untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-10-12


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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLII. NUMBER 245 FOUNDED 1U 1S94 Entered ai st-cund class mallet. April 2, IfcOO. at lit post office at CliSeaco. Illinois, cadet Act of Uarcb Z. 1HT9. 1MII.Y UXCErt fcUNDAV A till reflectlun of tlie American turf Ij tciczraph. Published ty REGAL TRESS, INC. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. 1XX. 343 V. S6TH STREET HEW YORK CUT. U. Y. 812 CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON. TEXAS 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST TORONTO; ONT. 2134 MIAMI COURT, N. V. UIAMI, FLA. 11 HARRISON ST. SAN FSANCISCO. CALIF. 2107 THIRD AVE. SEATTLE. WASH. TEI.ErllONK UAllKISON 7:.WI For tiutiuts nud circulation urisi-s cdIj. Tills telephone lias no connertUiu with tl;e news or editorial departments and cannot r used to communicate with them. For Free Ibone ltcsults Call Wabash 7000. SlIliSCItllTION liy KIIIST CLASS MAIL: .50 lEIt JIDNTII. J2M KSTltA FOIt iTECIAL DE-LIVEUY. 5 00 lEIt MONTH 1ST Alii UAIU JI.CO EXTltA FOtt SIECIAI. DEI.IVEIIY. TAYAHIX IN ADVANCE. BACK NUSIIILIIS UY MAIL. 25 CENTS EACH. To be considered and ansuered. all queries to Pally Racing Form runst be sent over the full name and with the address ot writer. Tbe names and addresses are subject to a local and forelsn director test. Address all communications, make all remittances sad send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING F. KM 441 Plymouth Couit Cbicaro, 111. 22060 Is First Index of 1936

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936101201/drf1936101201_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1936101201_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800