Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-01

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Alphabetical Index to Entries — = I ■ ■ A Adams Boy— 4th CD Admiral Dor— 2d C.D Agamemnon — 8th Jam Agathea — th Jam Agreed— 5th C.D Al Mowlee— 3d Lrl Alibu— 8th Lrl Als Event— 8th LD Andrada— 4th CD Andy Jack-6th Lrl Andys Beacon— 2d C.D Andys Dusk— 1st Spt Angels Delight— 1st Spt Antietam Battle— 9th Lrl Apple Spy— 3d Jam B Bail Out— 1st Lrl Battle Flag— 1st Lrl Battle Talk— 9th C.D Bdellium— 1st Spt Be Lost— 2d Jam Be Man— 9th Spt Be Swayed— 9th Spt Beam Rider— 7th Jam Beau Clerc— 6th Spt Beau Diable— 7th Jam Beau George— 8th Spt Beau Jer— 5th CD Bebbys Belle— 3d Jam " Bel Bound— 1st Spt Belham— 1stL.D Betora— 2d Spt Better Begum— 2d Spt Big as Agoura— 9th Lrl Big Blade— 2d Lrl Big Crash— 8th Lrl Big Patricia— 8th L.D I Big Pond— 5th Lrl Big Woods— 9th LD Bimmie B.— 3d Spt Bingie— 9th C.D Blame Mame— 8th C.D Blossom Maid— 9th Lrl Blue Boy B. — 4th Lrl Blue Glade— 4th L.D Blue Licks— 8th Spt Blue Pilot— 1st Lrl BlueTalk-2dLD Bobtag— 9th C.D Bold Count— 2d Lrl Bombadare— 2d L.D Bonnie Gail— 4th Spt Bonnie Heaton— 7th Lrl Bonnie Style— 5ttvLD Bon-Ru-Mar— 2d Jam Boomer Sooner— 8th CD Boul Mich— 6th Spt Brass Tacks— 6th LD Breathonette— 3d Spt Bremerton— 2d C.D Brill Lon— 3d Spt Briny Deep— 6th Lrl Bristling— 2d CD Broadway Lou — 3d Lrl Bubble Fame— 7th Lrl Buddy Poppers— 7th Spt Bunnys Babe— 6th Jam Bureaucracy— 7th Jam Buster Byrd— 6th Spt Byvote— 1st Jam y c Calm and Cool— 2d Spt Catoosa— 8th L.D Canceled Date— 5th Jam Capelet— 5th Jain CardTrick-5thC.D Cardinal Sin— 7th C.D Carmon-H.— 2d Lrl Carol T.-9th Lrl Carrara Sue — 4th CD Cash Mary— 2d LD Cassia— 9th L.D Castolon— 7th LD Ceylon Pearl— 3d Jam Challenir— 8th L.D Chantrose— 1st C.D Charoplay— 1st C.D Chesnut King— 8th Lrl Ching Chow— 2d LD Church Man— 3d CD Ctassrate— 4th LD Clay Mouse— 1st Lrl Ctermont— 7th C.D Cleverlass— 5th Jam Cling to Me— 4th CD Cols Chile— 2d C.D Commo-Lady— 5th C.D Conga Way— 8th Lrl Conspirator— 5th"Spt Cool Customer— 5th C.D Cordette— 1st Spt Cornelia— 4th Lrl Cosmic Force— 7th C.D Cosmic Hero— 5th Spt Count Kirel— 3d Lrl Counts Bouquet— 1st L.D Ccurtim— 3d Spt Cousin Les— 2d C.D Crimson King-r3d L.D Crown Derby— 5th Lrl Curam— 6th LD Cute Reward— 5tfi Spt Cuvier Boy— 2d C.D D Daddys Dove— 1st C.D Dambala— 4th C.D Danseur Noble— 2d C.D Dark Etching— 2d LD Dave Johnston— 7th Spt David S. R.— 7th L.D De Jon— 9th Spt Dear John— 5th CD Dee Vee — 4th Jam Deep Blue Sea— 4th Jam Destined Hour— 1st L.D Devils Image— 8th Jam Dinner Music— 1st L.D Dispend— 4th L.D Ditty Girl— 9th Lrl Dixie Doge— 5th C.D Dixie Heart— 1st C.D Doctor Hi— 5th C.D Dogoon— 7th C.D Donnys Task— 5th CD Dr. Joe Kay— 7th Spt Dr. Josh— 7th Spt Drakes Drum — 1st Jam Du-Ni-3dC.D E Eager Bim— 4th C.D Eaglette— 2d CD Early Warning— 6th C.D Easy Juan— 2d CD Efliotts Dream8th Jam Entropy— 2d LD Equal Strife-8th Lrl Espino Gold Jr.