Official Racing Charts: Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1943-06-21


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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1943, by Trianglt Publications, Inc. Aqueduct AQUEDUCT, L. I., N. Y.. SATURDAY. JUNE 19, 1943— AQUEDUCT 1 MILE. Twelfth day of eighteen-day meeting June 7 to June 26. Queens County Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Steward representing The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy. Steward representing New York State Racing Commission, Francis P. Dunne. Steward representing Queens County Jockey Club, Harold Vosburgh. Visiting member of The Jockey Club and National Steeplechase and Hunts Association, Howard W. Maxwell. Placing Judges, C. H. Cornehlsen, Fred H. Parks and Joseph E. Kyle. Patrol and Paddock Judge, Frank Keogh. Clerk of Scales, George Hyland. Assistant Clerk of Scales. Nelson Strang. Patrol Judges, W. W. Long, Frank Keogh, Myron Davis and L. Dupps. Timer, John Miller. Starter, George Cassidy. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, John B. Campbell. Assistant to the Racing Secretary, Julius G. Reeder. Racing Secretary and Handicapper for Steeplechase, Fred H. Parks. Track Veterinarian, Dr. M. J. Dair. Racing starts at 1:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Indicates three pounds apprentice allowance; "five pounds; "seven pounds in steeplechase races indicates five pounds apprentice allowance; "seven pounds: ***ten pounds. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting, 1942, .40; current meeting, .34. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. FIRST RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Parasangr, June 14. 1941—1:23—4— A O 7 A /L 114. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special * * * ° weights. June 19-43— Aqu Net VJuU€ to winner j975; wonit 00; third, 50; fourth, 5; breeder of winner, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42070*MIMJOE wb3109 3 2 V 2 P 3* V GivensC Hugh Duffer. I 150 36466 t***GLDN THORNwb3107 4 5 2i 1J 1 1 2J HannaC Foxcatcher Farms " 14 45 420702ANIBRAS wb 4 124 12 1 3£ 4 2 J 2J 3* ThompsonB Paragon Stable 1.35 418462**MARMEDIKE w 4 119 10 8 91 9l 7£ 5 i 4« RienziJ I B Partridge 15.10 40791 MINEFINDER b3114 8 4 5" 62 4J 4i 5i StoutJ E D Levinson 40.50 42070" TRACELETTE wb3114 9 10 8h 7* 6£ 6 J 6"k DeeringJ Mrs J A Hale t20.3O 41179***MISTRELI.A wb3102 5 11 102 102 9h 7£ 72 Goge.C R J Randolph :20.30 41328 RIVER WOl.F wb3114 6 9 lll ll2 10s 9« 8* DurandoC Mrs A lice F Sherman 11.90 42430 DEAD AIM w 3 114 112 7£ 8J 8" J 82 9« BrooksS W H Beni 68.70 WAR PRIDE M 3 114 11 6 12 12 11 10 10 GrecoA Harry Brown 141.70 42380 PAPAMOO wb3114 2 7 6* 5J 5 Pull. up.WestropeJ Mrs J A Coburn 13 90 41180 ROMAN GLORY wb3114 7 3 I* PJ Lost rider. RobertsonA W M Jeffords 2.70 fDisqualified. Coupled as Mrs. I. A. Half and R. .1. Randolph entrv. Time, :23". :463£, 1:12, 1:25-»5. Track fast. ,-- Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to - ki in- JIMJOE 33.00 9.20 5.40 15.50 3.60 1.70 Mutuel Prices? anibras 3.40 2.80 .70 .40 l MARMEDUKE 4.10 1.40 Winner — Ch. g. by Silverdale — Bonni View, by Boniface, trained by H. Dutfvid , bie l by by Mr. D. B. Knox. WENT TO POST— 1:35. OFF AT 1:37 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving-, second and third the same. JIMJOE stumbled at the start, but recovered quickly and was a forward factor, saved ground entering the stretch and, under uigine, finished with .good coinage. £OLDEN THORN was a prominent factor, but, rounding the far turn, began to drift oat and continued to drift out through the stretch run. He was disqualified for causing interference rounding to the stretch turn. ANIBRAS raced prominently from the start and tired at the end. MARMEDUKE made up ground in the stretch run. MINEFINDER faltered at the end. FAPAMOO went lame in the stretch and was pulled up, but walked off apparently sound. ROMAN GLORY was caught in close quarters rounding the stretch turn, stumbled and unseated rider. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Devil Diver, Sept. 7, 1942—1:05—3—140. A * ~J A 1 Asterita Purse. Purse ,700. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners other than a maiden race. Weight, 115 lbs. Maidens June 19-43— Aqu allowed 5 lbs. Net value to winner ,105; second, 40: third, 70; fourth, 5; breeder of winner. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V*. V% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 41326 SWEETEST GIRL wtllS 3 1 2* t* *» V Thomp =onB S~H Stone 19.05 40754 STEPWISELY w 115 1 2 l2 l£ lJ 2£ YoungS J E Widener 1.50 40423-TH READ O GOLD w 115 5 5 31 3 4J 3* Stoutl Belair Stud fl.25 419M*BLUE SASH wb115 2 3 b- 62 3J 4»k AtkinsonT Greentree Stable 6.95 39816 TIT FOR TAT w 115 4 4 4 5 6h 57 DurandoC Belair Stud fl.25 42496 PARASIN wb115 7 6 5:! 4* 54 62 McCrearyC G D Widener 10.70 41985 MAGIC HEELS w 115 6 7 7 7 7 7 BrooksS Mimosa Stock Farm 44.90 "[Coupled as Belair Stud entrv. Time. :23 5, :47%, 1:07 %. Track fast. t- Mutuels Paid , Odds to j n • l SWEETEST GIRL 40.10 12.20 4 00 19.05 5.10 1.00 Mi uruel rricesj stepwisely 4.20 2.70 1.10 .35 I THREAD 0 GOLD Entry .... 2.30 .15 Winner- B. f, by Jamestown — Carnelian, by In Memoriam, trained bv A. Dunne; bred bv Messrs. J. C. and S. H. Stone. WENT TO POST— 2:10. OFF AT 2:12 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ririvine; second and third the same. SWEETEST GIRL was in nearest pursuit of the pace and, responding to urging to the stretch run, deposed of STEPWISELY at the end. I he latter was taken under restraint after the stait when in command and then faltered at the end. THREAD O GOLD finished well through the late stage*. BLUE SASH finished well. PARASCN had no mishaps. TIT FOR TAT was never a factor. Scratched — 41985 Photogenic. 115. . Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 65.50 THIRD RACE ABOUT 2 1-2 MILES. Bay Dean, Sept. 11, 1941—5:53—8—139. 4 2 7 4 8 United Hunts Steeplechase Handicap Series II. Purse ,000. *t L. I *f O 4-year-olds and upward. Non-winners of ,500 since April 15, June 19-43 — Aqu 1942. Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 00; breeder of winner, 5. Index Hordes Eqt A Wt PP St 4 3 12 17 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42429JBAVARIAN w 5 134 3 2 2l 2"k 3i 1! 1* OwenW Montpelier 6T5 42275 OSSABAW w 9 144 4 4 l2 l2 F 22 22 LeonardW Mrs H S Horkhei.ncr 5.60 42275AD LIB w 9 146 5 5 5J 5* 42 4« 3»k HarrisonJS Mrs F A Clark 1.40 42493 FREE STATE II. wb7141 1 1 3 3» 2£ 3J 412 RilesS Mrs Esther duPont Weir 5.55 42275 CUPID ws„7137 8 7 6" J 6* 610 5i 5 | WalkerG Mrs J B Balding 10.00 42211 PHARABANG w 6 130 7 8 P 1* 72 6° 610 MarzaniD Mrs R G Woolfe fl4.30 41844 PARMA m 8 136 2 3 8 8 8 7 7 MillerP R V N Gan.b.ill +14.30 41920 SIR BLIESTEEL w 7 135 6 6 4 42 5"k Fell. BellhouseF FACla.k 8.65 Coupled as Mrs. R. G. Woolfe and R. V. N. Gambr,11 entry. , . • Time, 4:54/5 new track record. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to — -» in- BAVARIAN 14.30 7.40 3.70 6.15 2.70 .85 M. uruel rricesj ossabaw s.eo 3.30 .65 I AD LIB 2.90 .45 Winner— Ch. g, by Blenheim II. — Chatter Anne, by Chatterton, tiained by W. G. Jones; bred by Mrs. Ifariaa duPont Scott. WENT TO POST— 2:39. OFF AT 2:40* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from flat. Won easily; second and third driving. BAVARIAN jumped well and was tinder steady restiaint all the way, moved up on the inside in the final quarter, assumed command and drew awav. OSSABAW, a prominent factor, showed speed and had no mishaps. AD LIB was under steady restraint in the early running, moved up when roused and then tired. FREE STATE II. was under NMf restraint the First part, moved up when called upon and then tired. CUPID was bothered when SIR BLIESTEEL fell at the sixteenth fence. The others were outrun. Scratched— 42147 Mercator, 130; 42275Corrigan, 151. Overweight — Sir Bluesteel, 3 pound*. FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Devil Diver, Sept. 7, 1942—1:05—3—140. 4 2 7 4 9 Fifty-Firs* Running TREMONT STAKES. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. Colts and geldings. Allowances. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-June 19-43 — Aqu winners since April 7 of two races of ,000 each or one race of 2,000 allowed 3 lbs.; two races of ,000 each or one race of ,000, 5 lbs.: non-winners of ,000 or three races, 7 lbs.; of ,400 or two races, 10 lbs.; maidens, 14 lbs. Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race, at the usual time of closing. Met value to winner ,150; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50; breeder of winner. 50. Index Horses Flqt A Wt PP St % 2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 40969 LUCKY DRAW wnl22 3 3 S 14 l»j 1* McCraaryC G D Widener 65 42276RAVENALA mill 2 2 3« 2 22 22£ GuerinE Joe W Brown 3 30 42492GRANT RICE wb112 1 1 2»k 3* 312 320 AtkinsonT I.ongchamps Farm 3.20 CAPTAINS AIDE w 108 4 4 4 4 4 4 RenickJ Mill Rixer Stable 20 20 Time, :22*5, A6%, M%. Track fast. r— S2 Mutuels Paid--* r Odds to n • LUCKY DRAW 3.30 2.40 65 .20 Mi utuel Prices? ravenala 2.80 .... .40 .... 1 NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD. Winner— B. «, by Jack high— Tatanne, by St. James, tiained by W. ¥. , bied by Mr. G. D. Widener. WENT TO POST— 3:13. OFF AT 3:144 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. I.UCKY DRAW was sent into command after the start and drew away rounding the stretch turn, was roused sharply entering the stretch and placed under pressure in the tinal sixteenth. RAVFNALA was under restraint to the stretch turn, moved up on the outside and was doing his best at the end. GRANT RICE was quit k to begin and bad no inihqis. CAPTAINS AIDE was outrun. Scratched— 409692Surrogate. 115. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Parasang, June 14, 1941— 1:23— 4— , 4 2 7 5 0 114- F*yette Handicap. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. _ ,_ .„ . Net value to winner ,285; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50; breeder of June 19-43— Aqu winner 250 Index Horses Flqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 40425 APACHE w« 4 122 4 1 8* 3* 2* It 1£ StaaU Belair Stud T55 42431ARIEL LAD w.4110 3 4 4J 42 4 J 5 2i McCrearyC hron Selznick 3.25 41848 BRIGHT WILLIE we. 4 110 5 3 H l2 in 2i 3 I.oi.gdenJ Mrs R Mcllvain 11.05 42278 PICTOR w 6115 1 5 5 5 5 4h 4s WoolfG W L Brann 4.05 42278"DOCBLRAB wn5 123 2 2 2± 2i 35 3i 5 Gilbert.l Mrs T Christopher 3.70 Time, :22 , :46, 1:11, 1:23%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — s f Odds to ;i ID* /"APACHE 5.10 3.20 2.40 1.55 .60 .20 Mi UtUe! rriCeSi ARIEL LAD 3.50 2.50 .75 .25 I BRIGHT WILLIE 3.00 .50 Winner — Br. c, by Alcazar— Flying Song, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by James Fitzsimmons; bred by Belair Stud. * WENT TO P0ST-3:46. OFF AT 3:47 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. APACHE forced the pace from the start, responded when roused in the stretch run and held his opposition safe at the end. ARIEL LAD was under restraint the first part, came to the outside entering the stretch and finished with a ru«h. BRIGHT WILLIE had early speed and no mishaps. PICTOR dropped back alter the start and inched with a belated rush. DOCBI.RAB was not pei*eercd with when beaten. Scratched— 419233Boysy, 112. Overweight — Pictor, 3 pounds. SIXTH RACE 1 1-4 MILES. Valdina Orphan, June 20, 1942— 2:0125— 3— 116. 4 2 7 5 1 Fifty-Fjfth Running DWYER STAKES. 5,000 Added. 3-year-2 olds Allowances. Weight, 126 lbs. Non-winners of a three-year- June 19-43— Aqu old race of 0,000 allowed 5 lbs.; of such a race of 5,000, if non-winners of any race of 5,000 in 1943, 10 Ihs.; non-winners of ,000, 16 lbs. Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race, at the usual time of closing. Net value to winner 9,600; second, ,000; third, ,500; fourth. ,000. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St k % _ 1 Str Fin Jockey? Owners Odds Strt 413922VINCENTIVE welll 8 4 1 XI * 1* P 1J GilblrtJ W L Brann 4T5 420722FAMOUS VICTORY wrUO 7 8 8 8 7* 6« 2 McCrearvC Greentree Stable 3 25 42279PRINCEQLTLLO wbIIO 5 7 4 5" 3 22 33 Brooke Boone Hall Stable 6 50 422772POPS PICK wbIIO 1 2 7« 62 4h 52 4s Longden.I B F Whitaker 6.40 418472FA1RY MANHURST w 110 2 1 6"k 3*« 5* 4» 5* ThompsonB Foxcatcher Farm 20.45 418492EYE FOR EVE wb 110 6 6 2s 2- 2i 3 6° MehrtensW King Ranch 25.60 409713TIP-TOE wb 110 4 5 V 4"k f 7« 7-« Stout.I Belair Stud 2.40 42072 BILL SICKLE wb 110 3 3 5i 7s 8 8 8 AuubmwT W-L Ranch 22.40 Time, :23*£, :48, 1:13, 1:39. 2:05. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — , /-— Odds to . n • VINCENTIVE 10.30 5.10 3.80 4.15 1.55 .90 Ml uruel rncesj famous victory 4.40 3.30 1.20 .65 V PRINCEQUILLO 4.40 120 Winner — B. c, by Challenger II.— Phenomenon, by Scotch Bioom, trained by E. A. Christmas; bred bv Mr. W. L. Brann. WENT TO POST— 4:20. OFF AT 4:22J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gale. Won driving; second and third the same. VINCENTIVE was «ent into command at the start, was rated along under steady restraint, responded with good courage and outfinished FAMOUS VICTORY. The latter was steered wide all the way and ran a winning race on his own courage. PRINCEQUILLO was sent up after entering the stretch, then hung at the end. POPS PICK was placed under urging in the stretch run and then faltered. FAIRY MANHURST was roused rounding the far turn, then quit. EYE FOR EYE had no mishaps. TIP TOE vent lame in t1.- runnine. BILL SICKLE had no mishap. Scratched— 42646Modest Lad, 110; 42646 Deseronto, 110; 42072 Strategic, 110. Overweight — Vinrentive, 1 pound. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. tVVhirlaway, June 22, 1942— 1:492.-,— 4— 122. 4 9 79 Genie Graded Handicap Class B. ,500 Added. 