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Lloyd and Co. TERMS— WEEKLY YESTERDAYS PRIVATE ONE-HORSE RELEASE: CHEROKEE SAL, 1.00, LOST Saturdays Private One-Horse Release: Fridays Private One-Horse Release: ALBUQUERQUE, 0.60, WON PERIODICAL, 7.10, WON Thursdays Private One-Horse Release: Wednesdays Private One-Horse Release* CRAZY JANE, .00, WON INFORMAL, 7.40, WON Tuesdays Private One-Horse Release: Mondays Private One-Horse Release: JAZ AGE, 1.80, WON GAY BLADE, 9.90, WON Saturdays Private One-Horse Release: Fridays Private One-Horse Release: CABOUSE, .50, WON ROYAL LEON, 0.14, WON PRIVATE ONE-HORSE RELEASE NO TELEGRAMS— NO EXPENSE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE We guarantee no odds nor any winners for that matter. This is an honest service. You get what you pay for. We are releasing information on one horse a day strictly through codes which are published in this paper daily. We send no telegrams unless requested to do so. Send and get this superb information for one week. Start now. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Florida-53-29-83-46. DETROIT— Montana-34-28-63-50. PRrVATE ONE HORSE RELEASE: DETROIT— Packard-1 1-12-32-24. LLOYD and CO., 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 907, Chicago, III. - - smwsm SWr NOW ONLY 10 CENTS ~m 0 Regren "In Form" The ever reliable Regren, consistent handicapper on the "Pink Sheet," had one of his usual good days on Saturday, when he pointed out 4 Winners at Arlington Park 4 Winners at Rockingham Park 4 Winners at Empire City which is an average of nearly 55 per cent for these three tracks. When you want winners, look toward Regren, whose tips have been a feature in the "Pink Sheet" for more than a decade. Bassett gave three winners at Rockingham Park, among them Fleam, which won the feature handicap at odds of more than 5 to 1. IN THE "HORSES TO WATCH" COLUMNS WAS THE GOOD WINNER: DARK MIST, 8.40, WON Players make no mistake when they look these coming winners over. They are often long-priced winners, such as Dark Mist. REMEMBER THE FREE CODES THEYRE FREE! THEYRE FREE! SATURDAY: STOCK MARKET, WON Not much price, well admit, but remember the other days when the Free Codes pay 6-7-8-9 and 10 to 1. CALL WABASH 7000 FOR THESE FREE CODE HORSES /TljV TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: /T pPyCEl DETROIT— Pink-36-39-43. fitPftKV VPLlUS/ ARLINGTON— Orchid-32-39-29. V PLJUS i To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet** CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH * 441 PLYMOUTH COUKT CHICAGO, ILL. KM per Month bj Flnt Class Mall .00 per Month by Air Mall Todays Free Code: TOM— Red-32-20-22-3«. 30-1 parlay goes today. Will be even better than our Vacation Parlay, which won at 20-1 last Wednesday. Terms are 5. TURF LIGHT M15t USE ISSUE OF JULY 21ST FOR CODE 5th New York — Amber-Archer-Agree-Archer. BI-MONTHLY CARD CODE 3rd New York-22-8-19-26. Last Code Won: CHESHIRE, .00 TURF LIGHT, 140 W. 42nd St., New York City. ■** Free 12-1 Winner Today *•■ just to prove the CALIBER of my info. NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Call at office or phone DEARBORN 0643 and start off a $ SWIN-NER$ JACK HURN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37, Chicago, III. I FURNISH MORE LONG SHOT WINNERS THAN ANT OTHER MAN IN AMERICA! I Claim— and Prove It FRFfT f 100 to 1. I prove to YOU that my new A IVI.1. . qqublj. Kgyj beat9 m-rtui, every y ru help you WIN QUICK, Write L. C WOODS P-S66 Urbana, Illinois ■■■,1/ 1/ * T TVT DIRECl STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: ARLINGTON PARK— G-1 1-26-26-1. DETROIT— H-25-21-20-3. WM. BURKE KELLY 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL 538 South Dearborn St. Chicago, HI. Price 35c— On Sale Everywhere— Price 35c TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM: December-Miami-Rockford-Albany. To decipher code, purchase Weekly Issue of July 14. i WINNER V COMING when you pbty The W YNBOOK WAY. Created to beat 1934 race .■gaaM/ condition*. A proved PROFES-■V SION AL play choc make* race ■VMf action • steady PAYING BUSI-MMr W NESS All ptaycr. afaould write ■r f today for FREE DETAILS. Tha Wyaa Publishing Co. MS N. Wabash Ave. Chicago. III. J TERMS, DAILY I have ridden for some of the most prominent stables on the track. Among my intimate friends are owners, trainers and Jockeys who are winning races every day. I know them and their methods. That Is why my Identity mast not become known. YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: RHODIUS, 0.50, .50, 2ND ROYAL PURCHASE, See 8th Detroit TWO HORSES GOING TODAY I am particularly enthused over the two horses I shall release today, as I have been waiting a long time for the word, and the spots have finally been selected, and today is the day they will be sent for the money. I want all my friends to be with me today and enjoy winning this limit parlay. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION I City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below. THE M-J CO. f140 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1106, Chicago, III. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE. 35c FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY YESTERDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: ROYAL PURCHASE, 8th Detroit NO EDITOR FRANK BRADY RELEASE ADVISED SATURDAY FRIDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: LOFTY LADY, 0.00, WON THURSDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: MISS MOROCCO, 1.00, WON WEDNESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: RHODIUS, 2.80, WON TUESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: CANCEL, $ 9.40, WON SUBSCRIBE TO EDITOR FRANK BRADYS SERVICE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS— CODES ADVERTISED DAILY This is a strictly one-horse a day service and it is the very best information that we can possibly give. Look at the results and judge for yourself. And above all else this is an honest service. You get just what you pay for. Send and let us take care of you for the next six days. TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— April-57-1 6-20-21. TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— SeaJ-27-23-21 -24. DETROIT— Turf-27-9-2t-27. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: ARLINGTON— May-5-3-3-8. COLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W. Madison St.. Suite 1207 Chicago. III. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Chicago Headers. Call Wabash 7276 Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Cincinnati, Ohio Main 4200 New Orleans, La. Main 8678 New York, N. I Borardos 6900 San Francisco, Calif Market 1684 St Lonis. Mo Garfield 4733 Cleveland. Ohio Ken mo re 1163 or 196S-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: EMPIRE CITY— Harry-43-19. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: DETROIT— Teddy-43-7. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 21 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate— One Month. .00; Six Months. One Year. 320 East Third Street Cincinnati. Ohio RADTKES SPECIALS TWO HORSES DAILY 65 DAILY— IN ADVANCE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Direct Connection With Racing Interests for 25 Years THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: MUMSIE, .50, WON SOME POMP, .06, WON —ADDRESS— Room 405—123 W. Madison St. Chicago, III. Phone Randolph 478ft YOU SHOULD CLEAR 0 DAILY ON 50-CENT BETS FOR TWENTY YEARS A TRAINERS SECRET IT clearly points out the winners. One dollar brings it to you quickly. Not a system. Aids handicappers. Separates close figures. Call or write. GOLDEN HARVEST PUB. CO. 32 North State St., Suite 819 Chicago, III. Read Carefully If you play the races, I will • put you next to a little secret that should place you above want aa long as you live. WiHi T. jggjj • AuHOtA, SLUHQS «andPUGLE JJp* RACING WEEKLY J=FS m% LATEST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY YESTERDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY. BLACKBIRDER 5.90, WON VACILLATE .30, WON SATURDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: SLIM ROSIE, 6.68, WON MEROVECH, $ 8.60, WON FRIDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: WELL BUILT, 2.80, WON ENTHUSIASM, $ 7.90, WON GET THE TRACKMANS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS: Daily— 0 Weekly And these horses are the "pick" of this organ iza tion. When you subscribe to this service you know that no matter what amount of money you may pay you will not receive better or more consistent winning information. If you are looking for a permanent connection to supply you with WINNERS, then subscribe to this service at once. TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— C-Hip-Dan-Coe-His. TODAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— St. Paul-1S-2MM2. DETROIT— New York-1 3-24-1 2-24. THE BUGLE 20 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL. § iORYMALLWOOD JOCKEY fiW| RACING WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— PRICE, 35c TODAYS FREE CODE: * DETROIT— Carl-52-72-08-52. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: ARLINGTON— Red-42-60-44-60. DETROIT- Blue-44-50-20-42. -TURF WEEKLY- For Sale at All Newsstands— Price, 35 Cents TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— Ted-56-42-64-€2. TODAYS TRAINERS CODES: DETROIT— Pink-41-51 -48-41. ARLINGTON— Brown-57-45-41 -40. TODAYS OWNERS CODES: ARLINGT0N-Pink-38-42-44-41. DETROIT— Red-38-42-49-52. TURF GOSSIP WEEKLY~35c TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM: Jan.-37-48-53-38. CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE PARLAY- ARLINGTON-Jack-70-78-65-63. ARLINGTON— Day-78-70-70-77. TURF GOSSIP POST TIME SPECIALS: CHARTRES .66, Won THE POINT .60, Won l™H5"""™™«s«s«