— 8th Spt Essayist— 3d LD Eternal Path— 7ffi Lrl Etheridge— 9tbSpt Eton Blue— 1st Jam Ever So Humble— 3d Jam Every Hour— 1st LD Evil Iver— 2d CD Extension Please— 2d Lrl Ezgo— 7th CD F Fabricator-6th Lrl Fairfield-6th LD Falcula— 2d Jam Far D rait— 2d CD Fat Jack— 2d Spt Feudal Dream-5th Spt FieWof Honor— 7th Jam Finn McCool— 3d Lrl Fire King— 3d LD Fleet Chief-3d LD Fleet Gayle— 2d CD Flopnicht Mere— 3d C.D Flying Chief— 6th Lrl " Hying Dixie— 2d Lrl Foilsman— 2d Lrl Fort Mitchell— 2d Spt Forward Look— 5th Jam Frank K.— 9th Spt French Bleu— 8th Jam French Fry— 3d CD Frolicsome— 9th LD Frontier Saga— 5th LD Frustrater— 4th Spt Fun Lover— 6th Lrl Fustus— 4th CD G Gallant Junior— 1st Lrl Gator Star— 1st Spt Gay Vista— 7th CD Gelio— 6th Jam Gerry Grayson— 1st Lrl Gibs Request— 4th Lrl Glenkirk— 2d CD Going Easy— 3d LD Gold Bound— 3u Spt Golden Hind-8th Spt Golden Mood— 1st Lrl Great Grant— 8th Jam Greek Songstress— 1st Spl Guadalupe— 1st LD " GunV/ild-thLH Gwenys Kin— 5th C.D H « Halcolette— 9th CD Half Rate— 7th LD Ham and Eggs— 3d Spt Hansum— 3d Spt Happy Age— 8th Spt Happy John — 3d Spt Harmonize — 4th Spt Hay Roger— 4th Lrl Head Dancer— 9th Lrl HeartsandfloweS— 1st C.I Heir of Pines— 9th CD Hellan Maria— 1st C.D Hello Junedear— 8th Jam Heres a Miss— 4th LD HertsJake— 2d Spt Hi Starmcnd— 4th Spt Hidi-Ann— 2d Jam High Order— 2d CD Hot Coffee— 9th Lrl Hot Pursuit— 2d Spt . Hy Domingo— 1st Spt Hy Humphrey— 8th Lrl I I Dont Care— 7th Lrl Iceman— 3d Lrl llliana— 9th LD Inahmoud— 7th Spt Indiana— 8th Lrl Infantry— 7th Jam Informant— 6th Jam Ingress— 4th CD Inquest— 9th Lrl . Interrogation — 4th Lrl Invalidate— 7th CD Isabel M.-4th LD Its an Impulse — 4th L.D J J. R. Jones— 8th Spt Jackies First— 8th CD Jacksorbetter— 1st L.D Java Time— 4th CD Jax Sir— 4th Spt Jestinphun— 2d Lrl Jibberty Belle-9th Lrl -Jimmy Doyle — 4th CD JcekosWalk— 7th Jam Joe Jr.— 5th Spt Joes Mecca— 4th Lrl Jolis Choice— 8th Spt Jujitsu— 6th Jam Just a Truckin— 3d Spt K Kantellc— 7th Lrl Kid Brother— 2d LD King Dare— 4th Lrl Kings Market— 7th L.D Kintla— 7th Spt L Lady Bout— 4th C.D Lady Colonel— 7th Lrl Lady Imelda— 4th C.D Lady Liz— 5th LD Lady Lyric— 5th Jc n Land OPeace— 6th Jam Lark Glo— 1st LD Larks Dawn— 8th C.D Laura B. W.