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NO DEFINITE APPROPRIATION Bill Passes New -York Senate With No Specified Sum for Expenses of Racing Commission. ALBANY, N. Y., April 18. Before sunrise this morning the senate and assembly passed the bill sponsored by Senator John J. Dun-nigan, Democrat, to eliminate any definite appropriation for the expenses of the New York State Racing Commission. The present law provides for the sum of 0,000 for the use of the members for expenses involved in carrying out the duties of supervising racing in this state. Senator Dunnigan, in his original bill this year, fixed 00,000 as the amount of money required for the commission, but later drew a new bill leaving any fixed amount out of the proposed new law. The bill passed the senate without any debate, but when it went to the assembly this morning early for concurrence, Assemblyman Irving M. Ives, Republican, of Chenango County, objected to the approval of the bill for the reason no money was appropriated for the expenses of the commission. It was then explained that there is an item provided for in the budget calling for the sum of 5,000, which is intended to be available for the necessary traveling and other expenses of the commission. The measure was then passed with no other objections. It now goes to Governor Lehman for approval or veto. The legislature adjourned sine die at 3:35 this aftenoon. No effort was made to take further action on the pari-mutuel measure in the assembly following its defeat in the senate Monday. Senator Dunnigan refused to make any statement as to the possibility of making any move relative to reviving the subject of pari-mutuel legislation in the event that Governor Lehman called a special session of the legislature this summer. However, he may call a special session at any time he feels that it is necessary.