Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-19

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WO R KO UTSj 2frPQ 5" I Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. j Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type I t 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 18 ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Bugaboo .... :37h 3-30 Mslcd Clown :35h 4-15 Bug Hunter. :40 h 4-14 My Surprise. :37h 4-2 Carbs Tngo :39 h 4-15 Miss Ritz... :36 h 4-16 Countess Ann :39h 4-11 Miss Chicro. :36h 4-9 Dorothy B... :37 h 4-16 Ouray :35h 2- 21 Gold Step... :41 b 4-12 Porqua Pass. -.36 h 4-8 Gift of Roses :36 h 3-29 RHgevicw .. :36h 4-12 Gypsie Chief. :38 h 4-2 Sure Gamble :40 b 4-6 Lady Zoya.. :Z7h Sadie F. :38h 4-15 Love Sick... :36 h 4-15 Thistle Guy. :37 h 4-15 Legal Gamble :40 b. 3-12 Toano :42b 4-13 Los Molinas. :36 h 4-16 Whisking ... :36h 4-2 Ms Snsation :36h One-Half Mile. 4-15 Crackle .... :51 b 4-12 James Boy.. :496h 4-16 Fast Move.. ;54 b 3-29 Ld Trnamt :51h 4-10 Gibs Choice. :48h 4-9 No More.... :51 b 4-12Gracis Gift. :53b 3-27 Stepbrother.. :52b 4-12 High Finance :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-14 Blue Armor..l:01andh 4-12 Pharatime . .1:04 b 3- 30Bettina H...l:02h 4-3 Prince Fox. .1:06 b 4- 15Brit Bubble.l:06h Reds Hand..l:01h 4-16Dozana 1:09 b 4-11 Southard ...l:07b 3- 31 Double Dare.l:04h 4-15 Sally Forth. .1:06 h 4- 1 Fairy Glen... l:00d 3-31 Sarsita 1:07 b 4-15 Luna Bri;ht.l:05b 4-15 Terrier l:07b 4-8 Miss Galhadl:02 h 4-15 Texas Moon. 1:02 h 4-9 Nell Kuhlmnl:03h 4-7 Traplou ....l:024i,h 4-17 Natalie Mae.l:01h 3-27 The Singer. .l:03h 4-14 Old Nick....l:00d 4-14 Uluniu 1:04 h Three-Quartrr Mile. 4-16 Cappoquin . .l:21b 4-14 Snaplock . . .l:15h 4-17 Chance Linc.l:15 b 4-15 Wise Anne. .1:21 b 4-14Madvind ...l:14b 4-16 Wise Dauter1:14b 4-6 Playful Mthal:20 b One Mile. Whoa Back.. 1:52 b Love Sick pnd Los Molinas showed good, speed together. Masked Clown and Miss Ritz came from the barrier. Old Nick and Fairy Glen were driving in their work. Prince Fox was hard held. Reds Hand and Natalie Mae came from the barrier. Wise Daughter could have gone much faster. Chance Line was breezing. Madwind worked well. Wise Anne was hard held. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather threatening; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Bartrg Kate :38 b 4-7 Lady Gibson. :39b Beau Monde. :40 b 4-16 Mabel Krasa. :36h 4-15 Captain Joy. :37 b 4-15 Mah Grant.. :37 h 4-16 Cf Cherokee :354ih 4-15 Mr. Prcsidnt :36b 4-14 Chance Flit. :38 b 4-15 Morprin .... :37h 4-14 Dusky Dark. :37h Mouse Trap. :40 b 4-15 Dark Hazard :36b Mary Seibert. :39 b 4-16Epinique .... :39 b 4-15 Sasquatch . . :37b 4-16 Finance :35h 3-19 Shalot :37 b 4-15 Gamaliel .... :38 b