— 2d Lrl Laurchar— 1st Lrl Leatherwood— 9th CD Leave It Alone— 9th Lrl Legate— 8th Spt Lepafort— 9th Spt Lil Mouse— 3d Jam Li! Rascal El — 4th C.D Lilys Gal— 2d Lrl Lindlane — 4th Jam Little Brother— 2d Spt Little Ferd-5th LD Little Lark-2d LD Long Tom— 9th CD Longstreet— 2d Spt Lopar— 4th Jam Lorilia— 9th Spt Loukenmac— 6th Jam Low Road— 9th Lrl Lucky Air— 4th Lrl Luke Valentina— 7th LD M Mabclar— 2d CD Malda— 1st CD Mama Lene— 6th C.D Man of Quest— 5th C.D Maple Shade— 1st Lrl March Hare— 3d Lrl Maritza— 8th Lrl Marlow Road— 1st Jam Marti Diana— 9th C.D Mary Lawler— 2d Jam Mascotte— 3d Lrl Maternal Pride— 4th Lrl Matrix— 3d CD Maybe Mabel— 5th CD Meant Well— 5th Jam Medal Man— 1st Lrl Melrose-3d Lrl Membership— 2d Lrl Menebora— 7th.Lrl Menodog— 6th Spt Mepas— 9th Lrl Merrie Vee— 7th Lrl Merry Lark — 4th Jam Mess Hall— 1st Jam Michael Z.— 3d Spt Miche B. — 2d C.D Mig Alley— 2d LD Minds Eye— 8th Lrl "Miner Heir— 4th C.D Miss Bimelech— 2d Jam Miss Eva— 3d Spt . Miss Munster— 1st C.D Miss Pamjam— 9th Spt Miss Sands— 1st LD Miss Sharpy— 2d CD Miss Turner— 3d CD Miss Wilma Van— 5th Spt Mollie Z.— 5th LD Monetize— 2d Lrl Montpamasse — 4th Spt Moon Cloud— 1st Jam Moon Love— 2d Spt Moontown— 5th LD Morgan Boy— 2d Lrl Motor Pool-6th LD Mountain Holly— 2d Jam Movie Romance— 9th CD Mow de Lawn— 3d C.D Mr. De Luxe— 5th Spt Mr. Jr.— 7th LD Mr. Nuisance— 2d Spt Muezzin— 9th LD My Night Out— 7th C.D Myrtis L— 9th C.D Mytor— 8th Spt N Nabe— 3d Jam Naharsis— 1st C.D Nanette— 2d Jam Nathasia— 1st Spt Naughty Lad— 1st Lrl Near Chance— 1st Spt j Near to Me— 3d Lrl ~ Negrotrece— 6th CD , Negrotrece— 7th CD " NeitK— 3d CD . Network— 5th LD Neutral Corner— 2d Lrl Never Mind— 4th LD New Star— 3d Spt Nik-Nik-6thSpt Nirvy Miss— 7th Lrl Nizami Lady— 2d Spt No Tcmomw — 4th Lrl Noble Broom— 4th L.D Ncrdal— 5th Spt o Off nClear-6thSpt Olympic Queen — 2d L.D Opera Date— 4th Jam Omum— 8th Spt Our Boy John— 3d C.D Our Pally— 1st Jam . Our Partner— 1st Lrl Our Special— 3d Spt P Painted Up-8th Lrl Pajamas— 3d Lrl Pandean— 6th CD Pamell Flyer— 3d LD Pass Bon— 1st LD Pat Foray— 1st LD-Pats Baby— 8th C.D Pats Valentine— 8th Spt Patties Star-Mth LD Pavonia— 4th Jam Pecks Bad Boy— 4th Lrl Peeping Ed— 3d C.D Pellita— 5th Jam Periapt— 3d Jam Perturbed— 8th Lrl Pharanors Son— 9th Lrl -Phoebes Babe— 8th L.D Picmar— 9th CD Pilot Model— 3d LD Pinky Jo— 8th LD Play Ball Wilson— 7th LD Play Ron— 9th Spt Plaza Square— 1st Jam , Pleoge— 1st Jam Port of Entry— 7th Lrl Preimp— 2d Spt Prince Torch— 6th C.D Producer— 3d Lrl Prophets Girl— 7th Lrl Proud March— 1st Spt Proud Way— 4th Spt Q Quatty— 1st C.D Que Gal— 3d Spt Quick Pass— 3d Jam Quiet Power— 3d Lrl R Rain Cloud— 1st Jam Rangy — 4th Jam Rare Edition— 4th C.D Rare Music— 7th Spt Rattan Queen— 5th LD Raw Mcrnj. g— 3d Lrl Rays Show-Man— 3d Lrl ReRePo-9thCD Rearrangement— 3d L.D Recherche— 6th Jam Reclaim— 9th Spt Red Cadet-6th C.D Red Nickey— 2d C.D Redland Road— 2d Lrl Reedy Parky-4th L.D Reserve Bid— 3d Lrl Rickey Jr.