...1:44 h 7 15 Uncle Dondl:45%d 7-11 Fairly Wild. 1:46 b