4-year-olds June 19-43 — Aqu Net VJ|ue t0 wjnner ,310; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 75; breeder »f winner, 5. Index Horses Ejt A Wt PP St V V% -% _ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 423842LOCHINVAR wb4115 5~2~~ 2l 2"k 2l 2£ 1» AtkinsonT J M Roeblmg 4.45 41476DON BINGO w 4 122 3 4 1"* lh 1" 1 2£ Gilbert.l Binglin Stock Farm .85 41476 VAGRANCY wb4117 1 3 4»2 412 P* 3i 37 Stoutl Belair Stud f4 30 422792BOLlNGBROKE w 6 118 2 1 5 5 5 5 42 McCrearyC T B Martin 3.75 424322TRIERARCH wb 4 110 4 5 V2 32 32 410 5 UngdenJ Belair Stud M .30 tCouple l as Belair Stud entrv. Time, :24*, :49l5, 1:13%, IJ. 1:52. Track fast. bj Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , LOCHINVAR 10.90 3.30 .... 4.45 .65 I • ki i n Mutuel Pncesi don bingo 2«o .... .40 I NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD. Winner— B. c, by Case Ace — Quivira, by Display, trained by Andrew Schuttinger; bred bjj Mr. Joseph M. Roebling. WENT TO POST— 4:56. OFF AT 4:57 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won dnving; second and third the same. LOCHINVAR, on the outside and a prominent factor all the way, responded when urged in the stretch run and outtinished DON BINGO at the end. The latter taken up at the start and, under stout restraint in the running while saving groujid, assumed command inside the final sixteenth, then faltered at the end. VAGRANCY was under steady restraint, bu4. dose to the pace, was sent to the outside for the stretch run and finished with good coinauc. BOLINGBROKE was permitted to run out of contention to the stretch turn, then came with a belated ntsh, TRDZRARCH had no mishaps. Overweight — Trierarch, 2 pounds. EIGHTH RACE 1 5-8 MILES. Bright Gallant. Sept. 7, 1942— 2:44-; 4 116. A 9 7 1 "5 Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 4 lbs. ■» 4 "*/ J J below scale. Non-winners of two races at one and one-half miles June 19-43 — Aqu or over since May 8 allowed 2 lbs.: of such a race in 1943, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Net value to winner ,650; second, 00; third. 50; fourth, 00; breeder of winner, 5. Index Horses EqfX Wt PP St~» 1 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42386 UCMIMSKTT wb4116 1 1 2i 2 2* 2i l* AtkinsonT Marshall Field Jr 14.40 42386SRESI.UTE II. wb5117 3 3 li l2 li li 2« ThompsonB Mrs E J Maloney 3.85 419892SPOON BREAD wb4120 5 4 42 42 4 3"1* 3* KnappL J H Static* 180 42386 ; BYGONE STAR wb 5 114 2 2 3* 5 5 5 4i GivensC T H Heard Jr 2.60 41989***FIVE-0 EIGHT wb4111 4 5 5 3lk 3* 42 5 HannaC Harry T Johnson 3.65 fDisqualitied. *Appi entire allowance waived. Time, :25%, :52%, 1:18%, 1:45. 2:48"=. Track fast. r- S2 Mutuels Paid — , f Odds to « n . / RESOLUTE II 9.70 4.80 2.80 3.85 1.40 .40 M. utuel Prices] spoon bread 3.50 2.40 .75 .20 l BYGONE STAR 2.30 .15 Winner— Dk. h. g, by Rustom Pasha— Biddy Gal, by Sir Gallahad HI .. tiained by J. T. Malone ; bred by Mr. R. B. Stiassburger France. Winner entered to be claimed tor ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:30. OFF AT 5:31 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won dnving; second and third the same. CAUMSETT, in near pui-uit of the early pace, was sent up on the outside for the stretch run and wore down RESOLUTE H. in the final drive. The latter set the pace under sufferances, responded when urged and was in close quarters when th*. winner bore over at the end, for which he was disqualified. SPOON BREAD, on the outside and under snue; restraint, was under pressure in the late stages, but failed to make up around. BYGONE STAR dropr««l back after the first mile and then came attain. FIEO EIGHT was sent up on the iiide after se .n-eighths and then quit. Scratched— 41989 Transformer. 120.

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