untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1937-04-21


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DAILY TELCGHAPH jar- ONLY 10 CENTS P62 0 THE "READING THE STARS" COLUMN HAD:- Stage Beauty, 7.50, Won Lady Thatcher, $ 4.00, Won REGRENS HAVRE DE GRACE PAY-OFF HORSE: LADY MARYLAND, 9.90, WON BASSETTS JAMAICA SPECIAL: MAURITIUS, $ 9.00, WON The Pointed-Out Horses of the "Pink Sheet" are the most logical plays that anyone can make. These releases win consistently. The "Stars" gave out two winners Monday, one being the first-time starter, STAGE BEAUTY, which connected at odds of almost 8 to 1. Yes, sir, our experts pass on any information that they might have to our readers, as is evidenced by the releasing of STAGE BEAUTY, which was also a Bassett selection. AT KEENELAND, McCARTY GAVE OUT: HERMANA, 6.60, WON AT HAVRE DE GRACE, BASSETT RELEASED: STAGE BEAUTY, 7.50, WON BOOTLESS, $ 5.20, WON BRAVING DANGER, $ 4.90, WON. 0 POINTED OUT ON MONDAYS WORKOUT THERMOMETER: LADY SYBIL, 7.60, WON To be kept well informed as to what is going on in the racing world, all players need a copy of the "Pink Sheet" every day. Youll find many ways of obtaining winners in this publication. Everything of interest to the player is presented in a manner easily readable and comprehended. Make it a point to go to your newsstand every day throughout the racing year and purchase a copy of the Chicago Daily Telegraph. WEDNESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: KEENELAND Brick-34-48-37. JAMAICA Walk-38-45-50.. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 41 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mall WEEKLY FOftM BOOK NO. 100 PRICE, 35 CENTS NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE jj THE NEW ISSUE IS OFF THE PRESS GET AN EARLY LINE ON LIVE, SOLID PLAYS i Weekly Form covers every major track throughout the" United States and Canada. Our correspondents and dockers bring you advance information on horses in shape and ready for top performances. Avail yourself of this necessary "info." Make arrangements to have Weekly Form delivered right to your door, hot off the press, by first class mail. SUBSCRIBE NOW Ten Issues Two Months .00 0 ANOTHER FREE CODE SCORES: MAURITIUS, .00, Won TRACKMANS BEST BET: VICTORY MISS, 4.40, Won This nice-priced -winner was pointed out in a recent issue and was making her second start since that time. A Q-T PLAY: LITTLE MIRACLE, .00, WON RED STREAK. SPECIAL: GILBERT ELSTON, .70, WON A TIMERS TIP: BOOTLESS, .20, WON 0 Morning Workouts Selected Speed Trials o Two Free Codes Daily "Spot" Horses TODAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: SEE BOOK NO. 99 HAVRE DE GRACE Brush-5-and4. KEENELAND Sweep-5-6-13. 0 WEEKLY FORM PUB. CO, 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. I WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the races we can put you next to a little inside secret that should place you above want as lone as you I ; ve. SURE AS DEATH 3 to 5 winner, out of 8 day after day at all tracks yearinand year out many Longthotil A simple little method that really beat! the races. Details FREE. No obligations. Just drop a postcard to SECOR PUBLISHING CO. Ill FOX ST. AURORA. ILLINOIS WWfnr ill WTWrTj"? JAMAICA FREE CODE: Top-Lap-Hod-Ice-Hat. KEENELAND FREE CODE: Top-Sky-Red-Ice-Gag. OCCASIONAL CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE: The-Shy-Pin-Hit-Bug. A WORD TO THE WISE MY ENLIGHTENING METHOD should assist you in making discerning selections for Daily Doubles, Parlays and Single Races. Return stamped envelope will hasten details. C. It. GRAHAM Room 51456 West Washington St. Chicago, III. TURF LIGHT RATINGS 15 cents at all newsstands. These ratings are selecting many winners. Ask your dealer for TURF LIGHT. We send you the ratings all figured out ready to use by air mail daily for .50 weekly. Send to TURF LIGHT, 140 West 42nd St., New York City, New York. Todays Free Code use April 24 issue: February-Maryland: Aspire-Adieu-Adieu-Amber. Bi-Monthly Card Code: Third Maryland: 19-10-21-22. DheW AMERICAS AUTHORITY QSt Sftf ON RACING SaUf The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Maguini AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: ONE WINNER THE MAY NUMBER IS NOW ON SALE! THIS IS THE KENTUCKY DERBY NUMBER, AND CONTAINS A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE TURF CLASSIC PRESENTED IN CONCISE FORM Neil Newman contributes an interesting article on training of distance, runners. Salvator writes of horses bred for speed and those bred to go a distance. Kay Palmer tells more of the troubles of a mutuel clerks wife. Another installment of the glossary or "Race Track Dictionary" is presented by Mark Mellen. Carmae Ratings, revised and up-to-date, gives the ratings on more horses than ever before. Clockeri Choices comprises a list of horses ready to pop down on top at good odds. Split-Second Specials afford a good line on what the runners have been doing during the morning workout periods. Fodder for Fans, Paddock Patter and other features combine to make the May number of POST TIME a most valuable and interesting magazine. Stop at your favorite newsstand and get your copy today. If your dealer is sold out, send us 25 cents and we will mail you a copy direct. The subscription price is .00 per year. POST TIME 542 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL- POST TIME, 542 S. Dearborn St. Room 1403, Chicago. III.: Herewith enclosed find .00, for which send mi copy of THE GREEN BOOK OF SYSTEMS by return mail and place my name on your subscription list for one year. Yours truly, NAME STREET AND NUMBER . CITY . STATE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1937042101/drf1937042101_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1937042101_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800