Susan Hay.. :37b Horcellus ... :37b Sun Captor.. :40 b 4-15 Infinitate ... :38 b 4-15 Secret Tryst :37 b 4-15 Johnnycakc. :40 b Stout Heart. :40 b 4-15 Little Cynic. :38b One-Half Mile. 4-3 Ann Anklets. :51 b 4-15 Omar Nassa. :51 d 4-15 Best Bid.... :49b 4-13 Pierre Andre. :494ib 4-13 Grn a. Red. :50h Perfect Host. :51 b 4-13 Hisun :50b 4-8 Patti Sing. . . :49h 4-15 J. B. Brachy :53h 4-15 Supremart . . :52b 4-15 Kailin :50b Scout Leader :51 b 4-15Kapado .... :524andb 4-13 Senoj :53b 4-13Lunsford ... :49b 4-15 Tabora :49h 4-15 Mid Victorian :5214b 4-15 Tabitha . . . . :51 b 4-13 Mate Tea.... :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Al Sat l:01b 4-16 Our David. .l:04b 4-12Alpan l:02h Prince Fluz..l:05 b 4-15 Boston Snd.l:02h 4-15 Polly Flag. ..l:03b 4-16Bagge Trail.l:04 b Prince Vic. ..1:05 b 4-14 Baby Bosh. .1:04 h Pgy Lehmnl:04h 4-16 Chance Dame1:01b 4-16 Rule or Ruinl:03 d 4-16 Hazelbell . . .1:04 d 4-6 Sweet Guineal:03d 4-15 Honor Her. .1:02 b 4-15 South Bend.. 1:02 h 4-12 Jge Kavnhl:02b 4-14 Sis Alice.... l:04b 4-15Lynvete ....l:02b Squall l:04b 4-15 Nassa Alone.l:033sb 4-12 W. B. Bryanl:02d 4-15Nasslyn ....l:04h Three-Ouarters Mile. 4-15 Brd Mdowsl:16b 4-15 My Go Rndl:16b Bdie Trcasy.l:22 b 4-15 Master Beau.l:17 b 4-14 Captain Bill.l:21 b 4-15 Our Chance.. 1:17 b Cherkee Redl:24b 4-15 Paradisical ..l:19b 4-13Fogarty ....1:21 b 4-15 Pot au Brmsl:17 b 4-15 H. MTavish.l:19b 4-13 Safe a. Soundl:16b 4-15 Jake Blieden.l:17b 4-15 Shoeless Joe.l:16b 4-13 Julia Irene.. 1:21 b 4-15 Shcrron ..-..l:17h 4-15 Lilln M. K.l:18 h 4-16 St. Bernard. .1:15 b 4-13 Lady Flindrsl:17h Yantis 1:14b Seven-Eighths Mile. Cican 1:31b 4-15 Joda 1:32 b 4-15 Glastonbury 1:42 b 4-15 Merry Fox..l:42b One Mile. 4-15 Black River.l:51 b 4-15 Marynell ...1:49 b 4-15 Chance Sun. l:41h 4-15 Silver Sickle.l:51 b 4-15 Fiji l:41h 4-15 Silversmith .l:41ib 4-15 Good Politianl:46b 4-15 Weston ....l:41b 4-15 Lawful Miss.l:46b Finance has good speed. St. Bernard, a free runner, was under strong restraint. Fiji accompanied Weston in a very impressive work. Chance Sun and Silversmith worked together, the former tiring after going seven-eighths. Chance Dame is rounding to form. Broad Meadows and Merry Go Round worked in company. HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Hot Griddle. :36h 4-15 Patchpocket.. :37b 4-15 Indn Runnr :37h Silent Shot.. :36h 4-13 Jubilargo ... :36h 1-12 White Ginger :39 b 4-16 Last Time... :37 h One-Half Mile. 4-16 Ann Victory :51 h 4-5 Miss Spark:. :51 h 3- 50Barsac :50 h Old Master.. :54 b 4- 6 Big Show... :49 h 4-5 Pupil :51 h 4-9 Budding .... :50 h 4-3 Pretty Wise. :52 h 4-16 Browbeaten.. :50 h Sundrops ... :50h 4-14 Bclona Pete :51h Sweep Main. :48d 1- 12 Dark Law. . . :48d 4-12 Saint Kitts.. :50 d 2- 19Dodgson .... :51h 4-15 Sml Change :51h 4-10Estr Herald :50 h 4-4 Torita :50 h 416 James City.. :51 h 4-9 Wise Duke.. :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-4 Infilee 1:05 h 2-26 Lulu Lite. . ,1:92h 4-15 Jim John... .1:04 b 4-13 Wizard 1:04 b Three-quarters Mile. Alberta ....1:18 h 4-13 Song 1:15 d 4-16 Brillfalon ...l:15d 4-15 Sun Arena... 