— 8th Lrl Rip Road— 7th Spt Rockport— 7th C.D Rohan— 5th Lrl Roman Song — 4th Jam Ronnies Jet— 1st Spt Rose Capital— 3d LD Roscoe Maney— 7th Jam Rough Conquest— 8th Lil Royal Brick— 1st Lrl Royal Dude— 2d Spt Royal Haven— 5th Spt Russel Dancer— 8th LD Ruth Hansen— 8th Lrl s Sagacity— 6th CD Sagitate— 4th Lrl Sals Jtt— 3d Spt Sandras Choice— 2d Lrl Sarahs Task— 4th Spt Sea Chanty— 6th LD Sealed Bid-3d LD Second Guess— 9th Lrl Senor Grindoya— 3d LD Shadow Bound— 8th LD Shady Spot— 1st CD Shan Pac— 7_th C.D • Shannon Comet— 9th CD Sherbet— 9th Spt Shining Jeff— 2d Spt -Shoerullah— 5th Lrl Should We— 2d LD .Shrewd Tip— 6th Spt Silent Mirth— 9th LD Simply Ripping— 9th Lrl Sir Knight— 6th LD Six Two Even— Sth LD Sixty Oh— 8th Lrl Sky Faith-1st Lrl Sky Mint— 4th Lrl Slinker— 9th Spt Sob Singer— 2d Jam Soda Card— 7th LD Soldat— 2d LD Sole Heiress— 3d LD Solid Gem— 6th Lrl Soundproof— 5th LD, Southern Blond— 5th CD Spangdahlen — 1st Spt Spanish Queen— 8th Jam Spar Maid— 4th Jam Sparkle Rock— 3d LD Spicey Story— 9th CD Stansway— Sth Spt Star Again— 3d CD Star Spangle— 5th Lrl Stardarity— 8th Spt « Starry Night-8th Spt Starward Bound— 9th Lrl Steel Peer— 8th Spt Stone of Scone— 1st LD Strong Lady— 8th LD Stymie Dier— 9th CD Sudden Lamar— 1st C.D Sudie— 9th Lrl Sugarfoot— 2d LD Summia— 9th Lrl Sun Forget— 1st Spt Sun Jeep— 8th Spt Sunlight Jess— 1st Lrl Supreme Buster— 3d Spl Supreme Man— 2d C.D Sure Frisky— 7th LD Surf Club-3d Lrl Surry— 5th Lrl Suttons Sue— 1st Spt Switch— 5th Spt Swoop Down— 1st Lrl T Tagama— 3d Jam Talion— 8th Spt Tattiebogle-th Jam -Teds Joy— 5th Lrl Telepost— 8h Lrl Telesis— 5th CD Thank You No— 3d Lrl That it Is— 2d LD Thats This Game— 6th LD The Goon— 9th LD Thomas Pepper— 1st LD Three Bobs— 5th CO Tip Sheet— 8th C.D Tomaha— 4th CD Tommys Jet— 7th C.D Tones Tricia— Sth LD Tony Leonard — 4th LD Total Oscar— 6th LD Tottela— 1st LD Trice— 6th Lrl Tu-Cha T.— 7th LD Turkeyneckoaks— 9th L.D Turkish Gold-rSth Lrl Twinklet— 5th Jam Type— 4th C.D u Upastorm— 3d LD Upsy Daisy— 4th Jam V Valley Song— 7th LD Vanda— 2d Spt Venetian Melody — 4th C.D Vengeance— 1st Jam Victory King— Sth Lrl Village Idiot— Is* Jam Vin du Pays— 2d Lrl Vinsecret— 8th C.D Viscount— 6th Jam Vixens Joy— 3d Jam w Wait for It— 3d Lrl Warless— 5th C.D Wastrel— 1st LD Wat Leo-4th CD Wavy Navy— 5th Jam Wesley Smiley— 7th Jam Whiz Lady— 4th Lrl Willbesunny— 4Ji Jam Willing Miss — 4th Jam Wise Fleet— 4th CD With Music— 8th CD Woodys Pet-9th LD World Series— Sth CD, Y Young Combat — 4th Lrl YuVcnJake— 6th CD

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Local Identifier: drf1958050101_37_1
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