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For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 ! 1 Dont Waif: Until Too Late To Order Your Copy of The iamekH Gracing ..MANUAL.. THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL, the only book of its kind j 1 published in the entire world, is virtually a history of racing ! I in America, containing as it does ALU the statistics of the pre- ! ! vious year, together with tabulations of our great races and I ! everything of importance pertaining to racing and breeding. This I j publication is not only valuable to racing organizations, breeders, j I horsemen and others directly connected with the sport, but to j j the general public as well. The 1936 American Racing .Manual j j has been enlarged in size and, surprising as it may be, improved! ! j We were told that we could not improve a hundred per cent I I perfect book nevertheless, we have done that very thing. We I j leave it to you to judge for yourselves. I The Greatest Lottery of Them All Follow the fortunes of the players in the great Saratoga Lottery, the j August auction of yearling thoroughbreds. The American Kacing Manual will furnish you with the names of the buyers, the prices they paid, and the pedi- ! I grees of the youngsters bought and sold. You can learn the names of the I young horses by scanning the pedigrees of two-year-olds as they make, their j racing debut. Watch the rise and fall of the 0,000 Swans and the 00 Ugly J Ducklings. Horses come In all sizes and shapes, but beautiful shapes or 0,000 j purchase prices do not guarantee stake winners. The unwanted yearling, j ! knocked down for 00, may become the Swan of the race course, while the ! I 0,000 beauty gravitates into the despised plater class. Big prices, royal pedi- I j grees, heart breaks, strokes of fortune, glamour, romance, sorrow, are all In- I j extrlcably mixed together in the great Saratoga Lottery. Its fascinating j j , when you have the details at your finger tips, then follow the story of good or j bad luck that unfolds before you as the year fades Into history, while you j ! read between the lines. j Worlds Greatest Race Horses? America"Jiustralia"Engtand-"France I If you were asked to name ten outstanding thoroughbred race horses in I the world, understand, not on a comparative basis of merit, but simply on their I I reputations in their own countries, would you be able to answer the question I with any degree of accuracy? Few would, unless they used good judgment in referring to The American Racing Manual before attempting to reply. This j is the only turf publication in the world where such Information may be had. j A glance over pages 410 to 423, inclusive, will reveal the names of many of the best horses in America, Australia, England and France. j Remember, this is only one of the many features that make The American I Racing Manual the "Wonder Book of the Turf." It is virtually a mine of j records, a historical document of each years racing in America, with much j of interest concerning the turf In foreign lands. j The great expansion of racing has created a much larger demand for The American Racing Manual, and as the edition for 1936, now on sale, is limited, It behooves all desiring a copy to rush their orders Immediately. J For your convenience in ordering, the following coupon Is here presented: ! j ORDER BLANK j DAILY RACING FORM, 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. Enclosed find $ , for which send me a copy of j THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL for 1936 in ! PAPER, .50 SPECIAL, .00 DE LUXE, .50 - j PLEASE SPECIFY KIND OF BINDING DESIRED NAME V. j STREET AND NO I POST OFFICE AND STATE........ j PLEASE PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY H---.-,,,, .