1:17 b 4-15Bonsoir ....1:19 h 4-13 Star Shadowl:17 h 4-13 Galon Boy... l:15d Sticksmup ..1:19 h Galomar ....1:18 h Ship Excvel:17 h Hilltown ....l:16b Timber Fire.10 h 4-16Lonmeg ...,l:15d War Stripes.l:15 h 1- 9 Minna l:16h 4-14 Zembla 1:20 h 4-14 Only One... 1:15 h Seven-Eighths Mile. Firethorn ...1:33 h One Mile. 4-15 Howard ....l:43h 4-13 N. Wales 11.1:45 d 4-15 Lofty Lady..l:44 h 4-16 Hereward ..l:46h 4-13 Last Boat.. .1:46 h 4-14 Sun PortIandl:45 d 4-13 Legume . . . .1:43d 4-16 War Glory. ..l:43h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-15 Comnwlth 1:57 h 4-15 Roustabout .1:58 h 4-15 Collateral ...1:58 h DOUGLAS PARK. Weather threatening; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4,16 Blackthorn.. :37h 4-16 Judge Leer. . -.36 h 2- 24Cynara :38andh Mt. Hood... 42 h 4-16 Fogey Night :37 h 4-15 Rolanda .... :40 h 4-15Holm Brwn :38h 4-14 Roberta L... :42 h 4-16 Isaiah :36 h 4-15 Slip H :38h 4-15 Jaz Age.... :39h 4-15 Super Luck. :38h One-Halt Mile. 3- 10 Bunny C :51 h 4-14 Little Brook. :51h Edith Watson 34 h 4-14 Shephd Boy :54h 4- 16 Green :53b 3-24 Screen :53b 4-15 Imigert :53h . 4-14 Umbriere ... -5 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Golden Beaml:08 h 4-13 Our Justice. 1:04h 4-13 Mad Career..l:15 h 4-17 Prd Princessl:07h Three-Quarters Mile. . Beefsteak ...1:1 8h 4-15 Mil l:18h 4-15 Hidden Dustl:19h 4-15 Tiger Claw. .l:18h One Mile. 4-15 Athanette ...l:49h 4-14 Conna 1:48 h 4-14Chatuga ....1:49h 4-14 Harper 1:46h DALLAS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2- 18 Benares ...j41h 3-22 Marylitch .. :41 b 4-12 Blue Cat... :37b 4-15 Mr. Dick... :37h 4-11 Be Big :36 h 1-29 Nrthern Spy :41 h 1- 26 Betty Ann.. :37 h 4-16 Reigh Rose. :38h 3- 18 Gay Bird... :39 h 4-15 Scotch Tom. :42 b 4- 15 Jerry S.... :38 h 4-16 Sleepy Joe.. :37h 4-10Lettisil .... :38h 4-13 Vonnic .... :36h One-Half Mile. 4-15 All Night... :49 h 4-14 Stimulaw .. :52h 4-14Aidas Pal... :51 b 4-12 The Point... 50h 4-11 Gulfelano . . 50 h 3-21 ThIe Ginny. :51h 4-12 My Ideal. . . . :49b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Burning Feet1:03 h 4-12 Thtle Jock.l.-05h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-15 Acrobatic . .1:20 h 4-14 Moving On. .l:18h 4-15 Finnic ...?ll:lbh 4-14 Marceline B.1:16h One Mile. 4-7 Too Busy...l:44h Vonnie had speed. My Ideal was breezing. Marceline B. worked well in hand. Too Busy went a handy mile. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Broadsword . :39 h One-Half Mile. 2- 12 Flowery :55 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Black Watchl:08 b 3-7 Flaming Lt..l:08 b 1- 8 Eddie C l:02h 3-1 Jadaan 1:07 b 4-16 Epical 1:02 h 1-28Thruster ...1:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-1 Bye Bye My1:17 b 4-5 Grainger ...l:17b 3- 2 Day Signal.. 1:18 h 4-16 Tea Talk. .. .120 b 4- 16 Fleam l:22b One Mile. 2- 26 Dasher l:46b 4-16 Stone Mtin.-.1:43b One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-5 Foxy Agnes.l:56b BELMONT PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2- 12 Chancing ... :38 h 4-13 Polycletus .. :38 h 4-15 Peradventure :38h 3-15 Step Miss... :36h One-Half Mile. 4-15 Astra :47h 4-11 Hoopla :50h 1-28 Cavalcade .. :50h 4-14 Okapi :49 h 4-15 Camden .... :47h 4-15 Rose Cross.. :47 h Flashg Clrs :53 b Royal Pomp. :50 h 4-15 Fortification. :48 h Step Aside... :49 hj 1-30 Golden Lyre. :47h 4-15 Wh a Hae... :47h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Captain Argo1:02 h 3-11 Naughty 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-16Ajaccio l:17h 4-14 Psychic Bid.. 1:14 h 4-15 Black Buddy.l:18 h 4-16 Pundit 1:18H i 4-14 Bonanza ...l:14h 4-16 Pantoufle ...l:15h 4-16 Black Grousel:17h 4-16 Quiet Talk. .l:18h 4-14 Good Goods.l:15h 4-16 Synod l:15h 3- 6 Good Gamblel:13h 4-13 Statesman ..l:17h 4- 14 Gold Buckle. l:14h 4-16 Surveyor ...l:15h 3- 7 Idle Victory.l:24 h 4-15 Sailor Bware1:12?h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4- 16 Blackmail . .1:29 h 4-16 The Darb. . .-.1:29 h One Mile. 3- 22 Diecastcr ...1:52 b 4-14 Vain BachTrl:43 h 4- 14Esposa 1:43 h 4-14 Yng Nativc.l:43 h 4-15 Plat Eye....1:39d JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Fast Chance. :35V5d 3-28 Some Scout. :38 b 4-16 Sophisticated :35 d 4-16 Volomite ... :37h 3-19 So High :33 b One-Half Mile. 3- 24 Broken Up.. :53 b Kathleen F.. :50h 4- 16 Chin Up.... :50 h 4-16 Little Argo.. :54 b 3- 13 Chief A...... :54 b Wee Tune. .. :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 16 Bethhemstarl:05 b -Mathias ....1:04 h 4-16 Baby Chard. 1:03 d 4-16 Mr. Bill l:037sh 4-16 Fred Almy. .1:05 b 4-16 Son o Sting.l:04b 4-17 Hastipast . . .1:03 h 4-16 Sweet Brooml:03 h 4-6 Legionary ..1:06 b 4-16 Yap 1:04 b Migrate ....l:04h 3-31 Zulu Lad...1:02h Thres-Quarters Mile. 4-16 Chance Bellel:19b 4-16 Moralist ....1:19 h 4-15 High Image. 1:17h 4-16 Marcasite ...1:18 b One Mile. 4-16 Mjr Genrl.l:44 h TANFORAN. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 2-1 Black Forest :37 b 3-30 Peso :38b 4-4 Barcarolle .. :37andb 4-10 Risky Miss.. :38 b 4-11 Coldwater . . :39b 4-11 Sir Wag :38b One-Half Mile. 4-13 Crysl Prince :51 b 3-29 Carmanchiti :50b

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