United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-01


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j | I , UNITED PRESS NEWS I — -BRIEFS NATIONAL: April Unemployment Drop Good Sign WASHINGTON. April 30. — President Elsenhower said today that the April drop in unemployment is an example of the continued and emphatic evidence that the recession is flattening out. But the Presi-Jdent told his weekly news conference he j does not believe that the 78,000 decline in I unemployment reported yesterday warrants a conclusion that an economic upturn has I started. . Paratroopers Jump Goes Off Perfectly j FT. CAMPBELL, Ky., April 30.— A practice jump of 771 paratroopers went off "perfectly" today in the same terrain where five men were killed and 150 injured a week ago during a mass drop. "It was a beautiful drop," officers said of the practice jump. The troopers tumbled out of 27 planes. The men were from the 501st Air- borne battle group and were led by Col. Douglass P. Quandt, their commanding officer. Eisenhower Again Appeals to Russia WASHINGTON, April 30. — President Elsenhower today called Russias denuncia-| tion of the U. S. Arctic war-prevention plan almost silly. He appealed again to. Russia to accept it. The President said the plan was put forward seriously and hon-I esUy in the U. N. Security Council to allay Russian fears about U. S. H-bomber alert flights over the Arctic. Approve Override on Security Risks WASHINGTON, April 30.— Jhe Senate Judiciary Committee approved. 10 to 5, today a controversial bill to restrict or override supreme court decisions on secur- ity risks cases. Release of Egyptian funds Imminent WASHINGTON, April 30.— Some 30 million dollars in Egyptian funds, frozen in the United States when Egypt seized the Suez Canal in July 1956. will be ordered released within a few days. The V. S. action automatically would follow signing of an agreement to compensate the stockholders of the old Suez Canal Company. Were Not Going to Strike— Reuther [ WASHINGTON, April 30. — President Walter Reuther of the United Auto Workers said today. "Were not going to strike." Reuther made, the statement in assailing ! General Motors Corp., for moving to "termi- • nate its contract with the UAW. Reuther; ! predicted that the UAW will succeed in winning a "wage boost" for its members in current contract negotiations with General Motors. FOREIGN: Labor, Economic Problems Harass France PARIS, April 30.— Labor and economic troubles compounded .the political troubles of leaderless France today at the start of the nations third week without a government. Strike threats, rising prices, falling dollar reserves and the Algerian war piled up in the absence of a national administration to deal with them. Charge U. S. Pilots Flying Bombers SINGAPORE, April 30.— Loyalist Premier Djuanda charged today that Americans and Chinese Nationalists are not only supplying arms and bases to the Indonesian rebels, but flying their bombers for them. Djuanda handed out a printed statement — his bitterest attack so far on the United States and China— saying his government has "suffiicent evidence" ... to indicate that the pilots are Americans and from Taiwan China." Austrian Doctors Join Strike VIENNA, April 30. — Doctors in the Austrian Tyrol joined their 1,200 colleagues in Vienna today in a strike demanding higher pay from hospitals. The doctors now earn about 2 per month. They are demanding a raise of per month. Nasser Confers With Khrushchev MOSCOW, April 30.— United Rrab Republic President Gamal Abdel Nasser opened the second day of his state visit to _ Moscow by conferring with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and other Russian leaders in the Kremlin today. To Turn Down Nehrus Resignation Request NEW DELHI, April 30.— Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehrus ruling Congress Party will turn down his latest request to resign. Congress Party members said Nehru announced his desire to resign yesterday only because he felt he should give up the government leadership in order to deal with internal party problems. The party is| plagued with a growing lack of discipline] caused by regional, factional and caste rivalries. • I ,1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958050101/drf1958050101_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1958050101_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800