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1 CLAIMS AND SALES ] # _ . * R. E. Leslie acquired Wooly West from J. E. Smallman at Fort Erie after the colt raced to his third consecutive victory this year. The claiming price was 00. The following claims were made at Empire City Monday: Air Line was claimed by J. A. Coburn for ,200; Scotch Soldier was claimed by Otto Blank for ,500; Scotch Gold was claimed by Mrs. K. Jesberger for ,500, and Xandra was claimed by W. Jenkins, Jr., for ,500. All Forlorn was claimed by Mr. and Mrs. • J. L. Wilson for ,000 and Bedight by J. B. Miller for ,000 at Rockingham Park Monday. Red Run was claimed by H. Neusteter, Muslet by J. F. Sweeney and Oderic by A. J. HalliwelL All were entered for ,200 in the fourth race at Detroit Monday. J. Kovinsky claimed Dignified out of the fifth race at Detroit Monday for ,500. Rhodius was claimed for ,000 by J. D, Summers Monday, at Rockingham Park. .