UP News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1951-05-14


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of f , _ ,_ g up *j! ai [y on m on m id up ip s *: y r jj y - s e e - * s at e I s, ;, e 0 ;t y e J . of he 1 j it . . l - by _ | UP News Briefs Reds Cross Parallel TOKYO, Japan, Sunday, May 13.— Chi-~ . nese Communists streamed by the thousands . . across Koreas 38th Parallel, under a dense smoke screen Saturday. United Nations troops were alerted for another enemy asault "at any moment," possibly r within 72 hours. The allies were outnumbered . two to one, but they were confident . they would beat off round two of the Reds costly spring offensive, as they had beaten , off the first, i .. Sanction Support Seen LONDON, England, May 12. — Other ■ British Commonwealth nations are ex-e • pected to join Britian soon in backing : American proposals in the United Nations j for economic sanctions against Communist -j China, diplomatic quarters said today. . These sources said India is the only Com-e • monwealth nation which is likely to put off I such action. This would be in line with i her policy of steering a middle course in l the far Eastern crisis. Nehru Calls for Changes NEW DELHI, India, May 12.— Prime 1 Minister Jawaharlal Nehru called today for : sweeping changes in the nations 15-month-* ■ old constitution to prevent abuses of free-it • dom of speech and the press, , May Try Arias for Murder PANAMA CITY, Panama, May 12.— For- . mer president Arnulfo Arias may be tried t for murder and gross abuse of power, in- , formed sources said today. He is being f held in a police cell on orders of the na-t tional assembly, pending an investigation l into his attempt to set up a dictatorship. Seek No. 1 Japanese Red TOKYO, Japan, Saturday, May 12.— Four r hundred Japanese policemen raided a Com- - munist-operated theatrical school in suburban Tokyo early this morning in a futile at- tempt to apprehend Kyuichi Tokuda, No. 1 i Japanese Communist who went under-■ ground, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur purged members of the partys central executive committee last June. French Elections June 17 PARIS, France, May 12. — The French i National Assembly today approved June 17 1 as the date for holding of nationwide gen- - eral elections, in an overwhelming vote of 1 confidence for the government of Premier Henri Queuille. For the first time in French j history, the deputies voted to end their r mandate four months earlier than the constitution - requires. Agree on RFC Influence WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12.— Senate B RFC investigators agreed today that hear- - ings have supported their charges of "im- - proper influence" on directors of the huge 2 government lending agency. The hearings s ended with Donald S. Dawson, president t Trumans patronage adviser, disagreeing ■ with members of the Senate RFC subcom- - mittee over what is "improper." Chicago Milk Strike The AFL Chicago milk wagon unit went t on strike Saturday and the citys dairies s annouunced that there would be "no milk c delivered in Chicago Saturday," a spokes- - man for the Chicago Associated Milk I Dealers said the walkout involved both the e i 1 - 1 j r - B - - 2 s t ■ - t s c - e drivers and the "inside workers," the bot- tiers and loaders. Flood Waters Subside MUSCATINE, Iowa, May 12.— The Mis- sissippi slowly eased away from Muscatines front door today, and the mayor ended the state of emergency, in effect since April 20. Identify Eleven Casualties WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12. — The Defense Department today identified 11 more casualties in the Korean War. The 300th casualty list included four dead, six wounded and one missing. m Ask Tighter Controls WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12.— President Phillip Murray asked all CIO affiliates today to put pressure on Congress for tighter inflation controls in the new de- fense production act. He urged "renewed vigor and activity" on the part of the CIOs national unions and state and local unit cils to win "effective amendment" of the act, which expires June 30.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951051401/drf1951051401_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1951051401_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800