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HKWi IN s issue ; .MBKtSW A Farewell to Equipoise ... by Salvat or. NlBWHjQBflF "fW waster of turf writers, veteran whose authority is recognized here and abroad, HKKKjS has penned an epic adieu to a beloved horse. It is illustrated with one of the most HkH remarkable turf portraits you have ever seen, and which POST. .TIME tells you KK Mammy of All the Jockeys ... by Newton Tell. . Another outstanding racing writer has found pathos and human interest in the life frtl- VW1 IVflatfi" tttl ! IVinn ww mm,a t one f racings picturesque but unsung figures. Read of Birdie Cook one of . the romances of the race track. In the KENTUCKY DERBY Sherlocks of the Turf . . . by Len Rednellet . NUMBER of POST TIME now Crime on the race track . . .the "fix em boys" at work . . .the infamous Paddie I on sale, Col. Winn, "the man who Barrie . . . thrills and adventure behind the scenes . . . all told succinctly and en- - made the Derhy," has written an tertainingly in a brilliant article. interesting message of welcome to Like Father Like Daughter ... by Chester Redman. the thousands who will throng his- A girl, facing a brilliant career as a society belle, educated at one of Americas toric Churchill Downs on May 4 most exclusive schools, tosses the life of a pampered butterfly to the winds to follow for the annual renewal of the - , in the footsteps of her distinguished father one of the really great trainers of the arertt mnfpci- American turf. She is beautiful and charming Mary Hirscb, daughter of the talented great coiueii. Afax She tells you, in POST TIME, why the boo f beats of the race tracks are more : .-. :t alluring to her than the cadenced beats of the ballroom orchestra. THESE AND A DOZEN OTHER FEATURES make POST TIME the biffgest twenty- f five cents worth on the newsstand. BUY YOUR COPY TODAY! :V For one year POST TIME, the turfs smartest magazine, has been quietly forging ahead in its field until today, . upon its first anniversary, it has won a place at the top of all turf publications. The best authors money can obtain, the finest paper and printing, unsurpassed illustrations, place POST TIME beside the leading class publications of the country. In the May issue, now on sale, POST TIME presents a bigger and more elaborate publication for discriminating readers than any of the issues that have preceded it. By means of recently achieved widespread distribution, POST TIME can -now be purchased at virtually all newsstands. Mechanical limitations caused by the sudden growth have resulted in a shortage of copies. Your newsdealers supply is limited. Buy your POST TIME today, while you can still obtain a copy. You wilt never again be without it for you will recognize that it is a publication of indispensable interest to the discriminating follower of the turf.